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What Can Government Employees (Local, State, & Federal) Do to Stop The “Deep State”

Specific tips for teachers, cops, judges, military, politicians and more!

I firmly believe there are many good people in local, state and even federal government who got into government service with the best of intentions. With the federal “government” and many State governments now openly tyrannical and anti-freedom, what can the good people trapped in a bad system do to limit the harm they are causing in the world? I recently joined the Feds for Freedom podcast “The Feds” to kick around how inter-generational organized crime runs the “government,” media and academia and then wrote out some specific tips to help the “government” employees in your life to help mitigate the damage that the “government” is causing their friends and neighbors.

Art of Liberty Foundation founder Etienne de la Boetie2 on the Feds for Freedom Podcast: The Feds with host Stephanie Weidle.

Feds for Freedom is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization made up of thousands of federal “government” employees and contractors who got themselves organized to resist the federal government’s vaccine mandate and now are exposing other “government” criminality. The group was founded by an active-duty CIA operations officer, a State Department political officer and a DHS/CBP officer with the courage to resist.

Here are some of my top tips for good people who got tricked into working for the organized crime “government” and what they can do to mitigate the harm the “government” is causing their friends, neighbors, community, and world.


“It is hard to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on his not understanding it” – Upton Sinclair.

For many, especially those who work for the “government”, police or serve/served in the military, what you are going to learn in this article is going to be painful. If you read with an open mind and you are able to take a step back and analyze what you were told as a child about the legitimacy, desirability, necessity and morality of “Government” you are going to discover that you were tricked… By mandatory schools, scouting and a multi-trillion dollar control-of-perception program of monopoly media and algorithmic censorship on the DARPA Internet… Just like this author was for decades… into supporting a system based on lies, propaganda, indoctrination, extortion and violence. The reward comes in knowing the truth because the truth shall, quite literally, set you free.

To admit that one was wrong is to declare that you are wiser now than you were before.

“There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see” – Leonardo Da Vinci

  1. Understand the Reality of Your Situation: You Are Working for Organized Crime, The “Government” is Illegitimate, and Is Robbing Your Friends, Family and Neighbors. – My sincerest apologies for having to be the ones to explain this, but you have been tricked into supporting a system set up by inter-generational organized crime to rob you, your family, friends, and neighbors. “Government” isn’t something that was set up to help or protect society. “Government” is a technique… a system used for thousands of years to rob and control society. The root words from Latin are: Gubernare = “To Control” & Mente = “The Mind” = Mind Control

    Organized crime’s mind control program starts with controlling the information you have received since birth through control of education and a weaponized monopoly media and propaganda system. The government’s mandatory “public schools” and accredited private/ parochial schools use an unethically manipulative Prussian educational system developed in 19th century Prussia (now Germany) to indoctrinate a pseudo-religion, Statism, and obedience to an organized crime system called itself “monarchy.”

    When the scam of monarchy / ”divine right of kings” was exposed, organized crime developed “democracy” to trick the people into thinking they were in charge but easily controlling the outcome of elections through control of the media, disparity of campaign funds, blackmail, bribery, assassination, and other means.

    Democracy itself is an illegitimate concept because nothing, not even if the majority believe it to be so, can make something inherently immoral (theft, extortion, caging non-violent individuals for victimless crimes, etc.) “moral” just because the majority of people decide to vote for something in a political ritual. Just because the mob wants to lynch black folks or rob Peter to pay Paul doesn’t make those obvious crimes moral because the perpetrators outnumber their victims.

    The “Gubernare Mente” program raised you to believe that it is OK for you to use violence, extortion and taxation (theft) on overwhelmingly peaceful people because some people are tricked into voting for “government.”

    You have been conned, duped and “chumped” into participating in an obviously immoral system and robbing your friends and neighbors.

    The documentary Theatres of War exposes how the Pentagon and the intelligence agencies have been weaving propaganda into THOUSANDS of movies and television shows.

    1. Understand the Organized Crime System is Controlling the Information You Have Been Receiving Through Mandatory Schools, Scouting, Monopolized Media and Algorithmic Censorship of the DARPA Internet – The banksters running the organized crime “government” have used fractional reserve banking to buy up and monopolize the media into a small handful of companies running hundreds of subsidiaries to control the information you have been receiving about the legitimacy of “government.” This organized crime system has been running dozens of unethically manipulative “cult-indoctrination” techniques on you from mandatory “government” schools, to cub scouts/boy scouts/Explorers/Young Marines/JROTC/ROTC to subliminal programming to the Pentagon and intelligence agencies controlling the content of THOUSANDS of movies and television programs to trick the population into going along with the system and paying your taxes.

