Five Meme Friday

FiveMemeFri – Milei Murders the WEF & Was BTC a Government Operation?

Trump is Already Pushing mRNA

Dear Subscribers,

Short letter this week as I am getting ready for my trip to Mexico on Monday for the People’s Reset Conference where I will be giving a keynote on voluntaryism AND a workshop where I break down the most cost-effective way to arrest the “Deep State.” The keynote will be streamed live on Friday, January 31st at 2:05. The workshop will be recorded. Julie and I are hosting a party along with Mark Z from Sedona Quantum Consciousness in Morelia on Tuesday evening, January 28th. If you are an Art of Liberty Foundation sponsor or Paid Substack subscriber and are attending the conference then e-mail us at Events (You Know) to get an invite!

I highly recommend the interview that Ryan Cristian conducted with Mark Goodwin on whether Bitcoin was a “government” operation and can it be used for good! Pass it along to your friends in crypto and finance!

Top Stories of the Week

Was Bitcoin A Government Operation & Can It Still Be Used To Fight Back? – Mark Goodwin Interview

Was Bitcoin A Government Operation & Can It Still Be Used To Fight Back? - Mark Goodwin Interview

This interview by Ryan Cristian of Mark Goodwin, the former editor of Bitcoin Magazine, one of the best overviews of Bitcoin’s connections to Tether, the PayPal Mafia, Brock Pierce, the Trump adminstration and the case that stable coins built on the Bitcoin protocol could have the same programmable functionality including the ability to turn off dissidents ability to buy and sell, similar to the CBDCs that Trump just banned, BUT without democratic or regulatory safeguards.

Click here for a full transcript of the interview and an excerpt from “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! where I break down some additional facts including the NSA’s 1996 White Paper: How the Make a Mint: The Cryptography of Anonymous Digital Cash that outlined the blockchain and crypto wallet 12 years before Satoshi’s white paper AND Ryan and Mark’s bios and links.

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Videos of the Week

Milei Murders the WEF

by Forbidden.News

Argentinean President Javier Milei is seen, here issuing the coup de grâce to the World Economic Forum, following Donald Trump’s teleconferenced deletion of the Davos Agenda, with his vow to unleash the United States’ untapped petroleum reserves, along with his complete demolition of DEI policies at home and with the exit from the United Nations-sponsored “Net Zero Asset Managers Initiative” by JPMorgan Chase, Goldman Sachs, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, Citigroup and Morgan Stanley.

The list of erstwhile Davos mainstays not in attendance this year also speaks volumes. Completely absent were Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Chinese President Xi Jinping, French President Emmanuel Macron, Italy’s leader Giorgia Meloni and British Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

Milei’s succint and impassioned speech appears to have meted-out the final Death Blow to the WEF.

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“Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed

Biden Pardons Anthony Fauci, the #1 Suspect in a Eugenics Depopulation Operation That Has Killed 20+ Million With “Vaccines”

This article also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “Government,” Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:

Etienne Note: Biden pardons the prime suspects in the deaths of 13-20 million globally who died after receiving Covid “vaccines.” Check out our monograph: Solving Covid – The Covid 19 Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline at and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction to better understand Anthony Fauci’s role in “The Covid”

By Zero Hedge

Update (1145ET): As everyone sat in the Captol Rotunda ‘golf-clapping’ the inauguration of President Trump, President Biden snuck in a last minute pre-emptive pardon for his family members

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Hunter Biden’s name, signature, and shared bank account showed up in $60M fraud investigation

Etienne Note: This article also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “Government,” Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:

By Steven Richards

When a million-dollar securities fraud wrapped up two of Hunter Biden’s business partners at Burnham Asset Management, Hunter Biden escaped scrutiny. However, bank records and corporate document drafts now show one of the future first son’s shared bank accounts was used in the fraudulent bond transaction.

After his partners were arrested and charged in the scheme, Biden moved immediately to distance himself from the firm. He later told lawmakers during the impeachment inquiry into his father, former President Joe Biden, that the proposed work with Burnham never came to fruition.

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“Daily News of The Week”

Alice Weidel, Co-Chair of Germany’s Second Largest Political Party, Vows Accountability for COVID Vaccine Deaths and Side Effects

By Aussie17

The Alternative for Germany (AfD) is a political party that has been rapidly gaining attention and influence in the country. Despite mainstream media (MSM) often labeling them as far-right in an attempt to stoke fears and link them with Nazi Germany, the AfD has secured representation in 14 out of 16 German state parliaments, demonstrating growing acceptance and support among German voters, even amidst media bias.

