FiveMemeFri – Trump Vaccines! – The World’s Greatest!

Dear Subscribers, 

Good news on the fundraising front! We had a major donor step up and kick in $50,000 to our fundraising campaign!  

This round of funding will:

We are looking to hire a fundraising consultant who understands the libertarian / voluntaryist public policy and think tank world.  Please e-mail directly if you know anyone that would be right for the job!

In other news, our lead story on the 15 Stages of Denial Among Recipients of the Covid-19 “Vaccine”  (Bio-Weapon) has been read over 9,000+ times in the past couple of days. 

 It has some GOOD NEWS for those folks in your life that got tricked into taking the jab! 

A huge thank you to everyone who helped with our fundraising campaign!  We simply couldn’t have done it without you! 

I stumbled across this infographic from a Mike Maloney docuseries called The Hidden Secrets of Money.  This is from episode four: Bank Crisis & Inflation: The Biggest Scam In The History Of Mankind.  It is superb!  BUT I would argue that “Government” is the biggest scam in the history of mankind as it is the scam that makes “Central Banking” possible.  Check out the video at:

Top Story of the Week

The 15 Stages of Denial Among Recipients of the Covid-19 “Vaccine” (Bio-Weapon)

Plus GOOD NEWS for those who took the Jab!!!!

  1. It’s the cure!
  2. It’s not the cure, but it prevents you from getting Covid and spreading it to others.
  1. It doesn’t prevent you from getting Covid, but it prevents you from getting sick.
  2. It doesn’t prevent you from getting sick, but it prevents you from getting REALLY sick.
  3. It doesn’t prevent you from getting REALLY sick, but it prevents you from dying.
  4. It doesn’t prevent you from dying, but it prevents most people from dying.
  5. Hey, it’s still a net benefit! Trust the science!
  6. Okay, well, at least it doesn’t actively harm people! Roll up your sleeve for the updated shot.

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Videos of the Week

Ben Swann Reveals Evidence that Israel Was In on the Hamas Attack on October 7

by Ben Swann’s Truth in Media & Jimmy Dore

Executive Summary: Investigative journalist Ben Swann has compiled substantial evidence demonstrating that the Israeli government was aware well in advance that Hamas was planning the October 7th attacks. Israel knew when and where it was going to happen. Not only did Egypt warn Israel and the IDF had collected their own intelligence, but Hamas was staging obvious military exercises leading up to the fateful date. The dance party near the Palestinian border wall was authorized despite the initial rejection of the event it due to safety concerns. Dore said that the point of the attack was to gain public support for invading Gaza.

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Elze van Hamelen Interview David Hughes on his book: “Covid-19,” Psychological Operations, and the War for Technocracy

Etienne Note:  David Hughes is a British academic who has done some of the best work exposing the criminality of “The Covid.” He gets a little muddled by a Marxist worldview which I don’t understand.  He briefly frames the crimes of “The Covid” and the associated crimes of the engineered technocracy that have accompanied them as a form of class warfare, which I would argue is incorrect since I know very wealthy people who were tricked into the shots as well.  Voluntaryists would argue that we are simply dealing with a group of inter-generational organized crime criminals who are using “government” and control of the media and academia to steal from and control every class in society.  If they are a distinct class it could be argued they are an oligarchical kleptocracy. It is only a small criticism and I agree with and recommend his work and this interview.

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“Government”, Media and Academia
Criminality Exposed

Subscribe on Telegram: These articles also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “Government,”  Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation.  You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:

Intelligence Officials Secretly Paid by Big Tech to Fight Antitrust Reforms

by Lee Fang

High-level former intelligence and national security officials have provided crucial assistance to Silicon Valley giants as the tech firms fought off efforts to weaken online monopolies and force competition on major platforms.

“We need to keep Big Tech strong — so it can keep America strong,” claimed Robert O’Brien, the former White House National Security Advisor to President Trump. O’Brien has appeared on cable news programs and penned several opinion columns rallying opposition to tech antitrust reforms in Congress.

John Ratcliffe, the former Director of National Intelligence, Brian Cavanaugh, a former intelligence aide in the White House, and O’Brien jointly wrote to congressional leaders, warning darkly that certain legislative proposals to check the power of Amazon, Google, Meta, and Apple would embolden America’s enemies.

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The FBI just admitted in court that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real.

The FBI just admitted in court that Hunter Biden’s laptop is real.

Here are 20 minutes of Joe Biden, U.S. intelligence officials, and the American media claiming that Hunter Biden’s laptop was “Russian disinformation.”

The FBI has had possession of Hunter’s laptop since December 2019. Leading up to the 2020 election, Twitter and Facebook censored the Biden laptop story because the FBI warned them of a potential hack-and-leak operation targeting Hunter Biden.

The FBI knew that Hunter’s laptop was real the entire time. In October 2022,

@MarcoPolo501c3 published a 640-page Report on the Biden Laptop that meticulously documents 459 crimes involving the Biden family and their associates.

