The Religion of “Statism”
Statism is the indoctrinated belief in the desirability, necessity and legitimacy of a State (“Government”) even though there is no iron-clad law of the universe that “government” is needed, desirable or legitimate.
The Art of Liberty Foundation Launches The Daily News on Substack
Curated News & Articles from a Voluntaryist Perspective for a Sophisticated Audience. 1-4+ articles a day of news stories you won’t find from the monopolized organized crime media. We curate and syndicate the best alternative...
I met Scott Jablow, Candidate for Mayor of Sedona, So You Don’t Have To
I winter outside of Sedona, Arizona, the city of light, and had started this article several months ago and wanted to finish it up before the local election. I am publishing it as an example of how you can determine if your local...
Example Cease and Desist Order to School District to Stop Testing, Masking and Quarantining
We are constantly adding to our repository of resistance: The Liberator. Today’s addition is a Cease and Desist order to Dr. Faris Sabbah of the Santa Cruz, California school district to stop testing, masking and quarantining...