In the European Parliament elections in June 2024, the AfD finished second in Germany with 15.9% of the vote. This success underscores their rising popularity. In Thuringia, their significant victory with 32.8% of the vote in the September 2024 elections marked the first state election win for a far-right party in Germany since World War II.

One of the reason for the AfD’s growing traction is the increasing concern among Germans about the side effects of the COVID-19 vaccines, particularly the mRNA vaccines. Many believe that governments and the MSM have not been transparent about these side effects. Under the leadership of co-chairwoman Alice Elisabeth Weidel, who has been leading the AfD parliamentary group in the Bundestag since October 2017, the party has been vocal about these concerns. With the growing awareness that DNA-contaminated mRNA vaccines may have caused more harm than good, Weidel, during a recent address, promised to hold accountable those authorities who misled the public about the risks of the COVID-19 vaccines.

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Forensic Arborist Robert Brame Breaks Down the Evidence for Directed Energy Weapons in the California Fires

Peggy Hall Interview with Forensic Arborist Robert Brame

Let’s get to the fire anomalies.

“this is heat”

I am summarizing the points that Robert Brame makes and if I get a detail wrong, please correct me with receipts, and I will clear up or clarify.

This is what a forest fire looks like.

A real one.

The leaves and pines burn off.

If the tree survives, it is bare.

With the new crop of fires, you will see leaves a plenty.

It is false that green leaves do not burn. Brame says toss green leaves into your campfire. They burn.

The new fires burn from the inside out. Like a microwave.

Eucalyptus is very combustible.

Brame says glass melts at 2,500-degrees.

Feel free to fact check this and report in. I’m trying to learn and I don’t land on one expert on fire or viruses.

This does not look like a forest fire.

Or…a “wildfire”.

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Eric Peters on the Idiocy of Glenn Beck Comparing Elon Musk to John Galt – He’s No John Galt

By eric

Glenn Beck – after reading ad copy urging his listeners to buy Rough Greens and Relief Factor, which constitutes the bulk of his show – said something so spectacularly wrong the other day that I could not let it pass without comment.

He compared Elon Musk with John Galt – the fictional character created by Ayn Rand in her novel Atlas Shrugged, which was about capitalism. Not crony capitalism. More finely, rent-seeking masquerading as capitalism. The leveraging of government force to get rich. The redistribution of – as opposed to the creation of – wealth.

What are carbon credits?

They are a wealth redistribution scheme. Company A produces something of value for which there is a market, established by the fact that people are willing to exchange their money for it. Like a truck with a V8 engine (or a car with a V6 engine). But the government says these things produce more “carbon” than it says is allowable – according to an arbitrary standard it lays down based on assertions that “carbon” is causing the “climate” to “change.”

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Former MP Andrew Bridgen Says UK Elites Use Ukrainian Children for Sex and then Harvest Their Organs

by Resistance GB and InfoWars

Andrew Bridgen, a member of parliament (MP) in the UK from 2010 to 2024. He was expelled from the conservative Tory party in 2022 after being accused of anti-Semitism for tweeting that an unnamed cardiologist told him that COVID ‘vaccine’ harm was “the biggest crime since the Holocaust”. He has also condemned other vaccines, mass immigration, Net Zero climate policies, militant transgender policies for children, and the power grab by the World Health Organization.

He is now speaking out about the sex slave trade, murder, and organ harvesting of children by “self-proclaimed” elites. He estimated that hundreds and hundreds of children have been flown into the UK, raped, murdered, and then harvested for their organs. He disclosed that “child trafficking is the glue that holds the self-proclaimed elites together.” Pedophilia or profiting from child trafficking is the ultimate blackmail, and that there’s no way out of the club for them because they would all have to go down together.

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Trump To Suspend Security Clearances For CIA Contractors Who Colluded To Discredit Hunter Biden Laptop Story

Etienne Note: This article also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “Government,” Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:

Etienne Note: This is a complete slap on the wrist. Why are they not being investigated and prosecuted for conspiring to essentially cover up evidence of widespread criminality in the White House? To better understand the criminality of what was ACTUALLY on the laptop, please check out these two documents from The Liberator, our uncensorable repository of evidence of government corruption and criminality: The Report on the Biden Laptop by Marco Polo and The Hunter Biden Report.