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“Daily News of The Week

PSYOP-WW3 RISING: America Prepares for Global War and Restarts the Draft for 18-26 year olds

by 2Nd Smartest Guy In The World

Our government is planning a big draft, conscripting millions of young Americans for an even bigger war!

I call to your attention a Democratic amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which was slipped into the almost trillion-dollar Pentagon war spending bill, by voice vote, in the House Armed Services committee.

The Democratic Amendment to H.R. 8070, the National Defense Authorization (NDAA) reads:

Section 531. Selective Service System: Automatic Registration. SEC. 3. (a)(1) “Except as otherwise provided in this title, every male citizen of the United States, and every other male person residing in the United States, between the ages of eighteen and twenty-six, shall be automatically registered under this Act by the Director of the Selective Service System.”

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U.S. Collapse Triggers End of 500-Year Financier Conspiracy

by Richard C

1.     The U.S. is a multiethnic nation formed from a confluence of indigenous Native American settlement, settlement and conquest by Europeans, a large influx of enslaved Africans, and later immigration from European, Asian, and African peoples of diverse nationalities up through today.

2.     The core of the U.S. were colonies of England along the Atlantic coast, with North, Central, and South America also the location of colonies of Spain, Portugal, France, England, and the Netherlands.

3.     Colonies were established elsewhere in the world all the way through to the 20th century, with Germany and Italy also becoming colonialist powers, while Russia expanded in Eurasia and Japan in East Asia. Ancient indigenous civilizations worldwide were exploited or destroyed by the colonizing powers. The prime motive was the acquisition of wealth and resources.

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Stanford’s Censorship Operation finally shut down by the University, but only after the chutzpah became unbearable

by Meryl Nass

Stanford’s Internet Observatory was a surveillance-censorship operation (discussed previously) that spit on the First Amendment, worked closely with fed intelligence agents and trained students to break the law. God only knows what techniques were developed here in the heart of Silicon Valley to mind control the citizenry.

And they were so brazen! The spooks pretended they were academics doing “research.” But where are their advanced degrees? Where are their courses? Why isn’t Renee DiResta listed in the faculty directory?

The Observatory’s main figurehead, Renee DiResta, “ex” CIA asset, just published a book about her wondrous exploits saving the world from TRUTH.

And Stanford itself was so brazen, it filed an amicus brief to the Supreme Court to complain about how it was unjustly cited for its criminal collusion with the USG to censor political, intellectual, scientific, medical etc. opponents in the Missouri v Biden censorship case. It was just “research.”

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15 of the Most Advanced Weapons You Didn’t Know Existed

00:32 – 1. Viper 40 Micro – – The Viper 40 is a grenade-launched mini loitering munition UAS that offers line-of-sight targeting and diversion capabilities, with unparalleled accuracy, at ranges of up to 1000 meters.

01:30 – 2. Anduril Roadrunner – – Roadrunner is a reusable, vertical take-off and landing (VTOL), operator-supervised Autonomous Air Vehicle (AAV) with twin turbojet engines and modular payload configurations that can support a variety of missions.

02:38 – 3. HISS-HD Thermal Sniper Sight – – The HISS-HD thermal weapon sight provides clear, long-range optics for snipers and machine gun crews. It effortlessly mounts on MIL-STD-1913 rails, interfaces with various day scopes and weapons, and exceeds 2200 meters in target detection. With exceptional portability, compatibility with ballistic devices, and an optional remote control pendant for enhanced stability, the HISS-HD has unmatched capabilities in most operational scenarios.

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New YouTube Rules Banning Gun Content Spark Outrage

by conservativeinsider

( – Video sharing platform YouTube has announced on Wednesday, June 5 that they will be making changes to the type of firearms-related content that is allowed on their platform, in what they say is an effort to prevent children from being able to view “dangerous content.” Proponents of the Second Amendment are pushing back against the new rules, which go into effect on June 18.

Videos that attempted to sell firearms or firearm accessories were already banned on the platform, as well as videos that would teach viewers how to create their own firearms or accessories. In addition, livestreams that featured people handling firearms have also been against the platform’s rules for years now.

Under the new rules, YouTube will no longer allow users under 18 to view videos that feature homemade firearms or automatic weapons. The platform also plans to ban all videos that instruct viewers on how to remove safety devices from firearms. However, YouTube did clarify that the rules only apply to “real-life use” as opposed to artistic purposes. Videos that are of “public interest,” such as police footage or news clips, are not included in the rule changes.

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“Maladaptive Traits”: AI Systems Are Learning To Lie And Deceive

By Tyler Durden

A new study has found that AI systems known as large language models (LLMs) can exhibit “Machiavellianism,” or intentional and amoral manipulativeness, which can then lead to deceptive behavior.

The study authored by German AI ethicist Thilo Hagendorff of the University of Stuttgart, and published in PNAS, notes that OpenAI’s GPT-4 demonstrated deceptive behavior in 99.2% of simple test scenarios. Hagendorff qualified various “maladaptive” traits in 10 different LLMs, most of which are within the GPT family, according to Futurism.

