AOLF Important News

Etienne de la Boetie2 – Weapons Against Evil – The Scam of “Government” Revealed for All to See

Keynote Speech to Liberty on the Rocks 2023 – The Sedona Sessions to whet the Appetite for LoTRs 2024 on Nov 1st-3rd

Even though my speech to Liberty on the Rocks 2023 – The Sedona Sessions was my best presentation ever, we have kept it under wraps until today to help promote Liberty on the Rocks – 2024 – The Voluntaryism Conference that kicks off on Nov 1st-3rd in Sedona and streaming globally on Saturday, Nov 2nd from 9:00 AM PST – 5:00 PM PST

Ernest Hancock’s Introduction

“It’s a long story, but I had him on my show years ago. And he was inspired by a guest that I had right before him and what they were doing. It was an information thing. I’m always about information sharing. What he was doing is he was taking USB drives that were used and he just throw them away or cheap or whatever at, you know, functions. And he was putting movies and stuff on them in South Korea. And they were just dumping them in North Korea because in North Korea, they had devices that they could, you know, do a USB as the only way they could get media and stuff. So it was indoctrinating, westernizing, exposing North Koreans to like South Korean and their, you know, almost understand language, I guess, you know, they’re a little bit different. And they’re like, whoa, what the crap? And it was an interesting conversation that sparked ideas with Etienne. And he’s going, wow, that was awesome.

Weapons Against Evil – “Government”- The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! – The book designed to wake up your friends, neighbors and colleagues by leveraging the way people learn, and The Liberator – The 64GB credit card-sized flash drive backing up the book.

Then I saw him at Anarchapulco, kind of took that along with his book and did all that. Then it turned into The Liberator, which is all the information that you get in his book. I would take the books home and put them in our guest room. And they always wound out on the coffee table. The guests would usually come out, and they had been, you know, reading this book. Then it wound up in, you know, in the bathroom. So then it gets, you know, ear torn. And you have, I mean, it was just a visual representation of what’s really going on, which has a lot of impact, especially on the youth, which is why he did it initially.

So, as we have Etienne come on and talk about this, other people are inspired around the country, around the world. They start buying more and more books. They start pre-ordering. They start using them in the schools. This has been a good example of somebody, a concerned father, a concerned American, who wanted to have an impact on his community, who wanted people to know and see and understand and internalize what he saw. Would they respond to it? Yes, they did.

So now he’s in Sedona, he spends his time, you know, here and around the country and probably, you know, not as much in summer, but he’s found a home here, and he’s been introducing me to a lot of you guys over the years. And it’s been a very interesting experience. People that are of the freedom oriented mindset already going inside and what’s important to their individual pursuit of happiness, There’s something in the way. Oftentimes, there’s a cloud. There’s a specter. There’s an apparition. There’s something out here that’s suppressing this enlightenment that’s exploding all over the world.

And I’ve seen it progress from the time that the internet started. Then it went broadband. Then you got satellite communications. Then you got the ability to edit and make your own feature-length freaking movie. We’ll get into that with Larken. That is a time that humanity will rise up against a small percentage of no empathy, sociopaths, psychopaths, and scumbags that he has been able to articulate to an entire generation of youth that normally would not, they sure as heck aren’t teaching this in school, but to be able graphically and visually understand just how bad it is.

Humanity will eventually act in what it perceives to be its own self-interest. It always has, no matter how bad it gets. Right when it’s darkest before the dawn, there is a spark. And my only concern over the decades I’ve been doing this has been the only way that they could suppress humanity, keep it down and not oppose the evil is if they physically change us: fluoride, vaccines, aerosols, GMO foods. They have to take that spark that makes us human and will always rise up against this inevitable threat of Satan, evil, bad.

I just call them pointy horn, pointy teeth, blood dripping, pointy tail people. That’s how I explained it to my kids in the 90s. Well, who’s this guy? They’re just pointy, pointy-tail people, man. I mean, how else do you tell a 12-year-old? They’re evil.

There is evil in this because there’s a lack of compassion and empathy that is represented by Christ or other religions. That compassion, that love that you benefit from, that you seek that you work on for yourself is in opposition to they, them, those that will use whatever evil and bad and fear to get you to do whatever. At the end, he has tapped into that, and he’s created an awareness and a tool for all of us to use. And I’m hoping he has some more for us: weapons against evil.

