Five Meme Friday

FiveMemeFri – Top 10 Female Mind Control Agendas

Also… Art of Liberty readers donate a fully stocked RV & $4800 to buy another RV for Hurricane Helene relief!

Dear Subscribers,

My apologies for getting last week’s Five Meme Friday out on Thursday! Julie and I were in Chicago for the holidays and ended up having a couple of family medical emergencies that kept us an extra week helping to care for her father and sister. Everyone is on the mend, dad comes home from a rehabilitation facility today, and we are heading home to Memphis in a couple of hours.

The big news this week is an update on an article that I did on a relief effort for Hurricane Helene right before Christmas as our featured charity. Art of Liberty Foundation readers Brook and Heather S. donated a 2017 “bunk house” travel trailer that they fully stocked with cooking utensils, bedding, blankets, upgraded propane tanks, propane, and food. The trailer went to a family of five that had been living in their flooded home, where the mold and dampness had given all five respiratory issues.

Other readers donated $4800 that was used by Christpoint Church in Sparta, TN, to buy another RV, bringing the church’s contribution to eight (8!) donated trailers and the overall effort, organized by TLC Community Center in Elizabethton, Tennessee and Summit Leadership in Johnson City, to 62+ RVs donated, up from 36 less than a month ago. They are sorting out some title issues, and the final total will be closer to 70 RVs by the end of the week! Someone even donated a Bayliner boat without a motor that was plugged into “shore power” to run the heater and amenities to house folks!

Book Update: Our IndieGoGo ended and we raised $3743 from 81 backers! We had another Keith G. sent $1000 outside the platform and Greg L. sent us $1000 so the final total is $5743 or around 20% of our $25,000 goal. We have enough to finish and print the book but not enough for any kind of marketing, advertising, or promotion. I am releasing some more memes from the book below and will provide a more comprehensive update and another chapter when I am back in my office next week. THANK YOU to everyone who donated!! You can still support and pre-order at


Top 10 Female Mind Control Agendas has popped to the #1 shared story from the Daily News so far this year!

I am going to be speaking at The People’s Reset Conference in Morelia, Mexico January 29th-Feb 2nd. I will give a mainstage keynote on Voluntaryism and a workshop talk on an idea I have to cost-effectively arrest the organized crime “deep state” using the uniformed secret service who already know “government” is run my organized crime. Want to join us?Use this link to support the Art of Liberty:

Hat-tip to John Bush who created the original! I pro-modified this version to give it a little more horsepower!

Top Stories of the Week

Update: Churches Donate 36 (now 62+!) RVs to Hurricane Hellene Victims – Amish Donate $300K and Build 12 Tiny Homes

Etienne Update: I originally wrote and published the article below to the Art of Liberty Foundation’s Daily News Substack on Dec 13th as our featured charity for the Christmas season. Our readers responded with $4800 in donations to the church, and readers Brook and Heather S. donated a 2017 “bunk house” travel trailer that they fully stocked with cooking utensils, bedding, blankets, upgraded propane tanks, propane, and food. The trailer went to a family of five that had been living in their flooded home, where the mold and dampness had given all five respiratory issues.

Trailer and Supplies Donated by Art of Liberty Foundation Readers to the Effort!

The $4800 donated was used by Christpoint Church in Sparta, TN, to buy another RV, bringing the church’s contribution to eight (8!) donated trailers and the overall effort, organized by TLC Community Center in Elizabethton, Tennessee and Summit Leadership in Johnson City, to 62 RVs donated, up from 36 less than a month ago. They are sorting out some title issues, and the final total will be closer to 70 RVs by the end of the week!

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Videos of the Week

Etienne Recommended: Ryan Cristian Interviews Denis Rancourt – The COVID-19 Illusion: Biological Stress-Induced Bacterial Pneumonia

by Ryan Cristián

Joining me today once again is Denis Rancourt PhD, here to discuss his newest study breaking down the illusion that is COVID-19. We review his previous work on the topic highlighting how it is a clear mathematical possibility for a government to use preexisting illness numbers and conflate them with a current focus, combining that with false positives from PCR tests and deadly treatments (pre-COVID injection), all to create an illusion of a “novel” illness — whether a virus was ever there to begin with, or exists at all. We also discuss the (very well known) deleterious effects of lockdowns, masks, and of course the very deadly modRNA injections, and how all of these only added to this illusion when their effects were also conflated with the ever-shifting claims of the alleged “COVID-19” symptoms. We then discuss Denis’ recent research around the idea of what’s called “biological stress-induced transmission-less bacterial pneumonia” and the profound impact this has on the entire conversation, and to a degree, even bridges the gap between those who believe in terrain theory and those who believe in germ theory.

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“Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed

Our Lying Eyes: New Photo Shows Biden with Hunter ‘s Business Associates Despite Past Denials

Etienne Note: This article also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “Government,” Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:

by jonathanturley

“Lies.” That response was a mantra for President Joe Biden, who denied ever meeting or knowing about his son’s foreign dealings. Despite the pronounced lack of interest by most media outlets in the alleged multimillion dollar influence-peddling scheme, the House and conservative groups have doggedly pursued the matter and found overwhelming evidence that the President has repeatedly lied about his interactions with foreign clients. Now, a new photo further contradicts the President, who recently pardoned his son for any crimes committed over a ten-year period.

