Gov’t is Illegitimate & Criminal – Voluntaryism is the Answer – Etienne at the Peoples Reset
Derrick Broze (Introduction): Our next presenter is a good friend of mine who’s been organizing in so many different ways.

And when I sit here and think about all the things we’ve done over the years, from giant banners spread across in Philadelphia telling people that government has organized crime and things like that, it’s been really beautiful.

He also is an author and presenter.

He organizes the Liberty on the Rocks – Sedona – The Voluntaryism Conference, which just happened in Sedona a couple of months ago, along with so many other great things. And today, he’s going to talk to us about government, what it is, and whether or not it’s necessary. So please do make some noise and give a big round of applause to Etienne de la Boétie-Squared.

Etienne de la Boetie2: My name is Etienne De La Boétie2. I’m the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation. We are a startup public policy organization that is exposing the illegitimacy and the criminality of government from a principled, voluntaryist standpoint. If you don’t know what a voluntaryist is, I’m about to break it down for you.

So, I’m best known for a book called “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!, where I make the case that government is best thought of as a technique for robbing and controlling populations.

It is always illegitimate. It is impossible to have a legitimate, moral, logical government.

And so, if John told you that you had to obey him or he would violate you, that would be wrong.
If John claims that because he and his friends are in the majority and you must obey him or be punished, that would still be wrong.
Even if John and his friends are able to trick, indoctrinate, propagandize, and pay off enough people to vote for an institution to work on their behalf, and they all claim that you must obey its dictates or be punished, it would still be wrong.
And if you can understand this basic concept, then you understand why government neither has the legitimate nor lawful right to violate you just because some people decide to vote for it in obviously rigged elections.

Now, if we don’t have government, then what’s the alternative to government?
It is something popularly known as: voluntaryism.
In short, voluntaryism is the common-sense idea that all human associations must be voluntary; that nobody has the right to use violence or extortion on anybody else, even if they’re in the minority, even if they’re a quote-unquote “government”, and the fact that they’re using violence and extortion on peaceful people is a de facto proof that “government” is illegitimate on its face.
There’s also a kind of recognition that the world is a self-organizing system. It produces something called spontaneous order, and everything the government does would be done better, faster, and cheaper by the free market, by mutual aid societies, by nonprofits, by insurance companies, by co-ops, by genuine charities. And we’re gonna kind of dig a little bit deeper into that concept here.

Now, first of all, we’ll talk about the political spectrum that most people learned about in school or from the monopoly media. That is, there is communism on the far, far left, and there’s fascism on the far, far right. And in between those, there are Republicans on the right, Democrats on the left, and moderates in the middle.
But really, the reality of it is that you have total tyranny on the left-hand side, and then you make your way through socialists, liberals, moderates, conservatives, and libertarians, until you get to voluntaryism, and that’s total freedom OR REAL Freedom.
So, if you wanted to look at the political spectrum that way, you would have communism and fascism as total tyranny, and you would have voluntarism as total or REAL freedom.

Now, a little bit of a more extensive way of understanding the political landscape is something called the Nolan Chart, which was invented by an MIT student, David Nolan, who realized the fallacy of the fake left-right paradigm.
So, what he did is he created this, popularly known as the Diamond Chart, or the Nolan Chart, or the world’s smallest political quiz. It’s popularized by the Advocates for Self-Government, and you can take the quiz on their website.
On the left-hand side, there’s a personal freedom scale, and on the right-hand side, there is an economic freedom scale.
So, if you think about it, liberals, they like a lot of personal freedom. So gay marriage is fine, legalization of drugs is fine, free speech is fine, but they don’t favor a lot of economic freedom. We need to have taxes, and we need to have regulations, and the government needs to control the economy.
And so, that would, on this scale, if you’re very, very high on personal freedom and very low on economic freedom, you’re in the left-hand quadrant.
Now, Republicans are the exact opposite. Republicans like lots of economic freedom, low tariffs, low taxation, low government regulation, but they’re not really that keen on personal freedom.
Most Republicans believe that drugs should be illegal, gambling illegal, prostitution illegal, and people can’t make their own decisions.
Daddy government has to do that, even if they’re not harming anybody else. The government has to abridge their personal freedoms for their own good. And so in that they are in the right-hand quadrant and it makes sense.
Now, what if you’re for maximum economic freedom and you’re for maximum personal freedom? Well, that puts you into the libertarian quadrant at the top.
And the very top there is voluntaryism for maximum personal freedom and maximum economic freedom.
Then, there’s a chasm. So you can see how there’s a space between voluntaryists and libertarians, and what that space represents is everybody above the line believes that government is illegitimate, undesirable, and unnecessary, and everybody below that line thinks that government is legitimate, desirable, and necessary.

