Five Meme Friday

Laid Off IRS Agents Forced to Go Door-to-Door Robbing People Directly

PLUS Etienne’s talk to the Freedom Under Natural Law Conference

Dear Subscribers,

Typing this on a bus from Acapulco to Mexico City on our way to Prospera. Here are some updates since my last letter! The Turtle Party was a Success and we raised around $300 for the Marsh Children’s Home, $300 for the Art of Liberty Foundation, and about $750 for the Turtle Sanctuary who hosted the party. While that doesn’t sound like much, it goes a long way in Mexico.

The Marsh Home hasn’t been able to use their bus for four months for lack of a mechanic and $90 USD worth of parts. Jay Noone and Colin Gibson, fellow porcupines from the Free State Project, that were staying in our group house in Acapulco, figured out what they needed, tracked down and bought the parts, and the bus should be fixed in a couple of days.

I am in some controversy… The CIA has bee trying to steer the Anarchist movement into controlled opposition voices through the Anarchapuclo conference… I used to be a Keynote speaker and had the best-selling book of the conference for three years, and then after the HBO docuseries The Anarchists… I did a multi-part investigation and exposed everyone involved, and quit the conference… When I was in Acapulco, where the conference just wrapped up, I was at a party this week where Jeff Berwick, the founder and #1 controlled opposition voice, showed up..

I confronted him and took him and many of the folks at the party through what I had uncovered and got him to admit that it does look like the CIA was behind HBO’s The Anarchists and dealing drugs into a political movement they wanted to quell… His “Limited Hangout” is that: OK.. It looks like the CIA smeared anarchy with HBO’s The Anarchists AND dealt drugs into the movement BUT… He wasn’t involved and he can’t be blamed because he was drunk and didn’t realize what was going on…

He stepped into a bear trap by inviting me to present my findings to next year’s conference then went on X, tweeted out the picture below with an attempt at mocking me and insinuated I am doing this because I am Jewish… LOL…

There were a bunch of inaccuracies in his tweet:

#1 – We weren’t an Anarchapulco after party… The overwhelming majority of the folks in that picture didn’t go to the conference but come for the community. I know at least a couple who don’t want to give that grifter a nickel.

#2 I am not really Jewish. As I explained to Berwick in detail, I was adopted into a Jewish family at six days old, raised Jewish, BUT love the teachings of Christ, have been baptized and now self-identify as monotheistic and spiritual. So he knew before he tweeted that I was neither ethnically Jewish or practicing Judaism BUT he still tried to discredit my investigation by identifying me as Jewish as evidently, judging by the comments on his tweet, a significant portion of his audience is anti-semetic. BUT because I still have friends and family members that are Jewish, I know that 99% of Jews don’t have anything to do with central banking, monopoly media, AIPAC, or Talpiot program spying.

#3 – 3. I don’t hate Jeff Berwick… Heck, I don’t hate anyone… If anything, I feel sorry for Jeff… He essentially admitted to our group to being a part of all the scams he is accused of, with his only defense that he was drunk at the time and got taken advantage of…

#4 – Jeff announced in a comment that the title of my talk will be: Did Anarchapulco get Psyop-ed? The actual title of my talk will be: How the CIA “Smears & Steers” Political Movements, deals drugs into them, steers them into controlled opposition voices, and steals the oxygen from authentic resistance & events

Anyway… Anyone who wants to read my investigation into Anarchapulco and the HBO’s the Anarchists can find a summary article here with links to the five other parts:

The last piece I wrote about Anarchapulco was about a month before the conference where I predicted, in writing, that Stew Peters was going to show up and tar the conference with cartoonish antisemitism which he didThe Scam of Stew Peters’ documentary: Occupied at

Top Stories of the Week

Voluntaryism – The ONLY Political “ISM” That Respects Natural Law Etienne’s Address to the 4th annual Freedom Under Natural Law Conference

