We Are Exposing Organized Crime’s Control of the “Government” and Media – Want to Help?
My name is Etienne de la Boetie2, and I am the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation and the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! - How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government,” Media...
Understanding U.S. “Government” False Flag Terrorism for War and Domestic Police State
The organized crime government through the FBI, intelligence agencies, and in partnership with the monopoly media, is constantly menacing the population with both real false flag terrorism where people are killed and property...
The Corbett Report Covers the Art of Liberty’s White Rose MUCHO GRANDE
Art of Liberty Foundation founder Etienne de la Boetie2 and fellow White Rose admin Kenny Palurintano join James Corbett of the Corbett Report to discuss both the White Rose and the Art of Liberty Foundation’s homage to and...
Is Monopoly Media and Algorithmic Censorship Creating A Modern Version of Plato’s Cave?
Here is a GREAT Interview with South African political cartoonist and commentator Jeremy “Jerm Warfare” Nell on his TNT Radio Show. We covered how the inter-generational organized crime system is using monopoly media and the...
Consumer Goods Monopoly Consolidation – The Drug Dealers and the Company Store
This substack has previously covered the monopolization of the media that prevents the public from understanding how the money system and “government” have been hijacked by an inter-generational organized crime system robbing and...
Etienne Was Expanding Reality on Expanding Reality
Etienne joins Brandon Thomas on Expanding Reality to kick around topics ranging drug prohibition and the illogic of banning certain plants when birds are dropping seeds everywhere. Solutions Discussed: Pay with Cash, Buy Local,...
Monopoly, Duopoly and Triopoly – Control of Society Through Monopolization
In the 100+ years since organized crime lobbied and bribed Congress to pass the Federal Reserve creating the ability for the money center banks to provide unlimited capital to favored corporations, we have seen an unprecedented...
The Private Federal Reserve and Theft of Fractional Reserve Banking
In 1913 organized crime banking interests lobbied and bribed Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act, which created the private Federal Reserve (FED) to back-stop and “legalize” the ability of private banks to create money out...
The Big Debate: Voluntaryism vs. Constitutional Republicanism – Etienne vs. Sam Bushman
At FreedomFest in Memphis, TN, I had the opportunity to debate syndicated radio talk show host Sam Bushman on Voluntaryism Vs. Constitutional Republicanism. I am surprised at how infrequently I get to debate this issue, and you...
Art of Liberty Foundation Launches White Rose MUCHO GRANDE @ FreedomFest 2023
The Art of Liberty Foundation is launching a collection of free downloadable posters called the White Rose MUCHO GRANDE at FreedomFest 2023 in Memphis, TN. The posters were inspired by The White Rose, an international group of...