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The Scam of Stew Peters’ “Documentary” Occupied

How Occupied presents factual information wrapped in poo to discredit the factual information

Controlled opposition Stew Peters and Jeff Berwick are “chumping” their audiences again, this time with a documentary on the Zionist occupation of the U.S. “government,” which is a real thing, while completely discrediting the information by wrapping it in poo. It is the same formula that Stew used to discredit factual information about the deaths caused by the Covid “vaccines” in his “documentary” Died Suddenly, whose expose The Died Suddenly Documentary – Understanding the Scam & Fact Check, is one of the top 10 most popular articles on this substack. Here is your guide to understanding what is “true vs. poo” in Occupied and how the inter-generational organized crime system controls the opposition by leading it themselves. Controlled Opposition voice Jeff Berwick features prominently in the documentary and Stew Peters will be attending Anarchapulco which we will cover in this article as well.

If you haven’t yet seen the documentary and feel compelled to see it, then here is a link to watch for free so you don’t have to give these grifters a nickel

First, the documentary, like rat poison, is overwhelmingly good food… otherwise, the rats wouldn’t consume it. It is bringing the uncomfortable truth of how a foreign interest has seized the “government” of the US BUT doing it in a way that will discredit the information with liberals, women, non-Christians and intellectuals and have your friends think you are an anti-semite and Nazi for mentioning it. I found myself agreeing with 99% of the first 65% of the film. Here is a fact check and breakdown of what is correct before we get into the scam and the grift.

What the Film Got Right

The Israeli Genocide of the Palestinians – Yes! The “Government” of Israel is waging a complete and undeniable Genocide against the Palestinian people, and a significant portion of the Israeli people, the US State Department, the Executive Branch, DoD, the American arms industry, and monopoly media propagandists in controlled opposition media operations are absolutely complicit in their participation, collaboation or silence!

Israel’s Role in the False Flag Attacks of September 11th, 2001 – The Israeli intelligence service and pro-Zionist American citizens and dual-citizenship Israelis were definitely participants in the false flag attacks of 9-11, and the film does an excellent job of putting together the pieces. We stack up even more evidence in our uncensorable flash drive of freedom, The Liberator, and make it available for free in This Dropbox.

Trump has actually received over $100,000,000 from Zionist Interests, with Miriam Adelson’s donation totaling $100,000,000 alone in 2024

The Organized Crime “Government” of Israel is Bribing and Installing US Politicians into the Organized Crime US “Government” Who Have Transferred $100 Billion to Israel – True! The organization Track AIPAC documents one single pro-Zionist organization, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, funneling hundreds of millions of dollars each election cycle to elect hundreds of pro-Israel politicians who then vote for billions of dollars of “aid” sent to Israel each year.

The Dangerous Scams and Grifts of Occupied

So, with all this good information… what is the scam? What is the grift?

The film appears to be designed to blunt legitimate criticism and exposition of the crimes of the Israeli and US Government by wrapping those crimes in poo and using subtle techniques to discredit the information with liberals, intellectuals, women and non-Christians. The film “steals the oxygen” of other more accurate expositions, positions controlled opposition MainStream Alternative Media(MAM) operations like Stew Peters and Jeff Berwick as leaders of the opposition while discrediting their followers who promote the film or ideas presented in the film like “Hitler was Good” and “It is the Jews” (vs. Inter-generational organized crime centered around banking and central banking some of whom are Jewish.)

The Specifics of the Poo and Scam

Declaration of the US as a Christian Country – The first words of the film are a declaration that “As Christians in a Christian country, we have the right to be at minimum agnostic about the leadership being all Jewish” Boom! The filmmakers just offended 30% of the potential audience who are not Christian or are irreligious right out of the gate in a way that won’t be noticed by the majority of Christian viewers.

The Ridiculousness of (Some) of the “Experts” Being Presented – If you were trying to make a serious exposition about inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “government” and media, would you have Bozo the Clown and Bernie Madoff as your experts? While I don’t know the backgrounds of many of the featured experts, here are three who I am familiar with:

Dan Bilzerian pushes woman off rooftop.

Dan Bilzerian is currently being sued for, among other things, trying to throw a porn “actress” off a roof during a photo shoot for Hustler Magazine, where he missed, and she broke her foot… AND kicking another woman in the face at a nightclub.

Dan Bilzerian – While Dan Bilzerian is entertaining, he is a clown, proven liar, misogynist, and fraudster whose legal issues include wasting $50 million in investor money through extravagant and fraudulent spending while running IGNITE and unpaid rent at multiple properties. Suppose the opening comment offended 30% of the potential audience. You can be sure that a similar number of intelligent women familiar with his objectification of women and background were scratching their heads and discounting much of the message the same as if it was being delivered by an actual clown in pancake makeup and a red rubber nose.