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Flashback: By 2022, the Macron government spent $2.4 Billion euros on consulting firms

Etienne Note: This article also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “Government,” Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:

Check out our monograph: Solving Covid – The Covid 19 Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline at and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction to understand who is behind “The Covid”

by Meryl Nass

This article is almost 3 years old but has not received attention in the US. It is important, as we come to grasp how the COVID sausage was made.

For example,

Enter McKinsey, who was drafted in to intervene by sorting out all the logistics, organization and monitoring of France’s national vaccination campaign, spanning from November 2020 to February 4, 2022. The new ‘McKinsey cabinets’ were seen to have lent a hand to the State on the key aspects of the crisis, and they are still in charge today.

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“The Bond Markets Are Revolting” – Ed Dowd Exposes Biden Admin’s “Incompetence… Or Fraud”

Etienne Note: This article also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “Government,” Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:

by Tyler Durden

Former Wall Street money manager and financial analyst Ed Dowd of is back with more data on how the Biden Administration propped up a failing economy during the 2024 election year.Dowd contends “crisis level spending” was being administered, along with some bigtime “fraud.”

Dowd says, “We had 10% deficit to GDP during the Great Financial Crisis (2008 – 2009) when we actually had a crisis. We had 8% deficit to GDP during this election year. You have to ask yourself, what was the crisis?

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“Daily News of The Week”

Is This Weird Dome the Future of Watching Sports?

By Kriston Capps

For Dallas Cowboys fans gathered at Cosm, a new sports venue just north of Dallas, the climax of the Nov. 24 National Football League game against the Washington Commanders delivered a heart-attack-worthy spectacle.

Both teams were muddling through a 10-9 game until the fourth quarter, when a series of unlikely events turned things upside down. In the final stretch, the two offenses exploded for a collective 31 points. With less than a minute left and all the mojo behind them, the Commanders sneezed on an extra-point kick that would have tied the game. Then Washington surrendered a touchdown on the subsequent kickoff, sealing their fate in a 34-26 loss at their home field at Northwest Stadium in Landover, Maryland.

Cowboys fans all over the planet witnessed the same bewildering victory on TV. But few Dallas die-hards had better seats for this shocking turnabout than those watching at Cosm, an immersive sports theater that opened in August in The Colony, a north Dallas suburb. Hundreds of fans gathered inside the facility’s cavernous dome to watch a Sunday stunner on a concave three-story screen — an experience immense and vivid enough to be lifelike.

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Veterinarian Dr. John Robb: Standard vaccination protocols can harm and even kill pets

By Rhoda Wilson

Dr. John Robb, a Connecticut veterinarian with over 32 years of experience, has been speaking out for years about the harm caused by vaccinating animals. He believes that over-vaccination can lead to serious health issues in pets, including vomiting, tumours at the injection site, immune diseases and even death from anaphylaxis.

Dr. John Robb founded the Protect the Pets movement, a grassroots effort aimed at raising awareness about the dangers of over-vaccination in veterinary medicine. The movement seeks to promote responsible vaccination practices, protect animal companions from harm and advocate for changes to existing rabies vaccination laws in the United States.

He clashed with Mars/Banfield over his refusal to administer unnecessary rabies booster shots to pets. He believed that the vaccination protocols were driven by profit rather than science and animal welfare. Mars/Banfield, on the other hand, adhered to standard industry practices.

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After NATO’s Romanian Coup, Where Next?

by Kit Klarenberg

All my investigations are free to access, thanks to the generosity of my readers. Independent journalism nonetheless requires investment, so if you took value from this article or any others, please consider sharing, or even becoming a paid subscriber. Your support is always gratefully received, and will never be forgotten. To buy me a coffee or two, please click this link.

On December 6th, Romania’s constitutional court made an extraordinary decision to inexplicably overturn first round results of the country’s November 24th presidential election. Conveniently, the ruling was made mere days before a runoff that, according to polls, would’ve seen upstart outsider Calin Georgescu win via landslide. In the process, citizens of all NATO member states were provided with a particularly pitiless, real-time crash course on what could now happen in their own countries, should the ‘wrong’ candidates be elected fair and square.

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Privatize the Postal Service, Amtrak, Airports, and More

by Veronique de Rugy

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, and Santa is done checking his list and deciding who’s been naughty and nice. Of course, whenever he stops by the U.S. Capitol, he finds evidence of a lot of naughty fiscal irresponsibility that has given us a budget and government that overflow with inefficiency and waste. So my holiday wish is that, one way or another, we get some fiscal cheer by putting a few government-run programs under the privatization tree. Let’s unwrap the possibilities!

When it comes to deliveries, Santa’s sleigh reigns supreme. The U.S. Postal Service, on the other hand, is more like a lopsided toboggan pulled by one reindeer threatening to go on strike. Despite its monopoly on letters and mailboxes, it’s running a tab bigger than a Black Friday shopping spree. In 2024 alone, the Postal Service lost $9.5 billion. Without changes, it’s on track to lose another $80 billion in the coming decade. Even the Grinch would be shocked by that.

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“All Systems Go” For Polar Vortex Air Dumping Into US

by Tyler Durden

New forecasts from private weather forecaster BAMWX show an Arctic blast, or “polar vortex,” is set to pour into the eastern half of the United States during the second week of January or by mid-month. US natural gas markets responded early Friday, jumping nearly 5% on expectations of a colder start to the new year and increased heating fuel demand.

