AOLF Important News

Helping Our Favorite Turtle Sanctuary & Children’s Home – #Voluntaryism for the Win! + Anarchapulco 2025 Update

We spotlight two charities in Acapulco, Mexico recovering from being hit by TWO (2) Hurricanes in two years…

After speaking at the People’s Reset conference in Morelia, Mexico, we were invited to Acapulco by some friends of mine who got married on the 5th of the month at the Bambuddha Holistic Center in a truly beautiful and unique cermony on the beach. My friends, fellow porcupines from New Hampshire’s Free State Project, rented a huge house in Acapulco for the month of February and invited us to stay. Sounds amazing but I spend the overwhelming majority of the day working in my room, doing podcasts, and typing on a laptop.

Chumped: The Unfortunate Truth About Anarchapulco and HBO’s Series: The Anarchists

Chumped: The Unfortunate Truth About Anarchapulco and HBO’s Series: The Anarchists

Actual Anarchpulco Graphic Promoting the Fact They Are Featured in the Control-of-Perception Media… Where Every Story Tars Everyone Associated with the Conference

Read full story

The Anarchapulco conference, which we have exposed as being a likely intelligence agency “steer & smear” operation in six-part investigation, is going on a couple of blocks away so dozens of my friends who still go to the conference are in town. Before I quit the conference, I use to throw the biggest party of the conference as a fundraiser for the Art of Liberty Foundation and our favorite Turtle Sanctuary in Mexico: Campamento Tortuguero Playa Hermosa. When we stopped by the Turtle Sactuary to say hi to our friends, we realized they are still recovering from being hit by TWO hurricanes in TWO yearsHurricane Otis in 2023 and Hurricane John in 2024.

When we visited our favorite local charity, the Marsh Children’s Home, where I use to volunteer, we realized they were still recovering as well. We decided to revive the Turtle Party one last time as a fundraiser to help them both out. Here is more information on both organizations. You can buy a ticket to the party, even if you aren’t in Acapulco to help out at or I am including all the information to donate directly in our spotlight below.

The Marsh Home for Children

Marsh Children’s Home Acapulco, Inc. provides a safe, nurturing environment for children in need. The award-winner center is located on Bonfil Beach outside of Acapulco and has served the community since 1990 and currently serves around sixty children at any given time. Some children have been abandoned by their parents while some children come from exceedingly poor areas in the mountains of Mexico where there are no opportunities for school or cultural enrichment. The center was set up by Jovita Godínez and her late husband, Eduardo Castañon who were both orphans themselves and continues to be run by Jovita to this day. Donations can be made via PayPal or though the Marsh Children Home Inc., a 501(C) 3 non-profit set up in the US to help the Marsh home. Details for both are here:

The Turtle Sanctuary on Bonfil Beach has been saving turtles for 30 years. Sanctuary staff search the beach at night or in the early morning hours for turtle nests that would be trampled by beachgoers or run over by four wheelers. The eggs are relocated to the sanctuary where they are protected and cared for by the staff. When the eggs hatch they are released by staff and visitors to the sanctuary who both learn about the turtles and help protect the baby turtles from marauding sea gulls as they make their trek to the sea. The Art of Liberty Foundation has supported the sanctuary for years through a mutually beneficial partnership for our annual fundraiser: The Art of Liberty on the Beach – aKa: The Turtle Party which has seen many of the leading artists of the liberty movement “Rock the House” including Grant “Prezence” Ellman, Alais Clay, the Freenauts, and Ela Mental among others. The sanctuary can be contacted over their Facebook page and the Art of Liberty Foundation can transfer donations made via Credit Card or Crypto if you specify the sanctuary when making a donation. or with Crypto / Checks:

Anarchapulco 2025 Update

Anarchapulco Update – So I have been getting updates from all my friends who still attend the conference… Not to toot my own horn but I essentially predicted in writing in my recent expose: The Scam of Stew Peters’ “Documentary” Occupiedthat Stew Peters was going to show up and tar the conference and the attendees with cartoonish anti-semitism… which he did… Exactly as described in my expose, Stew and Jeff Berwick have both been making cartoonish anti-semetic remarks about “The Jews” as if millions and millions of jews, the overwhelming majority having nothing to do with banking, central banking, monopoly media, Talpiot program spying or the sickening Talmud are somehow guilty of the crimes of a very specific organized crime system using fractional reserve banking, “government”, and monopoly media to rob the world. It was so cartoonish that Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media, who also exposed former Anarchapulco speaker Luke Rudkowski for gatekeeping, interviewed Stew after his talk and asked him point-blank if he was a psyop!

  • Many of the “attendees” aren’t “attending” at all… They are here for the amazing free thinking community that was created by the original conference (before the bait & switch) and still show up for the parties and commaraderie. I ran into a very wealthy friend last night who was in Bonfil but hadn’t bought a ticket because we had opened up his eyes to the scam of Anarchpulco.
  • We met a number of folks who were sneaking in
  • We heard stories of folks who felt they got gyped on the $1600 VIP ticket.
  • The conference is hosting a debate today on “Flat Earth” to further tarnish peaceful anarchy and voluntaryism through association. It is three flat earthers vs. one “globalist.” It smells like the goal is to trick anarchists, voluntaryists and truthers into shooting their credibility with their friends.
  • A friend and I are organizing a watch party for the 4th annual Freedom Under Natural Law conference in Acapulco where I will be a speaker. If you are in Acapulco for Anarchapulco (or to hang out with the cool kids who come for the community) and want to attend then e-mail me for details: Etienne(YOU KNOW)

About the Author

Etienne de la Boetie2 is the pen name of a voluntaryist author who was an attendee of Anarchapulco since the 1st conference in 2015, was a speaker in 2019 and a mainstage speaker in 2020 where author and podcaster Charlie Robinson said his 2020 main stage speech “Burned the House Down!” His book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! was the best-selling book at Anarchapulco in 2018, 2019 and 2020. He used to throw the biggest party at Anarchapulco, not thrown by the conference itself, The Turtle Party, as a fundraiser for his start-up voluntaryist non-profit: The Art of Liberty Foundation. His cost to table at the conference was raised from $1800 to $10,000 in 2020 to keep him from getting his book into the hands of the audience. He borrowed a friend’s table and, again, had the best-selling book at the conference!

Etienne’s 2020 Main Stage Anarchapulco Speech… What you aren’t going to get at Anarchapulco 2025!

About the Art of Liberty Foundation

The Art of Liberty Foundation – A start-up public policy organization: Voluntaryist crime fighters exposing inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “government,” media and academia. The foundation features voluntary solutions and charities vs. inefficient “government” aid based on extortion.

The foundation is the publisher of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and Five Meme Friday – a weekly e-mail or Telegram summary of the best of the alternative media, censored truth videos, and at least five hot, fresh, dank liberty memes every week, and “Government,” Media, and Academia Exposed! – A Telegram summary of the best mainstream and alternative news stories proving our thesis that all three are being hierarchically controlled by inter-generational organized crime interests.

The foundation’s recent conference, Liberty on the Rocks – Sedona – The Voluntaryism Conference featured leading economists, legal scholars, and political theorists explaining how the free market can provide all the legitimate, non-redistributive services provided by monopoly “government” better, faster and cheaper without the waste, fraud, abuse and extortion.

The foundation also publishes “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! – How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government,” Media and Academia and the upcoming book: Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All!

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