Five Meme Friday

FiveMemeFri – Israel Using A.I. To Kill Tens of Thousands!

Dear Subscribers, 

We are getting so close to our fundraising goal!  We’ve raised $36,571 of the $50,000 we are trying to raise for this campaign.  We really, really, really need to raise the remaining $13,429 to be able to finish up our 2nd major book: Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All! We have so many costs from graphic design to editing to book design to the cost of the marketing campaign we are teeing up for the launch.  

We have our monthly 500 Club Call this Wednesday night at 8:00 PM EST.  Please e-mail us at: Sp*********@Ar**********.org if you have contributed at least $500 and are interested in attending the call. 

Click or the image below to help!  Everything helps and we have some great premiums to say Thank You!

In this video Etienne de la Boetie2 breaks down an overview of the Art of Liberty Foundation and what makes us different and special: We are Striking the Root! of “government” illegitimacy and criminality and how we are legitimately viral and producing a “One-Way Revolution” by exposing the tricks and techniques that “governments” use to sucker the population into going along with something that is not in their interest. Can you please help us accelerate this dynamic? 

Sometimes our emails go missing. Click here for instructions on how to whitelist us.


Dear Subscribers, 

We are getting so close to our fundraising goal!  We’ve raised $36,571 of the $50,000 we are trying to raise for this campaign.  We really, really, really need to raise the remaining $13,429 to be able to finish up our 2nd major book: Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All! We have so many costs from graphic design to editing to book design to the cost of the marketing campaign we are teeing up for the launch.  

We have our monthly 500 Club Call this Wednesday night at 8:00 PM EST.  Please e-mail us at: Sp*********@Ar**********.org if you have contributed at least $500 and are interested in attending the call. 

Click or the image below to help!  Everything helps and we have some great premiums to say Thank You!

In this video Etienne de la Boetie2 breaks down an overview of the Art of Liberty Foundation and what makes us different and special: We are Striking the Root! of “government” illegitimacy and criminality and how we are legitimately viral and producing a “One-Way Revolution” by exposing the tricks and techniques that “governments” use to sucker the population into going along with something that is not in their interest. Can you please help us accelerate this dynamic? 

Sometimes our emails go missing. Click here for instructions on how to whitelist us.

The Art of Liberty Foundation and Etienne de la Boetie2 bring you 5 fresh and dank memes every Friday, delivered right to your inbox.

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Videos of the Week

A.I. Deciding Who To Kill For Israel

In 2021, the commander of Israeli intelligence published a book on designing a special machine that would resolve what he described as a human bottleneck for locating and approving targets in war. A recent investigation by +972 Magazine and Local Call reveals that the Israeli army has developed an artificial intelligence-based program known as “Lavender,” which does exactly that.

According to six Israeli intelligence officers with first-hand experience, the Lavender A.I. machine determined who to kill, and was obeyed with military discipline.

During the first weeks of the war, the Lavender system designated about 37,000 Palestinians as targets and directed air strikes on their homes. Despite knowing that the system makes errors about ten percent of the time, there was no requirement to check the machine’s data.

The Israeli army systematically attacked the targeted individuals at night, in their homes, while their whole family was present. An automated system known as “Where’s Daddy?” was used to track the targeted individuals and carry out bombings when they entered their family’s residences. The obvious result was that thousands of women and children were wiped out by Israeli airstrikes. According to these Israeli intelligence officers, the IDF bombed them in homes as a first option. And on several occasions, entire families were murdered when the actual target was not inside. In one instance, four buildings were destroyed along with everyone inside because a single target was in one of them.

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Stories of the Week

Autism day: shall we celebrate the carnage? Would 20 million dollars be enough for you?


Autism is practically non-existent in unvaccinated populations such as the Amish.

If we apply the 2018-2020 trend to 2024, the ratio is 1:24. Even worse in boys: possibly 1:20. Compare with 1:20,000 in the 50s. 1000x more!

The CDC stopped counting for a reason: the panic might give votes to candidates like Bobby Kennedy Jr. to force the CDC to finally publish the real cause of autism.

18 Dec 2007. Globalists tried to hide the autism tsunami by normalizing it with UN’s April 2nd World Autism Awareness Day (WAAD).