BIG overnight colder trends on the EPS. The key here is the tropospheric polar vortex sitting over the Hudson Bay. The ability for storms/fronts to pull in cold air will be amplified and this run highlights that. Stages set for a few memorable cold snaps in January of 2025,” BAMWX wrote on X.

BAMWX noted, “In addition to the Tropospheric Polar Vortex – one key to keeping the cold around for an extended time is to then move the Stratospheric Polar Vortex towards North America to ensure a consistent supply of cold air down the road,” adding, “Both the ECMWF and GEFS are showing that now.”

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“Doesn’t Fit MSM Narrative”: Latest Arctic Ice Data Shows 26% Larger Than 2012

by Tyler Durden

Climate realist Tony Heller took to X to highlight the climate misinformation and disinformation campaigns waged by far-left corporate media on the global public.

Heller referenced a 2007 BBC News article titled “Arctic summers ice-free ‘by 2013’,” which warned readers of the supposed threat that “latest modeling studies indicate northern polar waters could be ice-free in summers within just 5-6 years.”

The BBC article’s baseless claim was designed to instill climate fears across the public to ram through a radical de-growth climate agenda across the Western world.

Heller then cited NOAA Sea Ice Extent data of the Arctic from Sept. 16, 2012, and Sept. 7, 2024, and found:

This year’s minimum Arctic sea ice extent was 26% larger than 2012. @BBCNews said the Arctic would be ice-free by 2013.”

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Postmaster General Louis DeJoy Made $561,051 in Compensation in 2024, as Mail Costs Spiked and Delivery Deteriorated

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens

For the first time in decades of sending holiday gifts to family members through the U.S. Postal Service (USPS), the majority of the packages we sent did not arrive by Christmas Day, despite the fact that we mailed early. One package we sent to Minnesota from the east coast overshot its destination by 1,825 miles and went to California. It then had to travel all the way back. Other packages did not show up in the USPS tracking system for days, until we filed an inquiry with the U.S. Postal Service.

One package that had to travel just four states away took 17 days. According to NASA, it takes approximately three days to travel 238,855 miles to the moon. (See thread posted below for how others describe the “wild journeys” their own USPS packages took.)

Louis DeJoy, the Postmaster General, calls this insanity going on at the U.S. Postal Service his “Delivering for America” plan. DeJoy was a large donor to Donald Trump’s first run for President and was put on the U.S. Postal Services Board of Governors by Trump in 2020.

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Top 10 Female Mind Control Agendas

by jchristoff

There are mind control objectives directed entirely at the female. There are also mind control objectives directed entirely at the male. For example (in regards to the male), if we look at TV shows like Seinfeld, Family Guy, The Simpsons, King of Queens, Three’s Company, Friends etc., etc…….we see the repetitive behavior patterning that males are intended to mimic, emulate, mirror, follow and copy.

From Kramer on Seinfeld to Peter Griffin in The Family Guy and from Jack Tripper in Three’s Company to Homer Simpson in The Simpsons…..the male is provided repetitive behavior role modelling that is weak, listless, unmotivating, clownish. imbecilic and unfocused. This sort of beta male programming for the men is designed to work hand in hand with the engineering behavior modification programs for the female, all ending in the same end goals for the ruling 1%. Let’s take a look at the top 10 female mind control agendas, which will give us a bird’s eye view as to where our social engineers are trying to steer our entire society.

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Johns Hopkins University confirms: The PCR test alone will vaccinate you


Journalist John O’Sullivan warned that the massive PCR testing campaign could be a WHO vaccination program in disguise.

He was referring to a new technology developed at Johns Hopkins University that developed tiny, star-shaped micro-devices called ‘Theragrippers’ that attach to the intestinal mucosa and can deliver drugs into the body. The devices are made of metal and a thin film that changes shape and are as small as a dust particle.
According to Johns Hopkins University, Theragrippers are administered with a cotton swab, similar to PCR tests. In October 2020, a Johns Hopkins University research team published positive results from an animal study confirming that the new technology works flawlessly.
In January 2019, the WHO defined the growing number of vaccination critics as one of the top ten threats to global health, and since the unprecedented Corona vaccination fiasco, the number of vaccination refusers has truly multiplied.
Meanwhile, resistance is forming even within the orthodox medical establishment. But the masterminds of the WHO continue to insist on an unrealistic vaccination coverage rate of at least 70 percent.

In this article, Jan Walter describes, with extensive source citations, which techniques are possible to still vaccinate the population, when people are becoming increasingly critical of vaccinations. This is only fueled by the continuing pressure for mass “vaccination” against a non-lethal disease for 99.8% of people, with a new type of “vaccine” that is actually gene therapy by means of mRNA. It seems like science fiction and is chilling, but the metohodes and techniques are available. There question is how far do we let it get?

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Bill Gates-Linked Vaccine Delivered Through Mosquito Bite Carries Bioengineered Malaria-Causing Parasite

by Jamie White

A bizarre experiment funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation developed a new vaccine strategy using mosquito bites as a delivery vector in pursuit of developing a “next generation” malaria vaccine.

The experiment was conducted by researchers at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in Leiden, Netherlands, and published last month in the peer-reviewed New England Journal of Medicine.

Researchers explained how they used the bites of mosquitos to deliver a short-lived malaria vaccine comprised of genetically modified malaria parasites.