Jeff Berwick – A serial con artist who we believe is being used by the intelligence agencies to “steer and smear” the voluntaryist and peaceful anarchist movement through the Anarchapulco conference. Check out our multi-part investigation of Berwick starting with the summary article: Chumped: The Unfortunate Truth About Anarchapulco and HBO’s Series: The Anarchists, which details multiple scams where Berwick has been accused of defrauding investors in the Galts Gulch Chile scheme, selling foreign passports that were never delivered or refunded, and promoting a $700MM Ponzi scheme called Bitclub in addition to other crypto scams and pump and dumps at his Anarchapulco conference. In addition to this film, his latest scam is selling a $10,000 medical device that he claims delivers “God Energy” from what appears to be a plastic toolbox, some wires and light bulbs.

Stew Peters – Similar to Berwick, Stew Peters is another disreputable figure given a well-financed media operation. Where Berwick attempts to “Smear and Steer” voluntaryists and political anarchists, Peters does the exact same thing with MAGA conservatives. Here is an excerpt on Stew from our investigation into his last scam documentary: The Died Suddenly Documentary – Understanding the Scam & Fact Check

a. “Government” is Legitimate – This is a critique from the voluntaryist perspective that “Government” has been the Biggest Scam in History… It is the indoctrinated worldview that keeps everyone trapped in the easily rigged poker game of elections and voting… Stew is 100% on “Team Government” I.E. covering the “news” from the standpoint that the “government” is legitimate, desirable and necessary and everyone needs to “vote harder” for the red team and everything will be fine.

b. Statism – Statism is the secret pseudo-religion that the “government” slips to kids in their mandatory “government” schools, scouting programs and military/police training. From the little American flag pin on his lapel to posing for promotional photos in front of giant American flags, Stew has bought into (and is selling!) the scam of statism to the patriot and conservative faithful. It is a way of leading the indoctrinated around by the nose and he is working it!

c. Fake left right paradigm – Because Stew is openly Republican the important message of Died Suddenly (and Occupied!) will be discounted by a large section of the population trapped in the fake left-right paradigm… by design…

d. Well-funded media operation – Coming out of Red Voice Media, another well-funded media operation keeping their viewers in the fake left-right paradigm to spinning off his own Stew Peters Network with a half-dozen off-shoot shows. With expensive sets, producers, writers, technical sophistication, teleprompters, and social media it smells heavily of organized crime government’s effort to dominate the airwaves with slick, “government is legitimate” media being steered from the top.

e. Watch the Water, Stew’s previous documentary effort – Stew was involved in producing and heavily pushing a ridiculous theory that there was snake venom in the Covid vaccine and the water supply. Similar to Jeff Berwick pushing Flat Earth and the Shemitah, the goal is to get baby-truthers or gullible members of the liberty movement to pass along obvious falsehoods to shoot their credibility with their friends and family. “Oh, Bob… He believes they are putting snake venom in the water supply and 9-11 was an inside job…” I.E. if the organized crime media operation can get someone to latch onto and promote a ridicules theory like snake venom or the Shemitah then it will tend to tar by association other truthful information that person may be promoting about 9-11 or Covid “vaccines” deaths and adverse events.

It was “The Jews” (vs. Inter-generational organized crime centered around banking and central banking some of whom are Jewish) – This was the most dangerous and scummy scam of the whole package: Repeatedly blaming “The Jews” for the actions of a specific identifiable group that makes up less than 1% of the Jewish population and may not even really be Jewish (although they are hiding within, tricking, and using specific aspects of the Jewish community and their engineered and created “State of Israel” as a base of operations). If this were a serious exposition of the power system that is robbing the US and Israeli populations, it would best be described as inter-generational organized crime centered around banking and central banking that is using fractional reserve banking and “government” to rob and control populations. Casting blame on the entire Jewish population of the world is designed to offend every person of goodwill with Jewish friends and relatives who understand for a fact that the vast, overwhelming number of Jews don’t have anything to do with banking, central banking, media, electronic spying/eavesdropping(Talpiot Program) or cultural debasement(pornography).

Yes, in the United States and other Western countries, a small percentage of the Jewish population are Jewish supremacists and Talmudic Jews, very similar to the way a small percentage of the population are white supremacists or a small percentage of the Christian population are Amish. According to a survey conducted in 2020 by Pew Research, about 10% of American Jews who only make up 2% of the population of the US as a whole, are Orthodox Jews, which is the sect of Judaism associated with the Talmud, about 17% are conservative where an inestimable percentage would read or follow the Talmud, the overwhelming majority of US Jews are Reform (37%) and/or unaffiliated(30%) where the overwhelming majority of either of those groups do not read or support the Talmud or Jewish supremacist thought.