    2. Understand That You Are Living off Money Extorted from Your Friends, Family and Neighbors at the Point of a Gun, and While They Are Being Forced to Pay Taxes, You Are NOT Paying Taxes – That, unfortunately, is the “tough love” stone-cold truth of your situation. Taxes are what is extorted from the population to pay your salary. You don’t “pay taxes,” you just receive less taxes. You are not a tax-payer… You are a tax-receiver.
    3. Accept my sincerest apologies, and then quit working for organized crime! -I am truly, truly sorry to have to be the one to break this news to you: especially since I have good friends and family who work in the schools, federal/local government, police, military or are veterans. If you shaved your head andwear/ wore a uniform, if you killed because someone told you to, if you locked up peaceful people for victimless crimes, if you inconvenienced travelers and violated their dignity and privacy, if you propagandized and distracted the population from Hollywood, New York, Washington DC, Atlanta, or Langley… it’s OK! You are forgiven! We are up against an inter-generational, multi-trillion-dollar propaganda, indoctrination, and control system. I went to government schools and was a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout. It took me a while to overcome the programming. I know it is harder to admit the truth if you are drawing a paycheck, but it’s time to quit pretending you don’t know the government isn’t evil, murdering people globally, robbing the population, completely illegitimate on its face and funded by money stolen from others at the point of a gun. If you are in the system and just can’t leave…yet… then throw sand in the gears every chance you get: Leak the State’s documents, expose the State’s crimes, sabotagethe State’s ability to track, trace and control peaceful people, and teach the kids in your charge the truth about the system.

    What Can You Do If You Are a Teacher, Judge, Police Officer, or Military?

    Teachers & School Administrators

    Understand the Hidden Curriculum of Mandatory Government Schools: If you still believe you need to work in organized crime’s indoctrination centers then understand the hidden curriculum and help the kids in your charge to understand and question the immorality and illogic of Statism, explain and push back on the obedience techniques being used against them, and help them dodge the debilitation of the vaccines, masks, garbage food, and fluoride in the water fountain.

    1. Statism– the indoctrinated belief in the necessity, desirability and legitimacy of government. I.E. How to be a tax slave and submit to organized crime’s control system. Understand that this belief system is being slipped to your students as an unethically manipulative pseudo-religion: The “holy documents” of the Con-stitution and completely ignored “Bill of Rights”, The “common prayer” of the pledge of allegiance and the hymns of national anthem and Star Spangled Banner, the middle school field trip to “Mecca” (Washington, DC) where the kids are taken to the cathedral of the Capital (which looks like the Vatican for a reason) and to the “temples” of Lincon and Jefferson to see the “deities” where the atmosphere is hushed and reverant, You’re an “American”.. It’s been decided for you!

    2. Obedience to authority/government – Subtle unethically manipulative techniques used in the mandatory schools include conditioning kids to governmental “authority” from a young age: can’t leave their seat without gov’t permission, red, yellow, green troublemaker boards(public shaming), warrantless searches, see-through backpacks, metal detectors, corporal punishment, collective punishment, Pavlovian drill bells, Police officers in schools, scouting and jROTC Uni-forms, repetition, D.A.R.E. program, and the hidden religion of Statism.

    3. Debilitation – Purposely crappy and morality-free education, No focus on the Trivium: Logic, Grammar and Rhetoric. Mandatory mercury and aluminum-laced vaccines, frequently toxic corporate processed foods made with refined grains, refined sugars, Glyphosate and glutamates, rBGH in dairy, and Fluoridated water linked to lower IQ in 50+ studies in the water fountain.

    Reveal to Your Students What the School System Is Hiding:

    Libertarianism/Voluntaryism – Not everyone believes in “Government/Gubernare Mente” (Organized Crime) and you don’t really owe “Government” or anyone else any money or allegiance because of where you were born. “Government” schools are echo chamber church schools where everyone who has wised up to the scam has been quietly moving their kids to private schools, parochial schools or home-schooling them leaving only the “true believers”.

    More and More Parents Are Pulling Their Kids from the Government School System

    Government Criminality – Whether or not you believe in having a government, the government’s mandatory school system and rip-off universities have been hiding/minimizing government’s obvious lies and crimes: From the fraud and inflationary theft of fractional reserve banking to foreign wars based on lies and manufactured intelligence to the CIA’s murderous history of Phoenix Program death squads and drug dealing to trillions transferred to private banks and media companies through the TARP/TALF and “Bailouts” to the actuarial impossibility of social security. Be honest with your students about the criminality of the “government.”

    Begin Organizing for Privatization: Have an open discussion on the need to ultimately privatize operations. Because there can be no legitimate government there can be no government-funded schools. Teachers and administrators need to begin thinking about how they will privatize school operations and compete for students in a competitive free market. An obvious model would be a transitional year where each individual school knows it will need to plan for and attract paying students, donations from alumni, and a new business model with teachers getting the freedom to set their own curriculum, rates, co-teaching partnerships, and administrators having to compete for both teachers and students.

