Five Meme Friday

Five Meme Friday, August 28th: Trump Tells Israeli Lobby: “You Are Going to Have the President, OK”

Dear Subscribers,

Just when I thought I was all caught up, one of my best friends in the world “died suddenly” on Thursday night/Friday AM. The answer is unfortunately “yes” but there were other factors so we are waiting on the medical examiners report.  I had just published out our main story of the issue: Canadian scientist Dr. Denis Rancourt’s new study showing 31 million dead from the “vaccines” and Covid protocols.  


We are about to announce our 2nd annual Liberty on the Rocks – Sedona conference on November 1-3.  This year the focus will be on Voluntaryism.  Is the only option on the menu holding your nose and voting for the less evil of two puppet politicians OR should a peaceful and orderly dissolution of the US federal government be an option?  We are going to be the anti-election option this selection season!  Save the date!  If you want to know what Liberty on the Rocks-Sedona is all about then you can get the 2023 conference on both DVD and credit card-sized flash drive at

If you are digging Five Meme Friday, Don’t forget you can buy us a Coffee… Err Juice! at – Support us for as little as $5…  We really, really appreciate it! OR You Can Buy Us a Coffee at  BTW, right now coffee is winning! 

In Liberty,

TextCheck out our monograph: Solving Covid – The Covid 19 Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline at

Solving Covid – The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction at The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction to understand who is behind “The Covid”.

The Art of Liberty Foundation and Etienne de la Boetie2 bring you 5 fresh and dank memes every Friday, delivered right to your inbox. Sometimes our emails go missing. Click here for instructions on how to whitelist us.

Top Story of the Week

Dr. Denis Rancourt: 31 Million Dead from Covid “Vaccines” and the Government’s Covid Policies

Click Above for Our Rumble Version / Click Below for Our Substack Version

jermwarfare with Summary, Commentary & Full Transcript by the Art of Liberty Foundation’s Etienne de la Boetie2

Jerm Warfare Interviews Dr. Denis Rancourt on 31 Million Deaths from Vax & Government Policies During “The Covid”

We usually reserve this Substack for our own research and writing but occassionally an interview or story comes along that is so important that we use our platform to ensure it receives the maximum amount of attention. This is one of those cases. In this interview award-winning South African political cartoonist and talk show host Jeremy “Jerm” Nell interviews world-class academic Dr. Denis Rancourt (h-index 41 & i10 index of 91) on his latest paper, Spatiotemporal variation of excess all-cause mortality in the world (125 countries) during the Covid period 2020-2023 regarding socio economic factors and public-health and medical interventions showing an estimated 31 million dead from the Covid “vaccines” and the government’s Covid policies. This supports our own investigations into”The Covid” as a eugenics operation: See Solving Covid – The Covid 19 Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline at and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reductionv

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Videos of the Week

Greg Reese Video: WHO Declares International Emergency Over Monkey Pox

“Government”, Media and Academia
Criminality Exposed

Flashback: The CIA and the Media: 50 Facts the World Needs to Know

By James F. Tracy

This article  by Professor James Tracy first published in August 2015 is of particular relevance in relation to the “fake news” campaign directed against the alternative and independent media.

In a bitter irony, the media coverup of  the CIA’s covert support to Al Qaeda and the ISIS is instrumented by the CIA which also oversees the mainstream media.

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Trump Pledges to Restore Israel Lobby’s Power Over Congress: “You’re Gonna Have The President, Okay?”

by Chris Menahan

Former President Donald Trump pledged to restore the power of the Israel Lobby over Congress during a “Fighting Antisemitism” event with pro-Israel megadonor Miriam Adelson on Thursday.

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House Concludes Biden “Actively Participated” In Impeachable Offenses – Except It’s Too Late To Impeach Him

By Tyler Durden

The GOP-led House committees who have been investigating the Biden family shook their fist at the sky on Monday, announcing in a 291-page report that the president engaged in impeachable conduct by helping to enrich his family with millions of dollars through various business schemes to trade on the family name – and then defrauded voters by lying to cover it up, Just the News reports.

The House Oversight, Ways and Means and Judiciary Committees said they believe the evidence from their nine-month investigation establishes that Biden abused his office and violated his oaths under the Constitution, according to the 291-page report reviewed by Just the News. 

