Government Indoctrination

The Shady History of the Con-stitution

Did the mandatory “government” school lie to you about the history, logic, morality and legitimacy of the Con-stitution?

Executive Summary

It is frankly absurd on its face that any written document or political ritual like voting can grant one group of men the ability to rule and control another group of men, delegate rights they don’t have personally to a “government,” or that succeeding generations can be bound by a contract that none of them or even their forbears signed.

For those who remain religiously attached to the “holy document” of the Constitution or believe themselves bound by an oath they were tricked (fraudulent inducement), forced, or paid to take, then here are some facts that support our thesis that organized crime interests have been using “Government” and control of the media to rob and control the population since the very creation of the Constitution.

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The creation and ratification of the Constitution are not what most government school children have been led to believe. It wasn’t designed to protect life, liberty, and property and limit government as claimed, and its failure in those aspects or even its inability to ensure the most basic of freedoms specified in the Bill of Rights is evidence of its failure as protection from tyranny and its success as a means of enslaving, controlling and robbing the population.

The real story of the Constitution is a “Wall Street (of the time)” conspiracy, and that is the exact term that many of their contemporaries used to describe what had occurred to create a system that would allow moneyed interests represented by political puppets to tax everyone on the continent for their benefit and control commerce and the currency which they started doing immediately after ratification. The conspirators were led by slave-owning Freemasons James Madison and John Jay and suspected Freemason and slave owner Alexander Hamilton.

They hijacked a convention convened only to revise the existing Articles of Confederation between the States and, after almost half the delegates refused to participate, wouldn’t sign and/or left early, produced an unauthorized replacement giving unprecedented control to a Federal government that would be controlled by the exact participants in the years to come. In short order, they used this new government to begin taxing the population to pay off “Wall Street” speculators who had bought up Revolutionary War bonds from veterans and businesses that had accepted them during the war for pennies on the dollar.

Hamilton, as first secretary of the treasury, paid these speculators 100% of the face value. He then went on to pay off the war debts of the individual states who had never paid them (esp. Mass.) at the expense of those who had (Virginia). Thomas Jefferson openly questioned the validity of these debts and amounts. After Pennsylvania farmers began to rebel against a progressive tax on Whiskey that hit the poor hardest and benefited large distillers like George Washington, Washington and Hamilton led an Army of 13,000 into Pennsylvania to force compliance with the tax by rousting citizens out of bed into the snow, searching homes without warrants, and forcing citizens to sign oaths of loyalty to the federal governmentThe Bill of Rights was effectively tossed aside immediately after the Con-stitition was ratified and enacted, and the “government” had an army of order followers (gunmen) on the payroll.

Key Concepts

Absent a 12,000-hour indoctrination program run by the government and the ongoing propaganda of bought-and-paid-for media, it is absurd to believe that a couple of dozen slave owners on a continent of three million people can write down on a fancy piece of paper that they run everything, then have their newspapers proclaim it valid but that seems to be exactly what happened.

“That investigation into the nature and construction of the new constitution, which the conspirators have so long and zealously struggled against, has, notwithstanding their partial success, so far taken place as to ascertain the enormity of their criminality. That system which was pompously displayed as the perfection of government, proves upon examination to be the most odious system of tyranny that was ever projected, a many-headed hydra of despotism, whose complicated and various evils would be infinitely more oppressive and afflictive than the scourge of any single tyrant: the objects of dominion would be tortured to gratify the calls of ambition and cravings of power, of rival despots contending for the sceptre of superiority; the devoted people would experience a distraction of misery”

– Anti-Federalist Samuel Bryan writing as Centinel in Centinel XII Jan 23rd, 1788

The History and Facts the “Government” School Leaves Out

The delegates assembled in Philadelphia in May 1787 for the purpose of amending, not replacing, the Articles of Confederation were very different from the revolutionaries that signed the Declaration of Independence in 1776. The famous revolutionaries were not present: Jefferson and Adams were in Europe, Thomas Paine, Sam Adams, and Chris Gadsden were not chosen, and Patrick Henry refused to participate outright, claiming he “smelt a rat.”