Previously, masons have tried the same by founding, funding, infiltrating or co-opting societies of parents of autistic children, censoring the vax-injury evidence, causing the younger siblings to also get brain-injured, because the trusting parents kept injecting them with poison:

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BOOK: “Vax-Unvax” Peer Reviewed Data Proves Unvaccinated Children Remain Far Healthier Than Those Vaccinated

This Is What Happens When You Don’t Jab Kids – VAxxED vs. UNVAxxED Data (Vigilant Fox)

By Harold Saive

“Millions of people—myself included—initially believed the Covid-19 vaccine disaster to be a one-off, the result of a novel, rapidly evolving virus combined with a rushed therapeutic packaged in an experimental delivery system. Today I laugh at such naiveté. In Vax-Unvax, Kennedy and Hooker shine a blinding light on the appalling lack of research and blatant propaganda behind the entire inflated and ever-expanding childhood vaccine schedule. The authors’ painstaking investigation and rigorous analyses are rivaled only by their bravery in exposing the depth and breadth of the lies we’ve been told. As a physician who never dreamed of questioning the safety and efficacy claims of routine immunizations and who believed he was protecting his patients and his own children by endorsing them, I am humbled and enraged. Our government, the media, and the powerful and rapacious pharmaceutical industrial complex have deceived, endangered, and gaslit the public for far too long. I hope this explosive and important book finds a worldwide audience and becomes a staple in every pediatrician’s and parent’s library.”

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New survey confirms that vaccines are, by far, the #1 cause of chronic disease in America

by Steve Kirsch

I recently asked my readers to tell me about their chronic health conditions.

The single most important conclusion is this

In all 58 conditions we asked about where we had sufficient data to compute an odds ratio, the vaccine always made the condition worse.

In other words, the medical community has gotten it backwards for decades. When you combine this with the realization that vaccines provide a benefit that is too small to measure as described here for the highly acclaimed COVID and flu vaccines, it’s clear that we should be stopping most, if not all, vaccines.

In fact, for the COVID vaccines, we have FOIA data showing that the vaccines make things worse and over a dozen attempts to ask the Santa Clara County of Public Health for comment have been ignored.

This is fundamentally why the NIH will never do a study comparing the highly vaccinated to the completely unvaccinated: it would blow the narrative and destroy their credibility.

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Introducing the Daily News Digest

The Daily Digest Offer – Get Access to Our Once-Per-Day E-mail Digest of the Daily News PLUS Perks!

Sample Issue – Here

Go paid at the $5 a month level, Get the Daily Digest and we will send you both the PDF and e-Pub versions of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and a coupon code for 10% off anything in the

Go paid at the $50 a year level, Get the Daily Digest and we will send you a free paperback edition of Etienne’s book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! OR a 64GB Liberator flash drive if you live in the US. If you are international, we will give you a $10 credit towards shipping if you agree to pay the remainder.

Support us at the $250 Founding Member Level, Get the Daily Digest and get a signed high-resolution hardcover of “Government” + Liberator flash drive + Larken Rose’s The Most Dangerous Superstition + Art of Liberty Foundation Stickers delivered anywhere in the world. Our only option for signed copies besides catching Etienne @ an event.

Reminder: If you are a paid subscriber to ANY Art of Liberty Substack You Get a Subscription to the Daily Digest for FREE!  E-mail In**@Ar**********.org and we will set you up!

This is the Daily News Digest from the Art of Liberty Foundation.

“Government”, Media and AcademiaCriminality Exposed

Subscribe on Telegram: These articles also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “Government,”  Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation.  You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:

Viral Videos Appear To Show FBI Agents Visiting Homes Over Social Media Posts

By Tyler Durden

The first clip shows three people who claim to be FBI agents visiting a woman called Rolla Abdeljawad at her home in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

The woman asks them to identify themselves, but they refuse to do so while being filmed, before claiming they had already shown the woman their IDs.

“What we’d like to do is have a conversation with you about some social media posts that you’ve made, would you be willing to talk to us about that?” asks one of the agents.

The woman refuses to talk until she has a lawyer present, before the agent asks her for contact information.

“No, I’ll get back to you,” states Abdeljawad.

Another agent then asks the woman to have her attorney “contact the FBI office in Oklahoma City.”

Abdeljawad is told by one of the agents that “Facebook gave us a couple of screenshots of your accounts.”

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‘Unconstitutional’: FBI Demanded Identities of Users Who Watched Certain YouTube Videos

by Jamie White

The FBI demanded that Google turn over the names, addresses and phone numbers of tens of thousands of users who watched certain YouTube videos. Police also requested that Google provide identification for people who viewed and/ or interacted with targeted Youtube livestream videos. Privacy experts contended that the FBI’s move was unconstitutional because it violated the 1st Amendment’s free speech protections and freedom from unreasonable searches outlined in the 4th Amendment. Police also lacked probable cause.

The FBI demanded that Google turn over the identities of tens of thousands of users who watched certain YouTube videos.