“We conducted a double-blind, controlled clinical trial to evaluate the safety, side-effect profile, and efficacy of immunization, by means of mosquito bites, with a second-generation genetically attenuated parasite (GA2) — a mei2 single knockout P. falciparum NF54 parasite (sporozoite form) with extended development into the liver stage,” the researchers stated.

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For German ‘sick leave detective’, business is booming

by AFP

Rising sick leave rates may be bad news for German companies at a time the economy is already ailing — but for private eye Marcus Lentz, it has been a boon for his business.

He is seeing a record number of requests from firms for his agency to check up on employees suspected of calling in sick when they are actually fit to work.

“There are just more and more companies that don’t want to put up with it anymore,” he told AFP, adding his Lentz Group was receiving up to 1,200 such requests annually, around double the figure from a few years earlier.

“If someone has 30, 40 or sometimes up to 100 sick days in a year, then at some point they become economically unattractive for the employer,” he said in an interview at his office in the gritty district around Frankfurt’s main train station.

From auto titans to fertiliser producers, companies are ringing the alarm about the impact of high rates of sick leave on Europe’s biggest economy© Kirill KUDRYAVTSEV

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TikTok isn’t anti-Israel: It’s Hired Unit 8200 Agents to Run its Affairs

by Alan Macleod

TikTok has been under intense pressure as of late from U.S. officials, who accuse the video platform of being a hub of anti-Israel hatred. “TikTok is a tool China uses to spread propaganda to Americans. Now it’s being used to downplay Hamas terrorism,” wrote Republican Senator Marco Rubio. “TikTok needs to be shut down. Now,” he added.

Nikki Haley, another top Republican, claimed that every 30 minutes spent on the app makes Americans “17% more antisemitic [and] more pro-Hamas.”

The platform’s future remains uncertain, as President Biden approved a law that could see it blocked in the U.S. Incoming president, Donald Trump, however, has intimated that he does not favor an outright ban.

This investigation is part of a series on TikTok. A previous investigation found that, far from being a Chinese spying tool, the platform has actually hired a plethora of U.S. national security state officials to run its internal affairs. A second article explored TikTok’s fraternization with the U.S. State Department.

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How Chronic Inflammation Accelerates Aging And What You Can Do About It

by Tyler Durden

As time marches on, our bodies can gradually enter a state of chronic low-grade inflammation known as inflammaging. This process accelerates the aging process and increases the risk of age-related diseases, from heart conditions to diabetes to cognitive decline.

Inflammaging is a portmanteau of “inflammation” and “aging.” It can burn years off our lifespan, leaving us sick and suffering. However, emerging research shows you can combat inflammaging by adopting simple lifestyle strategies. Adding high-quality protein to your diet, getting enough sleep and sunlight, and making sure you reach your number of steps for the day are just a few straightforward measures you can take.

Understanding the root causes and taking preventive measures to mitigate inflammation can be the difference between enjoying our golden years and not.

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How Fauci is Giving Healthcare Workers AIDS

Etienne Note: I cover Fauci’s history with toxic AIDS drugs under the thesis that he is engineering these poisonous recommendations as part of a multi-decade eugenics program he is has been running as head of the NIAID, CDC and NIH in my monograph: Solving Covid – The Covid 19 Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline at and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction to understand who is behind “The Covid”

by zowe

Chances are you have seen advertising for PrEP Drugs that are designed to be taken before a possible HIV exposure to protect against contracting HIV. One of the major brand names is Truvada, and it is primarily marketed to the gay community. PrEP stands for pre-exposure prophylaxis, and it is supposed to work a lot like a vaccine. The ad says you can still get and spread HIV while on the drug that is supposed to prevent people from getting or spreading HIV. Similar to an alleged ‘safe and effective’ Covid-19 shot that skipped safety steps during its warp speed development for your safety. A “therapy” that doesn’t meet the definition of a vaccine and was not tested to determine if it reduced transmission, only reduction in severity of illness.

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Unless Something Changes, 4 Years From Now We Will Be 51 Trillion Dollars In Debt

by Tyler Durden

The U.S. government is currently constructing the most colossal monument in the history of the world. It is a monument of debt, and we will forever be remembered as the nation that piled up far more debt than anyone else ever did. For decades, this generation has been recklessly spending the money of future generations of Americans. Most people seem to think that we are totally getting away with this swindle, but the truth is that the party is almost over. Our national debt has already surpassed the 36 trillion dollar mark, and according to at our current rate of spending our national debt will surpass the 51 trillion dollar mark four years from now.

We are a spoiled, bloated, greedy nation that has run up a debt so big that words simply do not do it justice.

We have got to stop spending so much money, but we just can’t help ourselves.

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The Economics of Marriage, Divorce and Engagement Rings – by David Friedman

by David Friedman

(Miss Manners) also asks that you not bore her with explaining the comparative quality of marital and nonmarital relationships, especially when using the term “honesty” or asking the nonsensical question of what difference a piece of paper makes. Miss Manners has a safe-deposit box full of papers that make a difference. (Miss Manners’ Guide to Excruciatingly Correct Behavior)

One way of looking at marriage is as a rather odd sort of package deal, an exchange in which the two parties agree to share income, housing, sexual favors, and activities such as cooking meals, cleaning house, washing dishes, and rearing children. Seen from this standpoint, a marriage is simply a particular kind of two-person firm.