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“Daily News of The Week

Scientists: Real-Time Self-Assembly Structures Revealed In 2-Year Study Of Pfizer And Moderna Covid-19 Shots

By Patrick Wood

Figure 11. Findings for Pfizer incubation study for 372 days; (a) Day 22, this is what we describe as a beaded chain (at 400X magnification); (b) Day 24, 2- dimensional geometric self-assembly at the bottom (at 200X magnification) in normal saline; (c) Day 60, floating 3-dimensional detailed chip-like structures (at 400X magnification) in distilled water; (d) and (e) day 60, accumulated 3-dimensional chip-like structures within an oval shaped boundary (200X/400X) in distilled water; (f), (g), (h), (i) Floating filaments shedding bubbles inside and outside in normal solution at day 95 (100x/100x/200x/200x); (j), (k), (l), (m) Progressive degenerative changes in distilled water 200X (day 82/day 256/day 306/day 372).

This is a first-of-its-kind, pivotal study on the self-assembly structures occasionally observed by others since 2021. It blows the top off of the “Safe and Effective” narrative, exposing it not just as a lie but also as an intentional deception to hide the real contents of the shots. After all, the shots were billed as containing mRNA, which is considered to be synonymous with gene therapy. Indeed, mRNA was found to be present, but not one word was ever mentioned about artificial, non-biological, self-assembling structures.

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“The Council” – Who is Running the United States of America?

By Gregory Stenstrom

“The Council” and everyone and everything that emanates from them, has controlled the United States for the past fifty years for the purpose of extracting our nation’s wealth. Our constitutional government and the federal workforce’s purpose is to protect our wealth, and the “public good” of the American people. “The Council’s” purpose is to crush and destroy it.

They use the tools of indictments, obstruction, and government agencies they have weaponized to attack their enemies under false color of law. They alone select who will be winners and losers in politics, business, the economy, media, elections, education, and do so with complete amorality.

Exposing them by name, their corruption and means of control, and identifying how to dismantle their illegitimate power is the first step in the restoration of the United States of America as a constitutional republic.

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Rand Paul proselytizing the Gospel of Fauci (GOF) on RFK Jr podcast. Wants to create a bioweapons inspection toll-booth.

By Sasha Latypova

As a thank you to paid subscribers, this post is made available to paid subscribers first. It will become accessible to all subscribers in a week.

A Big Government solution to any problem is to throw more taxpayers’ money to the same people who are responsible for the problem in the first place. Rand Paul yelled at Fauci in Congress so many times that he developed a dangerous variant of the Stockholm syndrome. He now zealously recites the Gain-of-Function-Gospel-of-Fauci (GOF-GOF) – namely, that deadly and very transmissible viruses will be made by rogue scientists in labs. They are going to be as world-ending as nuclear weapons!! Any minute now… Ignore the fact that the same fear mongering narrative line has been used by the Big Gov/Big Academia/DOD since the 1950’s for same purposes with the same rate of technical success. Yes, many injectable, consumable and aerosolized poisons exist. Poisoning as weapon has been around for millennia, but no transmissible pandemic-causing viruses have been made in labs, despite trillions pouring into this activity for a long time. It is an extremely lucrative endeavor for the Pandemic Preparedness Racket and the Cult of Biodefense. We must stop them, says brave Rand! By “stop them”, he means give them more money, and a brand new regulatory agency, ahem, a “convention”. His solution is the Big Government must do more Big Independent Over$$$ight!

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Stomach Acid Is Critical For Health

by A Midwestern Doctor

Story at a Glance

•Many pharmaceuticals on the market are automatically given to large numbers of patients despite the harms of these medications often greatly outweighing their benefits.

•One of the worst offenders are the acid suppressing medications, and their overprescription goes hand in hand with widespread medical blindness to the critical functions of hydrochloric acid throughout the body, the symptoms of low stomach acidity (e.g., many autoimmune disorders), and the actual causes of acid reflux.