Etienne de la Boetie2’s address to the 4th annual Freedom Under Natural Law conference held on February 22-23rd, 2025 where Etienne makes the case that the ONLY political “ISM” that respects Natural Law (Inherent Morality) is Voluntaryism. Get the full transcript and behind the scenes video from the Acapulco watch party at

The Art of Liberty Foundation – Important News

Voluntaryism – The ONLY Political “ISM” That Respects Natural Law

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5 days ago · 28 likes · 4 comments · Etienne de la Boetie2

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Videos of the Week

Carbon Tax and the Digital ID Control Grid

by Greg Reese

The old antiquated system of paper documents is being dismantled and replaced with Artificial Intelligence. And millions of MAGA fans are celebrating this without even considering the replacement. Which will be digital.

Blockchain technology, which appeared mysteriously in the Bitcoin white paper, is well suited for tagging and tracing every living person on the planet, and every transaction we make. In the current system, a birth certificate of title is registered for every child born. This has provided a paper record with minimal information. But with bio-metric data, the new system is capable of assigning a digital ID to every living man, woman, and child born. Locked into the blockchain from day one, every person’s carbon footprint can be monitored, their compliance measured, and their overall value to the system can be calculated in real time.

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Granholm Energy Department gave California utilities $600M, now she’ll sit on their boards

Etienne Note: This article also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “Government,” Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:

By Kevin Killough

Former Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm announced on Thursday that she will be joining the boards of directors for Southern California Edison Company and its parent corporation Edison International, one of the largest utility companies in the U.S. This comes just six months after Granholm’s Department of Energy awarded $600 million to a consortium of California utilities, including Southern California Edison.

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Biden, Blinken & Austin Accused of Complicity in Israeli War Crimes in Gaza; ICC Urged to Investigate

By DemocracyNow!

DAWN, a D.C.-based nonprofit organization that supports democracy and human rights in the Middle East and North Africa, is asking the International Criminal Court to investigate former President Joe Biden, former Secretary of State Antony Blinken and former Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin for possible complicity in war crimes and crimes against humanity, citing the $17.9 billion worth of U.S. weapons transfers to Israel overseen by the Biden administration. “The bombs that Israel has used to destroy schools, hospitals and homes in Gaza were American bombs that they provided. Israel’s campaign of murder and persecution was carried out with political support that they ensured,” says Reed Brody, a longtime war crimes lawyer and a board member at DAWN. Biden, Blinken and Austin were not only “aware of what was being done with their ammunition,” but also “tried to stifle criticism” of their policies. Furthermore, says Brody, U.S. complicity in Israeli war crimes could extend into the Trump administration. He suggests that the ICC prosecutor “would be well within his rights” to open a probe into Trump following the administration’s sanctions on the ICC in response to arrest warrants issued against Israeli officials.

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“Government”, Media and Academia
Criminality Exposed

We Caught FBI Using “Minority Report Style” Secret Form Pressuring Gun Owners To Forfeit Their Rights

Etienne Note: This article also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “Government,” Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:

by Tyler Durden

Gun Owners of America just caught the FBI coercing more people into giving up their Second Amendment rights!

Thanks to a FOIA request by GOA’s lawyers, we uncovered even more evidence on the FBI’s unconstitutional and unlawful NICS Indices program.

In 2019, it was discovered that the FBI was using a document titled “NICS Indices Self-Submission Form” that purported to allow American citizens to “voluntarily” waive their Second Amendment rights.

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“Give Us Back Our F**king Money” – How Washington Stole Everything…

Etienne Note: This article also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “Government,” Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:

by Tyler Durden, by Elizabeth Nickson via ‘Welcome to Absurdistan’ substack

Every person in your family or community living on nuts and bolts and berries has had his life stolen by the bureaucratic blob.

And, we are going to get it all back.

So essentially the entire town of Washington, D.C. has been stealing. The anomalies are those who are not stealing. $4.7 trillion, almost impossible to trace, represents two-thirds of the annual U.S. budget. And if it’s happening in the U.S., it is happening everywhere: France, Canada, the U.K., Germany, where budgetary processes are probably even more opaque than those of the U.S.