Etienne de la Boetie2 – Founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation

“So first of all, for those unfamiliar with me or my work, my nom de plume is Etienne de la Boetie2.  I use the exponent to denote that I’m not the original Etienne de la Boetie. He was a French political philosopher who wrote in the 16th century. 
He was the first one to expose the little tricks and the techniques that rulers use, not just to get obedience but to get fealty and adoration.  God Save the Queen and All Hail the Chief and to trick people into going along with something that is not in their interest. 

He was a little bit like Machiavelli, but Machiavelli was like, “Hire me, hire me, and I’ll show you how to run these tax slaves.” Boetie was like, “Hey, these guys are jerks! They’re running “game” on you. And this is what the game is.” And so, in some ways, I think I may be him reincarnated because I’m doing his work in the modern age.

I’m a former technology entrepreneur, past operating executive board director, and board advisor. I’ve been a consultant to Fortune 25, 100, and 500 companies in telepresence, visual collaboration, and organizational and individual productivity. I worked on Wall Street. In my youth, I ran a national third-party political campaign. I worked at one of the “big four” think tanks. And I was a member of Washington, D.C., Northern Virginia, and Maryland’s most prominent CEO network.

From those unique vantage points, I’ve been able to see government up close and personal. And I’ve been studying it for over 30 years now. And so I want to just give you a little bit of background so that you understand what I’m doing. So my book is “Government”- The Biggest Scam in History, and it’s designed to wake up your friends and your family to the scam of government by leveraging how people learn. Most people are visual learners and come to insight much quicker when they see information than when they just hear something. And so you’re going to see some visualizations that will make things that may have been invisible to you now visible through visualization.

One of the other unique things I do is back up all of the central claims in the book with a 64-gigabyte credit card-sized flash drive that we call The Liberator. It’s packed with evidence of government illegitimacy and criminality. The Liberator has the book in PDF format, links, documentaries, short videos, dank liberty memes, and truth music from the movement’s hottest artists, including our own Grant Ellman.

The “executive summary of the executive summary”, this is my 60-foot sign. I now have a 70-foot sign. I’ve added: Academia into the mix. But the goal with the sign was to take the basics of the situation and then explain it in the shortest amount of words possible, and then blow up those words as large as humanly possible.

It’s usually the largest sign at any protest I’ve ever attended. The press always approaches me, gets my name, and takes pictures of it, but it never appears in print.

But the “executive summary of the executive summary” is that government was never designed to serve and protect. Government is a technique of intergenerational organized crime to rob and control societies. Monopoly media and academia control the information the population receives to hide the illegitimacy, the illogic, the immorality, and the criminality of government.

First, you must understand that it’s impossible to have a legitimate government. Looks good on paper. Sounds good, but it’s impossible if you want to be a moral person, if you want to be a logical person. You simply can’t delegate rights that you do not have personally to a representative to represent you doing something you cannot do yourself. You can’t be bound by a social contract you didn’t sign.

And if my girlfriend and I can’t vote to rob you because there’s two of us and one of you, well, it doesn’t matter if there’s three of us or 10 of us or 330 million of us. There’s no magical additional person that makes something that is inherently immoral and inherently illogical now logical just because the majority wants to rob Peter to pay Paul or lynch black folks or whatever the mob wants to do these days.

 And so this is very unpopular with some people, but it’s the stone-cold truth. The Con-stitution was either a scam or a dumb idea. And what I mean by that is the Constitution was not able to protect even the basic civil liberties outlined in the Bill of Rights, or the natural law, inherent rights of others. If you don’t believe me, try and go through the airport without getting your bags searched or try and tell the policeman no when he wants to search your car, or when they do their little trick and signal the drug dog to alert, or I could give you a gazillion other examples.

It wasn’t able to limit “government” at all. Frankly, it was tossed aside five minutes after the new “government” came online, when Washington and Hamilton marched into Pennsylvania with an army of 13,000 to put down the Whiskey Rebellion.  The new “government” searched homes without warrants. They rustled people out of their homes into the snow in the middle of the night. They made people sign loyalty oaths to the new government. And they began imposing a tax that benefited large distillers like Washington at the expense of smaller distillers.

If you’re voting for, advocating or supporting the government, then you are number one, voting to rob your friends and neighbors who disagree.

You’re advocating violence as a solution to socioeconomic problems, and you’re legitimizing the system that is enslaving you.