In another study published in Patterns found that Meta’s LLM had no problem lying to get ahead of its human competitors.

Billed as a human-level champion in the political strategy board game “Diplomacy,” Meta’s Cicero model was the subject of the Patterns study. As the disparate research group — comprised of a physicist, a philosopher, and two AI safety experts — found, the LLM got ahead of its human competitors by, in a word, fibbing.

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House passes defense bill automatically registering men 18-26 for draft

By Elizabeth Elkind

The House of Representatives passed a measure on Friday automatically registering men aged 18 to 26 for selective service.

It was part of the annual National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), which sets out the U.S. government’s military and national security priorities over the next fiscal year. 

This year’s NDAA authorizes $895.2 billion in military spending, a $9 billion increase from fiscal 2024.

U.S. troops disembark inside the Naval Base Camilo Osias in Santa Ana, Cagayan province, northern Philippines after participating in joint military exercises on Monday, May 6, 2024. (Associated Press)

While it hasn’t been invoked in over half a century, it’s mandatory for all male U.S. citizens to register for the selective service, also known as the military draft, when they turn 18. Failure to register is classified as a felony and comes with a host of legal challenges.

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“Pre-medication”, or how to sell $50 worth of generic drugs for $600,000!

by Sasha Latypova

I had a friend in school, who needed a “pre-dinner” before dinner, and then a pizza slice after the dinner. He was skinny. I still hate him.

This is not a hit piece. This is a “pre-crime” novel.

A couple of weeks ago, many of us were rather shocked by the following publication:

In their review paper, Huschler, McCullough and Marotta proposed that treatment of mRNA induced vaccine injury may be mitigated with small interfering RNA (siRNA) and ribonuclease targeting chimeras (RIBOTACs). Quoting from the Substack post by Dr. McCullough:

It may seem unfathomable for doctors to inject more RNA to deactivate Pfizer and Moderna synthetic mRNA that has accumulated in the body after multiple injections. However, siRNA used today in my practice (patisiran, inclisiran) appears to be safe and well-tolerated only notable for injection site reactions.

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Fake ‘Meat’ Products Linked to Heart Failure Deaths, Study Finds

by Frank Bergman

A new study has revealed that fake “meat” products such as Bill Gates’s lab-grown “beef” are linked to cardiovascular diseases and heart failure-related deaths.

The results of the study are a major blow to the narrative that vegetarian and vegan diets help to lower the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

According to a new UK Biobank study, which analyzed the diets of more than 118,000 participants, scientists found that meat-free “foods” carry a huge risk of heart disease if they are ultra-processed.

The study, published in Lancet Regional Health – Europe, notes that this excludes natural produce such as fresh fruit and vegetables.

However, ultra-processed products that are plant-derived, insect-based, or lab-grown, carry an increased risk of heart failure and death.

Scientists found that ultra-processed food (UPF) products, such as lab-grown “beef” or insect-based “beetleburgers,” are linked with a 15 percent higher risk of suffering heart attacks and strokes.

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Fogging the Episteme in the Quest for the unHoly Grail

By Simplicius

One of the most epistemically dangerous phenomena of our day is the imperceptible metamorphosis of concepts we once knew, and took for granted, into something entirely different, while retaining their original outward mask. This new thing now escapes our grasp because we’ve fallen into the semiotic trap of understanding a thing by its appearance or name, rather than by what it does.

We should always strive to cut through perceptual biases to understand the underlying basis of reality before us. If thousands of years ago, humans called the color of the sun red, but over the course of hundreds or thousands of years began to call it green, it would represent a lacuna of apprehension—a discontinuity in the to-then unbroken thread of epistemic cohesion which would lead to the distortion of knowledge and historical understanding. It’s akin to Giambattista Vico’s concept of the ‘barbarism of sense’ which, in the developmental cycle of civilizations, is succeeded by the ‘barbarism of reflection’:

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The British-Israeli Soldiers At Risk Of Gaza War Crimes Probe

by Hamza Yusuf

British nationals are serving in some of Israel’s “craziest” combat units in Gaza where they view Palestinian fighters as “rats” and “animals”.

The soldiers have pledged to “kill these sons of whores” and “start pummelling them again”.

Declassified has gathered names and photographs of 15 Britons who have recently fought for Israel, and has partially identified another ten.

They are among at least 80 UK nationals who the Foreign Office knows to have enlisted in the IDF but is doing nothing to stop.

One of the soldiers, master sergeant Sam Sank, filmed himself fighting in Gaza between December 2023 and January 2024.

Declassified showed the footage to open source intelligence analyst Alysia Alexandra who located the neighbourhood where it was taken.

Her analysis, together with other videos geolocated by Bellingcat and testimony from a Palestinian community news page, give reasonable grounds for suspecting that Sank was in the Gazan border settlement of Khuza’a while it was being flattened by the IDF during his two-month tour.

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The Plot To Destroy Our Children

By Llewellyn H. Rockwell, Jr.

