FiveMemeFri – Told Ya So… USAID Was Running the Media Internationally…

Dear Subscribers,
Short letter to get this out… Still in Bonfil Beach watching the Anarchapulco conference from a distance and getting updates from my friends who are attending the conference… Not to toot my own horn, but exactly as I predicted in writing in my recent expose: The Scam of Stew Peters’ “Documentary” Occupied, that Stew Peters was going to show up and tar the conference and the attendees with cartoonish anti-semitism… which he did… Exactly as described in my expose, Stew and Jeff Berwick have both been making cartoonish anti-semetic remarks about Hitler being a good guy and “The Jews” as if millions and millions of Jews, the overwhelming majority having nothing to do with banking, central banking, monopoly media, Talpiot program spying or the sickening Talmud are somehow guilty of the crimes of a very specific organized crime system using fractional reserve banking, “government”, and monopoly media to rob the world.
It was so cartoonish that Josh Sigurdson of World Alternative Media, who also exposed former Anarchapulco speaker Luke Rudkowski for gatekeeping on Zionism, Israel and 9-11, interviewed Stew after his talk and asked him point-blank if he was a psyop!
I break it down in our lead story along with our featured Voluntaryist charities for February: The Turtle Sanctuary in Acapulco and the Marsh Children’s Home which are both still recovering after being hit by TWO (2) Hurricanes in 2023 and 2024!
I am reprising the Turtle Party that I use to throw before I quit the conference as a fundraiser for these two charities. Yes! You can buy a ticket to support these organizations even if you can’t make the party!
Finally, I am speaking at the 4th Annual Freedom Under Natural Law conference on Sunday Feb 23rd at 10:00AM PST/1:00 PM EST… My talk is entitled: Voluntaryism – The ONLY Political “ISM” That Respects Natural Law. A friend and I are organizing a watch party for the conference in Acapulco. E-mail me at Etienne(YOU KNOW) if you are in Acapulco and would like an invite.

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Top Stories of the Week
Helping Our Favorite Turtle Sanctuary & Children’s Home – #Voluntaryism for the Win! + Anarchapulco 2025 Update

After speaking at the People’s Reset conference in Morelia, Mexico, we were invited to Acapulco by some friends of mine who got married on the 5th of the month at the Bambuddha Holistic Center in a truly beautiful and unique cermony on the beach. My friends, fellow porcupines from New Hampshire’s Free State Project, rented a huge house in Acapulco for the month of February and invited us to stay. Sounds amazing but I spend the overwhelming majority of the day working in my room, doing podcasts, and typing on a laptop.
Videos of the Week
FLASHBACK: Etienne’s talk from Anarchapulco 2020

Anarchapulco is supposed to be a conference focused on Anarchy… in Acapulco… The reality is there is not much on the schedule about anarchy/voluntaryism… or a cogent exposition of the organized crime system running the “government” and media. Not that there isn’t good content on the program… I have some good friends that are sharing wisdom, but there is very little anarchy or voluntaryism… Nothing that would expose the scam of Statism, the manipulated media that Anarchapulco represents or improve one’s understanding of the free market alternative of REAL Freedom. For the attendees at Anarchapulco just now discovering they have been tricked, chumped and duped into a conference about flat-earth, anti-semetism, occult rituals, and other nonsense, here is my speech from 2020 so you can understand why our cost to table was raised from $1800 to $10,000 to keep us from reaching the audience. We borrowed a friend’s table and “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! was still the best-selling book at the conference…
“Government”, Media and Academia
Criminality Exposed
USAID Falls, Exposing a Giant Network of US-Funded “Independent” Media

by Alan Macleod,
The Trump administration’s decision to pause USAID funding has plunged hundreds of so-called “independent media” outlets into crisis, thereby exposing a worldwide network of thousands of journalists, all working to promote U.S. interests in their home countries.
In late January, President Trump—along with help from the head of the Department of Government Efficiency, Elon Musk—began implementing sweeping changes to the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) on the premise that the organization’s promotion of liberal and progressive causes was a gigantic waste of money. The group’s website and Twitter account have disappeared amid widespread speculation that it will cease to exist or be folded into Marco Rubio’s State Department.
The pausing of aid immediately sent shockwaves across the planet, not least in the international media, many of which, unbeknownst to their readers, are totally dependent on financing from Washington.
Elon Musk’s Companies Were Under Investigation by Five Inspectors General When the Trump Administration Fired Them and Made Musk the Investigator