A firm is not the only way of taking advantage of division of labor. Most of us take advantage of the comparative advantage1 of the butcher, the baker, and the brewer, but we do not have to marry them to get our dinner. The wife in a traditional marriage may have a comparative advantage over the husband in cooking and the husband might have a comparative advantage over the wife in carpentry. But outside of the household, there are surely better cooks and better carpenters than either of them. Why does the couple limit itself to division of labor within the household?

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Fat Oxidation — The Hidden Accelerator of Aging and Disease

by Dr. Joseph Mercola

Increased fat oxidation is linked to cellular senescence, a process where cells stop dividing, contributing to aging and age-related diseases. The shift from glucose to fat metabolism accelerates this process

ROS are byproducts of metabolism that can damage cells. They play a significant role in promoting senescence, in part through changes in gene expression, which can lead to various age-related conditions

Shifting your body’s energy source from glucose to fat can lead to cellular dysfunction and increase your risk of diseases associated with aging

Certain drugs can mimic the effects of increased fat oxidation, thereby exacerbating cellular aging and dysfunction

Strategies to reduce fat oxidation and promote glucose metabolism could help delay aging and improve overall health. This includes exploring dietary changes and other approaches to maintain metabolic balance

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10 Questions We Should All Be Asking About The New Year’s Day Terror Attacks

by Tyler Durden

hile we are slowly getting some answers from law enforcement today, there are still a number of bigger picture questions that need to be addressed.

As Michael Snyder highlights, via The Economic Collapse blog, our “new” golden era of “peace and safety” has been very rudely interrupted by the “old” problem of Islamic terror.

Of course the truth is that it is a problem that never went away.

There were dozens of major terror attacks in 2024, but most of the population is not going to pay attention unless something happens within our own borders. Sadly, everyone is paying attention now.

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Surprise! House Releases Bombshell Report on January 6 Pipe Bomber Revealing FBI Engaged in Massive Coverup and Refuses to Cooperate with Investigators

by Cristina Laila

A new report released by the Committee on House Administration Subcommittee on Oversight into the January 6 pipe bomber shows the FBI stopped looking for the suspect in 2021 and covered up evidence.

The FBI is now refusing to cooperate with Congressional investigators.

In September, former Secret Service agent Dan Bongino said according to a whistleblower, after the pipe bombs were found at the RNC and DNC headquarters, “assets on the ground, including a whistleblower, was briefed about the pipe bombs the next day and show a picture of a guy in a hoodie.”

However, according to the whistleblower, the law enforcement agents were told to stand down two days later.

“But two days later after the pipe bombs, he notes, emphasis his — without explanation, they were told to stand down! No need to look for the guy anymore” Bongino said.

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EXCLUSIVE: FDA lab uncovers excess DNA contamination in COVID-19 vaccines

by Maryanne Demasi, PhD

An explosive new study conducted within the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) own laboratory has revealed excessively high levels of DNA contamination in Pfizer’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine.

Tests conducted at the FDA’s White Oak Campus in Maryland found that residual DNA levels exceeded regulatory safety limits by 6 to 470 times.

The study was undertaken by student researchers under the supervision of FDA scientists. The vaccine vials were sourced from BEI Resources, a trusted supplier affiliated with the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), previously headed by Anthony Fauci.

Recently published in the Journal of High School Science, the peer-reviewed study challenges years of dismissals by regulatory authorities, who had previously labelled concerns about excessive DNA contamination as baseless.

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The Virus Psy-Op – Why It Exists and Where They’re Going With It

by jchristoff

There are general beliefs and then there are religious level beliefs. Religious level beliefs are beliefs that the average person doesn’t question. Religious level beliefs are themes, ideas or notions that are believed as concrete irrefutable fact…without inquiry, investigation or resistance.

Once you reach religious level programming with any belief system, you’ve actually programmed that person to stop thinking, in that one particular area. Once you can convince someone to stop thinking in one particular area, that non thinking program (or area of the brain) then becomes what’s called “neurologically facilitated“. When one pathway in the brain becomes facilitated, it means that this particular brain highway (or pattern) becomes easier to pave and expand in the future. In short, once you stop thinking in one area, it’s really easy to stop thinking in other areas too.

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“Wonder Woman” Actress Gal Gadot Suffers ‘Massive Blood Clot’ on Her Brain

by Lioness of Judah MinistryLioness of Judah Ministry

By Frank Bergman December 30, 2024

“Wonder Woman” actress Gal Gadot has undergone emergency surgery after suffering a “massive blood clot” on her brain.

The 39-year-old Irsael-born Hollywood star revealed that she received the emergency surgery while eight months pregnant with her daughter.

Gadot revealed in a Sunday social media post that she “rushed to hospital” in February.

In an emotional post on social media, Gadot detailed the “profound challenges and deep reflections” of her year with a hospital photo from shortly after her baby girl was born.

Gadot, 39, kept her fourth pregnancy with husband Yaron Varsano a secret and announced she gave birth to their daughter in a post shared online in March.

It’s unclear why she kept the brain clot a secret, however.

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Trudeau Out: Canadian Prime Minister Quits

by Tyler Durden

Update 2: Turdone:

As expected, Canada’s Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is resigning after more than nine years leading Canada, amid a collapse in approval ratings and a rebellion within his political party.

Trudeau, 53, currently the longest-serving leader of any G-7 country, announced Monday he plans to step down as head of the governing Liberal Party. He will remain as prime minister until a new leader is selected, and parliament has been suspended until March 24 while that process is underway.

