Five Meme Friday – May 27th

Five Meme Friday! The Art of Liberty Foundation is taking 5 Meme Friday to the next level. We have professionalized our weekly newsletter with 5 dank memes and the best of the alternative news, censored videos, etc. Read on and enjoy this week’s issue.
Enjoy these pokes at the powers that shouldn’t be.

Update on 5th Edition of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! Investigation into “The Covid”
Etienne was a guest on Ricard Gage 911: Unleashed! Richard is the founder of Architects and Engineers for 9-11 Truth – An organization that has organized over 3,000+ architects, engineers, and other building professionals to call for a new investigation of 9-11 on the grounds that there was obviously explosives used to bring down the twin towers and WTC7. Richard said something that miffed the AE911 Truth Board of Directors so they cut him loose and now he gets to talk about a wide variety of subjects on his new podcast: Unleashed! We talked about Voluntaryism and the impossibility of having a moral, legitimate “government”. Richard really seemed to “Get It” and while he became visibly uncomfortable during the interview, I think his intellectual honesty is apparent as he asks all the right questions to get to the bottom of whether or not “Government” is legitimate… I don’t know if I convinced him of the moral and logical nature of voluntaryism… BUT… I feel like I got really close with this interview… Architects and Engineers for “Government” Truth? Link:
Update on the 5th Edition of “Government”
We have been sending material to our graphic design firm every day for two plus weeks. This week we turned on a 2nd designer to speed up the process of getting the memes and visualizations completed We think we are two weeks away from sending the final document to the printer! We will release some additional one-pagers this week!
64GB Liberator Coming – We are expanding: The Liberator to 64GBs. Everyone who ordered the 32GB Liberator will get an additional 32GBs of material for free!
Funding: Since we only raised $20,000 ($15,250 from IndieGoGo and ~$4,750 in Epic Cash) of our $35,000 goal we are looking for a heavy hitter or two to help us get the book out in a BIG way. If you or anyone you know might be interested then please e-mail me at Et*****@Ar**********.org where I can take you through the new edition and plans.
Free Download of the 4th Edition for IndieGoGo and Five Meme Friday subscribers – We are making the 4th edition of the book available for free download to our IndieGoGo backers, Five Meme Friday subscribers, and anyone who downloads the full Liberator. You can find the 4th edition with all the hypertext links in the Liberator#1 Dropbox here:
The Liberator – Our archive of “government” and media criminality
Important Note: New additions are added to the authoritative Liberator Dropboxes regularly but will not appear in the physical credit card-sized flash drive until we launch the next version in early May. Anyone can download the current contents of the Liberator FOR FREE including all the primary sources and evidence from our investigation into “The Covid”.
Liberator #1 – Companion media to “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History. Exposed!
Liberator #2 – Evidence of False Flag terror for police state and hoax shootings for gun control:
Liberator #3 – Evidence that “The Covid” has been a scam and the vaccines are killing people:
Liberator #4 – Voluntaryism, Prepping and Self-Sufficiency – Hundreds of resources:
Since we are behind on getting the 5th edition out, we are sharing what we are reading, watching, evaluating to both deliver real value to the folks who pre-ordered books and to crowd-source a fact-check and get feedback on the direction and sources. You can subscribe to the Art of Liberty Foundation Substack: Telegram Channel here: |
“Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed
Israeli Forces Murdered Star Al Jazeera Journalist: CNN –
Al Jazeera journalist and US citizen Shireen Abu Akleh was “shot dead in a targeted attack by Israeli forces,” according to a new CNN investigation. Mainstream U.S. media isn’t exactly known for casting a critical eye at Israel, which makes CNN’s report all the more explosive.
Abu Akleh, a star reporter in the region, was shot in the head by Israeli forces on May 11 in the West Bank town of Jenin. She and her al Jazeera crew were there to report on an Israeli raid on a refugee camp.
“Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed is a recurring segment in Five Meme Friday where we chronicle the news that makes the case that the “Government” is being run by inter-generational organized crime who are stealing trillions. Join our Telegram Channel devoted to evidence of “Government” and media criminality here: To send articles and evidence for consideration and to report “Government” and media criminality in your town or city, please send to: Ev******@Ar**********.org |
News Of The Week
86% of Twitter Users Know More About Public Health than Health Canada
Yesterday, Health Canada and Public Health Agency of Canada (“PHAC”) opened a survey on Twitter asking: “True or False: Vaccination reduces your risk of experiencing serious illness from COVID-19 and related #pregnancy complications.”
Five hours after opening their survey they added a comment to help users select the “correct” answer: “the answer is true.”
Covid Update: What is the truth –
Dr. Russell Blaylock, Neurosurgeon and author, breaks down the latest on the scam of “The Covid” in an article published on the NIH’s own website!
Pfizer Moves to Dismiss Lawsuit From COVID-19 Vaccine Trial, Citing ‘Prototype’ Agreement –
Pfizer has asked a U.S. court to throw out a lawsuit from a whistleblower who revealed problems at sites that tested Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine.
Brook Jackson, the whistleblower, alleged in a suit that was unsealed in February that Pfizer and associated parties violated clinical trial regulations and federal laws, including the False Claims Act.