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“Daily News of The Week”

CDC declares ‘high severity’ of flu cases for all ages

by Mike Heuer

Feb. 15 (UPI) — All age groups in the United States are experiencing a “high severity” of influenza cases among all age groups for the first time since the 2017-18 flu season, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said.

Influenza deaths are outpacing COVID-19 deaths and accounted for 2.6% of all fatalities in the United States during the past two weeks, the University of Minnesota reported Friday.

The death rate from influenza cases is greater than the 1.5% of deaths attributed to COVID-19 over the past two weeks.

Positive test results for influenza reached 31.6% during the week ending Feb. 8 with the H1N1 and H3N2 strains being the two most common viruses causing people to become ill with influenza, the CDC reported.

About 97% of positive tests were caused by the H1N1 and H3N2 strains, which accounted for 55.4% and 44.6%, respectively, according to the CDC.

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Startling Revelation: Health Insurance Companies Make 400% More than Big Pharma

By Infowars

Medical industry expert Brigham Buhler says that the ‘big five’ insurance companies make over 400% more in revenue than pharmaceutical companies! The average American is on four or more prescription drugs that only treat symptoms. Medicare/ Medicaid spends $500 billion per year on pharmaceutical drugs, and when all government programs are combined, the US government spends $1 trillion on drugs and products.

Determining the root cause of disease and preventative care are ignored. 1.7 million Americans die per year from chronic disease. Most chronic disease is preventable.

Insurance companies tell doctors what, when, where, how and what they are allowed to do for patients.

Buhler explained that the cycle of corruption and profit includes the NIH, FDA, the drug manufacturers and insurance companies. Pharmacy benefit managers were brought in to drive down the price of drugs, but they were captured by the big five insurance companies that turned the savings into a profit center for the companies. The insurance companies buy up large supplies of drugs and then they profit by 30% on the sale of the drugs.

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Simplicitus’s Ukraine Situation Report: Previously ‘Unthinkable’ Now Reality, as Zelensky Floats Resignation on SMO’s 3rd Anniversary

By Simplicius

Well, that went more rapidly than I had anticipated. Another glass ceiling has been shattered as the previously-unspeakable becomes common reality: Zelensky announces that he’s ready to resign immediately in exchange for Ukraine’s entry into NATO.

All it seemed to take was a few tweets from Musk, and Zelensky’s already drawing up evacuation plans.

Political schemer Arestovich outlined his predictions for Zelensky’s fate:

But while I use Zelensky’s pronouncement to dress the stage, the main intention was to use this brief report as a battlefield update, given that we haven’t done a proper frontline Sitrep in a while. Part of it had to do with the slow-down on the front, partly due to weather and partly to Russian forces taking a breather. Now there are indications that higher-intensity hostilities are restarting on a number of fronts.

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What is Apple’s data protection tool? The controversial encryption feature being axed – and what it means for YOU

By James Mcneill

Apple has confirmed it is withdrawing a key data protection feature following the government’s demands to access the data but what does that mean for you?

Advanced Data Protection (ADP) protects data stored on the iCloud with end-to-end encryption, which means the data can only be seen by the user who owns it, and only on their trusted devices.

Until now, this has meant that no one else can access your data – not even Apple and this data remains secure even in the case of a data breach in the cloud.

However, Apple has now removed ADP as a feature for new users in the UK, in response to a request from the Government.

Earlier this month, the Government demanded access to encrypted data stored by Apple users in its cloud service.

The demand was served by the Home Office under the Investigatory Powers Act (IPA), which compels firms to provide information to law enforcement agencies.

