Five Meme Friday

Five Meme Friday – April 1st

Five Meme Friday! The Art of Liberty Foundation is taking 5 Meme Friday to the next level. We have professionalized our weekly newsletter with 5 dank memes and the best of the alternative news, censored videos, etc. Read on, enjoy this week’s issue.

Enjoy these pokes at the powers that shouldn’t be.

5th Edition of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!

Are You Getting Your News from the CIA? – Fact Checked Meme
Dozens of “Ex” CIA, intelligence agency employees, and federal law enforcement make up the couple of hundred people that get to talk “politics” and current events on the “news”.

Monopoly, Duopoly, and Triopoly –

Because if organized crime’s fractional reserve banks, Blackrock and Vanguard left just one company standing it would be obvious.

Upcoming Events

Libre Planet – Free Software Foundation’s Conf March Cambridge, MA

Flotefest – April 27th-May 2nd 2022 – Gause, Texas

Porcupine Freedom Festival June 21st – 27th New Hampshire

Rainbow Gathering June 28, 2022 through July 28, 2022 TBD-Colorado

Freedom Fest July 13th-16th Las Vegas, NV

Truth Invitational Show – July 1st – 29th 2022

Midwest Peace and Liberty Fest August Michigan

AnarCon August 5th-7th Richmond, VA

The Jackalope Freedom Festival August 1st-14th Baca Meadows, AZ

The Freecoast Festival September Portsmouth, NH

Mid-Continent Liberty Festival(MidFest) October 2022 – Tahlequah, OK

Get together: Meet others, have fun, and get involved: State By State: ArizonaGreater Phoenix Mutual Aid and Safety Society, Sedona Freedom MovementSedona Conscious Collective  Colorado: Denver – We Are ChangeNew Hampshire: Free State ProjectPortsmouth The Praxeum, The Shell TexasHouston Free ThinkersVoluntaryist of Austin Virginia – Liberate RichmondNew York Anarcho-Capitalist Meet upBay Area VoluntaryistsLondon Anarchy MeetupLibertarian Free Thinkers of Kansas City, Voluntaryists of Dallas/Fort WorthCaledonia (everywhere),  Freedom Cell Network (everywhere).

THC / Propaganda Report Crossover –

Monica Perez of the The Propaganda Report podcast is heading to Boston to catch up with friends and family & what better way to spend her first night there than with Propaganda Report listeners and fans of her favorite podcast, The Higherside Chats? So that’s the plan. Meet her & listeners and friends from New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and beyond at Brewers Tap & Table at 256 Moody Street in Waltham, Massachusetts, the evening of Sunday, April 3 from 6 to 9pm ET. Here’s their website:

More Memes Bonanza

Interview of the week

Terrain, the most important questions you never thought to ask…

TERRAIN exposes the tyrannical world pandemic hoax, built upon the flawed model of illness and disease known as Germ Theory. This Two-part documentary explores Terrain Theory, a model for health that works in symbiosis with nature to promote wellness and healing free of a corrupt and flawed medical paradigm.
TERRAIN motivates and inspires viewers to understand the power and responsibility of consent.

Videos of the week

California’s 11 New Extreme & Dangerous Vaccine Bills Are the Model for Your State –

Laura Sextro, the CEO of the Unity Project that opposes tyrannical vaccine laws in California, explained the dangers of California’s proposed laws that include mandatory vaccines for ALL workers and students, and much more.

Free State Project Corner

Wallet Hub ranks New Hampshire 46th out of the 50 states for total tax burden with 6.41% vs. #1 New York’s 12.75%

New Hampshire ranks 46th for total tax burden with a total tax burden of 6.41%. New York ranked #1 with 12.75%. New Hampshire was barely edged out by Alaska (#50 with 5.06%), Tennessee, Delaware and Wyoming.

Free State Project Corner – The Free State Project is moving 20,000+ libertarians to New Hampshire with the goal of reducing “Government” to just protecting life, liberty and property.  We are supporting and reporting on this dynamic.  If you have heard Etienne talk about the plan to accelerate this dynamic by dropping 100,000 copies of “Government”, the 32GB Liberator and a documentary to the influential in the state and want more details in our Executive Summary.

