Five Meme Friday – October 22nd
5 Meme Friday delivers 5 hard hitting memes to your inbox every Friday (occasionally a couple of days later) and the best videos and news from the alternative media. Subscribe at:
Monica Perez Interviews Etienne de la Boetie2 – How to Expose the Organized Crime “Government”
Monica Perez interviews Etienne de la Boetie2, founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation on the Foundation’s plan to free a single US State by widely exposing organized crime’s control of the “Government” and media.
Михайло Зборовський: Провідний Спеціаліст з Інновацій у Гемблінгу
Михайло Зборовський є одним із ключових фахівців у сфері гемблінгу в Україні. Завдяки його новаторському підходу, компанія Cosmobet впроваджує сучасні технології, що значно підвищують ефективність грального бізнесу. Інновації від...
James Corbett interviews Etienne de la Boetie2 – How to Present Info for Visual Learners – #SolutionsWatch
James Corbett of the Corbett Report interviewed Etienne de la Boetie2, founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation about his book: “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! Boetie2 breaks down some of the best...
How Organized Crime Runs the “Government” and Media Etienne’s Speech to Anarchapulco 2020
Check out the evidence of the “Government’s” involvement in the Waco Massacre, the Oklahoma City Bombing, and the 1993 World Trade Center Bombings discussed in the video in our Dropbox/Flash Drive of Freedom: The Liberator
AoLF’s Pro-Health Freedom “Operation Grocery Store” Featured on The Highwire with Del Bigtree
Operation Grocery Store, an exercise in peaceful civil disobedience that the Art of Liberty Foundation undertook with the GATTO Project, Home School Leader, Santa Cruz Voluntaryists, and over a dozen local Santa Cruz residents...
Is Amazon A Mason? – Making the Case that AMAZON is Part of Organized Crime´s Control of Perception Program
Amazon has been caught digitally burning books on their “Kindle” and “Fire platforms, censoring books exposing The Sandy Hook hoax, 9-11 Truth, engineered Islamic mass migration in Europe, and other government criminality,...
Understanding Our Slavery – Rebranded and Expanded!
I am pleased to announce that I have just finished a rebranded and expanded edition of Understanding Our Slavery with a new cover, new subtitle, seven new “One-Pagers” which are “executive summaries” of important topics...