Federal investigators obtained court-ordered subpoenas for any YouTube viewers who watched tutorials on mapping with drones and augmented reality software.

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“Daily News of The Week

Eight States Plan to Ban the Sale of Gas-Powered Vehicles as Biden Issues Crippling New Rules

by Climate Depot and Gateway Punditt

The Advanced Clean Cars II rule is being adopted by eight states that include California, Rhode Island, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, and Washington. The new rule specifies that only zero-emission vehicles, which include electric vehicles (EV) and certain plug-in hybrids, can be sold beginning with the 2035 model year. Delaware and Colorado finalized rules that require 82% of all new cars to be zero emission vehicles by 2032. New Mexico announced that it will set its own annual targets for the sale of zero-emission vehicles. 

The Biden regime and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), finalized a slate of economically crippling environmental regulations curbing gas-powered vehicle tailpipe emissions to begin with the model year 2027 vehicles. 

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Bombshell. Who Was Behind the Crocus City Hall Terrorists? Statement by Alexander Bortnikov, Director of Russia’s FSB

By Dr. Gilbert Doctorow

To the uninitiated, I explain first that the FSB is the successor organization to the Soviet Union’s well-known and much feared KGB.  However, the FSB today might be better compared with the FBI in the United States. It deals with domestic criminality of all kinds and with threats to Russian civilians such as terrorism. The agency and its head are rarely in the news.

In this respect, the FSB is less visible both at home and abroad than the Foreign Intelligence Service headed by Sergei Naryshkin, a state figure who spent five years of this millennium as chairman of the State Duma, Russia’s lower house of the legislature, and also three years as head of the Presidential Administration. In both positions Naryshkin was very often seen on television performing his duties.

By contrast, Bortnikov spent the past 15 years in his FSB offices out of sight. However, the spectacular attack on the Crocus City Hall concert venue has propelled him to center stage and yesterday he met with the Russian state television journalist Pavel Zarubin for an interview and then allowed himself to be questioned further by a gaggle of other journalists on his way out along a corridor. This spontaneous Q&A was later broadcast on the television news. What Bortnikov had to say was extraordinary and bears directly on whether you and I should now be looking for bomb shelters. Regrettably you will not find any of it in the lead stories of today’s mainstream media. The Financial Times, for example, features an account of Xi’s meeting with CEOs of American businesses to mend ties: interesting, but not very relevant if we are at the cusp of WWIII.

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Philadelphia Fed Admits US Payrolls Overstated By At Least 800,000

By Tyler Durden

The first red flags emerged in the summer of 2022: that’s when the Biden Labor Department started well and truly rigging the labor market data.

Regular readers may recall that it was back in July of 2022, when we first warned that something had “snapped” in the labor market: that’s when a striking discrepancy emerged between the number of US Payrolls (as measured by the BLS’ Establishment Survey, a far more crude and imprecise, yet much more market-moving data series), and the number of actual Employed Workers (as measured by the BLS’ far more accurate Household Survey) . As we showed then, after the two series had tracked each other tick for tick for years, a wide gap opened in March 2022 which quickly grew to 1.5 million jobs in just 3 months…

… one which has since exploded to a whopping 5 million “employed workers” that apparently do not exist.

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Dr. Füllmich Statement From Prison – ‘Their House of Cards is Collapsing’

by Patricia Harrity

Dr. Reiner Füllmich has continued to analyse evidence of the crimes against humanity from prison. that he and the Corona Committee had been working to expose since 2020. The corruption is being increasingly seen worldwide and “Their house of cards is collapsing” according to Reiner, “and we as international attorneys will do our best to speed up that process and make sure that Justice is done.” He adds ‘The windows of truth that are opening worldwide and the light that shines through these windows is in the process of identifying all of those who are responsible, no one will escape Justice.

Reiner Füllmich made this statement in a a break from the his trial due to the Easter holidays which has followed eight days in court. He has now been able to summarise the criminal proceedings against him and concludes that Hoffman and Antonia Fischer were only interested in ‘getting their hands on the Corona Committees donation. He claims that ‘through ‘fraud and extortion’, they had gotten their hands on roughly 1.5 million euros of his and his client’s money.’

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If SpaceX’s Secret Constellation Is What We Think It Is, It’s Game Changing (Updated)

by Joseph Trevithick, Tyler Rogoway

The U.S. National Reconnaissance Office (NRO) is reportedly acquiring a constellation of hundreds of intelligence-gathering satellites from SpaceX, with a specific focus on tracking targets down below in support of ground operations. Though details about this project are still very limited, there are clear parallels to what the U.S. Space Force has previously said about a highly classified space-based radar surveillance program, which it first publicly disclosed around the same time SpaceX is said to have gotten its NRO contract. If this program is the one we think it is, it could bring about a revolution in both tactical and strategic space-based sensing.