By Pam Martens and Russ Martens,
Yesterday, the newly formed House Subcommittee on Delivering on Government Efficiency (DOGE) held its first hearing titled: “The War on Waste: Stamping Out the Scourge of Improper Payments and Fraud.” The Subcommittee appears to be part of an echo chamber attempting to bring legitimacy to President Donald Trump tapping his largest campaign donor, billionaire Elon Musk, to lead an effort to gut federal law enforcement and regulatory agencies and create enough savings to give tax breaks and other perks to the ultra-rich.
Musk should be immediately disqualified from any such watchdog role for the following reasons: he effectively put Trump over the election finish line, giving $288 million to PACs or Super PACs supporting Trump; the Wall Street Journal (paywall) reported that Musk has been communicating with Russian President Vladimir Putin since 2022, notwithstanding the fact that Musk’s company SpaceX is a U.S. military defense contractor and Putin is on a U.S. sanctions list for launching a war on Ukraine.
The State Sanctioned Kidnapping Industry: How CPS and Its Allies Profit from Destroying Families

CPS profits from family separation, turning child welfare into a billion-dollar industry where courts, agencies, and service providers cash in on every removal. It’s a racket that must end.
Child Protective Services (CPS) and its various counterparts—such as the Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF), the Department of Family Services (DFS), the Department of Children and Families (DCF), and other similarly named agencies—operate under the guise of protecting children. In reality, these agencies have become an industry unto themselves, profiting off the removal of children and the destruction of families. Every child taken from their home represents a payday for the state, foster care agencies, court-mandated service providers, and an entire network of professionals whose financial survival depends on keeping the system running.
“Daily News of The Week”
Why orgasms are good for your health

by Anna Magee,
From mind-blowing tidal surges to the Earth moving, clichés abound when it comes to orgasms. But we’re not all in the throes of ecstasy. According to digital health platform Hims & Hers’s 2023 report, more than a quarter of men struggle to orgasm during penetrative sex; while 15 per cent of women have never had one.
So if you’re lucky enough to be having orgasms regularly, how can you make yours better? And, most importantly, what can you do if you’re not quite getting there? Read on for our complete guide.
Bison Ranchers Return Thousands of Animals to Native Lands and Witness Total Rejuvenation of Ecosystem

By Andy Corble
A tribal-led nonprofit is creating a network of native bison ranchers that are restoring ecosystems on the Great Plains, restoring native ranchers’ connections with their ancestral land, and restoring the native diet that their ancestors relied on.
Called the Tanka Fund, they coordinate donors and partners to help ranchers secure grazing land access, funds needed to install and repair fencing, increase their herd sizes, and access markets for bison meat across the country.
That’s the human part of the story. But as Dawn Sherman, executive director of the Tanka Fund, told Native Sun News, they’re “buffalo people” and these four-legged, 2,000 lbs. “cousins” are equal-part-protagonists.
The return of the bison means the return of the prairie, one of the three great grassland ecosystems on the planet, of which just 1% remains as it was when the Mayflower arrived.
Elon Musk’s Pentagon Conflicts

By David Moore
Elon Musk’s DOGE team is headed into the Pentagon soon. Their work could bolster defense contracts for Musk’s companies that are worth billions of dollars.
DOGE has been rushing into federal agencies, with President Trump’s blessing, in what ethics experts, dozens of Democratic members of Congress, and some government officials are saying is an illegal push for control of government under the mantle of slashing federal spending. Even the Republican Douglas Holtz-Eakin, a former director of the Congressional Budget Office, says that DOGE is being driven by conservative ideology rather than sound cost-cutting practices.
Musk’s team of neophytes did not start by examining the largest sources of federal spending, like the Department of Defense (DOD) and its $800 billion-plus budget this year, or draw on existing reports of wasteful spending. Initially, DOGE pressed for access to smaller agencies opposed by many conservatives like the Department of Labor, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID).
Is there any point in taking electrolytes?

by Emily Craig,
A cold, refreshing, glass of water just doesn’t cut it these days. If you’ve been dehydrated after a tummy bug or working out regularly, your water can come super-charged with a sachet of electrolytes promising to help you run faster (or even ease the dreaded hangover after a night out). In fact, they’ve enjoyed such popularity that in 2022, the global demand was valued at £37.6 billion, a number that is expected to increase to £84 billion by 2030.
But what exactly are electrolytes and can they really improve our health?
“Electrolytes are essential minerals found throughout the body and are involved in a whole range of vital physiological processes,” explains Bethan Crouse, a performance nutritionist at Loughborough University. These include muscle contraction, conduction of nerve impulses and keeping up a normal fluid balance between the outside and inside of our cells.
Elon Musk’s DOGE Team Uncovers Over 25 Million People Ages 100+ in Social Security Database, Some Older Than the Constitution: “There are a Lot of Vampires Collecting Social Security”

by Jim Hᴏft
Elon Musk’s DOGE team has unearthed jaw-dropping irregularity from the U.S. Social Security database.
The numbers are truly mind-boggling: over 25 million Americans registered aged 100 and older, with some purportedly older than the U.S. Constitution itself.
Late Sunday night, Musk tweeted a staggering claim accompanied by a table of ages, suggesting that the Social Security Administration might be paying out benefits to “vampires.”
“According to the Social Security database, these are the numbers of people in each age bucket with the ‘death’ field set to FALSE. Maybe Twilight is real, and there are a lot of vampires collecting Social Security,” Musk quipped.
As of 2024, the U.S. Census Bureau estimates that approximately 101,000 Americans are aged 100 and older, representing about 0.03% of the total U.S. population.
New Local Liberty Groups – Oaks, PA & Memphis, TN + Where to Find Groups in Your Area