The diagram up here, for those who can’t see it, shows essentially smaller boxes. And so, you know, minarchists, people who are strict constitutionalists, believe that the government must act violently on peaceful people to acquire fire protection, police, military, roads and courts.

And then that box is nestled in a little bit of a bigger box. And then there are conservatives who think, oh, well, we’ve got to have unemployment insurance and retirement insurance and limited healthcare and limited housing and education.

And then those boxes are nestled in time inside of another box that’s socialists, that we’ve got to rob people for universal healthcare.

 And then that’s nestled in a bigger box that says communism, that we’ve got to provide housing, food, energy, and clothing.

And then separated from all that is voluntaryism“I’m not willing to use violence against peaceful people. I will seek to acquire desired services through voluntary relationships”.

That is the only political philosophy that keeps you on the right side of morality, that keeps you on the right side of karma, that keeps you on the right side of logic, and also frankly delivers the goods: the world can provide everything that the government does without the fraud and the abuse.

One of the other things the book exposes is that “government” is being indoctrinated into the population as a religion (Statism). Now, it’s not being called a religion, But the people who are using the technique to rob and control society are using the exact same techniques as an unethically manipulative religion or a cult.

You’re going to go to the church school.

The flag is the artificially indoctrinated holy symbol.

The president is the pope.

The teacher is the priest.

The teacher will teach you about the common prayer of the Pledge of Allegiance.

She’s going to teach you the hymns of the National Anthem.

You’re going to learn about the holy documents of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights and others.

In middle school, you’ll be taken to “Mecca,” Washington, D.C., where you’ll be led into the capital that looks like the Vatican for a reason. Everything is large and oversized, so you feel small and insignificant.

You’re going to be taken to the monuments. You’re going to be taken to the temples, and you’re going to see the deities, and it’s going to be very hushed, and it’s going to be very reverent.

And you’re going to be subsumed into this.

Then the media is going to come along, and it’s going to reinforce it by secretly, surreptitiously “running game on you,” playing little tricks and product-placing the flag into moments of high positive emotion.

Matt Damon getting off Mars in the movie: The Martian: The entire movie builds to this moment of, “Is he going to make it? “Is he going to get off of Mars? “And then BOOM!, they cut to Earth, and they show people waving American flags, and then they cut to mission control. There are giant American flags in the background.

Rocky after he wins his match against the Russians. He’s got the American flag over him. Superman’s flying through the sky, around the planet, carrying the American flag. It goes on and on and on once you see it you cannot “Unsee it” and then you start seeing you realize.. “Hey!! It’s a trick; they’re running game on me”

The first part of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History.. Exposed! covers 20 plus techniques. It’s a playbook!

 Youth programs to teach citizenship, blind obedience, and state flag worship. The Cub Scouts, the Boy Scouts, are designed to produce something called an “order follower”, and an order follower is someone that’s going to set their morality aside and either use violence against peaceful people, to enforce the edicts of this artificially indoctrinated religious system, or they’re going to use violence in foreign wars based on lies and manufactured intelligence to steal resources.

The use of propaganda. Okay. CIA and the Department of Defense have been directly involved in 800+ major movies and 1000+ television shows. Argo, Zero Dark Thirty, and others shape a false paradigm. NPR and public television are also used to distract and deceive product placement of the American flag anchored to moments of high positive motion are found in movies like the Martian and every Michael Bay movie.

If I was to click this link, you would see a short video where you’ve got literally hundreds of product placements of the flag. I think it’s 468 product placements of the flag in just 12 Michael Bay movies alone. Everything from the Transformers, whatever.

The 800+ Movies and 1000+ television shows estimated on the slide is an old statistic. There’s a new documentary out, which is relatively new. I think it came out about a year ago and is called Theaters of War. And Theaters of War claim it’s 1,000 plus movies and thousands of television shows. Where the Pentagon, if they’re loaning you the military equipment and the tanks and everything like that, they can rewrite scripts, and they’ve literally been changing the history of what happened in the Vietnam War and the Korean War and the World War II and World War I, and they’ve been changing history, or you don’t get the toys, you don’t get the extras, you don’t get to use their military bases, I think you get the idea.

One of my unique skills is making the invisible… visible. This is designed to bring people to that moment of insight because they can see the control system with their own eyes. This is a visualization from the book.

These are actually free posters, which we call the White Rose MUCHO GRANDE. You can download, print, and put them up yourself. We’re decentralizing that resistance, which Ernie just mentioned.

