Controlling Perception with Crisis Actors, Created Legends and Mockingbird Media
The organized crime media system controls reality by controlling the information that the population receives. The ability to control perception is most powerful weapon in the US arsenal, and three key components are crisis...
Are You Getting Your News from the CIA? – Fact Checked Meme
Dozens of "Ex" CIA, intelligence agency employees, and federal law enforcement make up the couple of hundred people that get to talk "politics" and current events on the "news".
Monopoly, Duopoly, and Triopoly
Because if organized crime's fractional reserve banks, Blackrock and Vanguard left just one company standing it would be obvious.
Freedom Apps, Blockchain, and Crypto Projects for Digital Liberty
We are kicking off our series of articles from the upcoming 5th edition of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! with the chapter: Freedom Apps, Blockchain and Crypto Projects for Digital Liberty. The article was...
Is Amazon A Mason? – Making the Case that AMAZON is Part of Organized Crime´s Control of Perception Program
Amazon has been caught digitally burning books on their “Kindle” and “Fire platforms, censoring books exposing The Sandy Hook hoax, 9-11 Truth, engineered Islamic mass migration in Europe, and other government criminality,...
Understanding Our Slavery – Rebranded and Expanded!
I am pleased to announce that I have just finished a rebranded and expanded edition of Understanding Our Slavery with a new cover, new subtitle, seven new “One-Pagers” which are “executive summaries” of important topics...
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