Did you know the Art of Liberty Foundation has a listing of local liberty groups on our website at: We are constantly updating the list with new groups as we find out about them. Want to see your group listed? Please e-mail me at Etienne(YOU KNOW)
Inquire & Inspire – Oaks, PA – Third Thursday of Each Month
Inquire & Inspire welcomes one and all to our monthly documentary movie nights! We are a group of voluntaryists – strong proponents of individual sovereignty, freedom of speech, and morality. We hope to connect with and inspire our community to inquire about ourselves and the world we live in.
Through knowledge, we envision and seek to create a more free world for all.
Join us on the third Thursday of every month as we show educational documentaries of all kinds to learn about history, health, food, economics, psychology, morality, and more! Please just be sure to research the film being shown ahead of time to determine if it is appropriate for younger guests who may attend with you. Following our film screenings, we have an open forum discussion to share the thoughts and questions that the film brought up for you.
“Let’s Do It”: Rand Paul Supports Fort Knox Physical Audit After ZeroHedge Suggestion Goes Viral

by Tyler Durden
One of the biggest questions over the past 50 years is whether the gold at Fort Knox, Kentucky is really there, or if it’s been plundered.
What we do know is that the last ‘audit’ of America’s gold stash was conducted on Sept. 23, 1974, when the US Treasury opened just one of its 15 vaults at Fort Knox so politicians and reporters could swarm the site for a two-hour photo-op with roughly 6% of the alleged amount held. Adding to the complete farce, none of the bars being passed around for the cameras were matched to a serial number, assayed or tested for purity, or even verified as US holdings – as foreign countries have previously stored their gold at Fort Knox as well.
Since then there has been no independent verification of the roughly 4,580 metric tons supposedly held by the Treasury outside of bullshit annual ‘vault seal checks’ that don’t actually analyze the gold (oh, and they’ve ‘lost’ seven of those) – various efforts have been raised to audit Fort Knox – most recently in 2021, when Rep. Alex Mooney (R-WV) introduced (now-dead) legislation to audit America’s gold holdings with a full assay, inventory, and audit of all US gold – which would include a full account of gold transactions undertaken by the US government.
Democrats Learn the Hard Way That David Hogg Is a Shameless Grifter

By Matt Margolis,
It’s been less than two weeks since conservatives cheered when the Democratic National Committee was dumb enough to elect David Hogg as the token white male vice chair. Well, we got the first laugh, and it looks like we’re going to get the last laugh because Hogg is already causing headaches for the Democratic National Committee, with insiders accusing him of exploiting his new role for personal gain.
Just two weeks into his tenure as a DNC vice chair, Hogg has been using the party’s contact lists to send out donation requests for his own political action committee, Leaders We Deserve PAC, which pays him over $100,000 a year, according to Federal Election Commission records.
“David Hogg — talk about living up to your name. A trough of DNC dollars all for him and he doesn’t seem to give an oink,” a top Democrat told The New York Post.
Mass firings at HHS: Thousands impacted across federal health agencies including CMS, FDA

By Noah Tong
Editor’s Note: This is a developing story. If you are a dismissed or active federal worker with information to share, please reach out at nt***@qu*****.com.
Updated: Feb 17 at 10:17 a.m. ET
The nation’s most distinguished health agencies fired thousands of probationary workers, starting Feb. 13 and extending into the holiday weekend, in what is becoming informally known among federal workers as the Valentine’s Day Massacre.
The firings began at the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, before extending throughout virtually all of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) divisions by the end of the weekend, reported numerous media outlets. Impacted workers took to social media to confirm the news.
President Trump, Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) Secretary Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Department of Government Efficiency (DOGE) leader Elon Musk have long promised to drastically reduce the workforce at federal health agencies in an effort to fundamentally reshape the federal government.
With Congress Pliant, an Emboldened Trump Pushes His Business Interests

