Support the Art of Liberty

Become an Art of Liberty Sponsor

Together, we can challenge the existing paradigm, provide uncensorable evidence of “government” illegitimacy and criminality, and pave the way for a future where voluntary cooperation, personal freedom, and limited government are at the forefront.


17% funded
Hey! We've raised $91,318.98 of the $550,000.00 we are trying to raise for this campaign!

At the Art of Liberty Foundation, we are challenging the status quo and transforming the way society perceives freedom, individual liberty, and “limited government”. As an innovative start-up public policy organization, we are Striking the Root! And exposing the illegitimacy and criminality of “government” and its secret partnership with the media.. Our mission is to end war, indoctrination and tax slavery…worldwide!

Our Foundation is driven by a multi-faceted approach. We are developing and testing viral and uncensorable methods of widely distributing voluntaryist/libertarian solutions and exposing evidence of government, media and academic criminality. Through the distribution of low-cost “picture books,” USB flash drives and even posters and stickers, we are getting around organized crime’s monopolization of the media and algorithmic censorship of the DARPA Internet.

We are conducting comprehensive research that explores strategies for effectively exposing and transitioning from organized crime/governmental control to real freedom and voluntary free market solutions. Our areas of inquiry encompass diverse topics such as libertarian intentional communities, political secession, the transition of non-redistributive government services to private schools, protection companies, arbitration providers, private restitution versus retribution-based prisons, and insurance-supported private fire brigades. We are equally committed to investigating technologies that promote digital liberty, free markets, private encrypted communications, anonymous digital cash, and free market monetary competition.

By supporting the Art of Liberty Foundation, you join us on an exciting journey of transforming society’s understanding of liberty. Together, we can challenge the existing paradigm, provide uncensorable evidence of “government” illegitimacy and criminality, and pave the way for a future where voluntary cooperation, personal freedom, and limited government are at the forefront.

Our Foundation is driven by a multi-faceted approach. We are developing and testing viral and uncensorable methods of widely distributing voluntaryist/libertarian solutions and exposing evidence of government, media and academic criminality. Through the distribution of low-cost “picture books,” USB flash drives and even posters and stickers, we are getting around organized crime’s monopolization of the media and algorithmic censorship of the DARPA Internet.

We are conducting comprehensive research that explores strategies for effectively exposing and transitioning from organized crime/governmental control to real freedom and voluntary free market solutions. Our areas of inquiry encompass diverse topics such as libertarian intentional communities, political secession, the transition of non-redistributive government services to private schools, protection companies, arbitration providers, private restitution versus retribution-based prisons, and insurance-supported private fire brigades. We are equally committed to investigating technologies that promote digital liberty, free markets, private encrypted communications, anonymous digital cash, and free market monetary competition.

Visual Learning Reinvented

We understand that different people have different learning styles. That’s why we specialize in creating media that caters to visual learners and short attention spans. Our books, articles, podcasts, memes, videos, infographics, and monographs are designed to simplify complex ideas, make the invisible, visible through visualization and make the principles of voluntaryism and libertarianism accessible to all.

Exposing Government Illegitimacy

Our media goes beyond merely advocating for voluntaryism and libertarianism. We delve deep into the flaws of government systems, uncovering their illegitimacy, illogical, and immorality. We shed light on the criminality and corruption that often plague governments, empowering individuals to question the status quo and seek alternatives that respect their rights and freedoms.

Sponsorship Benefits


Receive “Government” paperback OR Liberator Flash Drive

SPONSOR ($100 - $499)

Receive “Government” + Liberator + Stickers


Receive Signed "Government" High Resolution Hardcover + Liberator 64GB + Stickers + Invitation to Monthly 500 Club Calls with Etienne

PATRON ($1000 – $4999)

Receive a signed hard copy of “Government”, Everything Bundle, T-shirt, Stickers, Call with Etienne + Invitation to Monthly 500 Club Calls with Etienne

BENEFACTOR ($5000 – $24999)

Receive a signed hard copy of “Government”, Everything Bundle, T-Shirt, Pop Up Guerilla Bookstore or 10 Books + 10 Flashdrive Friends Bundle, Call with Etienne, Stickers + Invitation to Monthly 500 Club Calls with Etienne


Receive an Art of Liberty Foundation Presentation in Your Town, signed hard copy of “Government”, 5 Everything Bundles, Pop Up Guerilla Bookstore or 10 Books + 10 Flash Drive Friends Bundle, Call with Etienne, Stickers + Invitation to Monthly 500 Club Calls with Etienne

Donate today, and together, let’s ignite the spark of liberty in the hearts and minds of people around the world. With your help, we can create a world where freedom reigns, and individuals thrive in harmony and prosperity. Together, we can make a difference.

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