Starshield, SpaceX’s government-sales-focused business unit, has been working on the new low Earth orbit (LEO) spy satellites under a $1.8 billion contract it received in 2021 from NRO, according to a report from Reuters this past weekend, citing five anonymous sources familiar with the deal. The Wall Street Journal had previously published a story about the existence of the contract in February, but did not name NRO as being involved or provide specific details about the deal’s scope of work.

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RAND Corporation: “Internet Of Bodies May Lead To Internet Of Brains” By 2050

by The Sociable

The Internet of Bodies ecosystem may lead to the Internet of Brains sometime between 2035 and 2050, according to a UK Defence-commissioned RAND report.

Commissioned by the UK Defence Science and Technology Laboratory and conducted by RAND Europe and Frazer Nash Consulting, the study “Cultural and technological change in the future information environment” looks at six technologies and information environments and their implications for British defense.

They include:

Automated information systems

A virtual metaverse

Augmented and mixed reality

Advanced connectivity

Human augmentation

Information security

A major theme running through these information environments is transhumanism — the merger of humans and machines.

According to the report, “Advances in object connectivity may eventually extend to human bodies. Researchers refer to the potential development of an internet-linked network of human-connected devices collecting end users’ biometric data as an ‘internet of bodies […] An ‘internet of bodies’ may also ultimately lead to an ‘internet of brains’, i.e. human brains connected to the internet to facilitate direct brain-to-brain communication and enable access to online data networks.'”

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AIPAC Talking Points Revealed

by Luke Goldstein

Need to Know News headline: “Leaked Documents: AIPAC Israeli Lobby to Spend $100 Million on US Elections and May Draw US into War –

NATIONAL HARBOR, MARYLAND – This week, approximately 1,600 foot soldiers from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) congregated inside the garish yet functional Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center, for the PAC’s annual policy conference. It took place this year amid Israel’s bloody war in Gaza, which has left at least 30,000 Palestinians dead and is turning into a critical wedge issue in the 2024 elections.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed attendees by videocast, along with Israeli ambassador to the U.S. Michael Herzog. According to an incomplete speaker list, the entire Democratic and Republican leadership in Congress delivered remarks—Sens. Chuck Schumer and Mitch McConnell and Reps. Hakeem Jeffries and Mike Johnson. Sen. John Fetterman (D-PA) and Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN) were both in attendance, among other representatives.

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Illegal Immigrants Given 7 Times More Taxpayer-Funded Benefits Than Military Families

by Sarah Arnold

pays more to be an undocumented immigrant living illegally in the United States than it does to be a soldier who is serving the country. 

According to a new report, criminal illegal immigrants are given seven times more taxpayer-funded assistance than military families are. 

Part of a $53 million New York City program, illegal immigrant families of four will receive on average $1,440 a month. This is more than the allowance for some deployed troops. 

According to the Military Times, enlisted soldiers receive a guaranteed allowance of $452.56 a month in basic for sustenance. Deployed soldiers only receive $399.90 in monthly meal deductions, despite not using base dining halls.

Under the current system, over $200 is lost each month for each deployed soldier and their families. So in other words, soldiers receive about $1,860 less cumulatively during a nine-month deployment than they would have if they had not been deployed. 

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The Results of California’s New $20 Fast Food Minimum Wage Are Already In

by Jon Miltimore

For eight years, Michael Ojeda delivered food for a Pizza Hut in Ontario, California, using the income he received to support his family.

In December, the 29-year-old received a letter from the pizza franchise informing him that his employment was being terminated in February. The news shook him. 

“Pizza Hut was my career for nearly a decade and with little to no notice it was taken away,” Ojeda said, whose story was recently highlighted by the Wall Street Journal.

Ojeda appears to be just one of the thousands of casualties of a new California law that will raise the minimum wage for fast-food workers to $20 an hour on April 1 for all restaurant chains that have at least 60 locations nationally.

Making $20 instead of $15 sounds like a win, but economics shows there’s no such thing as a free lunch. California lawmakers just proved it.

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New Stop the WHO Pandemic Treaty Posters and Handbills

By Meryl Nass

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One thing that we know with certainty about our time is that no Western government represents the people it rules.

by Paul Craig Roberts

One thing that we know with certainty about our time is that no Western government represents the people it rules.