By Eric Lipton and Maggie Haberman,
The Oval Office meeting convened by President Trump brought together the most important leaders in the world of professional golf: Jay Monahan, the top executive at the PGA Tour, and, via telephone, Yasir Al-Rumayyan, the chairman of the Saudi Arabia-backed league known as LIV Golf.
The stated goal was to figure out a way to eliminate roadblocks preventing the planned merger between the rival two groups.
But the gathering earlier this month said something even more important about the Trump administration itself. Mr. Trump was not simply using the power of his office to forge an agreement — something that presidents have done for centuries. In this case, Mr. Trump was pushing a merger that relates to his own family’s financial interest.
The Trump family is a LIV Golf business partner. The family has repeatedly hosted LIV tournaments at its golf venues, including one planned in April at the Trump National Doral in Miami for the fourth year in a row.

by Steve Watson,
Elon Musk’s DOGE has discovered that an unfathomable amount of taxpayer money has simply vanished into a black hole and cannot be traced.
In an X post, DOGE notes that $4.7 trillion is unaccounted for, because the federal government did not record where the money was going.
“The Treasury Access Symbol (TAS) is an identification code linking a Treasury payment to a budget line item (standard financial process),” The post explains, adding “In the Federal Government, the TAS field was optional for ~$4.7 Trillion in payments and was often left blank, making traceability almost impossible.”
“As of Saturday, this is now a required field, increasing insight into where money is actually going. Thanks to US Treasury for the great work,” the post further states.
Every mom and pop business, every self employed entrepreneur, every blue collar worker, every office jockey, everyone is relentlessly hounded by the government for taxes, but when they get the money it simply vanishes into God knows what bottomless pit.
Smart Phone Exposure Shows Rouleaux Formation Via Ultrasound In Large Leg Veins Within Minutes And New Guidelines For Safe Exposure For Kids To Smart Devices – Age 0-6 No Screen Time Is Safe!

by Ana Maria Mihalcea, MD, PhD
Hypothesis: ultrasonography can document dynamic in vivo rouleaux formation due to mobile phone exposure
This case report shows rouleaux formation in a leg vein after cell phone exposure via ultrasound. Live blood analysis is also a great way to show immediate rouleaux formation with exposure to smart phones. It also enhances the growth of the filaments and microchips in the blood – ultimately these blood changes increase the risk of blood clots and diminish oxygen delivery capacity of the red blood cells.
Britain: Operation Gladio’s Secret ‘Headquarters’

by Kit Klarenberg
All my investigations are free to access, thanks to the generosity of my readers. Independent journalism nonetheless requires investment, so if you took value from this article or any others, please consider sharing, or even becoming a paid subscriber. Your support is always gratefully received, and will never be forgotten. To buy me a coffee or two, please click this link.
‘Operation Gladio’ is the collective name for a notorious Cold War-era covert program whereby Anglo-American intelligence services and NATO, in conjunction with mafia elements and fascist paramilitaries, constructed a pan-European nexus of clandestine “stay behind” armed resistance units. Their ostensible purpose was to remain ever-poised to respond to potential future Soviet invasion. In reality, these guerrilla factions carried out false flag attacks, assassinations, robberies, mass casualty bombings, and other incendiary acts to discredit the Western left, while fomenting a “strategy of tension”. Their objective was simple:
The Hidden Dangers of Hospital Births and How to Protect You and Your Baby

by A Midwestern Doctor
Story at a Glance:
•Childbirth is one of the most important moments in our life. Unfortunately, it has been medicalized and has shifted from being viewed as a natural life event supported by local midwives to an emergency requiring urgent hospital care.
•Many of the interventions used during routine hospital births are quite questionable, and have a variety of side effects, including making you likely to need more interventions (which also have side effects) and having difficulty bonding with your baby.
•This assembly line frequently leads to mothers getting C-section surgeries—something quite problematic for both the mother and the long-term health of the child.
•This article will discuss the history of the business of being born, the actual risks of many common hospital birthing interventions, and how to reduce those risks.
The Black Budget: The Crossroads of (Un)Constitutional Appropriations and Reporting

by The Solari Report
Originally published February 2018
I. The Strengths and Weaknesses of the Power of the Purse
II. What Is the Black Budget?
III. The Origins of the Black Budget
A. Introducing the 1947 National Security Act
B. Introducing the 1949 CIA Act
C. Private Contractor Reporting Requirements
D. Action Increasing Government Oversight of the Black Budget
IV. The Black Budget and the Constitution–Is it Legal?
V. About Us
When created, the Constitution handed the Power of the Purse to Congress and–by extension–the people that Congress represents. The thought was that the surest check on a government came through control of its finances. However, the strongest check is useless without both a means by which to wield it and the understanding of how and where to do so. This idea is the underpinnings of the Appropriations Clause and Statements and Accounts Clause of the Constitution. These elements of the Constitution are the means by which Congress, in theory, applies and guides the sword that is the Power of the Purse–arguably the strongest power of the people. (See The Appropriations Clause: A History of the Constitution’s (As of Yet) Underused Clause, citing Gary Kepplinger, The Heritage Guide to the Constitution: Appropriations Clause.)
Musk’s xAI Unveils “State Of The Art” Grok 3 AI Bot, Surpassing OpenAI & DeepSeek

