Freedom Apps, Blockchain, and Crypto Projects for Digital Liberty

Flash Drives – We think the most important freedom app is the flash drive. With the organized crime government and their cartel companies now openly censoring search results on Google, YouTube, Reddit, Wikipedia, and other video and social media platforms, Amazon beta-testing digitally burning books on their “Kindle” and “Fire” platforms, and DARPA openly researching how to use AI to widely censor and takedown content, videos, and even websites, having a back-up of the evidence of “government” and media criminality and the best books and documentaries on the ideas of liberty is crucial.

The – The Art of Liberty Foundation’s collection of 8GB flash drives and Dropboxes that both expose the organized crime’s illegitimacy, illogic and criminality and provide the healthy alternatives or voluntaryism, free markets, tolerance, and peace. The Liberator drives includes the PDF of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! with active links of this book and a curated curriculum of the best books, short videos, and documentaries to take someone from “0-60” on the most important topics in the world.

“Pirate Box” / “Freedom Box “Wifi File Servers – A “Pirate Box”/“Freedom Box” is a portable wi-fi end-point with its own power source that broadcasts a custom Wi-fi SSID but when users attach to the end-point they get a message board and the ability to download files vs. wi-fi. They can be used in organized crime courthouses (Example SSID: “Juror Info” to broadcast jury nullification information to ensure that jurors understand they can judge the law and not just the facts of the case to throw out victimless crimes. We have an Art of Liberty Foundation donor that has donated $1000 to put up 10 Pirate Boxes in New Hampshire “Government schools” that would broadcast the SSID: “What the Government School is Hiding From You” and when kids connect they can download this book and the files from our flash drive/Dropbox of Freedom: The Liberator. We are currently looking for articulate Junior/Senior students with gravitas to be ambassadors for Liberty in their schools capable of taking a 1st amendment stand against potential censorship. Please e-mail us at


if you know the right student.

Untrustworthy Service, App or Provider Caught Censoring/Abusing Power?
Alternative Service, App or Provider Overview
911- Monopoly
Government Police

Work for organized crime, Live on money stolen from others, road piracy, kidnapping and extortion for victimless crimes, and asset forfeiture. Untrustworthy and likely to shoot your dog.

Cell 411

Set up your Five (V) group, freedom cell, or friends/family with Cell 411 and have trusted friends get notified to respond to emergencies including when the criminals are cops.

Google Search Engine

CIA Google caught manipulating search results, auto-complete to control perception. Liberator Article: How the CIA Made Google exposes DARPA funding and control. Project Veritas whistleblower Zach Voorhies exposed blacklists & criminality.


DuckDuckGo and Swisscows claim not to monitor/retain search results. Dogpile is meta-browsers that query multiple search engines.


CIA Google caught scanning Gmail accounts to target ads, reserves right to read e-mails to deal with ” a bug or abuse”.

Brave Browser
Mozilla Firefox

Brave- Faster than Chrome and built on the open-source Chromium standard so you can use extensions for Chrome.


Organizations that have busted Snopes for lying: Dr. Mercola, Food Babe, Wash. Times.

Start-up, raising funds

Decentralized fact checking using game theory and reputation engines to prevent gaming the system.

Microsoft Windows

Known backdoors. Microsoft is in the governments back pocket. Tons of security holes. Anti-virus protection is a must. Proprietary source code.

Linux Mint
recommended edition:

Linux Mint is an open source alternative to Mirosoft Windows & Mac OS. Linux Mint is surprisingly easy to setup and use. slight learning curve. Viruses almost non existent.


Owned by CIA Google. Caught; censoring videos, demonetizing political videos, and not indexing truth videos on the site.


BitChute is a peer-to-peer video torrent site. is a video sharing site that doesn’t censor and where videos can be downloaded from the site.


Facebook appears to be a “rebranded” DARPA project called LifeLog has been caught censoring political speech, banning alternative media organizations, and manipulating emotions.,,,,,

Open source social media alternatives.


Twitter “shadow bans” political speech, and at least one key executive has been outed as a British psychological warfare officer.

Mastadon is a decentralized, open source social media platform with option to run your own server.

Comment engine for websites

Disqus has been caught censoring political speech and is in partnership with Google’s Jigsaw to use AI to censor comments.

WordPress Comment Plug-In

Amazon (A Mason?) Kindle & Fire eBook Platforms

Amazon reached into customer’s Kindle eBook readers in 2009 and made copies of 1984 go down the memory hole in what smells like a beta test to digitally burn books in the future. “Kindle” & “Fire”… Get it?

Undeletable Paper Books Please contribute trusted alternatives on our Freedom Apps, Crypto and Blockchain Trello Board for the next edition.