•Since the stomach needs to be able to let food in but stay closed while digesting it, its opening (the LES) is pH sensitive and will close when sufficient acid is detected. Because of this, reflux is frequently due to insufficient stomach acid (the production of which declines with age) which causes the remaining acid to leak out into the esophagus. Treating reflux by eliminating all acid causes the LES to stay open, and as a result, hooks patients on the drugs since the moment any acid comes back, it will leak out and cause heartburn.

•A chronic small leak of stomach acid can create many different issues in the ears, nose, and throat (e.g., allergies, coughs, and sinusitis).

•A variety of safe and non-invasive approaches exist to address the wide range of complications from acid reflux and dysfunctional stomach acid production.

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Dr Mike Yeadon Ivermectin Anti-Fertility Bombshell: “Ivermectin Is One Of The Most Violent Fertility Toxins I’ve Ever Come Across”

by Tim Truth

Renowned pharmacologist Dr. Mike Yeadon has dropped a massive Ivermectin bombshell, calling it “one of the most violent fertility toxins” he’s ever seen. His comments were recorded back in June 2024 but were just posted yesterday on the Delingpod Live channel- sending a massive shock wave across the internet.

Check out Mike Yeadon’s full appearance on Delingpod Live for more great points he brings up:

Dr. Mike Yeadon can be found on his official Telegram channel:

Check out Dr. Yeadon’s full appearance on Delingpod Live for more great insights:

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Towards a Worldwide Monkeypox Pandemic? Big Money Behind “Fake Science”

[This following link provides access to the updated version of the Worldwide Monkeypox Pandemic published by Global Research on August 17, 2024.]

“The PCR is a process. It does not tell you that you are sick.”  

Dr. Kary Mullis, (feature image left ) Nobel Laureate and Inventor of the RT-PCR, passed away in August 2019,  a few months prior to the onslaught of the Covid Crisis. See video below. His legacy will prevail. 

“…All or a substantial part of these positives could be due to what’s called false positives tests.”

Dr. Michael Yeadon, distinguished scientist, former Vice President and Chief Science Officer of Pfizer

“This misuse of the RT-PCR technique is applied as a relentless and intentional strategy by some governments to justify excessive measures such as the violation of a large number of constitutional rights, … under the pretext of a pandemic based on a number of positive RT-PCR tests, and not on a real number of patients.”

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Huge Increase in Coral Produces Third Year of Record Highs on the Great Barrier Reef

By Chris Morrison

Massive increases in coral across the Australian Great Barrier Reef (GBR) have been reported for 2023-24 making it the third record year in a row of heavy growth. Across almost all parts of the 1,500 mile long reef, from the warmer northern waters to the cooler conditions in the south, coral is now at its highest level since detailed observations began. The inconvenient news has been ignored in mainstream media which, curiously, have focused on a non-story in Nature that claimed “climate change” poses an “existential threat” to the GBR. “The science tells us that the GBR is in danger – and we should be guided by the science,” Professor Helen McGregor from the University of Wollongong told Victoria Gill of BBC News. The existential threat is “now realised” reported the Guardian.

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Record Sale Worth Almost $600 Million for Archer’s Midnight Air Taxi

By Otilia Drăgan

Future Flight Global (FFG) is the latest operator to agree to purchase an impressive number of Midnight electric air taxis, as well as Archer’s first private aviation partner.

One of the most fascinating things about eVTOLs (electric vertical take-off and landing) is their unmatched operational flexibility. Archer’s Midnight aircraft is one of the best examples in that regard – while the first unit for the US Air Force (USAF) operations was recently delivered as part of the AFWERX Agility Prime contract, Midnight is also gearing up to provide luxurious flights for some of the richest people in the world, under FFG operation.

While Archer’s Agility Prime contract is valued at approximately $142 million, the recent purchase agreement with FFG indicates a whopping value of $580 million for more than 100 units of the Midnight aircraft. This brings Archer’s current order book to an impressive $6 billion.

The eVTOL maker will deliver 116 units to FFG after receiving $5 million in pre-delivery payments. Some of the future clients who will enjoy flying with the Midnight air taxi include luxury hotels, corporations, governments, and private customers with deep pockets. In other words, the same electric aircraft that has proven to be highly useful for USAF logistics will also provide a luxurious flight experience to top-level customers in the commercial sector.