Now, this is a slide that I borrowed from my friend John Bush right here, and I pro-modified it a little bit. I didn’t realize it was his, or I would have given him credit when I made the meme, but I wanted to call him out today.
What he pointed out is that if you listen to the monopoly media, which my book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History breaks down how the government, the media, and academia have been monopolized to give the world kind of a fake view of what’s really going on, the legitimacy of government, and among other things, they would have you believe that Donald Trump is to the right and Kamala Harris is to the left.
But really, that line extends from total tyranny again to REAL freedom, and you’ve got Mao, Hitler, and Stalin on the far left near total tyranny. You’ve got Donald Trump and Kamala in the “Overton Window” of the middle. You’ve got Ron Paul more towards REAL freedom. And then I’ve got myself as an example of someone that supports voluntaryism, which is REAL freedom. And when I say REAL freedom, I like to highlight it. I like to underline it. I like to bold it, and italicize it.
But today, I hope you’ll put aside what you learned as a child and step back as an adult and really open your mind and question: Is government really legitimate, desirable, and necessary?
And if it’s not, then how would we organize society?
How would things get done?
And we’re about to talk about that right now.

I’m going to talk about is my upcoming book, Voluntaryism – How the Only ‘ISM’ Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity, and Good Karma for All. And what I mean by that is every other political “ISM”, whether it’s communism, whether it’s socialism, whether it’s democratic republicanism…
With all of those other “ISMs”, there’s a ruling class, whether it’s a monarchy, or whether it’s a politburo, or whether it’s an elected parliament, or whatever, that has rights that you don’t; that has the ability to use violence and extortion on society; that gets an exception for morality, which is illogical and immoral and doesn’t really make any sense.

And so, on the right-hand side of the slide, we’re comparing voluntaryism to minarchism, conservatism, socialism, and communism.
Minarchists (people who believe in a minimal “government”) are willing to act violently on peaceful people to acquire fire protection, police, military, and the courts.
And then that box is subsumed in the box for conservatives, and they’re willing to use violence for all those things, plus unemployment insurance, retirement insurance, limited healthcare, limited housing.
And then those two boxes are in the middle of socialism, and they’re willing to use violence for everything previously described PLUS universal healthcare.
Communists are willing to use violence for everything, everything in all of the boxes.
And then voluntaryists are at the bottom, and they’re NOT willing to use violence on peaceful people.
Voluntaryists seek to acquire desired services through voluntary relationships.
Now, if we’re not going to have a government, who’s going to protect the people? Who’s going to look after the poor, the needy, the disadvantaged, the downtrodden, the people that have been disadvantaged by history and some of these governments along the way?

Luckily, what economics teaches us is that there’s a number of different market mechanisms that provide public goods, what we would consider public goods, many things that the government does for us today, for free, without any violence, extortion, waste, fraud and abuse of “government”.

One of these is called Spontaneous Order, which I touched on a little bit ago, is the idea that order emerges out of disorder.
That you can have order without somebody at the top of society using a gun to hierarchically control everybody else within the society.

The Invisible Hand is well-known in economics. It was popularized by Adam Smith. I’ve got his quote right here, which is probably one of the most well-known quotes in all of economics:
“It’s not from the benevolence of the butcher, the brewer, or the baker that we expect our dinner, but from their regard to their own interest.”
And what that means is that New York City wakes up to hot bagels and hot coffee, not because the baker loves you, but because the baker wants to put food on his own table and wants to improve the lot in life for his own family. He provides services to society, and you benefit from that without, again, any kind of hierarchical control.

Market Competition is another well-known economic principle that says, yes, the brewer, the butcher, the baker, they all want to improve their lot in life. But what’s to stop them from charging $25 for a cup of coffee or $25 for a loaf of bread?
Well, there are other brewers, bakers, and butchers that are willing to sell it cheaper, and then that market competition kind of balances out the desire for the independent merchant to maximize their own profit, while at the same time still providing that good and service at a fair price. The fair price is set by the market across different specific geographies, markets, and against different currencies, and that will balance itself out.