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Large-Scale Deportations To Begin Tuesday With Chicago Raid

by Tyler Durden

Just one day after President-elect Donald Trump is inaugurated for the second time, the new administration will kick off large-scale deportations, starting with a massive raid in Chicago, the Wall Street Journal reports, citing four anonymous individuals ‘familiar with the planning.’

The raid, expected to begin on Tuesday morning, will involve 100-200 officers from US Immigration and Customs Enforcement (and is of course being reported in the WSJ so the migrants have ample warning to relocate).

As the Journal notes further, the Trump administration will target illegal immigrants with criminal backgrounds first. Many of them had offenses ‘too minor’ for the Biden administration to pursue, however if any illegals are present during a raid or an arrest, regardless of criminal history, they will be taken and deported as well.

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Glyphosate Weedkiller Linked to Premature Births, Low Birth Weights

This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website.

By Pamela Ferdinand Ph.D., The Defender

Glyphosate, a synthetic herbicide best known as the active ingredient in Roundup, has significantly harmed the health of babies in rural U.S. communities over the last two decades — especially those already at risk of poor birth outcomes, new research shows.

Spurred by the introduction of genetically modified seeds by Monsanto in 1996, the use of glyphosate nationwide has increased by more than 750%.

At that time, researchers from the University of Oregon estimated that maternal exposure to the pesticide reduced the average birth weight of babies and duration of pregnancy (gestational length) in rural areas, where it is most prevalent.

Low birth weight (less than 5 pounds, 8 ounces) and premature birth (before 37 weeks) are important health indicators because they are strongly associated with short- and long-term outcomes for newborns, including infant mortality, developmental disabilities and chronic diseases such as diabetes and obesity.

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ICU Doctors’ Ability to Save Lives Vary Wildly

by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Research by Dr. Pierre Kory highlights significant variability in ICU doctors’ life-saving skills, challenging traditional metrics like reputation and academic achievements, which often do not correlate with patient outcomes

APACHE scores objectively assess doctors’ performance, revealing that lower observed/expected mortality ratios indicate better life-saving abilities, emphasizing the importance of early and accurate diagnosis

Findings show that ICU doctors who rely less on extensive diagnostic tests and more on bedside diagnostic skills, such as ultrasound, provide equally effective care, questioning the necessity of resource-intensive practices

Research suggests that overuse of medical resources, such as CT scans and echocardiograms, does not necessarily lead to better patient outcomes, advocating for a more minimalist approach in ICU care

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The Evolution of the Militarized Data Broker

by Mark Goodwin

Today, the world’s economy no longer runs on oil, but data. Shortly after the advent of the microprocessor came the internet, unleashing an onslaught of data running on the coils of fiber optic cables beneath the oceans and satellites above the skies. While often posited as a liberator of humanity against the oppressors of nation-states that allows previously impossible interconnectivity and social organization between geographically separated cultures to circumnavigate the monopoly on violence of world governments, ironically, the internet itself was birthed out of the largest military empire of the modern world – the United States.

Specifically, the internet began as ARPANET, a project of the Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA), which in 1972 became known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), currently housed within the Department of Defense. ARPA was created by President Eisenhower in 1958 within the Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD) in direct response to the U.S.’ greatest military rival, the USSR, successfully launching Sputnik, the first artificial satellite in Earth’s orbit with data broadcasting technology. While historically considered the birth of the Space Race, in reality, the formation of ARPA began the now-decades-long militarization of data brokers, quickly leading to world-changing developments in global positioning systems (GPS), the personal computer, networks of computational information processing (“time-sharing”), primordial artificial intelligence, and weaponized autonomous drone technology.

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Chapter 3: Herding Us Into The Needle

UPDATED!!! I added the audio version of the chapter and a link to buy the book: My Life in the Thrill Kill Medical Cult by Zowe, one of the whistleblowers featured in Vaxxed 3:

by Zowe

Did you know that in the United States there is a National Vaccine Injury Court (the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program or NVICP/VICP) that has paid out over four billion dollars in damages?1 There is also a vaccine injury database for public reporting called VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System).2 In my medical coding career, I have never received training on VAERS reporting, even though the CDC has an ACIP program that requires doctors to report to VAERS. Reporting fell squarely into the responsibilities of the medical records department. You’d think I would have been aware of VAERS, but sadly no. At one point, I was head-hunted by Oxford, The Mayo Clinic’s risk management department said, “work for us anytime” and I was recruited to be an educator at Stanford. That generally doesn’t happen to uninformed people in the industry, and I still didn’t know about VAERS until the pandemic.