Western governments represent the interests of those whose campaign contributions elect the government. The government is simply purchased by campaign contributors. It is not a government in the sense of the word used by Thomas Jefferson and Albert Jay Nock. In the United States, the Supreme Court has legalized the purchase of the government by special interests who use government for their agendas. The Supreme Court actually ruled that it is a First Amendment right to purchase the government.

Elsewhere in the Western world it is even worse, because the governments must first represent Washington’s interest. As representing Washington seldom conforms to their interests, no Western government has the support of the people.

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Leaked Cell Phone Location Data Reveals 200 Mystery Guests On Epstein’s “Pedo Island”

By Tyler Durden

The data, obtained by Wired, came from recently bankrupt company Near Intelligence, which allegedly traced the phones which went to and from Little Saint James island, where Epstein allegedly ran an underage sex trafficking network.

Near Intelligence, which rebranded itself Azira amid an internal fraud scandal and other controversies, mapped out more than 11,000 coordinates from 166 locations. Some of the locations point to gated communities in Michigan, Florida, as well as homes in Martha’s Vineyard and Nantuckett and a nightclub in Miami, according to the report.

The coordinates that Near Intelligence collected and left exposed online pinpoint locations to within a few centimeters of space. Visitors were tracked as they moved from the Ritz-Carlton on neighboring St. Thomas Island, for instance, to a specific dock at the American Yacht Harbor—a marina once co-owned by Epstein that hosts an “impressive array” of pleasure boats and mega-yachts. The data pinpointed their movements as they were transported to Epstein’s dock on Little St. James, revealing the exact routes taken to the island. -Wired

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Ukrainian Drones Hit Russia’s Third-Largest Oil Refinery, Prompting White House Anger

By Tyler Durden

As discussed in our morning wrap, US equity futures are dipping lower as bond yields in the US continue to move higher as crude continues to surge and is up another 2% on growing fears of middle-eastern escalation after a senior Iranian commander was killed by an Israeli airstrike in Syria yesterday, with Iran immediately vowing revenge, and as Ukraine once again struck oil infrastructure targets deep inside Russia, overnight hitting Russia’s 3rd largest refinery, ~800 miles from the front lines.

As OilPrice details, Ukrainian drones hit the primary refining unit of Russia’s third-largest refinery southeast of Moscow more than 800 miles from the front line, Reuters reported on Tuesday. Ukraine keeps striking Russian oil assets despite the Biden admin’s unequivocal demands for a hard stop, suggesting that diplomatic fallout is now imminent.

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M-16 Era Ends: Army’s 101st Airborne Division Receives Next-Gen Assault Rifles

By Tyler Durden

Army Futures Command announced last week that troops from the 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell, Kentucky, have received the Army’s next-generation rifles and light machine guns chambered in a new 6.8mm round. These new weapons are replacing the decades-old M-4 and M-16 battle rifle platforms. 

Military Times reports soldiers from 1st Battalion, 506th Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division at Fort Campbell were handed XM7 Next Generation Rifle and XM250 Next Generation Automatic Rifle ahead of training in April. 

Produced by firearm maker Sig Sauer, the XM7 is a 6.8×51mm gas-operated, magazine-fed assault rifle that replaces the M-4 carbine for close combat fighting. The XM250 is a 6.8×51mm gas-operated, belt-fed light machine gun that replaces the M249 Squad Automatic Weapon, or SAW. Both rifles are chambered in 6.8×51mm, a new round for the Army that will increase range and improve lethality against the most advanced body armor used on the modern battlefield. 

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America’s Top Companies by Revenue (1994 vs. 2023)

America’s Top Companies by Revenue (1994 vs. 2023)

This was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on iOS or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources.

A lot has changed since the 1990s, especially in the business world.

To highlight these changes, we’ve visualized the top 10 U.S. companies by revenue, in both 1994 and 2023. Figures for 1994 were sourced from the American Business History Center, while 2023 figures come from the latest Fortune 500 ranking.

Note that 1994 figures were not adjusted for inflation, but we’ll get to that further below.

Based on this data, we can see that today’s top 10 list looks very different from what it used to.

Before Big Tech, the Big Three automakers dominated the American business landscape (Chrysler ranked 11th in 1994, just behind Philip Morris).

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An Argument for the Public Hanging of Pedophiles, Police, and Politicians

 By Liberty Uncensored Newspaper

Etienne Note: I know this is going to cause some controversy, but I hope that everyone will read the entire article before making a judgement about the contents off the title alone.  The author’s point is that police and politicians belong in the same category as pedophiles because police and politicians are also engaged in harmful immorality that is quite literally destroying our society. There simply wouldn’t be an inflationary corrupt money system or political programs and handouts importing impoverished immigrants looking to get on the gravy train of $10,000 debit cards, hotel living and Obama phones.