Meet Up

Caught censoring the #Unrig campaign and our own Etienne de la Boetie2 account.

City Socializer

Open source alternative to MeetUp.

Google Drive MS OneDrive

Microsoft and Google are untrustworthy companies. See above.


Open source, decentralized alternative for file back up and synch.

Hardware Solutions – Computing and Mobile Phones

Puri-sm – Librem are the first high-end linux-based laptops and smartphones where the owner is in control and have complete visibility into the operating system, all bundled software, and the deeper levels of the computer with hardwire switches to turn-off the microphone and camera.

Neuron GhostPads – Custom laptops with the Intel Management Engine disabled and open source trusted software.

Encrypted & Uncensorable Communications – Because organized crime “governments” are spying on their populations the same way the Nazis, Russians and East Germany Stasi did (which is another proof of criminality) it is important to shield your communications through encryption. All communications apps running on Apple IOS, Android and Microsoft devices remain vulnerable to the operating systems being compromised and the device being “screen scrapped” before encryption/transmission or after decryption at the receiving end.

Signal Encrypted messaging for android, iOS and Desktop.

Telegram Encrypted messaging for android, IOS, and web. Client apps are open source but there server side is not yet but promised. Ability to run large group chats.

Keybase Secure groups, chats, and file management where every account has a built-in crypto wallet (lumens) and the ability to cross-verify your identity to other accounts and websites that you control.

Maskbook – Browser plug-in that encrypts your posts and chats on Facebook to keep them from Facebook (Beta Product).

Tessercube OpenPGP for mobile devices

Tor Browser – Warning: Developed by Navy & NSA rumored to populate xit nodes.

Completely Untrusted: Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp – Owned by Fedbook


Operating System & Computing Alternatives – Microsoft Windows, Google Android, and Apple IOS are untrusted operating systems. Edward Snowden released NSA slides mocking Apple iPhone users for giving them their data and revealing that the NSA has direct access into Microsoft, Google, Yahoo, YouTube and Apple.

Debian – Free and open-source non-Windows/Apple OS.

Tails – Private Debian-based operating system you can run on your existing Apple/Windows PC that boots up off a flash drive or DVD allowing you to bypass the existing OS.

Censorship-Resistent and (ideally) Distributed File Storage

InterPlanetary File System (IPFS) – Censorship-resistant distributed file system
SyncThing – Open source, decentralized data synchronization

Data Security – Applications That Frustrate Organized Crime “Government’s” Taxation Theft and Spying

Vericrypt – free open source disk encryption software for Windows, Mac OSX and Linux, based on TrueCrypt 7.1a.
Ripley, Prey, and uLocker – Tools that instantly secure and encrypt corporate servers, laptops and tablets when government agents enter a business.


Open Source (some decentralized) Social Media and Video Sharing Platforms – The goal is to have a trusted open source social media and video hosting platforms that ideally pays/revenue shares with creators in crypto with good governance, treasury and is decentralized so that it can’t be taken down by any organized crime governments. If the platform is enforcing DMCA and can censor content ad-hoc then we don’t consider it “decentralized”, but we would accept community standards (no child pornography, snuff films, etc.) enforced by random assignment to a community jury in a transparent process.

Mastadon – Decentralized, open-source micro-blogging engine that you can run on your own server.

Bastyon  (Our Page) – Open source and decentralized social media platform with crypto payments.

ISEGoria – Ben Swann’s upstart media platform that pays creators in crypto currencies (start-up, fund-raising). (Our Page) – Open source (but not decentralized) social media platform. (Our Page) – Open source social media, but not decentralized. (Our Page) – Open source social media. (Our Page) – Censorship resistant blockchain reddit that monetizes content for creators in cryptocurrency.

LBRY – Open source, decentralized content platform. Doesn’t take down but enforces DMCA by flagging takedown requests which their apps then delist.

Completely Untrusted: Twitter (Our Page), Facebook (Our Page), Reddit, – Caught censoring

Too Suspicious to List: GAB (Our Page) and Dissenter – Failed our testing, suspicious founder, too much mainstream press.

Cryptocurrency Exchanges – Non-Know Your Customer (KYC) Crypto Exchanges – “Know Your Customer” is a law passed by the organized crime US government requiring US-based crypto exchanges, banks and brokerages to capture driver’s license and other identifying information so everyone can be tracked, traced, and taxed. Here is a list of crypto exchanges that don’t require KYC: and– On-the-fly crypto exchanges that are alternatives to ShapeShift, which now requires KYC.

Local Bitcoin Cash – A way of buying and selling Bitcoin Cash anonymously where participants can meet in person (or transact over the internet) and buy/sell without KYC requirements now that requires KYC and did away with in-person trades.