Capital formation is the idea that when you save your own money and you invest it, you’re generally investing it in places that you understand, industries that you understand. Most entrepreneurs understand their own industry, see where there’s a market opportunity, invest their own capital, buy the means of production, and provide the means of production to people that may not have any capital and may not have any skills to assist them. They provide jobs, and they’re the best people to make market decisions—definitely not a government in Washington, D.C.
The Discipline of Constant Dealings is one of my favorite little principles of economics. This is the idea that, yes, merchants might cheat you. The gas station might sell you 0.85 of a gallon of gas instead of a full gallon because they calibrate their pumps wrong, or the guy running a dairy might take a hose of water and put it into his milk tank to make extra milk. For the most part, nobody does that.
The reason most merchants don’t cheat is that if they get caught, they lose their valuable business. The knowledge of their crime spreads through society. People aren’t going to buy their milk, people aren’t going to buy their gas, and nobody’s going to do business with them. So even though many people in the market could cheat, for the most part, they don’t because if that gets out, it ruins their businesses.
Innovation and Productivity Improvements reduce the cost of the luxuries and necessities of life. One of the biggest problems we have in the economy right now is that we have a crooked monetary system. The organized crime government got together with the banks, and in 1913, they lobbied and bribed Congress to pass the Federal Reserve Act, which gave the banks the ability to engage in something called fractional reserve banking. Fractional reserve banking is when you go to a bank and get a car loan, commercial loan, or mortgage, and they’re not loaning you deposited money. They’re just tickling the keyboard and crediting your account with digital dollars, even though that’s inflationary and stealing the value out of your own money and everyone else’s.
Without this crooked banking system, innovations and productivity improvements should be reducing the cost of everything that you buy in the market. Everything should be cheaper.
Every single year, you should be buying more and more and more with your dollars, but instead, prices are going up because the organized crime banks are stealing the value out of everybody else’s money.

Pyxis Ocean sailing through the English Channel from Spain to Amsterdam, March 2024 using 123 foot “Wind Wings” to reduce fuel consumption on average 3.3 tons of fuel each day.
One of my favorite examples of innovations and productivity improvements is there are a couple of different companies in the market that actually make a giant sail that goes on commercial ships and reduces the cost. So, you can just take the sail, install it on an ocean-going vessel, and it’ll save, I think it’s like 3.3 tons of fuel a day off the cost of an ocean-going vessel. And so people that use that technology are able to cut the amount that they charge for ocean-going trips and extend a rebate to their customers to gain more market share in the market. And then that reduces the costs that you pay for goods and services… if we didn’t have an organized crime bank and organized crime government.

Now, at the same time that the free market and freedom and innovation and improvements make everybody richer, government makes everybody poorer. And some of the ways it does this is through monopolies.
My book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History, is usually the best-selling book at almost every conference we go to. I don’t have any books to sell because I shipped the books from my distribution center in New Hampshire to my house in Memphis, Tennessee. We gave the post office 10 days to get it there. They got it there in 11. It arrived the day after we left. And I’m going to lose $750 – $1,000 that we would have made selling books in this audience. Everybody here would have gotten to get the book without having to pay shipping and handling.
Now, take that one example and multiply that by everybody else that has to use the postal service.
When I gave a similar talk in Sedona a couple of months ago, we used the U.S. Postal Service’s next-day service to send a banner for the front of the podium, and it didn’t get there in time. So, we had no banner for the podium. It just goes on and on and on. My fault for shipping the books through the post office. I thought 10 days would surely do it. My bad. But just imagine what that costs everybody in society.

Economic Misallocation is when the government spends your money on what they think you deserve, whether that’s green technologies like Solyndra, where they lost half a billion dollars, whether it’s buying a website for Obamacare for almost a billion dollars from a company run by one of Michelle Obama’s friends from college, whether it’s warfare that takes billions and billions and billions of dollars of your tax money and blows up empty valleys in Afghanistan or Iraq or wherever.

Price and capital controls, central planning, inflationary monopoly money, tariffs, trade barriers, import-export quotas, bailouts, and subsidies for failing businesses.
These are all examples of where the government is making the average person poorer at the same time that the market is making everybody richer.