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Fascinating size-comparison maps reveal how big countries and continents REALLY are, with the UK smaller than California… and Africa swamping Australia

By Ted Thornhill, Mailonline Travel

Brits may feel that getting from one end of their country to another is a long-distance haul. 

But their perspective on the matter might change if they use the fascinating size-comparison map tool by, which enables users to place maps of countries and continents directly over other landmasses to discover how big they really are.

Using this tale-of-the-tapes function, it turns out that Britain is a tiddler on the international circuit – slightly smaller than the state of California and dwarfed by the United States as a whole.

The U.S, in turn, looks much diminished when placed over Africa. 

And India, which looms large on the Asian subcontinent, doesn’t look quite so impressive when positioned over mighty Canada.

Scroll down for a geography lesson like no other.

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Fed Confronts Up to a Million US Jobs Vanishing in Revision

by Augusta Saraiva

(Bloomberg) — US job growth in the year through March was likely far less robust than initially estimated, which risks fueling concerns that the Federal Reserve is falling further behind the curve to lower interest rates.  

Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. economists expect the government’s preliminary benchmark revisions on Wednesday to show payrolls growth in the year through March was at least 600,000 weaker than currently estimated — about 50,000 a month.

While JPMorgan Chase & Co. forecasters see a decline of about 360,000, Goldman Sachs indicates it could be as large as a million.

There are a number of caveats in the preliminary figure, but a downward revision to employment of more than 501,000 would be the largest in 15 years and suggest the labor market has been cooling for longer — and perhaps more so — than originally thought. The final numbers are due early next year.

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The Promise of Vertical Farming

By Tomas Pueyo

15% of all habitable land—about the size of Russia1—is used for crops. 

That has been growing consistently over the past few thousands of years.

A huge part of that land2 used to be like this:

And now is this:

But we don’t have much land left that would be good for agriculture. As the human population continues growing this century, will we keep burning more forest to make room for our hunger?

What about fresh water? We’re already short, and tensions are growing to compete for the little water we have. This is a problem, since 2.3 billion people live in water-stressed countries, and 70% of global freshwater is used for agriculture.

What if we could eliminate all these sources of scarcity?

What if we could rewild most of this cropland into forests and other natural habitats where native plants and animals can thrive?

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Radiant Nuclear Pebble Bed Shipping Container Sized Reactor

by Brian Wang

Radiant is developing Kaleidos, a portable 1.2-megawatt gas-cooled microreactor, as a potential replacement for diesel generators. It is a pebble bed high temperature gas reactor.

All the components of the compact design would be packaged in a single shipping container, making rapid deployment to remote locations or for disaster relief locations possible.

The company is currently working with Argonne National Laboratory and Idaho National Laboratory through a GAIN voucher to develop computational analysis tools to advance the reactor’s design.

Kaleidos is one of three microreactor designs that could potentially test in the Department’s NRIC DOME — the world’s first microreactor test bed.

Testing could start as early as 2026 and commercialization is targeted for 2028.

In 2023, Radiant Industries, raised $40 million in a Series B funding round led by Andreessen Horowitz, bringing its total capital raised to $54 million with an additional $2.3M in government awards. Founders Fund, Decisive Point, McKinley Alaska, Draper Associates, Cantos, and BoostVC also participated in the round. They will firm up siting the factory and the first five reactors, developing microgrid controls and electricity generating turbomachinery, de-risk fuel sourcing, and shorten the timeline between fueled test and production scale up. Radiant is targeting commercial unit production in 2028.

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All the Devils from 2008 Are Back at the Megabanks: Leverage, Off-Balance-Sheet Debt, Over $192 Trillion in Derivatives, Shaky Capital Levels

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens

As indicated on the above graph, as of December 31, 2023, Goldman Sachs Bank USA, JPMorgan Chase Bank N.A., Citigroup’s Citibank and Bank of America held a staggering total of $168.26 trillion in derivatives out of a total of $192.46 trillion at all federally-insured U.S. banks, savings associations and trust companies. That’s just four banks holding 87 percent of all derivatives at all 4,587 federally-insured financial institutions in the U.S. that existed as of December 31, 2023.