5th Edition – Covid Investigation Update

Since we are behind on getting the 5th edition out, we are going to be sharing what we are reading, watching, evaluating to both deliver real value to the folks who pre-ordered books and to crowd-source a fact-check and get feedback on the direction and sources.  You can subscribe to the Art of Liberty Foundation Telegram Channel here:

COVID-19 Vaccine Massacre: 68,000% Increase in Strokes, 44,000% Increase in Heart Disease, 6,800% Increase in Deaths Over Non-COVID Vaccines
The government’s own database of Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS) through March 18, 2022 shows that there are unprecedented increases in recorded deaths and injuries following COVID-19 vaccines for the past 15 months since they were issued emergency use authorizations (EUAs), as compared to recorded deaths and injuries reported following all FDA-approved vaccines for the previous 30 years.

NOW What About Excess Mortality? – Questions For Corbett (video)

Last year The Corbett Report explored the question of excess mortality over the past two years . . . but where are the stats at now? Joining us to break down the surprising answer (and its implications) is Denis Rancourt of  Denis also breaks down his theory that the organized crime “government” in the US was able to engineer elderly deaths by creating the conditions for bacterial pneumonia and then mandating a reduction in prescriptions for antibiotics in addition to the stress caused government-mandated lockdowns, social isolation, loss-of-income, and destruction of routine and daily habits.

AMA Monopoly Medicine Watch

For Chumps Who Believe in Flu Shots
The United States increased flu shots over 15-fold between 1980 and 2020 to almost 200 million doses a year. You’ll never BELIEVE what happened to flu mortality!

AMA Monopoly Medicine Watch is a recurring column where we highlight the failures and catastrophes of the American Medical Association’s monopoly on medicine in the United States.

News Of The Week

Biggest Housing Affordability Shock In History Incoming
30 Year fixed mortgage rates have jumped 160bp this year, reaching the highest since November 2018, with the latest Freddie Mac data showing an acceleration in mortgage rates which jumped a quarter point in just the past week, from 4.42% to 4.67%. This is an even bigger increase than we discussed in our recent Housing comment.

Disney Employees in Florida Arrested for Human Trafficking as Videos Appear Online Showing Top Disney Executives’ Desire to Sexualize Children with Transgender Teaching

For all of you parents and grandparents out there who still believe that the Walt Disney Company produces “family-friendly” entertainment safe for young children, you need to pay attention to what is going on in Florida right now.

The “Great Reset,” Contradiction, Collusion, the U.S., Israel, China, Ukraine, Russia and Governments of the World: Bedmates? By Gary Barnett 3-31-22

“… This brings us to recent and current events; those being the initiation of the terror of the fake “Covid’ and ‘pandemic’ fraud, the players involved, the response to that bogus threat, and now to the staged Russia/Ukraine scam, which are all part of the ‘Great Reset’ agenda. …”
“… This is not the work of just one country or government, but all countries; under the brutal guidance of the ‘claimed’ masters of the ‘universe,’ including the central banking monsters, the corporate giants, the politicians at every level, the billionaire proxies and their ‘non-governmental organizations, ’and the media whores. What this means, is that almost the entirety of the political classes are but pawns in this game of total dominance …”

41,834 DEAD 3.9 Million Injured Following COVID Vaccines in European Database as U.S. Military Deaths Soar 1100%

The European (EEA and non-EEA countries) database of suspected drug reaction reports is EudraVigilance, verified by the European Medicines Agency (EMA), and they are now reporting 41,834 fatalities and 3,900,241 injuries following injections of four experimental COVID-19 shots.

The Everything Bundle

The Everything Bundle – The Sampler of Liberty!
Give me Liberty… and give me more! The Everything Bundle includes the latest version of our flagship book on government, along with a collection of potentially life-altering introductions to anarchy, agorism and voluntaryism.

Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to share this blog post with friends and colleagues.


Etienne de la Boetie2
Executive Director,
The Art of Liberty Foundation 
Author of: “Government” The Biggest Scam in History…Exposed!!
Co-founder: #THICKREDLINE Project
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