Now, another example of that is government waste, fraud, and abuse, and it is legendary. It is frankly stunning how much money the government wastes of the average person’s money without any care for the time, the effort, the toil, the blood, and the sweat, and the tears that you put into earning that money. They will just throw it away in the most ridiculous ways. These are just a couple of examples. I could have gone on for slide after slide after slide.
New York City spent two million dollars for a four-toilet park bathroom. San Francisco spent $1.7 million for a single 150-square-foot toilet. One single toilet. The Pentagon has been caught spending $1,280 for coffee cups, $74,000 for aluminum ladders, $170 for flashlights, $13,900 for a chair, $400,000 for F-35 helmets. Every single F-35 helmet costs $400,000. $10,000 for toilet seats.
The picture right there is Florida Congressman Mike Waltz grilling the head of the Air Force about why they’re spending $90,000 for a bag of bushings that you could buy on the open market for $100.
And so we’re getting absolutely, absolutely screwed by government. When I say that everything will be provided by the free market and that there’s something called spontaneous order, that’s not something that I’m just saying “pie in the sky,” and, you know, if we didn’t have government, these things would happen. These things are happening right now, and it’s really all around you.

I’ve got an example of this exploded cell phone as one example of spontaneous order, but you know, it’s not one single company that makes a cell phone. It’s hundreds, if not thousands of companies, if you include the software, that are doing everything from mining the materials, making the glass, the battery, the Wi-Fi transmitter, the software that powers the device. And there’s no central hierarchical control over that process at all from Washington, D.C. or anywhere else. These are all companies that come together in an organic way, producing spontaneous order to make the most complicated machines, provide the most complicated services, and do the most complicated economic coordination without any centrally top-down coordination.
Other examples of spontaneous order are cars, computers, smartphones, bookstores, airliners, movies. One of my other favorites is the grocery store. The grocery store coordinates the activities of millions of different farmers, merchandisers, food processors, packagers, and employees to ensure that you’ve got strawberries and avocados in January, and you’ve got food from six different continents, and it’s all essentially priced fairly. Some people compete on quality, some people compete on price, and you’ve got thousands and thousands and thousands of choices in your average supermarket without any central control or coordination whatsoever.

Now, in addition to just providing things that you buy, there are organic, grassroots, spontaneous order that routinely produces public goods. Underwriters Laboratory certifies the electronics equipment in your home to ensure that it doesn’t set itself on fire, without government having to lift a finger or do anything. The Ocean Cleanup Project is removing plastics from rivers and oceans.

The Non-GMO Project is certifying non-GMO ingredients where the government wouldn’t, where the government refused to do it, refused to protect because of political reasons and payoffs and Monsanto and other reasons. They refused to do it. And so, a private organization called the Non-GMO Project came together, and it put together a voluntary system with safeguards. And I don’t buy food with grains without it saying Non-GMO Project Verified.
Consumer Reports tests and reviews everything, and I’m going to talk about the North Maine Woods in detail here in a second. Rural Metro Fire provides private fire protection, EMS, rescue, and medical aid at vehicle accidents, even in wildland fire protection, and for communities around the country. Detroit Threat Management provides cost-effective armed protective services in Detroit, where the monopoly police are notoriously inefficient and corrupt. has provided over $2 Billion in crowdsourced capital to local entrepreneurs, just like the Small Business Administration does.
Now, these are just a few examples. I could have gone on and on and on, but I hope you understand that this isn’t something that is just pie in the sky. It’s all happening right now. It’s all happening all around you. We just want to really, really set it free.