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Preemptive Pardons are Clearly Unconstitutional

by Dr. Joseph Sansone

On his last day in office Fake President Joe Biden pardoned Anthony Fauci and the Jan 6. panel. The focus here will be on Fauci and the issue of preemptive pardons in general. The catch is that Fauci has not been convicted or indicted of any crimes. This was a preemptive pardon. In other words this was a clear attempt by the executive branch of government to usurp judicial power and intercede to preempt judicial action. This is a clear violation of the Separations of Powers inherent in the U.S. Constitution. Preemptive pardons clearly interfere with the checks and balances inherent in the U.S. Constitution.

The purpose of a pardon is to correct a miscarriage of justice, not to prevent future judicial action. On its surface a preemptive pardon is obviously absurd when there has been no conviction or even an indictment.

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Israel Expects Trump To Restart Supplying 2,000-Pound Bombs

by Dave DeCamp, antiwar

Israel’s outgoing ambassador to the US expects President Trump to supply Israel with a shipment of 2,000-pound bombs that President Biden paused, Axios reported on Monday.

Biden put a hold on a 2,000-pound bomb shipment and a 500-pound bomb shipment back in April as part of a public relations stunt to make it seem like he was putting pressure on Israel over its plans to invade the southern city of Rafah.

Israel ended up invading Rafah, capturing its border crossing with Egypt, and now the city lies in ruin. Other US weapons continued to flow to Israel, and the pause on the 500-pound bombs was lifted in July, but Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used the pause on the 2,000-pound bombs to complain that Biden was restricting military aid.

Republicans in the US also claimed Biden was restricting military aid to Israel even though he supplied more weapons to Israel in a single year than any other president in history.

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MSM is full of errors about the WHO withdrawal, so Meryl Nass corrects them

by Meryl Nass

NYT—The WHO budget is 6.8 billion/year. No, Sheryl, that is a biennial budget; it is $3.4 B/year. However, that was expected to rise at least by one order of magnitude if the original Pandemic Treaty and IHR amendments were adopted, making it a much larger and more powerful organization.

The US needs a year to leave and must continue paying dues. No, Carmen Paun at Politico (what a name for an MSM journalist!!!) Trump already gave the required year’s notice in 2020 and according to Professor Francis Boyle he does not need to give it again. Our dues are paid up. We can leave as soon as the process can be completed, and will not need to pay any dues thereafter, according to the reservation the US made to the WHO Constitution in 1948.

Regarding losing access to “global networks” that determine which strains of influenza to use in flu shots each year, Ms. Paun,—well—that data comes mostly from Australia, which we won’t lose access to. The US CDC pays for a lot of the flu strain analysis. Why does the US push the flu shots so vehemently when their efficacy is poor? Even the CDC admits, using its most favored data, the shots have not provided even 50% efficacy for a single season during the last 10 years:

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The Single Global Mafia – The Rockefeller Foundation’s Multiple Links to Zionism and Military-Industrial-Financial Neo-Imperialism by Paul Cudenec

by Paul Cudenec, Winter Oak


I have noticed that some people, even those generally receptive to my point of view, beg to differ when it comes to the existence of a single global mafia – the entity I have taken to calling the criminocracy or even demonocracy.

Surely, they say, it’s more a question of the world being dominated by a number of competing powerful groups, which together constitute the phenomenon termed “capitalism” or “crony capitalism.” And they are not necessarily convinced when I assert that my own research, over recent years, has proved to my satisfaction that this global empire has been manufactured by, and is headed by, the Rothschilds.

“It’s not just them,” they say. “There are other families involved. Like the Rockefellers.”

In my 2022 booklet Enemies of the People, I question whether we can really regard the Rockefellers as rivals to the Rothschilds, as is often believed by those who imagine we live in a pluralistic society rather than a worldwide military-industrial-financial dictatorship. I note that the two ultra-rich families were holding secret talks about collaboration as early as 1892.

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Israel Invades Jenin Days After Signing Gaza “Ceasefire”

by Sharif Abdel Kouddous and Mariam Barghouti

Israel launched a major military operation on Jenin in the occupied West Bank on Tuesday, raiding the city with troops, military vehicles, and bulldozers backed by airstrikes, drones, and Apache helicopters. At least nine Palestinians have been killed and more than 40 wounded in the ongoing operation, according to the Ramallah-based Palestinian health ministry, which Israel has dubbed “Operation Iron Wall.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said the goal of the “large scale and significant military operation” was to “to eradicate terrorism in Jenin.”

