The Scam Would be Obvious if the Organized Crime Banks Left Just One Company Standing… So They Leave 2-3

Executive Summary
In the 100+ years since organized crime lobbied and bribed Congress to pass the Federal Reserve creating the ability for the money center banks to provide unlimited capital to favored corporations, we have seen an unprecedented level of consolidation and monopolization. It would be too obvious if the organized crime system bought up everything with the little paper tickets and digital dollars that they create out of thin air… So they leave 2-3 companies standing where the “Competitors” are frequently publicly held companies where Blackrock and Vanguard own a controlling interest in both players.
The Federal Reserve has a monopoly on the creation of money and credit in the US after the money center banks lobbied and bribed the “government” to pass the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. The Act enables the money center banks to create money out of thin air using fractional reserve banking even though it is inflationary and stealing the value out of everyone else’s money.
Fed-backed banks provide unlimited fractional reserve capital to Cartel companies to dominate and consolidate their industries, where they are usually owned and controlled by Blackrock and Vanguard, who appear to be managing the assets stolen through fractional reserve banking. At the same time, the executives (and their political and media puppets) are recruited, trained, organized and controlled under the World Economic Forum, Bilderberg Group, Council on Foreign Relations, Bergrueen Institute, Bohemian Club and other cartel front groups, policy shops, and secure private meeting venues.
You don’t get harmful monopolies in a free market. It takes a “government.” Here are some examples where the organized crime “Government” has given itself a monopoly and how it is going:
Muh Roads

Roads – 43% of US roadways are in poor or mediocre condition.141
Armed Protective Services (Police) – Steal more than all private criminals combined through civil asset forfeiture, regularly violate natural law human rights, routinely pay themselves $300K+ salaries at Sheriff and Chief level in US cities and counties.
Defense (Organized Crime Military) – Pentagon can’t account for over $35 trillion dollars and “lost” $6 to 8 Billion Dollars to waste and fraud in Iraq.143
AMTRAK – Has lost money every year since its inception, claims it “lost” almost a billion dollar in food and beverage alone in a decade. Cost taxpayers $4.1 Billion in 2020.144

Post Office – The USPS has had multi-billion dollar losses every year for the past 15 years totaling over $96.7 Billion Dollars.145
Mandatory ʻʻGovernmentʼʼ Schools – Mandatory ʻʻGovernmentʼʼ Schools – US spends the most globally on education by FAR, more than the UK, Germany, France, Canada and Australia COMBINED and ranks 9th in Science and 10th in math.
Triopolies – The organized crime banks and “government” leave a couple of more players standing in the media so the tax slaves don’t get suspicious that they are having their information controlled to them.

The Private Federal Reserve and Theft of Fractional Reserve Banking

Executive Summary In 1913 organized crime banking interests lobbied and bribed Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act, which created the private Federal Reserve (FED) to back-stop and “legalize” the ability of private banks to create money out of thin air and lend it at interest. The process is called
New York Times – CFR Inside
148 “The Council on Foreign Relations and Roundtable Groups.pdf.” Liberator Dropbox,

Washington Post – CFR Inside
148 “The Council on Foreign Relations and Roundtable Groups.pdf.” Liberator Dropbox,
CIA News Networks and The Mighty Wurlitzer

This is the 1st article in a series syndicating content from the 5th edition of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! – How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government,” Media and Academia. You can download a printable, faxable and e-mailable version with references/links in PDF from:
References Continued
News Networks – CIA Inside
149 Are You Getting Your News from the CIA? – Fact Checked Meme, Etienne de la Boetie2, Art of Liberty Foundation website,
150 Are You Getting Your News from the CIA? – Fact Checked Meme, Etienne de la Boetie2, Art of Liberty Foundation website,
Search Engines Google – CIA Inside
151 “How the CIA Made Google by Nafeez Ahmed Jan 22nd 2015.Pdf.” Liberator Dropbox, CIA%20made%20Google%20by%20Nafeez%20Ahmed%20Jan%2022nd%202015.pdf?dl=0
Streaming Platforms – Is Amazon, A Mason?
“Is Amazon Really “a Mason”? – Making the Case That Amazon Is Part of Organized Crime’s Control-of-Perception Program.” Etienne de la Boetie2, 6 May, 2020, Government Scam,
Telecom – Verizon, AT&T, and T-Mobile – (FBI/NSA Inside (CALEA))
153 “Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act.” Wikipedia, 17 Oct. 2022,
Book Sales / Manipulation of Reviews – Is Amazon, A Mason?
“Is Amazon Really “a Mason”? – Making the Case That Amazon Is Part of Organized Crime’s Control-of-Perception Program.” Etienne de la Boetie2, 6 May, 2020, Government Scam,
Mobile Operating Systems – Android, IOS, Microsoft – NSA Inside?
155 “NSA PRISM Powerpoint Slides.” U.S. National Security Agency (NSA). 2 July 2013, Internet Archive,
Cable Broadband Providers – Comcast, Time Warner Cable, Cox – FBI/NSA Inside (CALEA))
153 “Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act.” Wikipedia, 17 Oct. 2022,
About the Author
Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and the editor of the Art of Liberty Daily News on Substack and Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media. All his important links can be found at
For More Information
This article is an excerpt from the book: “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!
You can find Part One of the Series here: The Propaganda Matrix
Resources to Learn More

“Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!, from which this essay is adapted, reveals how inter-generational organized crime runs the “government,” media and academia. The book is designed to wake up family, friends and colleagues. $30 (or $45 with Liberator flash drive) Get a copy + Liberator for “Going Paid”

The Liberator – Companion media to “Government” = The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! Many links in this series are to information from The Liberator! Full of documentaries, short videos, essential books on PDF, dank liberty memes, and truth music from the liberty movement’s hottest artists. Everything that is disappearing off the internet. $30 (or $45 with a copy of “Government”) Get a copy + Liberator for “Going Paid.”

Own a piece of libertarian activist history! In 2013, the police accountability organization Cop Block produced a one-time run of “Shiny Badges” modeled after the Keene, New Hampshire police department badge from a manufacturer of “real” police badges. The heavy-weight badge features the Cop Block logo and the words: “Shiny Badges Don’t Grant Extra Rights,” reminding the police of the incredible delusion required to believe a shiny badge gives one an exception from morality or the “right” to imprison peaceful people for victimless crimes among other immoral transgressions required for the job.
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