by Tyler Durden
On Monday night, Elon Musk’s artificial intelligence startup, xAI, unveiled its latest model, Grok3, with the billionaire touting it as the “smartest AI on Earth,” and in an AI evaluation, achieved a record-breaking score, outperforming models from OpenAI and China’s DeepSeek. Remember, Musk is simultaneously juggling DOGE and several ventures, including autonomous vehicles, space exploration, neurotechnology, robotics, tunneling, and his social media platform, X.
Musk explained the mission of Grok:
“The mission of xAI and Grok is to understand the universe. We want to answer the biggest questions: Where are the aliens? What’s the meaning of life? How does the universe end? To do that, we must rigorously pursue truth.”
The xAI team revealed that Grok3 outperformed Alphabet’s Google Gemini, DeepSeek’s V3 model, Anthropic’s Claude, and OpenAI’s GPT-4o across math, science, and coding benchmarks.
Trial Alleging Merck Hid Dangers of HPV Vaccine Delayed Again

This article was originally published by The Defender — Children’s Health Defense’s News & Views Website under Creative Commons license CC BY-NC-ND 4.0. Please consider subscribing to The Defender or donating to Children’s Health Defense.
by Brenda Baletti, Ph.D., The Defender
A landmark court case alleging Merck’s Gardasil human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine seriously injured a 16-year-old girl was temporarily suspended late last week by mutual agreement of both parties, according to the plaintiff’s lawyer.
The lawsuit, filed in 2016, accuses Merck of fraud, negligence and concealing the likelihood and severity of adverse effects associated with its Gardasil HPV vaccine.
After years of false starts, the trial got underway in January and was slated to run for six weeks.
However, on Feb. 14, attorneys for Merck and the plaintiff agreed to reconvene the trial in September. The trial will start over from scratch — a new jury will be selected and the experts will testify again.
This is Not a Test

Do not adjust your telescreen.
This is not a test. It’s a state of emergency! A full-blown national state of emergency!
Yes, that’s right, once again, we need to dispense with the rule of law and take a series of emergency measures in order to save “democracy,” or “freedom,” or “to remedy the distress of the people and the nation,” or “protect the people from a respiratory virus,” or a “woke mind virus,” or “deep state agents,” or “the terrorists,” or “bureaucrats,” or “insubordinate judges,” and “Make America Great Again!”
Fortunately, God has personally appointed Elon Musk, the multi-billionaire, Military-Industrial Complex embedded, transhumanist, global-capitalist oligarch, to serve as a Superhero-like savior, and rescue the American people from Evil! Or, OK, technically God personally appointed Trump, but Trump personally appointed Elon, which God knew he would do, being omniscient, and omnipotent, and so on. So, basically, Elon has carte blanche from God to take whatever emergency measures to save America he deems appropriate, and anyone who stands in his way is “corrupt,” and “evil,” and an “enemy of the state,” who deserves to be arrested and prosecuted, and imprisoned, or at the very least harrassed and intimidated.
The Israel Lobby wants the next multibillion dollar US aid package for the Jewish state to “span 25 years, rather than 10”

by Chris Menahan
The Israel Lobby wants the next multibillion dollar US aid package for the Jewish state to “span 25 years, rather than 10” in order to “insulate the relationship against future US political vagaries and uncertainties.”
Extrapolating out the current commonly cited (yet dramatically understated) funding level the US provides Israel of $3.8 billion a year, that means Israel wants the next aid package to be almost $100 billion.
From Jewish Insider, “U.S., Israel should begin thinking about next MOU, analysts say”:
The current 10-year, $38 billion Memorandum of Understanding between the U.S. and Israel, which provides $3.8 billion in military aid and missile-defense funding to Israel annually, is set to run out in 2028. But some policy analysts say that now is the time for Washington and Jerusalem to begin thinking about what the next MOU should entail.
Jewish Insider asked several senators, including key defense leaders, this week about the prospect of the next MOU, but none offered specific recommendations or indicated that they’d begun thinking in detail about the upcoming negotiations. Multiple lawmakers said they’d been more focused on the near-term issues Israel is facing.
But one issue that is troubling senators: some voices on the anti-Israel right, who have advocated for a decreased U.S. role in the Middle East and a pullback on U.S. aid to Israel, have taken prominent roles within the Defense Department, and could potentially influence the talks.
One Republican senator, speaking on condition of anonymity, told JI that several GOP lawmakers planned to keep a close eye on MOU negotiations to ensure recent isolationist Pentagon hires did not try to interfere with talks. “It’s on our radar, big time,” the senator said. “We’re engaged on this.”
Digital Detox: Young Adults Flock To London ‘Offline’ Nights