Yes, many US Jews are being tricked into political Zionism, the same way American Christians are tricked into Statism and blindly following the US “government.”

Nazi Propaganda Films: Photos Of Hitler's Hollywood In Action

Photo of Hitler behind the movie camera with Minister of Propaganda Joseph Goebbels, where the organized crime Nazi “government” was running the exact same unethically manipulative techniques as the organized crime US and Israeli “governments”.

Hitler Was a Good Guy! – While Hitler’s economic policies initially produced significantly better economic outcomes for the average German citizen than FDR (who stole the US’s gold for the bankers and replaced it with rapidly depreciating fiat paper tickets), Churchill who instigated WW2 and helped starve millions of Indians, and Stalin who was a brutal, sadistic murderer responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of Russians, Hitler is best thought of as the leper with the most fingers.

Was Hitler participating in the same eugenics and depopulation programs advanced by other “government” leaders by participating in the warfare that destroyed his country?

Hitler was a eugenicist whose Hereditary Health Court was used to sterilize hundreds of thousands of Germans. He used slave labor. He ran the exact same unethically manipulative techniques on his population that the US is running on our population today: Youth program that indoctrinate kids into uni-forms and hierarchical command and control, government-mandated schools, uni-forms, forced conscription into the military for more unethically manipulative techniques, propagandizing the population through mass media, and more!

He was working with bankers and industrialists in the US that were profiting from the engineered warfare that achieved the goals of eugenics, indoctrinated and killed off alpha males that might have threatened the tax farming by “government,” and made the organized crime system billions from unnecessary warfare. All of this is well documented in the book Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler by Anthony Sutton. Even Wikipedia covers it.

More details in our article: 15 Classic, “Textbook” Cult-Indoctrination Techniques the Organized Crime “Government” Uses on its Tax Slaves

Finally, it appears he was participating in the same program as other “governments,” indoctrinating the strong alpha males with Statism in mandatory “government” schools and youth programs, military “basic training,” and then fighting them against another government’s alpha males. Hence, neither “government” has to fear an uprising should the population realize how they are being tricked and tax-farmed while the bankers and arms merchants puppeting the easily rigged “governments” make fortunes. In the end, Germany was utterly destroyed, sterilized and depopulated under his leadership; the assets of the country were scooped up for pennies on the dollar, and the country remains a captured tax farm to this day.

So Hitler wasn’t a good guy… At all.

So How Does This Relate to Stew Peters and Occupied?

I believe the organized crime banks, through the intelligence agencies, are funding operations like Stew Peters, Jeff Berwick/Anarchapulco, Hal Turner, Alex Jones and others to steer perception and gatekeep on important issues like inter-generational organized crime’s control of the US “government,” AIPAC’s bribing and installing US politicians, US support of the Palestinian genocide/ethnic cleansing/eugenics by diverting legitimate criticism and exposition into worthless criticism.

They are releasing good information wrapped in “It was the Jews” and “Hitler Was a Good Guy,” delivered by untrustworthy clowns like Stew Peters, Jeff Berwick, and Dan Bilzerian, whose backgrounds are disreputable and shady.

Similar to Jeff Berwick pushing Flat Earth and the Shemitah, the goal is to get baby-truthers or gullible members of the liberty movement to pass along obvious falsehoods to shoot their credibility with their friends and family“Oh, Bob… He believes that Hitler was a good guy, the Jews run everything, and 9-11 was an inside job…” I.E., if the organized crime media operation can get someone to latch onto and promote a ridiculous theory like “Hitler was a good guy” or “It’s the Jews”, then it will tend to tar by association other truthful information that person may be promoting about 9-11 or Covid “vaccines” deaths and adverse events.

Stew Peters is Going to Anarchapulco!

During a Jeff Berwick appearance on Stew Peters’ show, Stew and Jeff announce that Stew will be attending the Anarchapulco conference in February. We have described in detail how we believe the Anarchapulco conference is being used to crowd-gather voluntaryists and peaceful anarchists and steer them into controlled opposition voices like Stew Peters. During Anarchapulco V 1.0, the tactic was to deal drugs to the crowd and then smear peaceful anarchists using an HBO docuseries called The Anarchists produced at the conference as involved in drugs and murder. I summed up one of the episodes in our investigation: Chumped: The Unfortunate Truth About Anarchapulco and HBO’s Series: The Anarchists

Anarchists are diseased, nasty, unkempt, adulterous, unstable drunks with PTSD that flash satanic Baphomets, live in dumps with nasty toilets, where they burn flags, say: “Fuck the Troops”” live off their wives, hate Santa Claus, and are associated with the scam of the Bitcoin (a Ponzi scheme!) which they get from ATMs they steal from strip clubs.