    Police Officers, DEA, FBI and Other Law Enforcement

    Police Officers – There is simply no way to sugarcoat this. If you are agreeing to use violence against peaceful people to enforce victimless crimes or raise revenue on your neighbors and community, you are the criminal. The uniform and the badge proclaim to the world that you don’t understand the basics of morality and are willing to hurt people and extort them for a paycheck. Here are some options:

    1. Quit and find honorable work.
    2. Immediately stop the enforcement of victimless crimes especially lockdowns that allow the organized crime “government” to wage economic warfare on independent businesses.

    3. Go THICKREDLINE and organize your department to say NO! collectively to the enforcement of victimless crimes, lockdowns, mask mandates, red flag laws, and other tyranny. THICKREDLINE is an Art of Liberty Foundation project that we have on the back burner that encourages Sheriffs, Police Chiefs, deputies, and officers to collectively refuse to enforce victimless crimes. This would restore honor to the profession and the deputies and officers themselves.

    1. Support organizations like Law Enforcement Action Partnership that organize and educate police, judges and prosecutors on the illegitimacy, counter-productivness and criminality of victimless crimes.
    2. Begin Positioning Your Sheriff’s Office or Police Department for Privatization1.      Reduce headcount to only what you need protect life, liberty and property.  You can completely eliminate officers assigned to narcotics, vice, school resource officers, and D.A.R.E programs.2.      Reduce ridiculous expenditures such as armored vehicles, drones, sting-ray cell phone towers, SWAT Teams and license plate readers. 3.      Refocus the department on preventing real crimes: Murder, Burglaries, Rapes, and Robberies4.      Become a scholar on police privatization and the existing alternatives from private protection companies like Detroit Threat Management to private communities who are providing their own police services.5.      Plan for a transition year where tax revenue collected under the threat of force will be replaced with voluntary payments from merchants and private residences.  Expect and embrace competition with Brinks, ADT, Westec and other private security companies.6.      Create partnerships with alarm system providers, insurance investigators, and other self-interested businesses. 7.      Renounce qualified immunity.  Your officers don’t get a pass on morality or facing the consequences of their actions.8.      Think and focus like an entrepreneur on delivering a quality service (crime prevention and restitution vs. retribution) where your officers are focused on protecting the customer vs. raising revenue off the population.

    Mark Passio Explains the Immorality of Agreeing to Set Your Morality Aside and Serve as an “Order Follower” in the Police and/or Military


    Similar to police officers, if you participate in incarceration or punitive fines for victimless crimes, YOU are the criminal. You are living off money stolen from others at the point of a gun even if you were “elected” by participants tricked into participating in an immoral and illegitimate system. You need to begin participating and organizing your fellow judges on how you will privatize and provide dispute resolution as a service vs. as a monopoly provider kept in business by extortion at the point of a gun.

    Politicians & Elected Officials

    Be a “Privatician” vs. a Politician – Privaticians are moral and intellectually honest individuals with the courage to admit that “government” is illegitimate, undesirable and unnecessary BUT are willing to serve their communities as honest stewards and community servants by privatizing everything that can be privatized and focusing on protecting life, liberty and property vs. voting for redistribution.


    Tough love for the military: You are not protecting the United States. You are participating in foreign wars and proxy wars being waged by an inter-generational organized crime system tricking you with false flag attacks (9-11) and wars based on lies and manufactured intelligence.

    1. Understand the unethically manipulative techniques that were used on you to trick you into setting your morality aside and agreeing to kill whomever you are told. Here are just a few of the techniques from my article: 15 Classic, “Textbook” Cult-Indoctrination Techniques the Organized Crime “Government” Uses on its Tax Slaves

    a. Government-affiliated scouting programs indoctrinate kids into the pseudo-religion of Statism with flag worship, allegiance oaths, indoctrinated respect/legitimacy and awards (Cub Scout Adventure Loops and Boy Scout Merit Badges) for learning and regurgitating the doctrine of the religion. Kids are groomed for military and police service through indoctrination into the Uni-Form (The Single Form), which is an artificially engineered group conformity with social pressure placed on kids to participate. When they reach the Boy Scout Explorer program, they will be segmented away from the population to police stations and military bases where they will be further conditioned with some militarized, their heads shaved to create a further artificial group conformity, given guns and taught how to kill for the State.