And the value here is, you know, if you told your friends and family that there were six monopoly media companies running hundreds and hundreds of subsidiaries to give everybody the illusion that there’s all these information sources in society, maybe they’d believe you. You show them a media ownership chart, and they’re like, “holy crap, there’s six companies running hundreds of subsidiaries to give everybody the illusion that there’s all these information sources in society” …because they saw it with their own eyes. And when they saw it with their own eyes, that made it visible

.This is another visualization from the book. These are three organizations that Jeffrey Epstein was a member of that have maneuvered their members into the key reporterships, editorships, and publisher positions to control perception and propagandize and deceive the population across dozens and dozens of media properties.

Now, you probably didn’t know that’s going on, but visualization can make something invisible… now visible. And now, all of a sudden, your friends can go, “Oh, I guess the media could all be in on the COVID” OR “I guess the media could all be in on 9-11”.

I guess they could because I didn’t understand this was happening because it was invisible to me. However, visualization makes it visible to everyone. The organizations are the Bilderberg Group, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission. This was a visualization that was done. I’m a curator of these. I did not create this. This was done by Swiss Propaganda Research in 2017.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) has uncloaked itself and could definitely be added to this list, and then you’d see kind of more of how that structure works. Now, those three organizations that I just mentioned, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, in the Trilateral Commission, it’s not just the media.

This visualization shows that those three organizations have infiltrated their members into the presidency, vice presidency, import-export bank, and cabinet. They were the original ones to “penetrate the cabinets.” I don’t know if you’re familiar with Klaus Schwab’s quote about how the WEF “penetrates the cabinets”.

Well, the Council on Foreign Relations was the first group that developed “Penetrating the Cabinets,” and the House of Representatives, the Senate, the head of the CIA, the head of the FBI, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the International Monetary Fund, and the World Bank, and the media, universities, the Federal Reserve System, and then the key little area of the chart right here:

Here’s the people that are running it all. These are the money center banks that create money out of thin air, even though it’s inflationary and even though it’s stealing the value out of your money. That is how they’ve bought up and monopolized the media. That’s how they’ve bought up and monopolized the politicians. That’s how they’ve bought up and monopolized the NGOs. That’s how they are providing these unlimited funds to control the information that society receives. And it’s the banks at the top. And that’s it.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, if you really think about it. If you really think about it, Trump and Biden are 100% in lockstep with every single thing that matters to the powers that be. They’re 100% in lockstep on fractional reserve banking.

They’re 100% in lockstep on confiscatory taxation.

They’re 100% in lockstep on the COVID.

They were 100% in lockstep on them giving orders and you following orders.

They are 100% in lockstep on bailouts and stimulus, where trillions of dollars are handed to private banks and private companies through the TARP, the TALF, the bailouts, the COVID relief and everything like that.

And so it’s the illusion of choice. I mentioned that Jeffrey Epstein was a member of the CFR, the Trilateral Commission and Bilderberg, and I think he should be their poster boy. In addition to controlling the information people receive, there appears to be a program to blackmail and control prominent individuals and politicians. Jeffrey Epstein was caught doing it at a factory-scale level.

In Washington, D.C., it’s called a brownstone operation. There have been a couple of other brownstone operations that have been exposed over the years. They’ll get you drunk. They’ll pop you a roofie. They’ll put you into a room with a little boy or a little girl to take photographs. You know, it’s a system. We talked about the old media side. The first media visualization I showed you was the old-school media. That’s the newspapers, the radio stations, the television stations, the satellite networks, the cable networks. The new media, the internet companies and the folks like that, they had the internet long before we had the internet. I’m an ex-networking guy. I used to build networks for Wall Street for market data and trading floor technology. I used to work at global Internet Service Providerss.

This is a diagram from 1974 before DARPA, the Defense Advanced Research Project Agency, there was ARPA, the Advanced Research Project Agency. This is a network map from 1974 showing dozens and dozens of institutions connected to the internet in 1974. So by the time they released it to the public, they’d already figured out what technologies they had to control to widely control perception on the, what I like to call “the DARPA internet”.

So whether it’s a search, whether it’s social media, whether it’s Wikipedia, uh, these are the ones that aren’t just, uh, you know, theoretically controlling the, the information that you receive. These are the ones that have been caught flat out and outright with the Twitter files, what Matt Taibbi has called The Censorship Industrial Complex.