“We are acting systematically and decisively against the Iranian axis wherever it extends its reach – whether in Gaza, Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, or Judea and Samaria – and our efforts will continue,” Netanyahu wrote in a post on X, using the name by which Israel refers to the occupied West Bank.

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Experts alarmed by Trumps’ crypto meme coins: ‘America voted for corruption’

Etienne Note: This article breaks down the completely unethical nature of a public servant benefitting from selling meme coins with no intrinsic value BUT completely neglects to mention the ability for special interests to make untraceable illicit payments to Trump by both buying coins on the open market inflating the value of his own coins and/or buying traches of the coins in private sales from intermediaries. Unbelievably shady. Don’t forget the scam behind his money-losing media company.

by Callum Jones in New York , theguardian

President and first lady’s business ventures show ‘shameful conflicts of interest’, says ex-government ethics official

Donald Trump was accused of corruption as he returned to the White House days after launching a multibillion-dollar cryptocurrency meme coin. Former government ethics officials and presidential experts said the venture amounted to a “shameful” conflict of interest.

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Zionism versus the world

by Paul Cudenec

As I have said before, Israel’s current long-planned genocidal landgrab – and the complicity of world puppet “leaders” – has fatally exposed the nature of the single global mafia.

As I have said before, Israel’s current long-planned genocidal landgrab – and the complicity of world puppet “leaders” – has fatally exposed the nature of the single global mafia.

The sheer horror of what has been unfolding in Gaza and Syria has, for many of us, swept away any remaining hesitation about condemning the Zionist entity, which for decades has been using the suffering of Jews under Nazism as a shield against criticism of its own murderous activities.

The more that Israel and its supporters scream “anti-semite!” at those expressing their outrage at the brutal slaughter, the more this dishonest instrument of intimidation and censorship loses its power.

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It’s Official: US Abandoning Ukraine

by Kit Klarenberg

On January 19th, TIME magazine published an astonishing article, amply confirming what dissident, anti-war academics, activists, journalists and researchers have argued for a decade. The US always intended to abandon Ukraine after setting up the country for proxy war with Russia, and never had any desire or intention to assist Kiev in defeating Moscow in the conflict, let alone achieving its maximalist aims of regaining Crimea and restoring the country’s 1991 borders. To have a major mainstream outlet finally corroborate this indubitable reality is a seismic development.

The TIME article’s brief first paragraph alone is rife with explosive revelations. It notes when the proxy war erupted in February 2022, then-President Joe Biden “set three objectives for the US response” – and “Ukraine’s victory was never among them.” Moreover, the phrase oft-repeated by White House apparatchiks, that Washington would support Kiev “for as long as it takes”, was never meant to be taken literally. Instead, it was just “intentionally vague” newspeak, with no implied timeframe or even desired outcome in mind.

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The World’s Most (and Least) Powerful Passports

by Anna Fleck

Singapore has the most powerful passport in the world, with its citizens able to visit 195 countries and territories without a prior visa, according to the Henley Passport Index. Japan comes in second place, with its citizens able to visit 193 countries, followed by Finland, France, Germany, Italy, South Korea and Spain in joint third, with access to 192 countries.

Even though the United States is a little further down the list, coming in 9th place, it still yields considerable power, enabling citizens to enter 186 countries without major restrictions. It’s a level of freedom also enjoyed by passport holders in Estonia.

At the other end of the scale, the situation is very different. For passport holders in Afghanistan, Syria and Iraq, for example, travel is more restrictive to most countries. The Afghan passport wields the least power of the ranking, with just 26 destinations permissible visa-free. The situation in Syria and Iraq isn’t much better, at 27 and 31 destinations, respectively.

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Percentage of Americans Owning Guns in 2024

by ammo

Report Highlights: There has been a 25% increase in gun ownership in America since 2000. The percentage of Americans owning guns varies depending on the state, age, and other factors.

Over 60% of those living in Montana, Wyoming, and West Virginia own guns.

34% of Americans own guns in 2024.

37% of Americans between 50 and 64 own a gun.

21% of Americans between 18 and 29 own a firearm.

40% of men and 25% of women own guns in America.