Last week, a conversation with a waitress disturbed me a lot. She told me that she was homeschooling her sixteen-year old son, who is autistic, because she was afraid that he would be subjected to “tranny” propaganda and encouraged to “transition” to being a woman. Even worse, he might be put in touch with “doctors” who would mutilate him by injecting him with hormones and even castrating him, all without his parents’ knowledge. You might think the waitress was exaggerating—we all know that public schools are bad, but can they be that bad? If she is right, the schools would be monstrously evil. They would be downright satanic.

She is indeed right. In what follows, I’ll discuss the “tranny” movement and what they are doing to our children. It’s a tale that will upset you, but you need to know about it, so we can do everything we can to stop it.

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Intermittent fasting may supercharge ‘natural killer’ cells to destroy cancer

by StudyFinds Staff

NEW YORK — Could skipping a few meals each week help you fight cancer? It might sound far-fetched, but new research suggests that one type of intermittent fasting could actually boost your body’s natural ability to defeat cancer.

A team of scientists at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center (MSK) has uncovered an intriguing link between fasting and the body’s immune system. Their study, published in the journal Immunity, focuses on a particular type of immune cell called natural killer (NK) cells. These cells are like the special forces of your immune system, capable of taking out cancer cells and virus-infected cells without needing prior exposure.

So, what’s the big deal about these NK cells? Well, they’re pretty important when it comes to battling cancerous tumors. Generally speaking, the more NK cells you have in a tumor, the better your chances of beating the disease. However, there’s a catch: the environment inside and around tumors is incredibly harsh. It’s like a battlefield where resources are scarce, and many immune cells struggle to survive.

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Shocking video shows 20 smash-and-grab bandits overwhelm California jewelry store in wild heist

By Stepheny Price

Sunnyvale Police have arrested five suspects involved in a disturbing smash-and-grab robbery at a California jewelry store that was caught on video. 

Just before 1:30 p.m., on Wednesday, June 12, officers with the Sunnyvale Police Department responded to PNG Jewelers USA for a report of burglary in process. 

Police said approximately 20 suspects used hammers and other tools to break into the jewelry cases. grab everything inside and run out of the store. 

As the suspects fled the store, officers were able to locate two suspects’ vehicles, but both fled the area and led police on a pursuit.

Police have arrested five suspects in connection to a smash-and-grab robbery at a Bay Area jewelry store and are looking for the other suspects.  (KTVU)

One vehicle got away, police said. The other was tracked down, but police said the suspects chucked the stolen jewelry out of the car during the chase.

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The Music Just Stopped: Japan Banking Giant Norinchukin To Liquidate $63 Billion In Treasuries & European Bonds To Plug Massive Unrealized Losses

By Tyler Durden

Last October, when the wounds from the March 2023 bank failures – which surpassed the global financial crisis in total assets and which sparked the latest Fed intervention, setting the market’s nadir over the past 16 months – were still fresh, we made a non-consensus prediction: we said that since the Fed has once again backstopped the US financial system, “the next bank failure will be in Japan.

Next bank failure will be in Japan

— zerohedge (@zerohedge) October 3, 2023

This prediction only got warmer two months later when, inexplicably, Japan’s Norinchukin bank, best known as Japan’s CLO whale, was quietly added to the list of counterparties for the Fed’s Standing Repo Facility, a/k/a the Fed’s foreign bank bailout slush fund.

The Norinchukin Bank, New York branch has been added to the list of Standing Repo Facility Counterparties, effective Dec. 1

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Breaking: Law Professor that Wrote 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act Provides Affidavit that COVID 19 mRNA nanoparticle injections are Biological Weapons and Weapons of Mass Destruction

by Dr. Joseph Sansone

Dr. Francis Boyle, the Harvard educated law professor that drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act, which passed both houses of Congress unanimously, provided an affidavit stating that Covid 19 injections and mRNA nanoparticle injections violate the law he wrote. Dr. Boyle asserted that ‘COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections’, and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’ are biological weapons and weapons of mass destruction and violate Biological Weapons 18 USC § 175; Weapons and Firearms § 790.166 Fla. Stat. (2023).

Dr. Boyle provided this affidavit in a Florida case filed by Dr. Joseph Sansone involving an Emergency Petition for a Writ of Mandamus that seeks to compel Governor DeSantis to prohibit the distribution of ‘COVID 19 injections’, ‘COVID 19 nanoparticle injections’, and ‘mRNA nanoparticle injections’, in the state of Florida. It also seeks to compel Attorney General Ashley Moody to confiscate the vials.

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Israel’s Control Over America Grows Ever Stronge

By Philip Giraldi

Back in September 2017 I wrote an article for the Unz Review site entitled “America’s Jews Are Driving America’s Wars” with the subtitle “Shouldn’t they recuse themselves when dealing with the Middle East?” The article focused on the fact that most of the individuals and groups in the US that were agitating for war with Iran in particular were Jewish and most did not hide their loyalty to Israel, headed then as now by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. I argued that it was a mistake to have Jews managing America’s relationships in the Middle East in particular as some of them certainly would experience a conflict of interest that would inevitably not be beneficial to the United States. And, one might add, that in spite of that tie that binds with a foreign government, no pro-Israel group has ever been compelled to register under the Foreign Agents Registration Act of 1938 which would provide some transparency on finances and concerning direct contacts with the Israeli government or its Embassy in Washington. The end result of all that is to make it extremely easy to use money, which the Zionist billionaires have in abundance, to corrupt the US government process on behalf of an apartheid state that is no ally in reality and does not have values that fit well with what was once American democracy.