We have a poster that he identified going through the Twitter files, looking at who was censoring information, including truthful information. So they’ve been forced to admit that they censored truthful information about the dangers of vaccines. Because they didn’t want to have vaccine hesitancy.

And so it’s not a theory that these companies are lying to you and controlling the information you receive algorithmically. It has been proven through the releases of what are called the Twitter files. Key companies and technologies in the beginning received overinvestment. Other DARPA technologies, such as Google Earth, were a military program called Keyhole Satellites. Advertising and media partnerships, support from cartel companies, multiple examples of ostensibly private companies censoring specific individuals across multiple platforms simultaneously, and Google News steering news traffic to a small handful of cartel companies.

Why trillions of dollars? We are being robbed of trillions of dollars. And where’s that money going? It’s going to exorbitant banking profits and value secretly stolen out of the dollar. It’s fractional reserve banking that allows banks to create money out of thin air, even though it’s inflationary and steal the value at everybody else’s money. It’s trillions of dollars handed to private banks and companies and bailouts and stimulus. It’s military procurement and unnecessary warfare, which is eugenics, which I don’t have time to get into eugenics.

But if you understand eugenics, that’s the key that unlocks all the locks and explains the warfare, explains the COVID, explains fentanyl in recreational drugs, explains what’s in the vaccines and a great many other things. It’s homeland security and police state spending. It’s government monopoly privileges.

So, who gives the media its marching orders? So it’s the banks on the top. I believe I’m speculating, right now, I’m going to tell you what I can prove, and then I’ll tell you what I can’t, you know, what’s speculation. But what I believe is that the banks are providing certain firms with unlimited funds to buy up and monopolize their competition. That ownership is being concentrated into BlackRock and Vanguard and State Street and a couple of other large, you know, asset managers. It would be obvious if they just left one company, so they’re going to leave two.

So, you can “choose” between AMD and Intel for computer chips.

You can go to Walmart or Target.

You can go to Costco or Sam’s Club.

You can go to Lowe’s or Home Depot.

You can go to Staples or Office Depot.

You can go to Dick’s or Sports Authority.

You can drink Coke or Pepsi.

You can ship with FedEx or UPS.

You can pay with Visa or MasterCard.

You can vote for Republicans or Democrats.

The World Economic Forum (WEF) is taking and organizing the C-level executives and the publishers, editors, and publishers of the companies that have been bought up with fractional reserve dollars. They’re organizing them, And they’re meeting regularly in secure facilities worldwide that have been swept for bugs. And if you’re going to rob the world, you’ve got to have meetings. These are some of the front organizations that allow the group to have large-scale meetings in secure facilities around the world.

We’ve already really talked about that you don’t need government and a little bit about voluntaryism. I will tell you voluntaryism is the rebrand of anarchy, and if that scares anybody, that’s because they’ve changed the meaning of the word anarchy over time.

One of the things that I do in my book is I compare the 1827 definition of anarchy to the from the Webster’s Dictionary to the modern version, from the Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary, so you can see how that it’s been changed to chaos and dystopia. The movies and the organized crime movie system comes around and they rebranded all anarchy means as no rulers. It doesn’t mean no rules. It just means no rulers, but the rulers don’t want you to know that there’s an option on the menu called no rulers. Because if you had a choice between no rulers and rulers, most people would probably choose no rulers. And so we’re going to scare you away from the one thing that might free you. I’m going to spend just five minutes on solutions. And so number one is find others and get organized. There’s power in numbers. You’re part of a safety net that we’re building here in Sedona. Where to find others? is something that I think Romero Ramani is going to talk about here in a little bit.

This is a group picture of the Free State Project’s Porcupine Freedom Festival in New Hampshire, which brings 2,500 to 3,000 plus voluntarists, libertarians, constitutionalists, and minarchists together for one of the largest gatherings possible.

There’s a video here that I would recommend to you and it says what happens when government thugs threaten Porcfest. In 2015, two revenuers from the State Department of Taxation showed up at the Porcupine Freedom Festival to try and impose the “meals tax” on the Porcupine Freedom Festival. They were surrounded. They were made fun of, they were mocked openly, and they were run off, and they’ve never been back to the Porcupine Freedom Festival since. And so that is really the power of groups and numbers.