The winner of the Liberal leadership contest is set to become Canada’s 24th prime minister and will have to quickly prepare for an election, which the Conservative Party is the clear favorite to win, according to public opinion polls.

A national vote is due by October, but it’s likely it will come sooner. The three major opposition parties in parliament have said they will back a motion of non-confidence in the government. If they follow through on that threat, they would bring down the government, and an election campaign would begin.

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$19 trillion in transactions settled on the Bitcoin network in 2024

by Vince Quill

More than $19 trillion in transactions settled over the Bitcoin network in 2024 — more than double the $8.7 trillion settled over the network in 2023 — reversing two years of declining transaction volume since 2021.

According to data from vice president of research at Riot Platforms Pierre Rochard, Bitcoin transaction volume peaked during the 2021 bull market at approximately $47 trillion and sharply declined in 2022 and 2023. Rochard wrote:

“The Bitcoin network finalized more than $19 trillion worth of BTC transactions in 2024, decisively proving that Bitcoin is both a store of value and a medium of exchange.”

Bitcoin BTC$101,966 had a momentous 2024, which included the introduction of a BTC exchange-traded fund (ETF) in the United States, the April 2024 halving event, and a new all-time high of roughly $108,000

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Analysis: Nearly 400K Anchor Babies Born in 2024, Exceeding Population of New Orleans

by John Binder

Illegal aliens, tourists, and foreign visa workers delivered nearly 400,000 children across the United States in 2024 — exceeding the population of New Orleans, Louisiana.

The Center for Immigration Studies estimates that almost 400,000 “anchor babies,” the term used to describe the U.S.-born children of illegal aliens and other foreign nationals with no ties to the country, are delivered across all 50 states each year.

Anchor babies are rewarded with birthright American citizenship despite their parents having no legitimate ties to the U.S., many having only recently arrived. Years later, when the child is considered an adult, they can sponsor their parents and foreign relatives for green cards — anchoring their family in the U.S. for generations.

In 2024, close to 300,000 anchor babies are estimated to have been delivered to illegal alien parents. In addition, about 72,000 anchor babies were estimated to have been delivered to foreign tourists, foreign visa workers, and foreign students.

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More Evidence Alex Jones Is Not to Be Trusted

by Derrick Broze

If you still doubted that Jones is a sellout and leading people back into the false Two party paradigm and Technocracy, here you go.

Jones wants you to trust the scientific and technological elite he warned about two decades ago in Endgame.

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Flashback: “Peer Reviewers” for Top Medical Journals Made $1 BILLION in Three Years from pHARMa

by Sophie Putka

More than half of peer reviewers for four top medical journals received payments from drug and medical device manufacturers, totaling $1.06 billion, from 2020 to 2022, according to an analysis of the Open Payments database.

Among nearly 2,000 physician peer reviewers at JAMA, the New England Journal of MedicineThe BMJ, and The Lancet, 58.9% received at least one industry payment during that period, including 54% who accepted general payments and 31.8% who accepted research payments, reported Christopher Wallis, MD, PhD, of the University of Toronto, and colleagues in a research letter in JAMAopens in a new tab or window.

The $1.06 billion in industry payments included $1 billion (94%) to physicians or their institutions and $64.18 million (6%) in general payments. Consulting fees and speaking compensation unrelated to continuing medical education programs accounted for $34.31 million and $11.80 million, respectively.

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Bill Gates unleashes plan for new series of gene-based injections that will target Africa

by Leo Hohmann

Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates is rolling out a plan to use Africans as guinea pigs for an expanded series of new genetically altering mRNA injections.

He calls them vaccines but we know they are not vaccines, at least not in the traditional meaning of the word. U.S. courts have even ruled that mRNA serums don’t qualify as vaccines.

The Covid vaccines, the first to use this technology, have been an unmitigated disaster.

But that hasn’t stopped Gates from pushing more of these gene-based jabs on the world.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has announced a $40 million initiative to support the production of messenger mRNA vaccines in Africa.

Gates’ foundation claims this investment will address what it refers to as “vaccine inequities” exposed during the COVID-19 pandemic.

During that pandemic, African nations were often the last to receive Covid jabs. It worked to their benefit as fewer Africans died of Covid, per capita than Westerners.

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Signs & Symbols, Predictive Programming, Lesser Magic, COVID-19, the Coronavirus Idol, & Global Contagion Domination

by TriTorch

The media has their marching orders and is signalling that it has been decreed that 2025 will be the year of the bird flu. If true, we can expect a much upgraded version of our pandemic forbearers—expect all of the lessons learned and hindsight gleaned from their 2020 & 2009 beta wargames to zoom in on us at maximum tilt.

This article is concerned with the idea of the coronavirus itself. The crown idol revered by those harnessing it as a mind disease to shackle us, and feared by those who trust the deceit and accept those shackles with an open embrace.

Never before has fear been so effective at stripping our freedoms. The threat of terrorism was mild by comparison and no where near quite haunting enough to so inspire the populace to voluntarily deliver their liberty to the nearest politician. But the threat of invisible contagion? Something you can neither see nor combat, and that transforms you into a destructive missile locked, loaded, armed, unleashed, and aiming directly at those you cherish the most? That is a different animal altogether.

