Controlling Perception with Crisis Actors, Mockingbird Media, and Created Legends
The organized crime media system controls many people’s “reality” by controlling the information that the population receives. The ability to control perception is the most powerful weapon in the US arsenal, and three key...
5MemeFri – May 5, 23: New Pfizer Docs Show “Vaccine” Kills Babies – CDC Director Resigns
5 Meme Friday delivers 5 hard hitting memes to your inbox every Friday and the best videos and news from the alternative media.
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The Trans-Agenda is Eugenics
Etienne de la Boetie2 breaks down how an inter-generational organized crime running the “government,” banks and media are pushing for eugenics and depopulation with Chris Mathieu of Forbidden Knowledge News.
What is in the Pfizer Documents? Is Naomi Wolf Gatekeeping on Eugenics & The True Culprits?
Naomi Wolf’s speech What Is In the Pfizer Documents? at Hillsdale College has gone viral with well over a million views. Wolf is a feminist, Rhodes Scholar, and author that graduated from intelligence agency-connected Yale and...
5MemeFri – April 28, 23: What is in the Pfizer Documents? Is Naomi Wolf Gatekeeping on Eugenics?
5 Meme Friday delivers 5 hard hitting memes to your inbox every Friday and the best videos and news from the alternative media.
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5MemeFri, April 21, 23 – Waco, OKCBOMB, & Boston Marathon UnBombing Remembered
5 Meme Friday delivers 5 hard hitting memes to your inbox every Friday and the best videos and news from the alternative media.
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Who Runs the World? – Organized Crime’s Front Groups & Secret Societies
When people ask me who runs the world, my stock answer is something along the lines of: It appears to be Rockefeller, Banking/Central Banking interests who hijacked the world using a variety of front organizations, NGOs,...
5MemeFri – April 14, 23 – Economic Warfare Against the Population
5 Meme Friday delivers 5 hard hitting memes to your inbox every Friday and the best videos and news from the alternative media.
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The Art of Liberty Foundation’s plan to accelerate the liberty goals of the Free State Project
The Art of Liberty Foundation has had a plan to rapidly accelerate the liberty goals of the Free State Project by widely exposing the illegitimacy and criminality of “Government” in New Hampshire. We call it The Pre-State...
The Propaganda Matrix
How monopolized media and the algorithmic censorship of the DARPA Internet keep humanity brainwashed and enslaved. The most powerful weapon on the planet is control of perception and it is a “binary weapon” made up of hundreds...