Etienne Note: I am NOT referring to BTC as a Ponzi Scheme… I am describing how HBO presented the entrepreurs, investors, and peaceful anarchists in the their hit piece: The Anarchists, which was produced at Jeff Berwick’s Anarchapulco conference. HBO made BTC seem to be a Ponzi scheme tarring the investors who were involved with it.

After what appears to be a staged murder for HBO’s “reality show” and our expose, the conference collapsed from thousands of attendees to a couple of hundred, many of whom, according to reports, aren’t familiar with the conference’s history or Berwick’s various scams. In essence, most of the original crowd wised up and left, and the conference crowd gathers a new crop to sucker, smear and fleece each year.

Last year, the scam associated peaceful anarchy with flat earth and proven liars.

It looks like this year’s scam, besides Berwick’s $10,000 TZLA machine that produces “God Energy” from a toolbox, is to associate peaceful anarchy with anti-semitism, “It’s the Jews” and “Hitler was a Good Guy!”

Remember: If the organized crime media operation can get someone to latch onto and promote a ridiculous theory like “Hitler was a good guy,” or it’s “The Jews,” then it will tend to tar by association other truthful information that person may be promoting about 9-11 or Covid “vaccines” deaths and adverse events.

An Anarchapulco Attendee Provides Some Details on the 2024 Conference

Because I have a few friends who still attend (who doesn’t like a party in Mexico in the winter) and are speakers (who doesn’t like a free, all-expenses-paid Mexican vacation in the winter?), I’ll leave this warning right here: If you end up getting smeared in a Vice News segment or HBO “docuseries,” remember who tried to warn you!


But Berwick’s videos are great… He is exposing the organized crime “government”?

Kinda. Berwick promotes the information already out there but does it in a way that makes sharing ineffective. #1 because he is a seedy-ass scumbag, and anyone that looks into his background would find numerous websites detailing his crimes. Like this one.. and this one…and this one… #2. Even if you don’t know his background, his “television character” has been made to seem not credible, I.E., Walk-and-talks with his dog Lucy???, where he talks to his dog in a baby voice. If you can’t share it, then watching Berwick telling you about it vs. an authentic voice was a waste of your time…

Why Would the Organized Crime “Government” Want to “Steer and Smear” the Voluntaryist/Peaceful Anarchism Movement?

The peaceful anarchism / voluntaryist movement has the potential to be the most important political movement in the world for a number of reasons. First, voluntaryists and peaceful anarchists expose the illogic and immorality of Statism in the only principled defense of REAL freedom against the artificial fake two-party political system. Second, because the ideas of peaceful anarchy and voluntaryism have been suppressed and purposely mischaracterized, the people in the movement who have been able to see through the lies and propaganda of Statism are an amazing and very powerful group. Additionally, because voluntaryism and anarchy are morally and intellectually consistent, advocate non-violence, have the potential to unite society behind the non-aggression principle, and is the only political solution that is fair for all (no one gets the ring of power,) it has the potential for, and indeed is destined for viral growth. Finally, the crypto-anarchist and liberty movements were at the forefront of studying, understanding and developing uncensorable, stateless currencies like e-Gold, GoldMoney and Digital Liberty Dollars, so having one of the world’s first conferences focused on crypto-currencies would offer the opportunity to steer some of the developing crypto-anarchists into NSA-developed crypto-solutions and rob a portion of them by ensuring that crypto scams are featured prominently in both the conference and the podcasts supporting it.

About the Author

Etienne de la Boetie2 is the pen name of a voluntaryist author who was an attendee of Anarchapulco since the 1st conference in 2015, was a speaker in 2019 and a mainstage speaker in 2020 where author and podcaster Charlie Robinson said his 2020 main stage speech “Burned the House Down!” His book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! was the best-selling book at Anarchapulco in 2018, 2019 and 2020. He used to throw the biggest party at Anarchapulco, not thrown by the conference itself, The Turtle Party, as a fundraiser for his start-up voluntaryist non-profit: The Art of Liberty Foundation. His cost to table at the conference was raised from $1800 to $10,000 in 2020 to keep him from getting his book into the hands of the audience. He borrowed a friend’s table and, again, had the best-selling book at the conference!

Etienne’s 2020 Main Stage Anarchapulco Speech… What you aren’t going to get at Anarchapulco 2025!

About the Art of Liberty Foundation

A start-up public policy organization: Voluntaryist crime fighters exposing inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “government,” media and academia. The foundation is the publisher of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and Five Meme Friday – a weekly e-mail or Telegram summary of the best of the alternative media, censored truth videos, and at least five hot, fresh, dank liberty memes every week, and “Government,” Media, and Academia Exposed! – A Telegram summary of the best mainstream and alternative news stories proving our thesis that all three are being hierarchically controlled by inter-generational organized crime interests.

Interested in What They Are Trying to Smear and Steer? REAL Voluntaryism!

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