Fact Check

CIA Democrats (and Republicans!) – Are the organized crime intelligence agencies installing politicians in the US?

Unfortunately, when many people think of the CIA, the first thing that pops to mind is Tom Cruise saving the world in Mission Impossible. The reality of the CIA is much darker and more aptly represented as a Murder Inc. organized crime ring where agency personnel has been involved in obviously criminal activity including overthrowing “democratically elected governments” in Iran (1953), Guatemala (1954), Congo (1960), Dominican Republic (1961), South Vietnam (1963), Brazil (1964) and Chile (1973)[i]https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/08/20/mapped-the-7-governments-the-u-s-has-overthrown/. Most egregiously, they operated death squads engaged in extra-judicial killings in Vietnam under the Phoenix Program[ii]https://www.lewrockwell.com/2013/08/brandon-smith/the-cias-phoenix-assassination-program/. The agency is routinely suspected of assassinating journalists who are reporting on its crimes, including the suspicious death of Rolling Stone reporter Michael Hastings while he was working on a story about then CIA Director (and now CNN Correspondent) John Brennan and San Jose Mercury News reporter Gary Webb who died suspiciously while investigating agency involvement in the crack cocaine epidemic.

So naturally, organized crime interests using “government” to rob and control the population would create and control intelligence agencies in order to completely control the “government” by operating in secrecy with un-auditable “black budgets,” spying on the other participants, running propaganda and control-of-perception “news” organizations, paramilitary operations, cultivating the willingness to engage in a political assassination, and wielding the ability to flash their “Get-Out-Off-Jail-Free-Card” which, conveniently for the CIA, “trumps” any other law enforcement agency. What a racket. Until you understand the game.

In our one-pager: Are You Getting Your News from the CIA? we break down almost two dozen examples of CIA, other intelligence agencies, and federal “law enforcement” making up a significant percentage of the 200ish people that get to talk about “politics” and current events on the monopolized MainStreamMedia. In this one-pager, we break down: CIA Democrats (and Republicans!), a phenomenon that the World Socialist Website (WSWS) first reported on in 2018 and which accelerated in 2020 and 2022: A statistically anomalous number of “Ex” CIA agents, other intelligence agency, federal law enforcement, and military-industrial complex-related “ex” employees being funded for congressional campaigns. WSWS called them: “CIA Democrats” and described them thusly in 2020:

“In the course of the 2018 elections, a large group of former military-intelligence operatives entered capitalist politics as candidates seeking the Democratic Party nomination in 50 congressional seats—nearly half the seats where the Democrats were targeting Republican incumbents or open seats created by Republican retirements. Some 30 of these candidates won primary contests and became the Democratic candidates in the November 2018 election, and 11 of them won the general election, more than one-quarter of the 40 previously Republican-held seats captured by the Democrats as they took control of the House of Representatives.

In 2020, the intervention of the CIA Democrats continues on what is arguably an equally significant scale: besides the reelection campaigns of the 11 representatives who won seats in the House in 2018, half a dozen of those who lost 2018 races are running again in 2020. Some of these are running for House seats again, while others have been promoted by the Democratic Party leadership and are running for the US Senate. And an entire new crop of military-intelligence operatives is being brought forward, some running for Republican seats targeted by the Democratic leadership as possible takeovers, others in seats not currently considered competitive.” [iii]The CIA Democrats in the 2020 elections by Patrick Martin, August 20th, 2020 – https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2020/08/20/ciad-a20.html

Is the CIA using the same bag of dirty tricks to control the US “government” that it openly uses in foreign countries to control other “governments?”

Are You Getting Your Politicians from the CIA?

The CIA has an estimated workforce of 21,000 or 150,000ish living employees and/or ex-employees so in a nation of 330,000,000 the statistical distribution of “ex” CIA employees should be Zero (0)!

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“Government” & The Covid – The Biggest Scams in History Exposed is both a book and series of one-page visual overviews of concepts hidden from the public by inter-generational organized crime that has been controlling the flow of information in society You can download this faxable, printable “one-pager” for free from our 32GB Flash Drive/Dropboxes that we call: The Liberator at Government-Scam.com/Liberator plus additional evidence of “government”, media and academia criminality.

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