You might be asking yourself the very valid question as to why the Dodd-Frank financial reform legislation of 2010, that followed the Wall Street financial quake of 2008, didn’t correct the derivatives gambling that played a central role in crashing the U.S. financial system. For why the threat of derivatives never actually went away, see our report: Meet the Two Congressmen Who Facilitated Today’s Derivatives Nightmare at Wall Street’s Mega Banks.

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How to Exit the Matrix: UK’s Own Laws Make It Illegal to Pay Taxes Since UK “Government” is Funding Genocide

By Robert Smith Phd

We all know “governments” all around the world are murdering millions of innocent people in pointless wars and now with biological and chemical weapons.

What you may not know is that under international and domestic law they are actually committing multiple crimes.


Crimes against humanity

War crimes





Luckily some great people in the UK, much cleverer than me, have found a way to lawfully withhold all taxes from the government until they can prove they are not guilty of these crimes. In fact paying your tax is no longer lawful because you are funding a murderous criminal cartel.

The brilliant Chris Coverdale has even written all the paperwork for us you can find on his website here more details below.

It is a criminal offence in this country to pay tax if any of it is used to fund war crimes, crimes against humanity & genocide, as outlined in the 1945 UN Charter, the Terrorism Act 2000 & The Nuremberg Code. 

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Britain’s Kursk Invasion Backfires?

by Kit Klarenberg

All my investigations are free to access, thanks to the generosity of my readers. Independent journalism nonetheless requires investment, so if you took value from this article or any others, please consider sharing, or even becoming a paid subscriber. Your support is always gratefully received, and will never be forgotten. To buy me a coffee or two, please click this link.

British Challenger 2 tanks reached Ukraine with enormous fanfare, ahead of Kiev’s long-delayed, ultimately catastrophic 2023 “counteroffensive”. On top of encouraging other proxy war sponsors to provide Ukraine with armoured fighting vehicles, Western audiences were widely told the tank – hitherto marketed to international buyers as “indestructible” – made Kiev’s ultimate victory a fait accompli. As it was, Challenger 2 tanks deployed to Robotnye in September were almost instantly incinerated by Russian fire, then very quietly withdrawn from combat altogether.

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DNC Officially Endorses Radical Plan to Offer Citizenship to Illegal Aliens

by Frank Bergman

The Democratic National Committee (DNC) has revealed that it is backing radical plans to offer citizenship to illegal aliens.

The DNC’s 2024 platform endorses a bill that would create a “pathway” for illegal aliens to become “lawful” voters.

Democrats will push for illegals to become “lawful prospective immigrants” who would be issued IDs and Social Security numbers.

The move will ensure that foreign nationals who illegally cross the border will be able to vote in America’s elections and join the U.S. military.

The Democratic Party’s 2024 platform declares support for the U.S. Citizenship Act

The bill would empower the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) secretary to “adjust the status of a lawful prospective immigrant to that of a lawful permanent resident.”

To qualify, a foreign national must live as an illegal alien in the country for five years, without absences longer than 180 days.

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Trump Pledges to Restore Israel Lobby’s Power Over Congress: “You’re Gonna Have The President, Okay?”

by Chris Menahan

Former President Donald Trump pledged to restore the power of the Israel Lobby over Congress during a “Fighting Antisemitism” event with pro-Israel megadonor Miriam Adelson on Thursday.

Trump said that “years ago” if you said “anything bad about Israel or Jewish people you were finished as a politician.”

“The most powerful lobby in this country by far was Israel and Jewish people,” Trump noted. “Today, it’s almost like what happened? What happened? What happened to [Sen. Chuck] Schumer? What happened to all these people? Schumer is like a Palestinian!”

“The power, Miriam, of this lobby this powerful– and it was for the good, not for bad,” Trump said.

“Fifteen years ago it was the absolute most powerful — you couldn’t have an ‘AOC plus three’ — they wouldn’t have a chance of being elected anywhere and today you have AOC and some of these people and they’re uh, pretty violent, pretty violent and they hate Israel and they hate Jewish people.”

Trump then told the Jewish group not to worry because he will be their man in the White House.

“You’re going to end up winning because you’re going to have the president, okay?” Trump said. “So you’re going to end up winning.”