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How Hill Helicopters Designed a Light Chopper That Looks and Feels Like a Supercar

By J. George Gorant

Jason Hill has spent most of his career attempting to redefine the rotorcraft, and his futuristic HX50 chopper now looks like it may indeed establish another helicopter category. With its all-new design, from turbine to touchscreen the sleek flying machine incorporates a high-inertia three-bladed rotor system that should deliver a cruising speed of 160 mph with an 800-mile range. And while it’s purported to fly well above its light-helicopter competitors in terms of avionics, styling, and interior space, what’s perhaps most impressive about the five-occupant whirlybird is its intended starting price of approximately $798,000—about a third less than what a comparable rotorcraft might cost.

“The machine is designed to feel like a supercar,” says Hill. “It’s also geared to make everything about helicopter flying simpler than ever before.” The HX50’s carbon-fiber monocoque frame is a novel feature for a light-category helicopter, and the touchscreen display is proprietary to Hill. As for the roll cage, impact-absorbing seats, and crash-resistant fuel tanks and windows, those are all typically found on larger, more expensive copters.

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Mercedes’ Solid-State Battery Prototype Comes Out Of The Lab, Onto The Road

by Suvrat Kothari,

Mercedes-Benz and Factorial announced a prototype EQS equipped with a solid-state battery. Road testing has already started.

Solid-state batteries promise more range, faster charging times and better fire safety at similar or reduced weight compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries.

The EQS is expected to deliver 620 miles (1,000 kilometers) of range on the WLTP cycle.

Solid-state batteries have been a long time coming. For years, it felt like they were stuck in the experiment phase, but that’s finally starting to change with more real-world applications.

Mercedes-Benz and American battery start-up Factorial Energy have developed a prototype EQS equipped with a solid-state battery. The companies claim it’s the “world’s first solid-state battery vehicle from a global OEM.” It’s already out on the road doing test runs.

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Utah May Be First State to Ban Fluoride

By John Johnson,

Utah is on the brink of becoming the first state to ban the use of fluoride in public water systems, reports NBC News. The state legislature passed the measure last week and it now awaits the signature of Gov. Spencer Cox. However, the Republican governor has not yet said whether he will sign it into law, notes the AP. Numerous cities across the US already skip the additive, and the Salt Lake Tribune points out that “few areas in Utah actually add fluoride to the water.” By one estimate, two in five state residents who use community water systems get fluoridated water.

Still, the Utah measure is notable because it would take the decision out of local municipalities’ hands. That’s exactly how things should be, according to GOP state Rep. Rep. Stephanie Gricius, a sponsor of the legislation. In her view, people should be able to get fluoride on their own, and only if they choose to do so. “I don’t dispute that there can be positive benefits from fluoride, which is why the bill also includes a deregulation of the prescription,” she tells the AP. “This isn’t anti-fluoride legislation, it is pro-informed consent and individual choice.”

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USDA Approves Bird Flu Vaccines Intended for Commercial Chickens

by Peggy Hall

The USDA has granted Zoetis, a spin-off of Pfizer, a conditional license for the Avian Influenza vaccine, specifically for the H5N2 subtype. This is a “killed virus” vaccine intended for chickens. RFK Jr., during his confirmation hearings, stated that he supports the development and distribution of vaccines for the Avian flu. There have been only 69 confirmed US cases of bird flu since 2024.

The top 10 leading egg production companies in the United States provide about 54% of the nation’s table egg output. These operations are categorized as Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs)—vast facilities that contain tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of chickens raised exclusively for egg production. Crowded conditions lead to unsanitary environments that can cause disease.

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Mapped: Average Wages in OECD Countries

By Govind Bhutada

This was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on iOS or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources.

Salaries can vary widely across countries due to factors like economic productivity, cost of living, and purchasing power.

Even within the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)—a group of mostly high-income economies—wages differ significantly, with some countries offering four times as much pay as others.

This infographic uses data from the OECD to map the average annual wages across 34 member countries as of 2023. The OECD calculates average wages by dividing each country’s total annual wage bill by the average number of employees (full-time equivalent).

Wage figures are presented in U.S. dollars after purchasing power parity (PPP) adjustments, which help account for cost-of-living differences between nations.