Monkeypox Fears May Rescue Endangered Corporations
More manufactured “pandemics”.
More manufactured fear.
More manufactured DEATHVAX™.
More manufactured profits.
More manufactured depopulation.
More manufactured posthuman.
More manufactured Great Reset.
Two corrupt companies were in rocky financial territory just a few weeks ago. Now, with concerns over a global monkeypox outbreak being hyped by media and global health organizations alike, the worries – and sins – of these two firms are quickly being forgotten.
Turtle Party T-shirts

The Turtle Party is over but the T-Shirt lives on
We have about a dozen Turtle Party t-shirts of various sizes. Some are 100% cotton and some are 100% polyester. You can request either but we can NOT guarantee either so order fast to ensure your chance at your preference!
The Turtle Party is our annual fundraiser for the Art of Liberty Foundation around the Agorapulco conference in Acapulco, Mexico each February. The party typically draws 200+ to our favorite turtle sanctuary on Bonfil Beach for a magical evening where the Liberty movement’s leading artists combine with the local Bonfil vibe. 2022 headliners included: Grant Ellman of Prezence, Alais Clay, So/Below, and Burnt MD. T-Shirts are $35 + S&H
Upcoming Events
* Porcupine Freedom Festival June 21st – 27th New Hampshire
* Red Pill Expo – July 9 & 10 – Indianapolis, Indiana
* Freedom Fest July 13th-16th Las Vegas, NV
* Truth Invitational Show – July 1st – 29th 2022
* The Jackalope Freedom Festival August 1st-14th Baca Meadows, AZ
* Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest – July 21-25, 2022 – Michigan
* AnarCon August 5th-7th Richmond, VA
Get together: Meet others, have fun, and get involved: Arizona: Sedona Freedom Movement, Sedona Conscious Collective California: Complete Liberty(San Diego), Santa Cruz Voluntaryists, Bay Area Voluntaryists , The Mises Circle Orange County (Newport Beach) Colorado: We Are Change(Denver),Liberty on the Rocks (Denver), Kansas: Libertarian Free Thinkers of Kansas City, Michigan: The Michigan Peace and Liberty Coalition(Detroit) New Hampshire: Free State Project, Free State Project Calendar of NH Liberty Events (statewide), The Praxeum (Liberty Center in Dover/Portsmouth, NH), The Wearehouse (Liberty Center in Weare, NH), The Quill (Liberty Center in Manchester, NH) The Shell (Liberty center in Rollinsford, NH) Massachusetts: Boston Liberty Hang Out New York Anarcho-Capitalist Meet up, Texas:Voluntaryists of Dallas/Fort Worth, Houston Free Thinkers, Voluntaryist of Austin Utah: Bountiful Voluntaryist Meet Up Virginia – Liberate Richmond Washington State: Seattle Ancaps Voluntarists Libertarians, Tacoma Liberty on the Rocks.
Europe:London Anarchy Meetup, Libertarian Meetups – Göteborg, Sweden
Asia: VOLUNTARYISM! Living Peacefully and Morally!( Pattaya, Thailand)
Everywhere: Freedom Cell Network, Caledonia,
Have a Liberty event, group or meet-up that you would like featured in our calendar? Drop us an e-mail to: Ev****@Ar**********.org
Chillderburg Vier – May 28-30 – Muleshoe Bend Recreation Area!
Are you a liberty lover that needs a break from all the normies? Then you will be right at home at Chillderburg Vier! Join us for 3 days of camping fun at Muleshoe Bend Recreational Area. Chillderburg Vier(4) is May 28-30 2022.
Red Pill Expo is Back! July 9 & 10, Indianapolis, Indiana
Because you know something is wrong. Helping truth seekers understand how the world really works.
More Memes Bonanza
Video of the Week
Free State Project Corner
Free State Project Corner – NH Liberty Alliance & The Gold Standard