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Japanese Neuroscientist Dr. Hiroto Komano Alarmed at Explosive Dementia Surge Amongst COVID Vaccinated Individuals: Massive Study of ~600,000 Reveals

by Aussie17

In a recent episode of Masako Ganaha’s Channel posted on June 16th, 2024, Professor Dr. Hiroto Komano, a renowned neuroscientist and professor in the Department of Neuroscience at the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Iwate Medical University, shared his serious concerns about the link between COVID-19 vaccination and a increase in dementia cases.

Dr. Komano has an impressive academic pedigree. After graduating from the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at the University of Tokyo, he served as an assistant at the university and held research positions at Stanford University and the University of Michigan Medical School in the United States. He also served as a laboratory director at the National Center for Geriatrics and Gerontology in April 2007. His primary research focuses on understanding the molecules involved in the onset and prevention of Alzheimer’s disease.

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Why Are 5 STATES SUING PFIZER and NOT Moderna?

by Karen Kingston

June 18, 2024: Yesterday, Attorney General Kris Kobach broke the news that 4 other states will be joining Kansas in suing Pfizer for willfully concealing, suppressing, and/or omitting material evidence regarding the safety and efficacy of their mRNA injections.

Per the lawsuit, the Big pharma giant conspired with individuals from Health & Human Services, the media, universities, social media platforms, and other businesses and organization in order to manipulate the American people into receiving an injection that they would have otherwise declined if Pfizer had accurately disclosed their COVID-19 mRNA clinical data and adverse events reports to the public and US government.

Per this 4-minute video clip, Kobach addresses the unconscionable acts that Pfizer committed and the reason why he and other state Attorneys General are suing Pfizer first, and not Moderna or J&J.

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Screams From Israeli Torture Camps Silenced

by Nuno Marqes-Nouri

The US empire’s rabid dog that is Israel continues to enjoy total impunity even as they commit genocide and the most egregious forms of torture against the Palestinians they have kidnapped from the West Bank and Gaza since October 7th. American media is forefront in covering up for Israeli war crimes during this genocide, so much so that they have openly referred to Hamas as Nazis. However as we watch the live-streamed genocide of Gaza, we realize the actions of the Israeli military are far more akin to Nazis than Hamas. This was made very evident when 4 Israeli hostages were rescued last Saturday, 8th June. However, via this article, I will not only expose the extreme hypocrisy of Israel and its genocidal partners in the West but also the decades-long history of Israel torturing Palestinian hostages in their dungeons of hell.

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Winning the Fluoride Fight – #SolutionsWatch

by The Corbett Report

Joining us today is Michael Connett, lead attorney for the plaintiffs’ in the #FluorideLawsuit. We discuss the history of the lawsuit, what’s at stake, and how people who are concerned about the fluoridation of the water supply can get involved in the fight against this uncontrolled medical intervention.

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Mobile Handset Privacy: Measuring The Data iOS and Android Send to Apple And Google

Douglas J. Leith School of Computer Science & Statistics, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 25th March, 2021

Abstract—We investigate what data iOS on an iPhone shares with Apple and what data Google Android on a Pixel phone shares with Google. We find that even when minimally configured and the handset is idle both iOS and Google Android share data with Apple/Google on average every 4.5 mins. The phone IMEI, hardware serial number, SIM serial number and IMSI, handset phone number etc are shared with Apple and Google. Both iOS and Google Android transmit telemetry, despite the user explicitly opting out of this. When a SIM is inserted both iOS and Google Android send details to Apple/Google. iOS sends the MAC addresses of nearby devices, e.g. other handsets and the home gateway, to Apple together with their GPS location. Users have no opt out from this and currently there are few, if any, realistic options for preventing this data sharing.

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People are just finding out how much it costs to fire US military weapons with one shot nearly $12,000,000

by Poppy Bilderbeck

The US Navy uses a weapon which costs a staggering $12,000,000 for one shot.

Some people are only just figuring out how expensive the weapons industry is for the military – even if you thought you were pretty aware, some of the costs are gobsmacking

Earlier this month, the Peter G Peterson Foundation revealed during the fiscal year 2023, the Office of Management and Budget found the US spent a whopping $820 billion on national defense.

“Procurement of weapons and systems cost $142 billion in 2023 and $122 billion was spent on research and development of weapons and equipment. The military also spent over $10 billion on the construction and management of military facilities and $1 billion on family housing,” its website states.

And once you see a video posted to Reddit thread r/DamnThatsInteresting by u/ NotSamuraiJosh26_2, it’s not hard to see why.

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Adobe to start spying on all your images and videos to enforce new content censorship rules

by Cassie B.