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Government Report: Multiple Studies Show Fluoridation Can Lower Child IQ

by Fluoride Action Network

Fluoride Action Network (FAN) – Today, National Toxicology Program (NTP) authors published an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) Pediatrics with details underpinning an NTP report released in August 2024 that concluded fluoride is neurotoxic and can lower the IQ of children. Today’s article adds to the science showing IQ losses can occur at exposure levels experienced by some people with artificially fluoridated water.

FAN’s Executive Director Stuart Cooper said, “The authors combined information from multiple studies to get a more reliable view of the total evidence that isn’t skewed by just one or two outlier studies. This approach is called meta-analysis. Out of 59 studies, 52 linked higher fluoride levels with lower IQ. The average loss was 7 points. Reduced IQ was also found in meta-analyses that combined seven high-quality studies having exposures below 1.5 milligrams fluoride per liter of water (mg/L), the range directly relevant to fluoridated areas. The authors emphasized the finding’s ‘consistency’ and ‘robustness.’ This report gives ammunition to the scores of cities around the country now considering stopping fluoridation.”

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Uber And Lyft Will Roll Out Robotaxis This Year. But There’s A Problem

by Suvrat Kothari

Uber and Lyft are preparing to deploy robotaxis this year in select U.S. cities.

New app features will allow users to use phones to open the trunk and honk to locate the vehicle.

The companies are training crews to maintain the cameras and lidar and scouting idling and charging locations.

Your Uber and Lyft rides could be fundamentally different starting this year.

The two ride-hailing giants are reportedly preparing to deploy robotaxis with new app features and are building the required support infrastructure in select U.S. cities where they will operate.

It will mark the beginning of a huge shift for urban transportation, but all eyes will be on how the companies earn public trust and tackle challenges like vandalism, complex traffic situations and adverse weather.

Automakers, tech giants and ride-hailing companies are betting big on robotaxis. They think autonomous vehicles have the potential to reduce road accidents caused by human error, lower labor costs, increase profits in the long term and lower emissions by using fully electric cars.

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Ability To Read, Write, Or Do Math Is No Longer Required To Teach In New Jersey

by Tyler Durden

Adobe Stock Image from article below. I added 1 + 1 = ?

CampusSafety reports New Jersey Teachers No Longer Required to Pass Basic Literacy Test

New Jersey Democratic Governor Phil Murphy passed Act 1669 as part of the state’s 2025 budget in June to address a teacher shortage, Read Lion reports. The law went into effect on Jan. 1, 2025. Individuals seeking an instructional certificate will no longer need to pass the Praxis Core Test, a basic skills test for reading, writing, and math that is administered by the state’s Commissioner of Education.

“We need more teachers,” Democratic Sen. Jim Beach, who sponsored the bill, said in May 2024 when the chamber cleared the bill in a 34-2 vote. “This is the best way to get them.”

New York, California, Arizona Lower Teacher Requirements

In 2017, New York also scrapped its basic literacy requirements for teachers, noting it was meant to increase diversity among teachers. According to the NEA, only about half of New York students in grades three through eight tested proficient in English and math during the 2022-2023 school year despite the state spending almost twice the national average on education.

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The 119th Congress, Brought to You by AIPAC

By Donald Shaw

The members of the new Congress, sworn in last Friday, were elected in November with an unprecedented amount of campaign contributions from the pro-Israel lobbying group the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC.

I analyzed all of AIPAC PAC’s disbursements during the 2023-24 election cycle to see just how much money the members of the new Congress have received from the group.

The members of the 119th Congress combined received at least $45.2 million from AIPAC PAC during the 2023-24 electron cycle.

349 representatives and senators, or 65% of the 535 total members, received campaign funding from AIPAC PAC during the 2023-24 election cycle.

Three members of Congress received over a million dollars from AIPAC PAC: Wesley Bell (D-Mo.), nearly $3.2 million; George Latimer (D-N.Y.), over $2.8 million; and Jacky Rosen (D-Nev.), almost $1.8 million.

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The US Health Care System Wastes $800 Billion Annually

by Dr. Joseph Mercola

The U.S. health care system wastes approximately $800 billion annually, which is nearly 30% of its total expenditure, primarily due to unnecessary services and administrative inefficiencies

Americans pay almost twice as much for health care compared to other developed countries, yet experience worse health outcomes like lower life expectancy

Unnecessary medical services, misaligned financial incentives and profit-driven practices contribute significantly to waste, often prioritizing procedures over patient well-being and effective treatment

Overtreatment, excessive end-of-life care and unnecessary diagnostic procedures like cardiac stents and mammograms are major sources of medical resource overutilization

Proposed reforms include promoting evidence-based medicine, restructuring payment models, improving palliative care, reducing overdiagnosis and shifting focus from quantity of care to quality of patient outcomes

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32 times artificial intelligence got it catastrophically wrong

By John Loeppky

From chatbots giving truly terrible medical advice to facial recognition software incorrectly flagging members of congress as criminals, here are some of the most catastrophic mistakes artificial intelligence has ever made.

Air Canada found itself in court after one of the company’s AI-assisted tools gave incorrect advice for securing a bereavement ticket fare. Facing legal action, Air Canada’s representatives argued that they were not at fault for something their chatbot did.

Aside from the huge reputational damage possible in scenarios like this, if chatbots can’t be believed, it undermines the already-challenging world of airplane ticket purchasing. Air Canada was forced to return almost half of the fare due to the error.