Mark Passio Breaks Down the Immorality of the Police and Military and How they Keep the System of Tax Slavery and “Government” Control in Place.

In the case of the police, they are agreeing to use violence against peaceful people to enforce the whims of politicians.  Politicians are tricking the population into voting for immorality and then participating in the theft and redistribution of society’s resources not to mention “vaccine” mandates, lockdowns and wars based on lies and manufactured intelligence. Mark Twain was right when he said: “There is no distinctly American criminal class – except Congress.”  There are good people serving in legislatures but they are few and far between.  I have coined a term for them: Privaticians and the difference is they are only acting to protect life, liberty and property.  They would never vote to rob and redistribute. I believe ultimately, all elected “representatives” are going to have to choose a side. Are you protecting the people OR voting for theft and redistribution… From the sound of the article below and the results of the poll, many are starting to tire of getting robbed by the politicians and their immoral enforcers…

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Kombucha microbes break down fat stores like fasting – without the effort

By Bronwyn Thompson

It may not be to everyone’s taste, but kombucha tea may be able to deliver the benefits of fasting, without the hardest part – the fasting itself. Researchers found that when the yeasts and bacteria from the fermented, sweetened tea colonized the gut, they altered fat metabolism, without any other dietary changes, resulting in lower fat stores.

At the center of these findings is the flora found in kombucha tea’s SCOBY (Symbiotic Cultures of Bacteria and Yeasts), the gelatinous starter, rich in microbes, found floating near the surface of the fermented liquid. The probiotic microbes, including species of Acetobacter, Lactobacillus and Komagataeibacter genera, have previously been linked to a range of positive health benefits including lowering blood pressure.

Now, researchers from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill have discovered how, in Caenorhabditis elegans, kombucha’s microbes directly influence intestinal gene expression, particularly in those linked to fat metabolism. The introduced flora boosted the proteins needed to break down fat, while conversely they helped dial down the formation of proteins that help build the lipid (or fat) compounds known as triglycerides.

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Advanced Urban Survival Skills EVERYONE Should Have

by Fabian Ommar

Streets and public spaces in large cities present a vast set of dangers and threats, even in more civilized and safer countries. That’s because criminals, predators, and deranged and evil people are present in greater numbers in urban agglomerations; the higher density of people and infrastructure means more opportunities for lawbreakers.

That’s becoming more evident today with the masses of “cultural enrichers” invading North America, the UK, and mainland Europe. But that’s not all: people everywhere are also losing their minds, thanks to the crisis and instability, causing friction and violence to rise. I believe this mass insanity will get worse as time passes.

This time, I wanted to go beyond the typical “situational awareness” advice and provide more practical and direct actions to improve personal safety, navigate big city streets, and deal with various situations and unwanted players.

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Ross Ulbricht Turns 40 in Prison – Silkroad Foundation Brings Fight to #FREEROSS Back to Forefront

by The Silkroad Foundation

Last week, Ross Ulbricht turned 40 years old, sitting at USP Tucson as a prisoner, serving out his 240 year sentence, for creating an e-Commerce website… The very next day, Sam Bankman-Fried was sentenced to 25 years, for stealing Billions of dollars from people, committing fraud on a massive scale, and supporting criminals worldwide.

Just 2 weeks before, it was announced that Mark Zuckerberg and Meta are being investigated for the exact same charges that Ross received, because millions worldwide use Facebook to sell illicit substances. Obviously Mark will line somebody’s pockets and never see the inside of a jail cell, though.

Just a week after Ross’s birthday, the US government moved $2B in funds they seized from the Silkroad, including sending 2,000 Bitcoins straight to someone’s Coinbase wallet. Anyone want to take a guess at what they’re going to spend it on? Weapons & Drugs or Healthcare & Roads?

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Seattle closes gifted and talented schools due to racial inequity

By Rachel Bowman

Seattle has shuttered its gifted and talented programs because the school board determined they had too many white and Asian students.

The district began phasing out its Highly Capable Cohort schools and classrooms for advanced students in the 2021-22 school year because they found it had too many racial inequities. School bosses said black and Hispanic students were underrepresented at the schools.

According to Seattle Public School data, of the highly capable students in the 2022-23 school year, 52 percent were white, 16 percent were Asian and 3.4 percent were black.