By Caroline TAÏX
Pictures by Henry Nicholls. Vertical video by Clara Charles
Lois Shafier dropped her mobile phone into a deposit box, happy in the knowledge that for the next two hours she would be completely offline. No pings, beeps or distractions.
“I’m bad at switching off. I have a proper addiction to my phone,” she told AFP, as she headed into an evening out organised by the “Offline Club” in London.
Tickets were snatched up when they went on sale for the two-hour “digital detox” night, with more than 150 young adults aged mostly between 20 and 35 eager to ditch their screens for an IRL evening — meeting up in real life.
They each paid £9.50 ($11.97) for the chance to switch off their phones and make in-person human connections.
“We are the technology generation, but we’re tired of it. We want to reconnect with the real world,” said Bianca Bolum.
Microsoft makes quantum breakthrough by creating new state of matter

By Ellyn Lapointe For Dailymail.Com
Microsoft has announced a breakthrough that could lead to the most powerful quantum computers of all time.
They created a new chip, called ‘Majorana 1,’ which is powered by a new state of matter called a topological state.
This phase of matter is not characterized by the traditional physical properties that define a solid, liquid or gas.
Instead, it’s defined by its topological properties — how the material’s wavefunctions behave and connect across space.
This topological state is created by the chip’s topoconductor, a first-of-its-kind material that produces fundamental units of information that serve as the building blocks for quantum computers.
To achieve this topological state, the researchers had to build the chip using an entirely new combination of materials: indium arsenide and aluminum.
Alabama Town Abolishes Entire Police Department After Officers Indicted on Felony Charges

by CWR
Hanceville, Alabama, just made history for all the wrong reasons. The entire police department has been abolished following a grand jury’s damning report, exposing a “rampant culture of corruption” that turned the force into a criminal enterprise. Five officers—including the police chief—have been slapped with felony charges, and it doesn’t stop there.
When your cops are the ones tampering with evidence, distributing drugs, and abusing public trust, you don’t have a law enforcement agency—you have a cartel with badges. The grand jury’s findings make it clear: the Hanceville PD wasn’t just failing to uphold the law; they were actively breaking it.
The scandal erupted after the death of police dispatcher Christopher Willingham, who was found dead at work with a lethal cocktail of fentanyl, amphetamines, and other drugs in his system. Turns out, the evidence room was a free-for-all—no security, no oversight, just an open bar for corrupt officers. Investigators found that drugs were being accessed, moved, and possibly sold by the very people sworn to protect the community.
Whose Gold, if anyone’s, Is in Ft. Knox – Asst. Former Treasury Sec. Paul Craig Roberts

by Paul Craig Roberts Institute for Political Economy
Whose Gold, if anyone’s, Is in Ft. Knox
Paul Craig Roberts
If there is gold in Ft. Knox, whose is it?
Many bullion dealers believe that any gold in Ft. Knox is not ours. Over the decades the gold was “leased” to bullion dealers who sold it into the gold market, thereby protecting the value of the dollar by holding down the gold price.
“Leasing” the gold means that the US can still claim to own the gold. A sale has to be recorded or reported, but not a “lease.”
Gold might also have disappeared through rehypothecation, which is the use by one party of another party’s asset to back their own financial or borrowing practices. The gold of other countries is also in Ft. Knox. Earlier this century, Germany requested its gold from Ft. Knox, and was told that the gold would be returned in seven years. This indicates that the gold was used by Washington for some other purpose and was unavailable to be returned to Germany.
Where Is The Best Place To Hide Your Guns (If The Government Starts Confiscating Guns, all of Those Items will Become Hard to Come by.)

by madgewaggy,
It’s about as regular as clockwork.
Every time there’s another mass shooting, the gun control crowd talks about restricting the Second Amendment; enacting what they call “common sense” gun law.- SEE VIDEO!
The only thing is, those laws are only common sense to those whose main goal is to take guns out of the hands of law-abiding citizens. As we all know, those laws aren’t going to stop criminals and are only going to criminalize honest, hard-working Americans who want to keep their guns.
There are two results of this political posturing. One is an increase in gun sales. People become afraid that they won’t be able to buy their favorite gun and so rush out to buy it before it becomes illegal. Does anyone really think that these people are going to peacefully turn over their guns, just because a law is passed, outlawing them?
TrumpED 2025: School Choice Corporatization, Social Impact Finance, and the Dismantling of the Department of Education