66% of American gun owners own more than one firearm

The United States does not require firearm registration, and firearm ownership is not documented. Therefore, we must rely on self-reporting surveys and studies to understand the percentage of gun ownership in America.

The following sections include data gathered from self-reporting surveys and cross-referenced with various studies that include firearm sales records. Historical trends and sales data were also used to ensure accuracy.

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Javier Milei’s Argentina Hits Record Budget Surplus, For the First Time in 123 years, Argentina Has No Deficit

By Geller Report Staff, gellerreport

Argentinian President Javier Milei is a hero. Argentina’s success story is coming to America beginning this Monday. Other countries are poised to follow Argentina and America in 2025, by voting the destructive and evil Left out of office.

Under Milei’s leadership, Argentina turned a $7.94B trade deficit in 2023 into a record-smashing $18-19B surplus in 2024, surpassing the previous high of $16.89B in 2009.

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Like Trump, the global left media/academic axis despises him. Now you know why.

Related – Argentina’s Milei wins ‘Jewish Nobel’ for Israel support, in break with traditiom

Milei’s Argentina seals budget surplus for first time in 14 years

By Reuters, January 17th, 2025

Jan 17 (Reuters) – Argentina brought in its first budget surplus in more than a decade in 2024, data published on Friday showed, marking a win for libertarian President Javier Milei and his sweeping austerity push in his first full year in office.

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Elon Musk drops shocking detail into his influence over Trump as First Buddy lobbies for ‘Bitcoin Jesus’ to be pardoned

By Stephen M. Lepore For Dailymail.Com

Elon Musk used his ‘First Buddy’ privileges to sit in with Donald Trump in the Oval Office as the president pardoned Ross Ulbricht Tuesday, while revealing a man known as ‘Bitcoin Jesus’ could be next.

Ulbricht, 40, was arrested in 2013 because the dark website he founded facilitated the sale of illicit drugs using cryptocurrency.

‘I was honored to be in the Oval Office tonight when @POTUS signed this,’ the Tesla founder wrote on X in response to the pardon.

In early 2015 Ulbricht was sentenced to two life terms in prison plus 40 years for drug trafficking, conspiracy to commit money laundering and computer hacking, operating under the pseudonym ‘Dread Pirate Roberts.’

Trump granted an unconditional pardon to Ulbricht, the creator of the notorious dark web page Silk Road, in honor of the ‘Libertarian Movement,’ while slamming the ‘scum’ who prosecuted him.

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Bovaer & Agolin – Toxic Chemicals Added to Dairy Cow Feed Allegedly to Combat Cow Burps & Methane

by Ashley Armstrong, articles.mercola

Chemical fixes take center stage — Big Ag pushes a new synthetic additive Bovaer to “fix” cow burp methane emissions while sidelining sustainable farming solutions

With Bovaer, cows are consuming a daily dose of silicon dioxide, petroleum-derived propylene glycol, and synthetic compounds — but at what cost?

The corporate-controlled research raises red flags, with alarming findings about cow health and potential long-term human impacts

Altering cow digestion disrupts an ancient, balanced carbon cycle, introducing risks we don’t fully understand

Methane emissions from synthetic nitrogen production are vastly underestimated, yet Big Ag remains silent

DSM-Firmenich, a Dutch chemical giant, has developed Bovaer — their answer to cattle methane emissions and climate change.1 The company claims that just a quarter teaspoon of this feed supplement per cow daily reduces methane by 30% in dairy cattle and 45% in beef cattle. But in today’s article let’s look deeper at what’s really driving this “innovation.”

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RFK Jr is telling senate Republicans that he’s actually ‘all for’ vaccines in screeching U-turn

by Graig Graziosi

Robert F Kennedy Jr built a following online by questioning the scientific consensus and casting doubt on the use of vaccines in the U.S., but under his new boss — President Donald Trump — the failed presidential candidate is suddenly shifting his stance.

Kennedy is Trump’s pick to head the Department of Health and Human Services. Ahead of his new potential role in the Trump White House, he’s reportedly been assuring the Republican senators who have to vote him in that he’s “all for” polio vaccines, and that he isn’t going to ban any vaccines, according to a report by Politico.

According to lawmakers who spoke to Politico, Kennedy has been telling them that he just wants to make safety and efficacy data easier to access.

This lighter touch is a change from Kennedy’s previous commentary on vaccines. He previously suggested that the measles vaccine causes autism and that the polio vaccines may have killed “many, many, many, many, many more people than polio ever did.”