During a January 22, 2020, school board meeting, parents of black students in the Highly Capable Cohort asked the board to consider finding ways to incorporate students of color into the gifted program rather than shut it down.

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Goldback Hits All-Time High; Dollar In Freefall – The Liberty Block

As I prepared to pull out my Goldbacks for my sandwich at Robie’s country store and diner Wednesday, the co-owner informed me that the dollar had fallen below a fifth of a goldback. I remember when the exchange rate was around 3.20 dollars for each goldback just before the scamdemic. It’s been around four for the past few years. I had never seen it above five.

As we’ve explained in many prior articles, Goldbacks are an innovative form of money that uses real 24k gold, placing it within a flexible and durable bill. They are denominated in 1/1,000th of an ounce of gold, and the bills range from one to fifty. Gold has not increased in value per se, it’s the US Dollar (Federal Reserve Note) that has plummeted in value over the past few years. Now, you need more dollars than ever before in history to purchase the same items, from homes to milk to one Goldback. 

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Upcoming Liberty Events

The Art of Liberty 500 Club is for donors that have contributed a minimum of $500 to the foundation. The next call with be on Wednesday, April 10th at 8:00PM EST.  Please send an e-mail to Sp*********@Ar**********.org if you would like to receive an invitation to the call.  We are trying to raise the final $13,429 of our $50,000 goal to finish up our next major book.  Anything helps and we have some great premiums to say THANK YOU!

The World is rising up!
Saturday 25th of May, 2024

United around the world


We are standing side by side for Freedom, Peace and Human Rights

Together, We Are Free

Art of Liberty Foundation  500 Club Call – April 10th @ 8:00pm EST- RSVP: Sp*********@Ar**********.org

Liberland 9th Anniversary – April 13th ,  2024 , Liberland and in our Belgrade office

Liberty-Con – Europe’s Largest Pro-Liberty Event – April 19-21,2024, Tbilisi, Georgia

Mid-Continent Liberty Festival (MidFest) – April 10-15 2024, Tahlequah, Oklahoma

Libre Planet – Free Software Foundation’s Conf – May 4th & 5th, 2024, Boston, Massachusetts

Art of Liberty Foundation 500 Club Call – May 8th @ 8:00pm EST- RSVP: Sp*********@Ar**********.org

Mises Institute Summer Fellowship 2024 – May 13th, 2024, Auburn, Alabama

Human Action Conference 2024 – May 16th-18th, 2024, Auburn, Alabama

Rothbard Graduate Seminar 2024 – June 9th-14th, 2024, Auburn, Alabama

Porcupine Freedom Festival – June 17th – 23th, 2024, Lancaster, New Hampshire

Liberstad Freedom Festival – July 24th – July 28th, Liberstad, Norway

Mises University 2024 – July 28th – August 3rd, 2024, Auburn, Alabama

Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest – July 25-29, 2024, Gaines, Michigan

AnarCon Outdoor Liberty Festival – August, 2024, Gore, Virginia

Music & Sky 2023 – August 2024, Cuyama Valley, California

VONUFEST5 – Sept 30-Oct 7 – Vandalia, IL

Mises Supporters Summit 2024 – October 10-13, 2024, Hilton Head, South Carolina

Mid-Continent Liberty Festival (MIDFEST) – October, 2024, Spavinaw, Oklahoma

Liberty in Our Lifetime – November 1-3, 2024. Empire Hall, Prague, Czech Republic

Memes Bonanza

Check out our monograph: Solving Covid – The Covid 19 Vaccine Drug Scam Timeline at

The Art of Liberty Foundation – Important News

Solving Covid – The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline

By Etienne de la Boetie2, Author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation This article is the second article in a series from the upcoming book Solving Covid – The Second Biggest Scam in History – How Eugenics-Centered Organized Crime Engineered a Fake Pandemic to Steal Trillions and Murder Mill…

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a year ago · 41 likes · 12 comments · Etienne de la Boetie2

and its companion article: The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction at

The Art of Liberty Foundation – Important News

The Covid 19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction

Etienne was on the Alfa Vedic podcast with Dr. Barre Lando and Mike Winner where he broke down the connections between some of the top suspects involved in the scam of “The Covid” and their connections to the eugenics movement. Eugenics is the poisonous idea that humanity could be improved by sterilizing what eugenicists believe to be the “useless eate…

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2 years ago · 14 likes · 5 comments · Etienne de la Boetie2

to understand who is behind “The Covid”

Truth Music of the Week

Free Ross Illuminati Congo ft Sterlin Lujan

Free State Project (New Hampshire) Corner

Brendan Daniel’s Live at PorcFest 2023 Drops 4/8/24!