Here’s some other highlights:

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23 raisons solides de soupçonner que la «tentative d’assassinat» de Trump a été simulée et pourquoi le «gouvernement» du crime organisé mettrait en scène un faux assassinat de sa marionnette

Etienne Note: In addition to the English version now being read over 25,000+ times, Reseau International has translated our article 23 Solid Reasons to Suspect Trump’s “Assassination Attempt” was Faked and WHY the Organized Crime “Government” Would Stage a Fake Assassination on their Puppet into French.  Please pass it along to your French-speaking friends!

par Etienne de la Boetie 2

Avant d’aborder quelques 23 des dizaines de solides raisons de soupçonner que la «tentative d’assassinat» de Trump a été mise en scène, j’ai pensé expliquer POURQUOI le système de crime organisé qui dirige le «gouvernement» sur la population simulerait une tentative d’assassinat sur l’acteur marionnette qui joue le «président».

Trump aurait été abattu le 13 juillet. 13/7 137 est le 33ème nombre premier.

1. Le «gouvernement» dépend largement d’un nombre suffisant de personnes soutenant le système, de sorte que les propagandistes doivent inciter la population à s’investir dans un leader

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Every Leading Large Language Model Leans Left Politically

By Ross Pomeroy

Large language models (LLMs) are increasingly integrating into everyday life – as chatbots, digital assistants, and internet search guides, for example. These artificial intelligence (AI) systems – which consume large amounts of text data to learn associations – can create all sorts of written material when prompted and can ably converse with users. LLMs’ growing power and omnipresence mean that they exert increasing influence on society and culture.

So it’s of great import that these artificial intelligence systems remain neutral when it comes to complicated political issues. Unfortunately, according to a new analysis recently published to PLoS ONE, this doesn’t seem to be the case.

AI researcher David Rozado of Otago Polytechnic and Heterodox Academy administered 11 different political orientation tests to 24 of the leading LLMs, including OpenAI’s GPT 3.5, GPT-4, Google’s Gemini, Anthropic’s Claude, and Twitter’s Grok. He found that they invariably lean slightly left politically.

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Where Cyber and Biological Worlds Meet: How to Create the Ultimate Financial Control System

By David A. Hughes

The so-called “Covid-19 pandemic” provided cover for initiating what Titus (2021) labels the “Going Direct Reset,” i.e. abolishing the split-circuit system that keeps central bank reserves and retail money separate (as is necessary for a democratic system of “no taxation without representation”) and instead establishing a direct connection between central banks and individuals’ private accounts. 

Central Bank Digital Currencies (CBDC) are a key element of the “Going Direct Reset.” As the head of the Bank for International Settlements, Augustín Carstens, candidly revealed in November 2020, CBDCs mean that “the central bank will have absolute control on the rules and regulations that will determine the use of that expression of central bank liability, and also we will have the technology to enforce that” (Solari, n.d.). In other words, money will no longer exist as a free medium of exchange; instead, there will be a totalitarian control system in which the central bank determines how, when, where, and if one’s tokens can be spent. “Undesirable” attitudes and behaviors will presumably be met with limitations on individuals’ financial transaction freedom (cf. Fitts & Betts, 2023b).

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You Don’t Own What You Think You Own (David Webb’s The Great Taking)

By Bette Grande and Don Grande

Note: An abridged version of this column was posted on RedState on Jan. 12, 2024.

“The board is set; the pieces are moving. We come to it at last.” My husband and I re-watched Lord of the Rings over the holidays and that line stuck with me. The board has been set without us knowing, and when the pieces move, we will lose. A 2016 World Economic Forum video included a young women’s view that in 2030 you will own nothing and be happy. In many ways, 2030 is already here; the board is set.

If you call your stockbroker and put in an order to buy 100 shares of Apple, or any company, you probably think that you own 100 shares in that company. You don’t. In the old days when you bought a stock or bond, you received a paper certificate of ownership: you owned the shares on the certificate, no middleman. But paper certificates are so yesterday.

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RFK Jr.’s campaign considers dropping out of race to ‘join forces’ with Trump, says running mate

by Candace Hathaway

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s (I) running mate, Nicole Shanahan, recently stated that their 2024 presidential campaign is weighing two options, one of which includes “join[ing] forces” with former president and Republican nominee Donald Trump.