Photoshop maker Adobe recently changed its terms of service to give itself the power to look through your files and existing projects for so-called “content moderation” purposes.

The new policy notes that they “may access your content through both automated and manual methods, such as for content review.”

They are justifying this blatant invasion of privacy by claiming their intention is to detect and remove illegal content such as child sexual abuse material as well as behavior like spam and phishing. They also say that advancements in artificial intelligence technology mean it has become easier than ever to “create realistic images and human-sounding text and audio,” so these checks are necessary for safety reasons.

The new terms will affect more than 20 million global users of Adobe Creative Cloud Site.

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Mossad and its network of little helpers, the Sayanim

By Vanessa Beeley

As I am hoping to organise a conversation with colleague David Miller in the very near future to discuss his research into the Zionist movement tentacles that have embedded themselves deep inside the UK governmental and public sectors including education – I am publishing his recent article for Al Mayadeen English:

The Mossad have been exposed as targeting the International Criminal Court, including directly threatening its personnel and their families. What else does the Mossad get up to?

Zionist intelligence agencies launched a war on the International Criminal Court in January 2015. This was when it was confirmed that Palestine would join the court after it was recognised as a state by the UN general assembly.

“Israel’s” intelligence agencies routinely surveilled the ICC’s current chief prosecutor Karim Khan, his predecessor Fatou Bensouda, and dozens of other ICC and UN officials. Israeli intelligence also monitored materials that the Palestinian Authority submitted to the prosecutor’s office, and surveilled employees at four Palestinian human rights organizations whose submissions are central to the probe.

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Catherine Austin Fitts on the DoD and the Central Banking-Warfare Model

by Sasha Latypova

One of the reasons I am grateful for Sasha Latypova’s work and that of her colleague

Bailiwick News

Katherine Watt is their contribution to helping us understand the controlling role played by the Department of Defense (DOD) in Operation Warp Speed and the most recent round of poisoning and bankrupting Americans during the Covid-19 operation. 

The latest Rasmussen poll from May 2024 indicates that nearly one out of five Americans surveyed know someone who was killed by the Covid shots.1 Various statistics and estimates of the rising number of Americans disabled by the shots or still working but made chronically ill indicate that the problem is far wider than just the death toll. Fertility and life expectancy statistics, too, indicate that what I describe as “the Great Poisoning” is accelerating.

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We Now Have Proof The COVID Vaccines Damage Cognition

by A Midwestern Doctor

Story at a Glance:

Subtle and overt neurological injuries are one of the most common results of a pharmaceutical injury.

The COVID-19 vaccines excel at causing damage to cognition, and many of us have noticed both subtle and over cognitive impairment following vaccination that relatively few people know how to address.

For a long time, the hypothesis that the vaccines impaired cognition was “anecdotal” because it was based on individuals observing it in their peer group or patients.

•Recently large datasets emerged which show this phenomenon is very real and that the severe injuries we’ve seen from the vaccines (e.g., sudden death) are only the tip of the iceberg.

•In this article we will review the proof vaccine are doing this and explore the mechanisms which allow it to happen so we can better understand how to treat it.

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Natural Light is An Essential Nutrient

by A Midwestern Doctor

Story at a Glance:

•Sunlight is one of the most important things for our health (e.g., it halves our risk of dying or getting cancer), yet all we ever hear is how important it is to avoid it.

•While the importance of vitamin D is generally recognized, many of the other critical functions of light within plants, animals and human beings remain almost completely unknown (and hence will be the focus of this article.

•One of the defining characteristics of modern life is the continual exposure to unnatural light. While this is viewed as being relatively benign, in reality, forgotten research demonstrated that it is a root cause of a myriad of inexplicable modern physical and behavioral illnesses.

•One of the keys functions of blood is to conduct light throughout the body. In turn, when this process is disrupted (e.g., by wearing glasses with lenses which eliminate critical parts of the electromagnetic spectrum) a variety of significant illnesses can develop.

Over the years, I have become convinced sunlight is one of the most essential nutrients for the body. For example, as human beings moved further and further north from Africa and had increasingly lower sun exposure, their skin became progressively lighter, something which argues the human body needs light and that the whitening of human skin in the higher latitudes was a protecting mechanism designed to ensure enough of the remaining sunlight could get inside the body.
Note: an explanation of how the darker parts of the skin prevent UV from entering the body can be found here.

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NEWSThe Radical Left’s Hypocrisy Exposed: Accusing Others of Their Own Actions

by ungathegreat

Kash Patel exposes the radical left’s blatant hypocrisy and corruption, revealing their involvement in the very election rigging operations they accuse others of perpetrating.

“The Radical Left comes in with an election rigging operation: Russia Collusion, 51 Intel Letter, January 6 Insurrection… we expose their actual corruption,” Patel asserts, highlighting the extent of their deception and the lengths they will go to maintain control.

The biggest threat to the radical left’s control over Washington and the lives of Americans is none other than Donald Trump.