Amazing things happen at the Free State Project’s Porcupine Freedom Festival! Last year we met Brendan Daniel by chance.  He was camping next to us and serenaded a group by the fire one night. We were BLOWN AWAY by his talent.  We invited him to join the Posse.  Mike Merenda, the co-host of the Terrain Theory podcast (and guitar/banjo for folk group The Mammals!) came out to interview me for their podcast, meets Brendan, recognizes the talent as well and helps him record his work for the first time right there at PorcFest. He tells the story along with the interview in this episode of Terrain Theory.

That album drops next week on Monday, April 8th and you can pre-order the album at:

There is a teaser track (The Hills We Die On) on Bandcamp BUT here is a sneak peek Dropbox link to my favorite song from the album: Early Bird Blood

BUT… Wait… There is more…After reading my book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! Brendan gets inspired and writes a NEW song called Organized Crime that will also be dropping this week… And it is AWESOME!!!  Truly, truly amazing!  Stay tuned for that next week! 

Pre-State Project – How You Can Help

Free State Project Corner – The Free State Project is moving 20,000 + libertarians to New Hampshire with the goal of reducing “Government” to just protecting life, liberty and property.  We are supporting and reporting on this dynamic.  If you have heard Etienne talk about the plan to accelerate this dynamic by dropping 100,000 copies of “Government”, the 64GB Liberator and a TBD documentary to the influential in the state and want more details in our Executive Summary. You can also donate a single copy OR 10 copies of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! at the where we will send them directly to NH legislators, journalists, Police Chiefs, and other influential within the state.  You can also donate a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore to a Liberty Group in New Hampshire that will earn the profits from reselling and distributing copies of the book in the state!  

The Liberator

The Liberator– Our archive of “government” and media criminality

Important Note: New additions are added to the authoritative Liberator Dropboxes regularly but will not appear in the physical credit card-sized flash drive until we launch the next version.  Anyone can download the current contents of the Liberator FOR FREE including all the primary sources and evidence from our investigation into “The Covid”.

Liberator #1 – Companion media to “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History. Exposed!

Liberator #2 – Evidence of False Flag terror for police state and hoax shootings for gun control:

Liberator #3 – Evidence that “The Covid” has been a scam and the vaccines are killing people:

Liberator #4 – Voluntaryism and more evidence of “Government” corruption:

Liberator #5 – Prepping and Self-Sufficiency – Hundreds of resources:

How to Support the Art of Liberty Foundation

1. Become an Art of Liberty Foundation Sponsor at – The best way to support us is to become a sponsor of the foundation.  We have some great perks to say Thank You! including copies of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!, Liberator Flash Drives, Signed Hard Copies, calls with Etienne, and even the ability to have an Art of Liberty Foundation event with tier one Liberty speakers in your City or Town for your friends, family and neighbors!

2. Go Paid on Substack! – We simply couldn’t do what we do without the support of our sponsors and paid subscribers on Substack!  If you are enjoying the Daily News, Important News, or Five Meme Friday on Substack we hope you will consider “Going Paid” on Substack.  All it takes is a click! 

3. Donate Gift Certificates to Us – We just signed up with GeeCees that allows any business that offers gift certificates (Especially Hotels and Resorts with Unused Rooms) to donate gift certificates and foundation supporters to buy them at a discount.  We will see how this goes!

4. Get a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and Earn Profit from Distributing Copies of “Government” in Your Town / City – Do you (or a friend) have a retail location?  Open up a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and share in the profits.  We have everything you need to attractively merchandise “Government” and Liberators in a small footprint. Details here:

5. Buy Books and Merchandise at – Our store has become one of the biggest distributors of Voluntaryist and peaceful anarchist titles.  Especially popular is our “Everything Bundle” – The Sampler of Liberty! 

The Everything Bundle – The Sampler of Liberty!
Give me Liberty… and give me more! The Everything Bundle includes the latest version of our flagship book on government, along with a collection of potentially life-altering introductions to anarchy, agorism and voluntaryism.

The Art of Liberty Foundation Logo

Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to forward this email to friends and colleagues.

Etienne de la Boetie2
Executive Director,
The Art of Liberty Foundation
Author of: “Government” The Biggest Scam in History … Exposed!!                     


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Five Meme Friday
Five Meme Friday – March 4th
Five Meme Friday
FiveMemeFriday, June 30th, 2023: PorcFest 2023! Pics, Preso, and Recap!
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FiveMemeFri – National Debt Jumps $275 Billion in One Day!! Engineered Collapse?