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Jet Engine Exhaust is Turned into Electricity to Power Dallas International Airport

by Andy Corbley

An intuitive piece of hardware is collecting days’ worth of renewable energy from airplane engine exhaust before take-off from a Dallas airport.

“Boarding is completed” is a common refrain heard over the intercom system in the moments before taxiing to the runway.

At that moment, the pilot will begin a series of engine tests and pre-flight checks during which time the turbine engines are idling with their ferocious noise and exhaust fumes.

A company called JetWind has realized that all that idling force is like the strong winds needed to power a wind turbine, and has built a series of pods that can capture it during the 5-10 minutes the aircraft is sitting at the gate waiting for clearance to taxi.

“The main goal of our project is to harness the consistent wind created by jets and convert it into an eco-friendly energy source,” JetWind’s founder and president Dr. T. O. Souryal told Interesting Engineering.

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Rechargeable paper battery is cheaper, safer & as powerful as lithium

By C.C. Weiss

A battery that’s safer and cheaper than lithium-ion while offering comparable energy density? That sounds like a pipe dream. But such a battery is in fact in the works, using a chemistry of renewables to store over 220 Wh/kg. Singaporean startup Flint believes it has the formula for the most sustainable battery the world has ever seen, capable of replacing lithium for applications like EV power and grid storage. Maybe that is a dream. Or maybe it’s the revolutionary eco-optimized battery of the near-future.

A fully sustainable paper battery that can be recycled and dropped in compost at the end of its life cycle sounds too good to be true. It kicks off a major cynicism alert, and the questions flow like water through a burst dam.

Does it offer such low capacity as to be useless for anything outside a laboratory? No, Flint estimates energy density at 226 Wh/kg, which falls comfortably within the range of existing lithium tech.

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United States Spending on Israel’s Military Operations and Related U.S. Operations in the Region, October 7, 2023-September 30, 2024


U.S. spending on Israel’s military operations and related U.S operations in the region total at least $22.76 billion and counting. This estimate is conservative; while it includes approved security assistance funding since October 7, 2023, supplemental funding for regional operations, and an estimated additional cost of operations, it does not include any other economic costs.

This figure includes the $17.9 billion the U.S. government has approved in security assistance for Israeli military operations in Gaza and elsewhere since October 7 – substantially more than in any other year since the U.S. began granting military aid to Israel in 1959. Yet the report describes how this is only a partial amount of the U.S. financial support provided during this war.

Related U.S. military operations in the broader region since October 7 are part of the fuller picture. In particular, the U.S. Navy has significantly scaled up its defensive and offensive operations against Houthi militants in Yemen, which the Houthis claim is related to Israel’s war in Gaza. Hostilities have escalated to become the most sustained military campaign by U.S. forces since the 2016-2019 air war against ISIS in Iraq and Syria. U.S. operations in the region, including in Yemen, have already cost the U.S. government $4.86 billion (included in the overall figure, above, of $22.76 billion).

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Whistleblower Claims FBI Is Deleting Epstein Files

by Tyler Durden

I hate writing in the first person but the following is really just meant to express my immense frustration with the Epstein Files™ (credit to Rudy Havenstein) hype. At this point, I have no idea why anyone in their right mind can consider the forthcoming disclosure of the documents as anything but a marketing ploy designed to coax people into believing that the deep state is being drained. While the Trump administration has markedly improved from its first term in tackling the bureaucracy of Permanent Washington compared to its first term, the exception to every rule once again has proven to be its subservience to the State Of Israel. With Epstein’s all but irrefutable intelligence connections to Israel being a central dimension of the pedophile honeypot trap that he was running, scrutiny of the release of the files has to be viewed through the lens of that obsequiousness.

Cause for that concern has been amplified following statements made by a whistleblower alleging that members of the FBI have started destroying evidence related to Jeffrey Epstein that is slated for release. The whistleblower, a self-described “indefinitely suspended FBI agent” going by the name Garret O’Boyle, confirmed reports from a source he knows in the FBI to veteran journalist Michael Shellenberger that the files are being deleted.