Now, here’s an example that I used that just popped up. So, when we were in Sedona for Liberty on the Rocks – Sedona – The Voluntaryism Conference that Derek mentioned in my introduction, I’d gotten there a couple of days early. We’d done some advertising in the local newspaper. I got on their email blast to ensure that our ads were being placed. And I find an article saying that Sedona had just spent $1.6 million on eight pickleball courts, and my jaw hits the ground.
Now, I happen to know a guy that owns private pickleball courts in Memphis, Tennessee, called Willow Grove Pickleball Paradise. I pick up the phone and I call him and I tell him what they just spent. And he begins laughing and breaking down how much he spent to build his pickleball paradise.
Now, Willow Grove Pickleball Paradise has six outdoor courts plus two bathrooms (there are no bathrooms in Sedona). He spent less than $100,000 to build those six courts and those two bathrooms, including the lights and the fencing and all the amenities that Sedona has.
He’s currently building five additional courts that will be indoor climate-controlled courts, and he’s going to pay somewhere between $325,000 and $350,000 for those courts.
Willow Grove is a paradise. It’s set on a bucolic lake. He’s got horses and mules that will come up to the fence and let you pet them. He’s got dozens of different exotic chickens running around the place. It’s beautiful. And he charges $5 a day to play all day. You can come and go. If you buy a monthly or yearly deal, it gets even cheaper than that. If you don’t have the money, he’ll let you play for free.
So, this guy is providing the exact same service for the community. He’s providing a better level of service for the community that has more courts, that has indoor courts. And he’s doing it without any violence, without any extortion, and he’s doing a better job as just one example on the local level of how the free market provides public goods for free, without the violence and the extortion of government.
Now, pickleball, that’s simple, right? Anybody can go build a pickleball court. You just make a flat place, and like there’s lots of companies that can do that. What about really complicated things? Well, surely we need government for really, really complicated things, right?

So, a lot of people don’t know this, but Canada privatized their air traffic control in 1996. The private company is called NAV CANADA. They have 1,900 air traffic controllers, 650 flight service specialists, 700 technologists, computer programmers, and IT folks. They manage 12 million aircraft movements a year. They have 40,000 customers—private pilots, airlines, and others. They’re covering 18 million square kilometers. They have 42 control towers. They have seven area control centers. They have 46 radar sites, 15 ADS ground sites. It’s the second-largest air navigation provider by volume in the world.
No government involvement and planes are not falling out of the sky in Canada.

Now, a lot of people don’t know this, but before there was government unemployment insurance and disability and Medicare and Medicaid, there was something called Mutual Aid Societies. Mutual Aid Societies provided many of the exact same benefits that the government provides to the poor, the needy, and the disadvantaged today.

Etienne Note: Here is a video from my upcoming book: Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All, you can click on the image above or scan the QR code with your phone to open supporting multimedia. In the ePub and PDF you can click on the play button, which, in this case, screen-pops a short 5:25 video on the death of lodge practice from our video channel of companion media. Everything works, so give it a try!
There was something called Lodge Practice, where the Mutual Aid Societies would actually hire a doctor who would work for the Mutual Aid Societies and provide home health care. They worked for you. They were on your side. They were in the same mutual aid society that you were in. The AMA didn’t like that, and they had the government run Lodge Practice out of businesses.
And get this, are you ready for this? The mutual aid societies competed with each other on who would provide better benefits for their members because they wanted you in the Elks or the Rotary Club or whatever it is. They didn’t want you to go to the other ones, so they competed to see who would offer better benefits to their members.

Now, surely, if we didn’t have government, then there wouldn’t be national parks and who would protect the environment and who will do that? Again, a lot of people don’t realize this, but up in Maine, there’s an area called the North Maine Woods.
The North Maine Woods is 3.5 million acres of privately protected forest in Maine. It’s mostly timber companies, but there’s privately owned conservation areas. There’s private landowners. They all get together. In the North Maine Woods, there’s an organization that manages everything.
It’s twice the size of the state of Massachusetts. It has all of the amenities that you would expect from a private park or a national park. You can go hiking, camping, four-wheeling, snowmobiling, and hunting. You’ve got everything that you would find in a private park without the waste, fraud, abuse, and extortion.
Now, voluntaryism doesn’t mean there’s no organization. Here’s an example. So, towns and cities—how would all of that be managed? Who would provide the water, the streets, and everything like that? This is not, again, something that I just cherry-picked.

This is where I used to live in Virginia. It’s called Ashburn Village: 1,500 acres, 5,000 residential units, 15,000 residents. We had four recreation centers, four outdoor pools, one indoor pool, full weight room, a dozen outdoor tennis courts, four indoor tennis courts, full gymnasium, indoor and outdoor basketball courts, weight rooms, sauna, steam room—everything that you would expect from a government community center. The homeowners association manages everything. There’s no violence or extortion. If you don’t want to live there, you can move and go someplace that doesn’t have those amenities. But that’s all going on without “government”.