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Online Resource: Just The Inserts

by Joel Walbert

Medical decisions are often rooted in fear, anxiety, or persuasion—but they don’t have to be. With a greater understanding of the available information, you can make the right choices for your family.

Just the Inserts takes the complexity and confusion out of the medical decision-making process. We provide thoroughly researched resources and training to help you move forward with clarity and confidence.

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(Free) Training Course Intro

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DEADLY chemical herbicide GLYPHOSATE gets DOUSED onto U.S. wheat, barley, rye and beans as a DRYING AGENT before harvest

by Natural News, S.D. Wells

Widespread Glyphosate Use Unrecognized: Most Americans are unaware that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup, is commonly used as a pre-harvest tool on various crops, including wheat, oats, rye, barley, and beans, to speed up the drying process and prevent mold and mildew in the silos.

Health and Environmental Concerns: Glyphosate has been classified as a probable carcinogen by the World Health Organization, with studies showing it can cause birth defects, disrupt endocrine systems, damage gut bacteria, and cause DNA damage. The pre-harvest application of glyphosate raises serious concerns about the presence of residues in food products and their potential health impacts.

Global Spread of Desiccation Practice: The practice of using glyphosate as a desiccant originated in Scotland in the 1980s and has since spread globally, particularly in regions with wetter climates like the Upper Midwest of the United States and provinces in Canada. This practice has become widespread in the agricultural industry despite concerns over its health effects.

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Trump Introduces ‘Stargate’ AI, the Foundation for Mass Surveillance, mRNA Vaccines and Digital Currency

by See More Rocks, ZeroHedge, Matt Wolfe and Whitney Webb

OpenAI, Softbank, and Oracle will be part of the joint venture called “Stargate.” The tech firms plan to invest $500 billion over four years to build artificial intelligence (AI) infrastructure across the US, beginning with a massive data center in Texas.

Critic SeeMoreRocks wrote that Stargate will become digital slavery. The tech partners are Arm, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Oracle, and OpenAI. “Stargate isn’t just a tech investment; it’s the foundation of the Beast System. AI surveillance, digital currency, centralized control—wrapped up in shiny packaging and sold as “progress.”

Donald J. Trump, the man who ushered in Operation Warp Speed and pushed the harmful COVID jab, now paves the way for tyranny.

Note that AI is not 100% accurate. In addition, it relies on programming and the programmers are biased.

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Affordable housing project was 3D printed in just 12 days

By Adam Williams

As 3D-printed architecture continues to mature from niche proposition to disruptive technology, housing developments are beginning to roll out worldwide. Following pioneering projects like Wolf Ranch and the Community First! Village in the US comes another in Ireland, which was printed in impressive time.

Named Grange Close, the three-unit terraced social housing project is located in Louth, eastern Ireland, and created by It measures 330 sq m (3,550 sq ft), which is divided into three separate homes with a floorspace of 110 sq m (1,184 sq ft) each, over two floors.

The development was completed in just 12 working days, from the initial site preparation to the handover of keys to the client, a local council which will finish furnishing the homes and rent them to social housing tenants at an affordable price. According to COBOD, which provided the 3D printer unit, this build time represents a 35% reduction in build time compared to typical build times of similar homes.

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Ratings Starved CNN Laying Off Hundreds of Employees This Week

by Mike LaChance

CNN is laying off hundreds of employees this week, as soon as Thursday. The struggling network can’t seem to get out of its own way.

Like MSNBC, CNN saw its ratings crash immediately following the election in November and has not recovered. Anyone who has observed the entirely predictable antics of Jim Acosta knows why people are not tuning in to watch.

One of the frustrating aspects of the news about the layoffs is that the people who are being let go are low-level employees, not the on-air ‘talent’ employees who are directly responsible for the state the network finds itself in today.

The network could save a lot more money by getting rid of Democrat activists like Anderson Cooper and Jake Tapper.

NN to lay off hundreds of employees as post-inauguration transformation begins, sources say

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LA Fire Dept Failed to Pre-position Fire Trucks & Staff Equipment, Has 75-100+ Broken Fire Vehicles, While City Officials Spent $1.3B on Homeless

By Dana Kennedy

At least 75 fire trucks languished in a city repair facility in downtown Los Angeles as wildfires decimated Altadena, Pacific Palisades and Malibu, pictures taken by The Post show.