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Humanoid robots join the assembly line to build more of themselves

By Abhimanyu Ghoshal

Cue the self-replicating robot revolution: Apptronik’s humanoid Apollo robot is gearing up to assist in manufacturing copies of itself. That’s thanks to a deal between the Texas-based robotics company and global engineering solutions firm Jabil, which produces components for the likes of Apple, Dell, and HP.

The partnership will see both companies put Apollo robots to work on assembly lines at Jabil’s operations, including the ones for manufacturing Apollo bots.

Apollo will have to prove itself capable first, though. It’ll initially be assigned “an array of simple, repetitive intralogistics and manufacturing tasks, including inspection, sorting, kitting, lineside delivery, fixture placement, and sub-assembly.” The idea is for Apollo to eventually be deployed to functioning manufacturing facilities and free up human workers.

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Trump and Zelensky to Meet on Friday to Discuss $500Billion-$1 Trillion Mineral Deal

by Martin Armstrong |

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky is slated to meet with US President Donald Trump at the White on Friday to finalize the widely publicized mineral deal. The initial demand for $500 billion in minerals was perhaps a reminder to Ukraine of how much the US has spent on their war. The current draft would establish a jointly managed Reconstruction Investment Fund.

It is estimated that Ukraine holds 5% of world’s critical raw materials. Ukrainian officials believe they have 19 million tonnes of graphite reserves and significant deposits of titanium, rare earth metals, and lithium. The current plan would require harvesting up to HALF of Ukraine’s minerals and rare earth materials.

The White House believes that this new deal could be worth $1 trillion. Donald Trump has stated that American taxpayers must “get their money back” after Biden sent an untold fortune to fund the proxy war. Yet, there has been much bickering between Zelensky and Trump on whether all or part of that money was a grant or a loan. Either way, the Russia-US meeting last week shook up negotiations. Ukraine expressed anger and turned to European leaders who immediately gathered to see how they could push forth this war without America. Zelensky’s willingness to sign a deal tells us the outcome of those meetings. Even French President Emmanuel Macron is welcoming a deal between the US and Ukraine.

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Why you want government

by Sotiris Rex

The devil comes to you one night, dressed nicely, full of charisma and charm.

He gracefully asks you if you would be interested in a little game of his.

This game – or scheme more like – would involve you willingly parting with a large portion of your income. This contribution of yours would be added to a pool of wealth from which everyone would then take a more-or-less equal piece; in services and benefits. You’d also have to relinquish some of your freedom and moral conviction, but you don’t see what the big deal is…

Since you consider yourself down on your luck, or treated unjustly, or less-than-average (victimhood complex), you conclude that you would benefit more from this scheme. If you consider others to be less than average, then obviously, what you’ll get from this equal redistribution will be more than what you give. Smart boy!

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Self-healing asphalt uses plant spores to keep potholes from forming

By Ben Coxworth

If you want to stop potholes from forming in asphalt roads, you’ve gotta get ’em while they’re still just tiny cracks. A new self-healing asphalt could one day do that very thing, utilizing spores obtained from moss.

The experimental material is currently being developed by scientists from Swansea University and King’s College London in the UK, working with colleagues from the University of Bío-Bío in Chile.

The researchers started by utilizing machine learning algorithms to model the manner in which bitumen (the sticky black stuff in asphalt) oxidizes and hardens in response to environmental factors. Once it has hardened past a certain threshold, the bitumen cracks instead of stretching when subjected to heavy loads.

In order to heal the initial micro-cracks before they can form into larger cracks – and ultimately into potholes – there needs to be a way of rejuvenating the oxidized bitumen. That’s where the spores come in.

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Trump, Lutnick Announce Plan to Sell U.S. Citizenship to Rich Foreigners for $5 Million

by Chris Menahan

President Trump together with Secretary of Commerce Howard Lutnick on Tuesday announced a plan to sell US citizenship to rich foreigners for $5 million through a revamped EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program.