Welcome to New York City, the metropolis that never sleeps and the city with the largest AI rollout gaffe in recent memory. A chatbot called MyCity was found to be encouraging business owners to perform illegal activities. According to the chatbot, you could steal a portion of your workers’ tips, go cashless and pay them less than minimum wage.

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Toyota’s ‘City Of The Future’, Flying Cars And AI: CES 2025 Is Here

By Patrick George

Back in the day, the Detroit Auto Show was the Super Bowl for those of us who covered the automotive industry. Three days of news conferences, interviews and new car debuts in the Motor City, all with the top executives from all over the world in attendance. (We used to wear suits and ties to this! I haven’t worn a tie to anything except a wedding since the pandemic hit.)

But now, the future is electrified, software-driven and increasingly autonomous, so the Big Show for us is CES, the giant tech trade show out in Las Vegas. And your InsideEVs team is out there to see what’s new in the world of technology and when—or maybe how—it’s coming to your next car.

Welcome back to Critical Materials, our morning news roundup. We’re back in force for 2025 after a few weeks of limited coverage over the holidays, so thanks for joining us for what will undoubtedly be a very busy and interesting year.

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Upcoming Liberty Events

The Peoples Reset – January 29th-Feb 6th 2025 – Morelia, Mexico

– Etienne de la Boetie2 will be a speaker

Attend Ian Freeman’s Appellate Court Hearing – Wednesday, February 5th, 9:30am – John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse, 1 Courthouse Way, Panel Courtroom, 7th Floor, Boston, Massachusetts.

MidFest — Spring 2025, April 23rd-28th, 2025 Camp Copperhead Spavinaw, Oklahoma

Memes Bonanza

Truth Music of the Week

Truth Music Video: Karmageddon by Iyah May

By Zachary D. Lyngdoh

Australian singer-songwriter, Iyah May has gained attention after revealing that her manager dropped her over viral song, Karmageddon. In late 2024, her manager dropped her as she refused to change the lyrics of the song. She revealed this on her Instagram in November.

“My manager didn’t agree with the lyrics in my song and refused to work with me and support me until I changed the lyrics. So I said, ‘bye.’”

May, whose real name is Marguerite Clark, revealed all of this on her Instagram. The song addresses issues about corporate greed, government corruption, cancel culture, and inequality worldwide that have generated both support and criticism.

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Free State Project (New Hampshire) Corner

Attend Ian Freeman’s Appellate Court Hearing

The First Circuit Court of Appeals has scheduled oral arguments in the Ian Freeman case:

Wednesday, February 5th, 9:30am
John Joseph Moakley United States Courthouse
1 Courthouse Way
Panel Courtroom, 7th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts

This is a good sign, as it signifies that the three-judge panel that is deciding the case considers the issues in the case to be sufficiently important to request that both sides present oral arguments defending their positions.

There is no question in my mind that Ian Freeman is an innocent man who was wrongfully convicted and who is currently unjustly serving an 8-year-prison sentence in the federal system.

The Liberator

The Liberator– Our archive of “government” and media criminality

Important Note: New additions are added to the authoritative Liberator Dropboxes regularly but will not appear in the physical credit card-sized flash drive until we launch the next version. Anyone can download the current contents of the Liberator FOR FREE including all the primary sources and evidence from our investigation into “The Covid”.

Liberator #1 – Companion media to “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History. Exposed!

Liberator #2 – Evidence of False Flag terror for police state and hoax shootings for gun control:

Liberator #3 – Evidence that “The Covid” has been a scam and the vaccines are killing people:

Liberator #4 – Voluntaryism and more evidence of “Government” corruption:

Liberator #5 – Prepping and Self-Sufficiency – Hundreds of resources:

How to Support the Art of Liberty Foundation

1. Become an Art of Liberty Foundation Sponsor at – The best way to support us is to become a sponsor of the foundation. We have some great perks to say Thank You! including copies of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!Liberator Flash Drives, Signed Hard Copies, calls with Etienne, and even the ability to have an Art of Liberty Foundation event with tier one Liberty speakers in your City or Town for your friends, family and neighbors!

2. Go Paid on Substack! – We simply couldn’t do what we do without the support of our sponsors and paid subscribers on Substack! If you are enjoying the Daily NewsImportant News, or Five Meme Friday on Substack we hope you will consider “Going Paid” on Substack. All it takes is a click and we have some great premiums to say: Thank You!

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4. Get a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and Earn Profit from Distributing Copies of “Government” in Your Town / City – Do you (or a friend) have a retail location? Open up a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and share in the profits. We have everything you need to attractively merchandise “Government” and Liberators in a small footprint. Details here:

5. Buy Books and Merchandise at – Our store has become one of the biggest distributors of Voluntaryist and peaceful anarchist titles. Especially popular is our “Everything Bundle” – The Sampler of Liberty!

The Everything Bundle – The Sampler of Liberty!
Give me Liberty… and give me more! The Everything Bundle includes the latest version of our flagship book on government, along with a collection of potentially life-altering introductions to anarchy, agorism and voluntaryism.

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Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to forward this email to friends and colleagues.

Etienne de la Boetie2
Executive Director,
The Art of Liberty Foundation
Author of: “Government” The Biggest Scam in History … Exposed!!

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FiveMemeFri – Trump Vaccines! – The World’s Greatest!
Five Meme Friday
Five Meme Friday, March 31st – Is the CIA Installing Politicians in the US?
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