The essential firefighting vehicles were still sitting in the Los Angeles Fire Department’s Bureau Of Supply and Maintenance lot in an industrial area Wednesday, waiting to be repaired.

Controversy over the rows of idle trucks has intensified after revelations about the LAFD budget being cut by $17 million by Mayor Karen Bass.

Over 75 firefighting trucks and engines are lined up, unused and awaiting repair or maintenance at a Los Angeles facility while wildfires continue to rage across the city.Toby Canham for NY Post

The Los Angeles Fire Department had its budget cut by $17 million and leaders warned they didn’t have enough budget to properly fix their vehicles.Toby Canham for NY Post

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Upcoming Liberty Events

The Peoples Reset – January 29th-Feb 6th 2025 – Morelia, Mexico

– Etienne de la Boetie2 will be a speaker.

The Art of Liberty Foundation will be hosting a private party at the conference on Tuesday, January 28th. E-mail us at Events (YouKnow) if you are a Foundation sponsor or paid Substack member and would like to attend.

Attend Ian Freeman’s Appellate Court Hearing – Wednesday, February 5th, 9:30am – John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Way, Panel Courtroom, 7th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts.

Freedom Under Natural Law Conference – February 22nd-23rd – Online

MidFest — Spring 2025, April 23rd-28th, 2025 Camp Copperhead Spavinaw, Oklahoma

Memes Bonanza

Truth Music of the Week

Free Ross Now – New Album Promoting Freeing Political Prisoner Ross Ulbricht Drops

Etienne Note: Even though Ross is free, the music is amazing!

Political prisoner Ross Ulbricht, had been in jail since 2013, serving double life sentences for the victimless crime of creating a website that matched willing buyers and sellers of items that were not considered legal in every jurisdiction. Etienne’s book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! has publicized his plight and pushed for his release since the first edition! Now, some of the leading artists in the truth movement have dropped an entire album of original music publicizing the cruelty and travesty of justice represented by his imprisonment.

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Free State Project (New Hampshire) Corner

The Liberator

The Liberator– Our archive of “government” and media criminality

Important Note: New additions are added to the authoritative Liberator Dropboxes regularly but will not appear in the physical credit card-sized flash drive until we launch the next version. Anyone can download the current contents of the Liberator FOR FREE including all the primary sources and evidence from our investigation into “The Covid”.

Liberator #1 – Companion media to “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History. Exposed!

Liberator #2 – Evidence of False Flag terror for police state and hoax shootings for gun control:

Liberator #3 – Evidence that “The Covid” has been a scam and the vaccines are killing people:

Liberator #4 – Voluntaryism and more evidence of “Government” corruption:

Liberator #5 – Prepping and Self-Sufficiency – Hundreds of resources:

How to Support the Art of Liberty Foundation

1. Become an Art of Liberty Foundation Sponsor at – The best way to support us is to become a sponsor of the foundation. We have some great perks to say Thank You! including copies of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!Liberator Flash Drives, Signed Hard Copies, calls with Etienne, and even the ability to have an Art of Liberty Foundation event with tier one Liberty speakers in your City or Town for your friends, family and neighbors!

2. Go Paid on Substack! – We simply couldn’t do what we do without the support of our sponsors and paid subscribers on Substack! If you are enjoying the Daily NewsImportant News, or Five Meme Friday on Substack we hope you will consider “Going Paid” on Substack. All it takes is a click and we have some great premiums to say: Thank You!

3. Buy Us a Coffee… Err Juice! at – Support us for as little as $5… We really, really appreciate it! OR Buy Us a Coffee at BTW, right now coffee and juice are tied!

4. Get a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and Earn Profit from Distributing Copies of “Government” in Your Town / City – Do you (or a friend) have a retail location? Open up a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and share in the profits. We have everything you need to attractively merchandise “Government” and Liberators in a small footprint. Details here:

5. Buy Books and Merchandise at – Our store has become one of the biggest distributors of Voluntaryist and peaceful anarchist titles. Especially popular is our “Everything Bundle” – The Sampler of Liberty!

The Everything Bundle – The Sampler of Liberty!
Give me Liberty… and give me more! The Everything Bundle includes the latest version of our flagship book on government, along with a collection of potentially life-altering introductions to anarchy, agorism and voluntaryism.

The Art of Liberty Foundation Logo

Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to forward this email to friends and colleagues.

Etienne de la Boetie2
Executive Director,
The Art of Liberty Foundation
Author of: “Government” The Biggest Scam in History … Exposed!!

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