If this sounds familiar, it’s because you remember how Jared Kushner’s family corruptly tried to profit from selling US citizenship through the EB-5 visa program during Trump’s first term.

From The Independent, “Trump to auction off citizenship via his ‘gold cards’ for $5m to foreigners who create jobs”:

“We’re going to be putting a price on that card of about $5 million and that’s going to give you [permanent resident] Green Card privileges, plus it’s going to be a route to citizenship,” the president said. He branded it as “somewhat like a Green Card, but at a higher level of sophistication.”

“Wealthy people will be coming into our country by buying this card,” he continued. “They’ll be wealthy and they’ll be successful and they’ll be spending a lot of money and paying a lot of taxes and employing a lot of people. And we think it’s going to be extremely successful and never been done before.”

Secretary of Commerce Howard Lutnick clarified the Trump administration plans to terminate a somewhat similar EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program and “replace it with the Trump gold card.”

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US Rep. Thomas Massie Says the House Republican Budget Bill WIll Add $20 Trillion to US Debt

by Thomas Massie and USA Today

Thomas Massie wrote on X, “The GOP budget extends the 5 yr. tax holiday we’ve been enjoying, but because it doesn’t cut spending much, it increases the deficit by over $300 billion/yr. compared to letting tax cuts expire. Over 10 years, this budget will add $20 trillion to US debt.”

Representative Massie said that he was against the Republicans’ House budget bill because “under the rosiest assumptions that aren’t even true,” $328 billion will be added to the deficit this year, $295 billion will be added to the deficit in 2026, and $242 billion will be added in 2027. He said that this will kill our country.

Satire from the Babylon Bee:

From USA Today:

After a long day of arm-twisting and internal party clashes, House Republicans on Tuesday narrowly passed their plan to advance President Donald Trump‘s legislative agenda.

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These Are The Highest Paid World Leaders

by Tyler Durden

A study by Slot.Day ranked the ten highest-paid world leaders, comparing their salaries against their respective nations’ GDP per capita to standardize comparisons across economies.

Singapore’s Prime Minister Lawrence Wong tops the list as the world’s highest-paid leader, earning $1.6 million annually—nearly 1.5 times the country’s GDP per capita of $84.7K, according to Slot.Day.

Hong Kong’s Chief Executive, John Lee Ka-chiu, ranks second with a $695K salary, more than 1.1 times Hong Kong’s GDP per capita but less than half of Wong’s earnings. Switzerland’s President, Viola Amherd, follows in third place, earning $572K, which is less than half of the country’s GDP per capita of $99.9K.

Australia’s Prime Minister Anthony Albanese ranks fourth with a $413K salary, equating to 53% of the nation’s GDP per capita. U.S. President Donald Trump takes the fifth spot with a $400K salary—only 40% of the U.S. GDP per capita of $81.6K, the lowest ratio among the top 10.

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Bird Flu Déjà Vu from the COVID Playbook

by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Public health officials are responding to bird flu (H5N1) using strategies similar to COVID-19, including extensive PCR testing and fearmongering, leading to significant food supply disruptions and price increases

Since 2022, over 150 million birds have been killed due to H5N1, with 41.4 million culled between December 2024 and January 2025 alone, resulting in soaring egg prices

The USDA has spent $1.25 billion on compensation to affected farmers, while granting Zoetis a conditional license for a bird flu vaccine for chickens despite CDC stating H5N1 is low risk to humans

Studies show chickens can develop natural immunity to H5N1, suggesting mass culling is unnecessary, while evidence indicates that depopulation efforts actually increase the risk of chicken-to-human transmission

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Upcoming Liberty Events

Regen World – Austin, TX – March 11th-16th

Mises Institute Libertarian Scholars Conference 2025 – March 20th, 2025 – Event

Mises Institute Austrian Economics Research Conference 2025 – March 20th-22nd, 2025 – Event