I’m an ex-Wall Street guy. I’m worried about a dollar devaluation or even a collapse. I’m not here to scare anybody. I’m just saying it just makes sense to have some of these solutions. I’m gonna pass around, so this picture right here when we were vending at the Porcupine Freedom Festival, the community is so large that we took almost $400 in something called a gold back. I’m gonna pass this around. It’s flexible, spendable gold. And also in kind of silver barter pieces and silver coins. And so I’m just gonna kind of like pass these around just if you’ve never touched a gold back or you’ve never seen what silver barter silver looks like. Get it back to me at the end.

So some solutions to get us all prepped up for that is, number one, pay in cash, especially with local businesses. You’re saving the merchant a percent to 2.5% in fees that would have gone to the banks. You’re starving the banks of 1.5% to 2.5%. It allows the business to pocket the cash versus getting robbed by the government so that the store owner can maybe buy, you know, a guitar lesson for his sons or his children. And you and the merchant will have both have more cash on hand in the event of a bank holiday. And then really just diversify into non-dollar denominated assets, gold, gold back, silvers, crypto, et cetera. And so that’s one of the things I take. I’m happy to take gold. I even take ammunition. Somebody gave me five bullets at Porcupine Freedom Festival. I gave them a $0.35 credit per bullet.

Engage in counter-economics. Counter-economics is anything that starves the state or the corporations or banks using government to rob and enslave. Don’t pay their taxes. Work off the book. Shop at the farmer’s market and pay cash. Shop local versus Amazon and the chain stores. Growing your own food is like printing your own money. Use credit unions versus the money center banks.

Finally, my organization is the Art of Liberty Foundation. We’re a startup public policy organization. We’re trying to build a think tank along the lines of a Heritage or a Brookings or a Cato from a principled, voluntarist perspective that government is illegitimate and dedicated to exposing. We don’t have a political problem. We have an organized crime problem. And most people, they’re trying to get you to look over here, look over there. We’re not We’re not going after the cape, we’re going after the matador.

And so that’s really what sets us apart. We’re doing things in a way that produces this one-way revolution because once people realize the scam of government and how they’re running these unethically manipulative techniques, like I said, they’re out. And so that’s a one-way revolution that’s only going in one direction and capable and destined for exponential growth. That’s how you can get a hold of me. And thank you so very much for your kind attention.

7 Minute Bonus Video – Introduction to Liberty on the Rocks 2023

Check out the Rest of Liberty on the Rocks 2023 – The Sedona Sessions on CiVL, the free streaming platform for intellectuals, libertarians and voluntaryists:

Buy a copy for friends on a credit card-sized flash drive OR DVD at

If You Liked Liberty on the Rocks 2023… You Are Going to LOVE 2024!

If you like this presentation from the 2023 Liberty on the Rocks conference in Sedona, we wanted to invite you to Liberty on the Rocks 2024, which will be held in Sedona on November 1st through 3rd, 2024. This year the theme is: The Voluntaryism Conference, and while many Americans will be getting ready to hold their noses and vote for the lesser evils in what we believe are easily rigged elections with black box voting machines and mail-in ballots, we are assembling the most prominent voluntarists on the planet to talk about how we can get all of the legitimate non-redistributive services people want from government without the waste, fraud, abuse, and extortion. Join David Friedman, Larkin Rose, Walter Block, James Corbett, Derek Brose, and myself and musical headliner Grant Presence Ellman in Sedona either in person or virtually on November 1st through 3rd. Details at

About the Author

Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and the editor of the Art of Liberty Daily News on Substack and Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media.

He is the author of The Covid-19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction and Solving Covid – The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline

His upcoming book is Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All

About the Art of Liberty Foundation

A start-up public policy organization: Voluntaryist crime fighters exposing inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “government,” media and academia. The foundation is the publisher of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!– How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government,” Media and Academia.

We publish The Daily Newsa free survey of the best of the alternative media, censored videos, and documentaries, and the Daily News Digest, a once-per-day-summary of the Daily News as a premium service for paid subscribers of any Art of Liberty Foundation Substack and Five Meme Friday – a free weekly e-mail or Telegram summary of the best of the alternative media, censored truth videos, and at least five hot, fresh, dank liberty memes every week, and “Government,” Media, and Academia Exposed! – A Telegram summary of the best mainstream and alternative news stories proving our thesis that all three are being hierarchically controlled by inter-generational organized crime interests. You can read our 2023 Annual Report here.

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AOLF Important News
Etienne Was Expanding Reality on Expanding Reality
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