This week we are shining our spotlight on the NH Liberty Alliance. The Alliance is a non-partisan coalition working to increase individual freedom in New Hampshire by monitoring bills in the legislative sessions and encouraging private charity, a civil society, and citizen involvement. publish a weekly handout called The Gold Standard. We distribute it to members of the House of Representatives and Senate prior to their vote in order to give them an understanding about whether a given bill is pro- or anti-liberty.
The Gold Standard reports then form the foundation for their annual Liberty Rating, a report card by which the alliance scores Representatives and Senators. The Liberty Rating is based on pro-liberty and anti-liberty votes and their impact on the state of New Hampshire. Pro-liberty votes protect individual freedom of choice and personal responsibility, recognize the superiority of freedom over coercion, respect the citizen’s right of self-ownership, promote good government, and recognize the value of voluntary economic decisions. Anti-liberty votes replace self-governance with interventionist ownership, assume agencies backed by force are superior to voluntary choices backed by personal accountability, and assume a better economy can be designed by a central authority that compels communities to pay for policies people do not willingly support. We announce the annual report at our Liberty Dinner at which we honor the Legislator of the Year.
Read the NHLA’s Entire May 26th Gold Standard in your browser
You kinda have to see it to believe it! In New Hampshire there are over 500+ liberty events a year in every corner of the state from meet-ups to activism to conferences to boat cruises. Check it out at

Free State Project Corner – The Free State Project is moving 20,000+ libertarians to New Hampshire with the goal of reducing “Government” to just protecting life, liberty and property. We are supporting and reporting on this dynamic. If you have heard Etienne talk about the plan to accelerate this dynamic by dropping 100,000 copies of “Government”, the 32GB Liberator and a documentary to the influential in the state and want more details in our Executive Summary. |
The Everything Bundle
The Everything Bundle – The Sampler of Liberty!
Give me Liberty… and give me more! The Everything Bundle includes the latest version of our flagship book on government, along with a collection of potentially life-altering introductions to anarchy, agorism and voluntaryism.
- “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! by Etienne de la Boetie2
- Anarchy Exposed! – A former police officer reports on his investigative journey by Shepard the Voluntaryist and Larken Rose
- The Most Dangerous Superstition by Larken Rose
- Sedition, Subversion and Sabotage – Field Manual #1 by Ben Stone, The Bad Quaker, and Ken Yamarashi
- What Anarchy Isn’t – A short pamphlet by Larken Rose… The perfect introduction to peaceful anarchy
- Three Friends Free – A Children’s Story of Voluntaryism
- The Liberator is a 16GB wafer flash drive filled with books, documentaries, podcasts, MP3s, short videos, and music from the truth movement’s leading artists. The credit card-sized format makes it convenient to keep in your wallet to share and copy easily.
Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to share this blog post with friends and colleagues. Sincerely, Etienne de la Boetie2 Executive Director, The Art of Liberty Foundation Author of: “Government” The Biggest Scam in History…Exposed!! Co-founder: #THICKREDLINE Project |