“These people want to run Washington, DC, and our lives forever, just like they have. And the biggest threat to that is Donald Trump.”

The only way to hold the radical left accountable for their illegal activities is through a Trump victory.

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New Tranche of VSAFE Dropped Today (4th Installment of Free-text)

by Welcometheeagle88

While CDC assures the public that COVID-19 vaccines do not cause fertility issues, and that any menstrual irregularities are minor and temporary, the V-safe free-text entries CDC was forced to produce by a court order show the opposite!

ICAN’s review of the free-text records produced to date, which are only a small fraction of the total set to be released by CDC, reveal at least 500 reports of miscarriage and more than 2,000 reports of menstrual disturbances.

Here are a few examples:

“I had a miscarriage at 13 weeks between my first and second vaccine. No chromosomal abnormalities detected.”

“I started my menstrual cycle and I’ve been in menopause for 11mo. I started the night of my vaccine. Not sure if it was a coincidence.”

“I had miscarriage after 2nd dose of Pfizer covid vaccine. I felt fine until I had the vaccine and within 48 hrs pregnancy symptoms ceased. I have no history of fertility issues or complications and had 2 healthy uneventful pregnancies prior to this.”

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Dell, SMC, Nvidia To Build Elon Musk’s Grok Supercomputer In Memphis

By Tyler Durden

xAI’s multi-billion dollar “Gigafactory of Compute” is being constructed in Memphis, Tennessee, and is set to become the world’s largest supercomputer.

The artificial intelligence company founded by Elon Musk could be months away from powering chatbot Grok, which is already operational on the X platform.

A source recently told The Daily Memphian that the supercomputer could start running in 8 to 12 months.

The supercomputer is intended to power and do computations for Grok, the chatbot run by xAI’s artificial intelligence. The Information, a business publication, reported on May 26 that the supercomputer would be ready by August 2025.

But a source familiar with the matter told The Daily Memphian that the supercomputer could start running eight to 12 months earlier than expected, making an August 2024 start possible.

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Are Women Hardwired to Care for Men?

By Elizabeth Nickson

This is a repost from The Fiamengo File wherein two women discuss feminist psychopathy and the choice of childlessness. If it’s too long, skip to the case studies of miserable women of every age in therapy trying to figure out from whence the misery. Every single young woman you know must read this, at least consider it. A full third are choosing not to breed. And if the stats hold, 90% of them will regret it, some bitterly.

They have been lied to. Childless women – particularly boomers in their senior years – never ever discuss the misery of skipping children. I know dozens, if not hundreds of them, GenX too, and for that solid 90% it is an enduring sorrow.

I am not a biological determinist, nor am I from a family that favors one choice or another. My stay-at-home mother advised my daughter to go back to work after she had twins, even though she already had a toddler. Luckily her employer was fully supportive. One of my grandmothers was a prairie schoolteacher; the other was a socialite who went round the world ten times; toss up as to who was more satisfied with herself, but I tend towards the prairie schoolteacher, though we can easily guess who had the most hedonistic fun..

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Top Cardiologist Drops Bombshell: Covid Shots Caused 112,000% Spike in Brain Clots

by Frank Bergman

One of the world’s most revered cardiologists has just raised the alarm after uncovering bombshell data showing that Covid mRNA shots have caused a staggering 112,000% increase in brain clots.

A newly-published study by a team of experts, led by American cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough, analyzed all reports of cerebral thromboembolism over the past 34 years.

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, cerebral thromboembolism occurs when a blood clot forms in the brain’s venous sinuses.

This prevents blood from draining out of the brain.

This chain of events is part of a stroke that can damage the brain and central nervous system and cause sudden death.

It is a known side effect of Covid mRNA shots.

The study by Doctors McCullough, Kirstin Cosgrove, James Thorp, and Claire Rogers examined data on reports of cerebral thromboembolism following Covid shots submitted to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and federal Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

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Upcoming Liberty Events

FreedomFest – July 10-13th – Las Vegas, NV

NH Liberty Forum Liberty Dinner – July 20th, Bedford, NH

Liberstad Freedom Festival – July 24th – July 28th, Liberstad, Norway

Mises University 2024 – July 28th – August 3rd, 2024, Auburn, Alabama

Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest – July 25-29, 2024, Gaines, Michigan

Living Free Festival, 23 – 25 August 2024, Pillar Valley NSW, Australia

AnarCon Outdoor Liberty Festival – August, 2024, Gore, Virginia

Music & Sky 2023 – August 2024, Cuyama Valley, California

The People’s Reset: UK – Sept 27-29th – Bath, UK

VONUFEST5 – Sept 30-Oct 7 – Vandalia, IL

Mises Supporters Summit 2024 – October 10-13, 2024, Hilton Head, South Carolina

Mid-Continent Liberty Festival (MIDFEST) – October, 2024, Spavinaw, Oklahoma

Liberty in Our Lifetime – November 1-3, 2024. Empire Hall, Prague, Czech Republic

Memes Bonanza

Truth Music of the Week

Prezence: Spreading Liberty and Natural Law Through Music

by Derrick Broze

Derrick Broze talks with conscious artist Prezence about his musical and philosophical journey. Grant Prezence Ellman is a multi-instrumentalist, vocalist and producer from Sedona, Arizona. He also shares 3 songs from his extensive catalogue of empowering, thought-provoking songs!