During an interview on the “Impact Theory” podcast with Tom Bilyeu that was published Tuesday, Shanahan said the campaign is also considering remaining in the race to earn more than 5% of the popular vote to “establish ourselves” as a third-party alternative.

Shanahan stated, “There’s two options that we’re looking at and one is staying in, forming that new party, but we run the risk of a Kamala Harris and Walz presidency because we draw votes from Trump or we draw somehow more votes from Trump.”

“Or, we walk away right now and join forces with Donald Trump,” she continued. “We walk away from that, and we explain to our base why we’re making this decision.”

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Similarities between “spike protein” and synthetic anthrax toxin.

by Sasha Latypova

PREP Act declarations should be read as announcements of use of certain types of chemical-biological weapons of mass destruction. As my readers know, covid PREP Act declaration is currently active until Dec 31, 2024, but it will be for sure extended thereafter. Marburg and Ebola declarations are active until at least Dec 31, 2028.

There are several non-covid PREP Act declarations currently acive: These declarations are for influenza, zika, insecticides/nerve agents, anthrax and botulism toxin. They were updated/re-issued on Dec 23, 2022, however for all of these agents, the original declarations had been issued many years ago, starting around 2008.

Both, manufacturers and users would have liability immunity.

Users of the first countermeasures being the DoD agents who did/do the dispersing of the aerosol, water-borne, food-borne poisons.

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Google Censorship Hits Comical Levels

by Chris Menahan

Google is now censoring searches for Information Liberation using the “site:” operator and forcing people to wade through page after page of regime propaganda to get a single result.

Over the past year, I’ve noticed that many of my articles stopped showing up at all when I searched Google for them directly using the “site:” operator. They’ve been phasing in this new form of censorship for a while now but I’ve never seen it this bad.

Google phases in all the changes they make over time and Google searches are not always the same for everyone — so you might not see it (yet) when you do the exact same search — but it has been replicated.

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The FDA’s War Against Sleep

by A Midwestern Doctor

Story at a Glance:

The Power of Sleep: Proper sleep is essential for our health, and disruptions can lead to severe issues like heart attacks, psychiatric illnesses, car accidents, fatigue, diabetes, cognitive impairment, and dementia.

A Widespread Epidemic: Poor sleep affects many due to a lack of understanding about its importance and the use of sedative sleeping pills that hinder healthy sleep. For instance, medical training often deprives students of sleep, despite its critical role in learning.

The Forgotten Miracle Drug: In 1964, a remarkably effective sleeping medication hit the market, improving conditions like insomnia and overall health. However, its success threatened other drug markets. By 1990, the FDA and media launched a campaign against it, much like the case with ivermectin, resulting in the drug becoming almost unknown and many sleep disorders remaining untreated.

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New Oxford study shows ONLY the kids who took the COVID shots had heart problems and died

Etienne Note: Check out our monograph: Solving Covid – The Covid 19 Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline at and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction at to understand who is behind “The Covid”

by Steve Kirsch

A major study at Oxford University which tracked equal numbers of vaccinated and unvaccinated kids shows that only the vaccinated kids are dying unexpectedly and experiencing myocarditis and pericarditis.

Expect health authorities to ignore this because otherwise it would make them look bad.

A new large-scale study from renowned scientists at the prestigious University of Oxford has just confirmed that myocarditis and pericarditis only appear in children and adolescents after Covid vaccination and not after infection from the virus.

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Upcoming Liberty Events

AnarCon Outdoor Liberty Festival – August, 2024, Gore, Virginia

Music & Sky 2023 – August 2024, Cuyama Valley, California

Omniwar Symposium – Saturday, Sept 21st 9:00AM – 2PM

The People’s Reset: UK – Sept 27-29th – Bath, UK

VONUFEST5 – Sept 30-Oct 7 – Vandalia, IL

Mises Supporters Summit 2024 – October 10-13, 2024, Hilton Head, South Carolina

Mid-Continent Liberty Festival (MIDFEST) – October, 2024, Spavinaw, Oklahoma

Liberty on the Rocks – Sedona (The Voluntaryist Conference) – November 1-3, Sedona

– SAVE THE DATE!!  We are going to be back in Sedona for Year 2..  Just in time for the selection!  