Cryptocurrency Mixers and Tumblers – A cryptocurrency tumbler or cryptocurrency mixing is a service offered to mix potentially identifiable cryptocurrency funds with others, with the intention of confusing the trail back to the fund’s original source. Tumblers have arisen to improve the anonymity of cryptocurrencies and typically charge a small fee for the service.

BCH CashShuffle and upcoming CashfusionCashShuffle anonymizes your coins by mixing them. CashFusion allows you to put those coins back together without ruining the privacy. With CashShuffle, your coins are split up into smaller amounts. You can’t put those coins back together or spend them together without ruining the privacy. Cash Fusion fixes that by letting you put your coins back together and keep your privacy.

Anonymous Digital Cash Projects

Unlike Bitcoin whose transactions are visible on a public blockchain, anonymous digital cash refers to crypto-currency projects that use a variety of technologies to obfuscate the origins, amounts and destinations of all transactions while maintaining the decentralized nature that prevents take-downs and the verifiability of transactions that prevents double spending, counterfeiting, and inflation.

Anonymous Cash Projects Overview Info, Audit and/or 3rd Party Review
Monero uses multiple technologies to obfuscate the origins, amounts, and destinations of all transactions. Decentralized.
Dash – Private Sends
Dash is a decentralized crypto-currency with a feature called: PrivateSend that “mixes” Dash coins so external observers can’t see source of coins.
Epic Cash Epic Cash is a mimble wimble-based privacy coin that fragments transactions using the coinjoin method. The coin was born with a clean pedigree (No pre-sales) and can be mined on ASIC, CPU and GPU machines.
ZCash Like Bitcoin, Zcash transaction data is posted to a public blockchain; but unlike Bitcoin, Zcash ensures that personal and transaction data remain confidential. Zero-knowledge proofs allow transactions to be verified without revealing the sender, receiver or transaction amount. Selective disclosure features within Zcash allow a user to share some transaction details, for purposes of compliance or audits.

Cryptocurrency – Software Wallets and Crypto Payment Solutions Focused on Digital Liberty

BTCPay Server – Self-hosted, open-source cryptocurrency payment processor with no fees or third-parties featuring point-of-sale and website integration with WooCommerce, Drupal, Presta and others.

Samourai – Software bitcoin wallet focused on privacy that can mask payment details from blockchain explorers and can synch with your own (optional) Dojo full node server, a hardware device that simplifies running a full BTC node meaning that you aren’t broadcasting transactions over the net. Your connecting to your own personal node.

Wasabi Wallet – Open-source, non-custodial, privacy-focused Bitcoin wallet for Desktop, that implements trustless coin shuffling with mathematically provable anonymity.

Cryptocurrency – Secure Open Source Hardware Wallets, Secure Mining & Nodes

IOU.Guru – Open source cryptocurrency hardware wallet that instantly prints easily sweepable paper wallets that can trade in commerce like physical cash.

Nodl Dojo – The nodl Samourai edition is the result of a partnership between Samourai Wallet and nodl to use the Samourai Wallet privately. After you pair your Samourai Wallet with the embedded Dojo server through tor, your wallet will use your own Dojo server to process transactions.

Coldcard Hardware Wallets – Secure elements, open source, true air-gap operation, Duress PIN, Brick Me PIN, forced delay, distraction wallets, enables completely offline transactions using partially signed bitcoin txs

OpenDime – USB “Credit Stick”/Bearer Bond for Bitcoin

Mule Tools – alternative ways of broadcasting Bitcoin transactions including sms, fax, telex, hf nodes, meshnets, pdf, satellites, and others.

Free Markets, Darknet, Deepweb and Onion Markets

OpenBazaar – free, semi-decentralized and open source free marketplace. – Like eBay with cryptocurrency and no KYC (but can’t be verified seller). – New but capable entrant that accepts dozens of coins.

SwarmCity – Decentralized marketplace for services paid with crypto. (Working Beta).


Darknet/Deepweb/Onion Markets – Darknet markets are accessed through the TOR Browser which bounces requests through multiple serves to obscure IP addresses. It is believed that the intelligence agencies are monitoring exit nodes. Please suggest TOR alternatives through our ProtonMail account or Trello board.

Important: These recommendations for trusted and secure alternatives are a compilation of suggestions from the author and members of the Art of Liberty Foundation community. The author(s) are unable to vouch 100% for the security of even open source projects because we, currently, lack the resources to investigate / verify the code bases, but could if funding developed (Serious Inquires Only). We are crowd-sourced and we have set up a Trello board to track each of these recommendations and allow trusted, vetted members of the community to make suggestions and/or provide feedback.

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