Out of the 74 delegates chosen, 19 refused or didn’t attend! Out of the 55 delegates who showed up, 41 were politicians, 34 were lawyers, 11 were admitted freemasons (with two additional that would join lodges after the convention) with over a dozen more suspected. According to Maryland Delegate James McHenry, at least 21 of the 55 delegates favored some form of monarchy.

The convention operated under great secrecy: Held in the summer months with all the windows nailed shut, sentries posted at the door, and all the participants sworn to secrecy. The proceedings wouldn’t be published for 32 years later. Madison’s edited notes 53 years later. It’s unlikely that the States would have sent delegates at all if they had known of the conspirators’ plans to abolish the articles and replace them with a Federal government, and many delegates openly protested.

William Patterson echoed many: “We ought to keep within its limits or be charged by our constituents with usurpation… We have no power to go beyond the confederation… If the confederacy is wrong, then let us return to our States and obtain larger powers, not assume them ourselves.”

Of the 74 delegates appointed, 19 refused outright or didn’t attend, 14 left early, and some in open disgust. Of the 41 who stayed through September, three refused to sign, leaving 38 out of 74 (53%, hardly a plurality), and they signed not as delegates but “In Witness Whereof.” Of the 38 who “gave themselves the power to make up rules for everyone and take the wealth of others,” 80% would personally enrich themselves by holding some office under the Constitution, including 2 Presidents, 1 Vice President, 5 Justices, 11 Senators, and 8 Representatives

Control of the Perception

Evident then as evident today. Like organized crime’s control of the media today, the “Wall Street” crowd controlled information/perception during the ratification debates. According to Van Doren’s The Great Rehearsal (p183), Anti-Federalist speeches were never printed because the convention’s transcriber, Thomas Lloyd, “appears to have been bought off by the Federalists, and published only…speeches by Federalists Wilson and McKean”Serious allegations were made in New York and elsewhere of Federalist mail tamperingThe Pennsylvania Herald, the only paper reporting on the ratification debates, was bought off as described:

“The authors and abettors of the new constitution shudder at the term conspirators being applied to them, as it designates their true character… Attempts to prevent discussion by shackling the press ought ever to be a signal of alarm to freemen and considered as an annunciation of meditated tyranny… when every means failed to shackle the press, the free and independent papers were attempted to be demolished by withdrawing all the subscriptions to them within the sphere of the influence of the conspirators…The Pennsylvania Herald has been silenced… the editor is dismissed and the debates of the convention thereby suppressed.” – Centinel XII, 113 Jan 23rd, 1788

Best Book: Hologram of Liberty – The Constitutions Shocking Alliance with Big Government By Kenneth W Royce aKa Boston T. Party. Hologram of Liberty explains the Anti-Federalist case and the evidence for the conspiracy of wealthy speculators, lawyers, and politicians to impose a one-sided contract to control and tax the population in a scheme that personally enriched themselves. This summary borrows liberally from Royce’s work and other scholars.

About the Author

Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and the editor of the Art of Liberty Daily News on Substack and Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media. All his important links can be found at

For More Information

This article is an excerpt from the book: “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!

Resources to Learn More

“Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!, from which this essay is adapted, reveals how inter-generational organized crime runs the “government,” media and academia. The book is designed to wake up family, friends and colleagues. $30 (or $45 with Liberator flash driveGet a copy + Liberator for “Going Paid”

The Liberator – Companion media to “Government” = The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! Many links in this series are to information from The Liberator! Full of documentaries, short videos, essential books on PDF, dank liberty memes, and truth music from the liberty movement’s hottest artists. Everything that is disappearing off the internet. $30 (or $45 with a copy of “Government”Get a copy + Liberator for “Going Paid.”

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