– Do we really need a fake “Hobson’s Choice” between two crooked puppet politicians OR is the solution a peaceful and orderly dissolution of the US federal “government”? 

Liberty in Our Lifetime – November 1-3, 2024. Empire Hall, Prague, Czech Republic

Memes Bonanza

Truth Music of the Week

Funny Friday Music Video: Reason’s Remy: Dirt (Florida Georgia Line Parody)
Remy Hilariously Destroys “Government” Regulation That Drives Up the Cost of Housing

Free State Project (New Hampshire) Corner

The Free State Project – How Libertarians can attain political power

See our overview of the Free State Project Here:

The Art of Liberty Foundation – Important News

New Hampshire’s Free State Project – How Freeing a Single State from “Government” Could Free Us All

By Etienne de la Boetie2, Founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation and author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed…

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2 years ago · 16 likes · 3 comments · Etienne de la Boetie2

While Reason is asking all kinds of loser Statist questions about Trump and the Libertarian Party at least half the Free State Project are voluntaryists and don’t believe in the legitimacy, necessity or desirability of having a “government” at all.  We believe the best way to accelerate the goals of the Free State Project is to widely expose the illegitimacy and criminality of “government” in New Hampshire.  We think it is $1-2 million to do a drop of books, liberators, and documentary that would hit 300,000 of New Hampshire’s 800,000 voters.  See the details at

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The Liberator

The Liberator– Our archive of “government” and media criminality

Important Note: New additions are added to the authoritative Liberator Dropboxes regularly but will not appear in the physical credit card-sized flash drive until we launch the next version.  Anyone can download the current contents of the Liberator FOR FREE including all the primary sources and evidence from our investigation into “The Covid”.

Liberator #1 – Companion media to “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History. Exposed!

Liberator #2 – Evidence of False Flag terror for police state and hoax shootings for gun control:

Liberator #3 – Evidence that “The Covid” has been a scam and the vaccines are killing people:

Liberator #4 – Voluntaryism and more evidence of “Government” corruption:

Liberator #5 – Prepping and Self-Sufficiency – Hundreds of resources:

How to Support the Art of Liberty Foundation

1. Become an Art of Liberty Foundation Sponsor at – The best way to support us is to become a sponsor of the foundation.  We have some great perks to say Thank You! including copies of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!Liberator Flash Drives, Signed Hard Copies, calls with Etienne, and even the ability to have an Art of Liberty Foundation event with tier one Liberty speakers in your City or Town for your friends, family and neighbors!

2. Go Paid on Substack! – We simply couldn’t do what we do without the support of our sponsors and paid subscribers on Substack!  If you are enjoying the Daily NewsImportant News, or Five Meme Friday on Substack we hope you will consider “Going Paid” on Substack.  All it takes is a click and we have some great premiums to say: Thank You! 

3. Buy Us a Coffee… Err Juice! at – Support us for as little as $5…  We really, really appreciate it! OR Buy Us a Coffee at  BTW, right now coffee is winning! 

4. Get a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and Earn Profit from Distributing Copies of “Government” in Your Town / City – Do you (or a friend) have a retail location?  Open up a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and share in the profits.  We have everything you need to attractively merchandise “Government” and Liberators in a small footprint. Details here:

5. Buy Books and Merchandise at – Our store has become one of the biggest distributors of Voluntaryist and peaceful anarchist titles.  Especially popular is our “Everything Bundle” – The Sampler of Liberty! 

The Everything Bundle – The Sampler of Liberty!
Give me Liberty… and give me more! The Everything Bundle includes the latest version of our flagship book on government, along with a collection of potentially life-altering introductions to anarchy, agorism and voluntaryism.

The Art of Liberty Foundation Logo

Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to forward this email to friends and colleagues.

Etienne de la Boetie2
Executive Director,
The Art of Liberty Foundation
Author of: “Government” The Biggest Scam in History … Exposed!!                          

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Five Meme Friday
Five Meme Friday – July 15th
Five Meme Friday
Five Meme Friday – July 27th, 2023: Biden Crimes Coming Out in the House!
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5 Meme Friday – “Vaccine” Deaths Hit Mainstream – Ed Dowd on Tucker Carlson
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