Maker’s Muse Festival: Light out of Darkness, Beauty out of Chaos – March 21st & 22nd, 2025 – Event – Come for an eclectic mixed-media experience featuring an array of local music, artists, speakers, street fair, and more! – – March 21, 2025: 5pm–10pm – March 22, 2025: 12pm–10pm – Free to the public – Live Music – Maker Radio 94.5FM

The Free State Project’s Liberty Forum Conference – April 24th-27th, Concord, NH

Our Enemy, The Bureaucracy: Mises Circle in Phoenix – April 26th, 2025 – Event

MidFest — Spring 2025, April 23rd-28th, 2025 Camp Copperhead Spavinaw, Oklahoma

Mises Institute Revisionist History of War Conference – May 15th-17th, 2025 – Event

Rothbard Graduate Seminar 2025 – June 8th-13th, 2025 – Event

Mises University 2025 – July 20th-26th, 2025 – Event

Mises Institute Supporters Summit 2025 – October 16th-18th, 2025 – Even’s Liberty

Free Cities Conference: Returning to Prague – October 31st to November 2nd, 2025 – Event

Memes Bonanza

Truth Music of the Week

In the break before I presented to the 4th Annual Freedom under Natural Law Conference, my intro song was the Funky Father’s I Got a Lover Named Liberty. The Funky Fathers were part of our resistance network to “The Covid” in Santa Cruz during the craziness… If you have ever heard me describe the beach parties and liberty bonfires we put on as peaceful civil disobedience, the Funky Fathers were the guys rocking the beach!

Free State Project (New Hampshire) Corner

The Liberator

The Liberator– Our archive of “government” and media criminality

Important Note: New additions are added to the authoritative Liberator Dropboxes regularly but will not appear in the physical credit card-sized flash drive until we launch the next version. Anyone can download the current contents of the Liberator FOR FREE including all the primary sources and evidence from our investigation into “The Covid”.

Liberator #1 – Companion media to “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History. Exposed!

Liberator #2 – Evidence of False Flag terror for police state and hoax shootings for gun control:

Liberator #3 – Evidence that “The Covid” has been a scam and the vaccines are killing people:

Liberator #4 – Voluntaryism and more evidence of “Government” corruption:

Liberator #5 – Prepping and Self-Sufficiency – Hundreds of resources:

How to Support the Art of Liberty Foundation

1. Become an Art of Liberty Foundation Sponsor at – The best way to support us is to become a sponsor of the foundation. We have some great perks to say Thank You! including copies of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!Liberator Flash Drives, Signed Hard Copies, calls with Etienne, and even the ability to have an Art of Liberty Foundation event with tier one Liberty speakers in your City or Town for your friends, family and neighbors!

2. Go Paid on Substack! – We simply couldn’t do what we do without the support of our sponsors and paid subscribers on Substack! If you are enjoying the Daily NewsImportant News, or Five Meme Friday on Substack we hope you will consider “Going Paid” on Substack. All it takes is a click and we have some great premiums to say: Thank You!

3. Buy Us a Coffee… Err Juice! at – Support us for as little as $5… We really, really appreciate it! OR Buy Us a Coffee at BTW, right now coffee and juice are tied!

4. Get a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and Earn Profit from Distributing Copies of “Government” in Your Town / City – Do you (or a friend) have a retail location? Open up a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and share in the profits. We have everything you need to attractively merchandise “Government” and Liberators in a small footprint. Details here:

5. Buy Books and Merchandise at – Our store has become one of the biggest distributors of Voluntaryist and peaceful anarchist titles. Especially popular is our “Everything Bundle” – The Sampler of Liberty!

The Everything Bundle – The Sampler of Liberty!
Give me Liberty… and give me more! The Everything Bundle includes the latest version of our flagship book on government, along with a collection of potentially life-altering introductions to anarchy, agorism and voluntaryism.

The Art of Liberty Foundation Logo

Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to forward this email to friends and colleagues.

Etienne de la Boetie2
Executive Director,
The Art of Liberty Foundation
Author of: “Government” The Biggest Scam in History … Exposed!!

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