by John Klyczek
President Donald Trump has publicly stated, “I know nothing about Project 2025,” and “I have nothing to do with Project 2025. . . . I haven’t read it. I don’t want to read it purposely. I’m not going to read it.” Trump has also averred, “I have no idea who is behind it. I disagree with some of the things they’re saying, and some of the things they’re saying are absolutely ridiculous and abysmal.” Obviously, these statements are contradictory, for if Trump is truly oblivious to the machinations of Project 2025, then how can he honestly disavow its policies, especially if he didn’t actually read the official “Playbook,” Mandate for Leadership: Project 2025?
While contemplating the answer to this question, consider that Project 2025 contributor Russell Vought was recorded with a hidden camera which caught him saying that Trump’s public distancing from Project 2025 is merely a feint intended to deflect and placate his opponents in media and politics. Meanwhile, at least 29 Project 2025 contributors, including Project 2025 Director Paul Dans, have served under Trump in official positions across various levels during his first presidential administration.
Checkmate: The Triumph of Technocracy

by Erik Wikström
I invite you to temporarily set aside your preconceptions about how the world works. I know this may run counter to everything you believe, everything you think you know about what’s happening in our world. The truth goes much deeper than the surface-level chaos we see in the headlines. I sincerely hope I’m wrong about this analysis – in fact, I pray that I am. But if I’m even partially correct, we are witnessing one of the most sophisticated power grabs in human history.
We are living through a historic transition of power: the shift from a corrupt facade democracy to an AI-driven technocracy controlled by Silicon Valley billionaires.
While this unfolds, most observers are – as usual – focused on the wrong signals, missing the larger pattern of what’s actually happening. And what’s happening isn’t isolated to the United States – it’s a global agenda that will reshape every aspect of our lives.
The German company Helsing is manufacturing 6,000 new HX-2 attack drones to equip the Armed Forces of Ukraine

by Redacción ,
Last week, the German company Helsing announced that it is in the process of manufacturing 6,000 new HX-2 attack drones, which will be destined for the Ukrainian Armed Forces. This batch would not be the first to be produced and sent to Kiev, as the company is already in the process of delivering 4,000 drones of the HF-1 model, which have been produced in collaboration with the Ukrainian military-industrial complex.
Regarding this, Gundbert Scherf, one of the co-founders of Helsing, stated: “We are increasing the production of HX-2 in response to additional orders from Ukraine, where precision in mass daily compensates for a numerical disadvantage in legacy systems. It is clear that NATO has important lessons to learn, and quickly. With our resilience factories, we are adopting a distributed approach to mass manufacturing these systems across Europe, enabling individual national states to produce locally and ensure sovereignty over production and supply chains.”
Upcoming Liberty Events

Etienne will be a speaker at the 4th Annual Freedom Under Natural Law Conference on February 22nd & 23rd. Stay tuned for details! Get more info and sign up at :
I am speaking Sunday Feb 23rd at 10:00AM PST/1:00 PM EST

The Turtle Party is Back! Saturday night, February 22nd at the Campamento Tortuguero Playa Hermosa Turtle Sanctuary on Bonfil Beach outside of Acapulco. Etienne will be giving a talk from 5:30-6:30 and then the party starts at 7:00 with a baby turtle release at 11:00 PM. Get tickets at the door or ahead of time at

The Turtle Party – A Fundraiser for the Turtle Sanctuary on Bonfil Beach, The Marsh Children’s Home, and the Art of Liberty Foundation – February 21st, Bonfil Beach, Acapulco
– Etienne will be speaking at 5:30-6:30 PM
– Party starts at 7:00 PM
– Turtle Release at 11:00 PM
Freedom Under Natural Law Conference – February 22nd-23rd – Online
– Etienne will be a speaker at this year’s conference!
– Watch Party in Acapulco.. Email Etienne(You Know) for details
Educating for Liberty: Mises Circle in Tampa – February 22nd, 2025 – Event
Regen World – Austin, TX – March 11th-16th
Mises Institute Libertarian Scholars Conference 2025 – March 20th, 2025 – Event
Mises Institute Austrian Economics Research Conference 2025 – March 20th-22nd, 2025 – Event
Maker’s Muse Festival: Light out of Darkness, Beauty out of Chaos – March 21st & 22nd, 2025 – Event – Come for an eclectic mixed-media experience featuring an array of local music, artists, speakers, street fair, and more! – – March 21, 2025: 5pm–10pm – March 22, 2025: 12pm–10pm – Free to the public – Live Music – Maker Radio 94.5FM
The Free State Project’s Liberty Forum Conference – April 24th-27th, Concord, NH
Our Enemy, The Bureaucracy: Mises Circle in Phoenix – April 26th, 2025 – Event
MidFest — Spring 2025, April 23rd-28th, 2025 Camp Copperhead Spavinaw, Oklahoma
Mises Institute Revisionist History of War Conference – May 15th-17th, 2025 – Event
Rothbard Graduate Seminar 2025 – June 8th-13th, 2025 – Event
Mises University 2025 – July 20th-26th, 2025 – Event
Mises Institute Supporters Summit 2025 – October 16th-18th, 2025 – Even’s Liberty
Free Cities Conference: Returning to Prague – October 31st to November 2nd, 2025 – Event
Memes Bonanza