    Young Marines carrying Flag

    Some high schools in the United States are openly run by the military, including the Marines, who, at one time, ran eight high schools in Chicago alone and the Young Marines, a feeder program that recruits kids as young as eight years old and runs posts and programs for kids around the country.

    b. Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp (JROTC) – The government’s mandatory school system offers trips, monetary incentives, uni-forms, and other rewards to children to begin indoctrinating love of the uni-form and obedience to hierarchical command and control.

    c. Military “Basic Training” – The military is segmented away from the general population and is moved onto military bases where their communications with the outside world are curtailed. During “basic training,” they are forced to undergo a variety of unethically manipulative techniques, including verbal and physical abuse, and the artificial conformity of the uni-form (single form) and shaved heads. The Marines take the doors off the stalls in the bathroom so recruits can’t have even a moment of privacy to reflect on what is being done to them or the fact they are committing to murder whomever they are told by the church leadership of the artificially indoctrinated religion.

    d. Information to the Military, Intelligence Agencies, and Federal/State Law Enforcement Being Hierarchically Controlled.

    1. Techniques include:
      1. Top Secret Networks Where Communication is Tightly Monitored. – NIPRnet and SIPRnet as examples.
      2. Armed Forces Television and Armed Forces Radio – Control of what the troops see and listen to reinforce the narrative.
      3. Controlled News Feeds in Situation Rooms = CNN and Fox and Bloomberg and other cartel media companies reinforce the official story of events like 9-11, the Waco Massacre, the Oklahoma City Bombing, the Boston Marathon Bombing and other false flags and propaganda crimes.
      4. Department of Homeland Security “Fusion Centers” are Embedded on Top of State Police and Big City Police Departments to control information to those departments and semi-federalize the departments.
      5. Top Secret Classification makes it impossible to question certain orders and narratives being passed down the chain of command and disseminated to the troops or civilians through InfraGuard.

    e. The Artificially Indoctrinated Holy Symbol of the American Flag is Manipulatively Woven Into the Burial Ceremony of the Deceased – A trick to get the participants to associate the memory of their beloved deceased with the flag even though it is the policies of the ”church leadership” that is frequently responsible for their deaths.

    IMPORTANT NOTE: Click here for over a dozen more unethically manipulative cult-indoctrination techniques the organized crime “government” has been secretly running on the population from our article: 15 Classic, “Textbook” Cult-Indoctrination Techniques the Organized Crime “Government” Uses on its Tax Slaves

    If You Are Stuck in the Military… What to Do About It?

    1. Don’t kill anyone that isn’t actually attacking someone in the United States. Murder is still murder regardless of what they told you or the costume you wear.
    2. Watch the documentary Sir, No Sir! to understand how GI’s in the Vietnam era got organized and stopped that war and then get your buddys organized to say: NO! to murder for hire.
    3. Realize you aren’t bound by the oath you took due to a well-recognized legal principle call Fraudulent Inducement (Or Fraud in the Inducement) – Becasue the organized crime “government” lied to you, ran unethically manipulative indoctrination and propaganda on you, and because “government” is illegitimate and immoral on its face, you are not bound by the oath you took because there was “fraud in the inducement”
    4. Don’t get mad at the messenger… Get angry with the organized system that “ran game on you” and tricked you into shaving your head and the uni-form!

    About the Author

    Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and the editor of the Art of Liberty Daily News on Substack and Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media.

    He is the author of The Covid-19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction and Solving Covid – The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline

    About the Art of Liberty Foundation

    A start-up public policy organization: Voluntaryist crime fighters exposing inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “government,” media and academia. The foundation is the publisher of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!– How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government,” Media and Academia.

    We publish The Daily Newsa free survey of the best of the alternative media, censored videos, and documentaries, and the Daily News Digest, a once-per-day-summary of the Daily News as a premium service for paid subscribers of any Art of Liberty Foundation Substack and Five Meme Friday – a free weekly e-mail or Telegram summary of the best of the alternative media, censored truth videos, and at least five hot, fresh, dank liberty memes every week, and “Government,” Media, and Academia Exposed! – A Telegram summary of the best mainstream and alternative news stories proving our thesis that all three are being hierarchically controlled by inter-generational organized crime interests. You can read our 2023 Annual Report here.

    Go paid at the $5 a month level, and we will send you both the PDF and e-Pub versions of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and a coupon code for 10% off anything in the

    Go paid at the $50 a year level, and we will send you a free paperback edition of Etienne’s book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! OR a 64GB Liberator flash drive if you live in the US. If you are international, we will give you a $10 credit towards shipping if you agree to pay the remainder.

    Support us at the $250 Founding Member Level and get a signed high-resolution hardcover of “Government” + Liberator flash drive + Larken Rose’s The Most Dangerous Superstition + Art of Liberty Foundation Stickers delivered anywhere in the world. Our only option for signed copies besides catching Etienne @ an event.

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