Prezence is fiercely devoted to his mission of spreading TRUTH and FREEDOM through radio ready records, vivid videos and lucid live performances.

His 2021 truth-bomb calling out the SCAM of “covid-19” and “government” was censored from Spotify within a week of release.

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Free State Project (New Hampshire) Corner

Is New Hampshire’s Future REAL Freedom OR Statism and Easily Rigged Elections?

Etienne Note: I missed the Free State Project’s PorcFest for the first time in years but I was there in spirit and contributed this article to Porcupine Real Estate’s PorcFest Newsletter.  I couldn’t help but notice how many folks from the Anarchapulco team turned up at this year’s event: Catherine Bonandin (the producer) and Dayna Martin were speakers and I think I saw Danny Sessom kicking around the crowd… Things that make you go… Hmmmm….  Stay tuned!

Is New Hampshire’s Future REAL Freedom OR Statism and Easily Rigged Elections?

By Etienne de la Boetie2, Founder – The Art of Liberty Foundation

In my book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! I argue that “government” is best considered a technique for robbing and controlling populations. It is impossible to have a legitimate and moral “government” because it is impossible to delegate rights you don’t have personally to a representative or “government.” You can’t be bound by a social contract you didn’t sign, and if my girlfriend and I can’t vote to rob/ “tax” you because there are two of us and one of you, then it doesn’t scale to a town, city or “country.”  The belief in “government” is indoctrinated into children in mandatory schools and scouting before they are old enough to evaluate its logic and morality.  It has been the biggest scam in all of human history.

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Pre-State Project – How You Can Help

Free State Project Corner – The Free State Project is moving 20,000 + libertarians to New Hampshire with the goal of reducing “Government” to just protecting life, liberty and property.  We are supporting and reporting on this dynamic.  If you have heard Etienne talk about the plan to accelerate this dynamic by dropping 100,000 copies of “Government”, the 64GB Liberator and a TBD documentary to the influential in the state and want more details in our Executive Summary. You can also donate a single copy OR 10 copies of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! at the where we will send them directly to NH legislators, journalists, Police Chiefs, and other influential within the state.  You can also donate a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore to a Liberty Group in New Hampshire that will earn the profits from reselling and distributing copies of the book in the state!  

The Liberator

The Liberator– Our archive of “government” and media criminality

Important Note: New additions are added to the authoritative Liberator Dropboxes regularly but will not appear in the physical credit card-sized flash drive until we launch the next version.  Anyone can download the current contents of the Liberator FOR FREE including all the primary sources and evidence from our investigation into “The Covid”.

Liberator #1 – Companion media to “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History. Exposed!

Liberator #2 – Evidence of False Flag terror for police state and hoax shootings for gun control:

Liberator #3 – Evidence that “The Covid” has been a scam and the vaccines are killing people:

Liberator #4 – Voluntaryism and more evidence of “Government” corruption:

Liberator #5 – Prepping and Self-Sufficiency – Hundreds of resources:

How to Support the Art of Liberty Foundation

1. Become an Art of Liberty Foundation Sponsor at – The best way to support us is to become a sponsor of the foundation.  We have some great perks to say Thank You! including copies of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!Liberator Flash Drives, Signed Hard Copies, calls with Etienne, and even the ability to have an Art of Liberty Foundation event with tier one Liberty speakers in your City or Town for your friends, family and neighbors!

2. Go Paid on Substack! – We simply couldn’t do what we do without the support of our sponsors and paid subscribers on Substack!  If you are enjoying the Daily News, Important News, or Five Meme Friday on Substack we hope you will consider “Going Paid” on Substack.  All it takes is a click! 

3. Donate Gift Certificates to Us – We just signed up with GeeCees that allows any business that offers gift certificates (Especially Hotels and Resorts with Unused Rooms) to donate gift certificates and foundation supporters to buy them at a discount.  We will see how this goes!

4. Get a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and Earn Profit from Distributing Copies of “Government” in Your Town / City – Do you (or a friend) have a retail location?  Open up a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and share in the profits.  We have everything you need to attractively merchandise “Government” and Liberators in a small footprint. Details here:

5. Buy Books and Merchandise at – Our store has become one of the biggest distributors of Voluntaryist and peaceful anarchist titles.  Especially popular is our “Everything Bundle” – The Sampler of Liberty! 

The Everything Bundle – The Sampler of Liberty!
Give me Liberty… and give me more! The Everything Bundle includes the latest version of our flagship book on government, along with a collection of potentially life-altering introductions to anarchy, agorism and voluntaryism.

The Art of Liberty Foundation Logo

Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to forward this email to friends and colleagues.

Etienne de la Boetie2
Executive Director,
The Art of Liberty Foundation
Author of: “Government” The Biggest Scam in History … Exposed!!   


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