Now, again, a lot of people don’t realize this is going on. One more example.
This is Prospera in Honduras. It’s a free private city. It’s located on the island of Roatán off the coast of Honduras. It’s in something called a special economic zone. They negotiated sovereignty with the government of Honduras, where the laws of Honduras do not apply to Prospera. And so, it’s a private city where they’re providing some of the strongest private property protections in the world. They have some of the strongest economic freedom in the world. There’s been over $120 million invested to date. This is an old number, it’s probably greater than that. There are 200-plus businesses that have relocated there or incorporated there. They have a 5% flat tax on gross income for individuals and an effective 1% flat tax on gross income for legal entities and businesses. They operate the Pristine Bay Resort in St. John’s Bay. They have the tallest residential building in Honduras. They have an 18-hole Pete Dye-designed golf course, private villas, a Bitcoin center, and a scuba shop. They’re doing it all without extortion. You decide if you want to live there, if you want to be under their laws. If you don’t like it, you can go somewhere else.
All of this is not pie in the sky. It’s all happening all around you.

Now, to wrap it all up, this is the benefit of more freedom, because more freedom means more prosperity for everybody in society. This is an index called Economic Freedom in the World. It’s organized, and the data is collected by the Fraser Institute, which is a free-market think tank in Canada. What you’re looking at is the kind of dark green, which represents the top 10% of the freest jurisdictions and countries in the world. The lighter green is the next 20%. So, each of those segments represents how much economic freedom is measured. The dark green is the countries with the most freedom, the light green is the next most freedom, yellow is the middle amount of freedom, and so on.
And so, whether it’s life expectancy in years, more freedom equals more life expectancy. More freedom equals fewer children in the labor force. More freedom equals the poorest 10% having a greater share of the national income than everyone else. The income level of the poorest 10% is dramatically higher in countries with the most freedom. The most freedom leads to a higher income per capita. More freedom equals a higher average growth rate for your economy. More freedom equals dramatically more investment of capital, because who wants to invest in countries that don’t have freedom? Who wants to live in countries that don’t have freedom? The areas that have the most freedom have dramatically less unemployment.
So, we know that the more freedom you have, the more prosperity the society as a whole has. And so, what voluntaryists want to do is maximize the amount of personal and economic freedom for everybody, so that we can maximize economic prosperity.
I mentioned that the end of my speech is near, but I also want to mention that I’ve got a book coming out called Voluntaryism: How the Only ‘ISM’ Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony and Prosperity for All.

A lot of the visualizations you saw in this presentation are from the book. We’re accepting pre-orders, and we’re trying to raise $20,000 to finish it up, so if you’re interested in seeing a world of more freedom and communicating that good news message effectively, please consider becoming a sponsor of the Art of Liberty Foundation.

I mentioned we’re a public policy organization with a principled, very voluntarist perspective.
I’m doing another speech later today on How to Arrest the Organized Crime “Deep State for a Million Bucks using the Uniformed Secret Service, Capitol Police, and DC Law Enforcement. That is guaranteed to be interesting, and I’ll be back here at five o’clock. So, if you want to do that, join us!

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Here’s all my contact information, and I wanted to just say you’ll be able to find this and all the slides and all of my original writings at and That’s it. I want to thank everybody for your kind attention.

Derrick Broze: “Make some noise for Etienne, everybody!”
About the Author

Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and the editor of the Art of Liberty Daily News on Substack and Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media.
He is the author of The Covid-19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction and Solving Covid – The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline
His upcoming book is Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All
About the Art of Liberty Foundation

A start-up public policy organization: Voluntaryist crime fighters exposing inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “government,” media and academia. The foundation is the publisher of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!– How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government,” Media and Academia.
We publish The Daily News, a free survey of the best of the alternative media, censored videos, and documentaries, and the Daily News Digest, a once-per-day-summary of the Daily News as a premium service for paid subscribers of any Art of Liberty Foundation Substack and Five Meme Friday – a free weekly e-mail or Telegram summary of the best of the alternative media, censored truth videos, and at least five hot, fresh, dank liberty memes every week, and “Government,” Media, and Academia Exposed! – A Telegram summary of the best mainstream and alternative news stories proving our thesis that all three are being hierarchically controlled by inter-generational organized crime interests. You can read our 2023 Annual Report here.

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