Truth Music of the Week

This is a cool tune mocking Elon Musk’s digital technocracy but I am featuring it as much to showcase the application Riffusion, which apparently generates songs using AI. Not all AI is bad… It is going to be a fascinating future:
Riffusion is a neural network, designed by Seth Forsgren and Hayk Martiros, that generates music using images of sound rather than audio.[1] It was created as a fine-tuning of Stable Diffusion, an existing open-source model for generating images from text prompts, on spectrograms.[1] This results in a model which uses text prompts to generate image files, which can be put through an inverse Fourier transform and converted into audio files.[2] While these files are only several seconds long, the model can also use latent space between outputs to interpolate different files together.[1][3] This is accomplished using a functionality of the Stable Diffusion model known as img2img.[4]
Free State Project (New Hampshire) Corner
Guess Which State is the Fittest?

I threw in the bottom states cause I know everyone was going to be curious about who was the least fittest… More info on the Free State Project which is moving tens of thousands of Liberty-lovers to New Hampshire here:
The Art of Liberty Foundation – Important News
New Hampshire’s Free State Project – How Freeing a Single State from “Government” Could Free Us All
2 years ago · 22 likes · 3 comments · Etienne de la Boetie2
The Liberator

The Liberator– Our archive of “government” and media criminality
Important Note: New additions are added to the authoritative Liberator Dropboxes regularly but will not appear in the physical credit card-sized flash drive until we launch the next version. Anyone can download the current contents of the Liberator FOR FREE including all the primary sources and evidence from our investigation into “The Covid”.
Liberator #1 – Companion media to “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History. Exposed!
Liberator #2 – Evidence of False Flag terror for police state and hoax shootings for gun control:
Liberator #3 – Evidence that “The Covid” has been a scam and the vaccines are killing people:
Liberator #4 – Voluntaryism and more evidence of “Government” corruption:
Liberator #5 – Prepping and Self-Sufficiency – Hundreds of resources:
How to Support the Art of Liberty Foundation
1. Become an Art of Liberty Foundation Sponsor at – The best way to support us is to become a sponsor of the foundation. We have some great perks to say Thank You! including copies of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!, Liberator Flash Drives, Signed Hard Copies, calls with Etienne, and even the ability to have an Art of Liberty Foundation event with tier one Liberty speakers in your City or Town for your friends, family and neighbors!
2. Go Paid on Substack! – We simply couldn’t do what we do without the support of our sponsors and paid subscribers on Substack! If you are enjoying the Daily News, Important News, or Five Meme Friday on Substack we hope you will consider “Going Paid” on Substack. All it takes is a click and we have some great premiums to say: Thank You!
3. Buy Us a Coffee… Err Juice! at – Support us for as little as $5… We really, really appreciate it! OR Buy Us a Coffee at BTW, right now coffee and juice are tied!
4. Get a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and Earn Profit from Distributing Copies of “Government” in Your Town / City – Do you (or a friend) have a retail location? Open up a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and share in the profits. We have everything you need to attractively merchandise “Government” and Liberators in a small footprint. Details here:
5. Buy Books and Merchandise at – Our store has become one of the biggest distributors of Voluntaryist and peaceful anarchist titles. Especially popular is our “Everything Bundle” – The Sampler of Liberty!

The Everything Bundle – The Sampler of Liberty!
Give me Liberty… and give me more! The Everything Bundle includes the latest version of our flagship book on government, along with a collection of potentially life-altering introductions to anarchy, agorism and voluntaryism.
- “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! by Etienne de la Boetie2
- Anarchy Exposed! – A former police officer reports on his investigative journey by Shepard the Voluntaryist and Larken Rose
- The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose
- Sedition, Subversion and Sabotage – Field Manual #1 by Ben Stone, The Bad Quaker, and Ken Yamarashi
- What Anarchy Isn’t – A short pamphlet by Larken Rose… The perfect introduction to peaceful anarchy
- Three Friends Free – A Children’s Story of Voluntaryism
- The Liberator is a 64GB wafer flash drive filled with books, documentaries, podcasts, MP3s, short videos, and music from the truth movement’s leading artists. The credit card-sized format makes it convenient to keep in your wallet to share and copy easily.

Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to forward this email to friends and colleagues.
Etienne de la Boetie2
Executive Director,
The Art of Liberty Foundation
Author of: “Government” The Biggest Scam in History … Exposed!!