Art of Liberty Fact Check


1.0 -2.0 hour Prix-Fixe Research Engagement with results published to the website.

The Art of Liberty Foundation is fact-checking memes, videos, and other verifiable claims by meme lords and content-creators to both improve the effectiveness of certain memes in the information war and give information warriors the confidence to circulate memes with bold claims.

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1.0 -2.0 hour Prix-Fixe Research Engagement with results published to the website.

The Art of Liberty Foundation is fact-checking memes, videos, and other verifiable claims by meme lords and content-creators to both improve the effectiveness of certain memes in the information war and give information warriors the confidence to circulate memes with bold claims. Finally, we can bring more context to hard-hitting memes by providing history and context that improve a meme’s appeal.


Example: Is the CIA – We aren’t just the proprietor, we are a customer as well. Here are some examples of Art of Liberty Fact-Checked Memes:


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