Etienne de la Boetie² – Author, Speaker & Activist

Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, and the editor of the Art of Liberty Daily News on Substack and Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media. He is an internationally recognized expert and speaker on voluntaryism and government illegitimacy, criminality and corruption. His original writings and research can be found at and
He is the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! which breaks down how inter-generational organized crime centered around banking and central banking is robbing and controlling the population using the technique of “government” with puppet politicians and monopoly media/academia. His upcoming book: Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All! explains how REAL freedom (voluntaryism) can provide all the legitimate non-redistributive services provided by “government” without the waste, fraud, abuse, indoctrination and extortion. He was also the author and principal investigator for the monographs: The Covid-19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction and Solving Covid – The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline
Mr. Boetie2 is known for:
- Popularizing describing “government” as a technique of organized crime and/or inter-generational organized crime used to rob and control populations that has been adopted by other voices within the liberty and truth movements.
- Using and popularizing visualizations to make the secret connections between the monopoly media, the CIA/intelligence agencies, and front groups like the Council on Foreign Relations, World Economic Forum, and Bilderberg group that were invisible, now visible.
- Exposing the playbook of surreptitious techniques the “government” and monopoly media use to indoctrinate the belief in having a “government” into the population in his book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History…Exposed!
- Exposing how the definition of the word “anarchy” was changed to “chaos and dystopia” by the Safra banking family who bought Encyclopedia Brittanica and the Merriam-Webster dictionary and installed Leslie Gelb, President Emeritus of the Council on Foreign Relations, on the Editorial Board of Advisors
- Encouraging peaceful anarchists, anarcho-capitalists, and other supporters of a Stateless society to “rebrand” as Voluntaryists which gives the movement a “green field” opportunity to explain how a world without “government” would produce more harmony and prosperity for all
- Founding the THICKREDLINE Project which encourages sheriffs, police chiefs, deputies, and officers to say: NO! collectively to victimless crimes which would restore respect to the profession until a complete privatization of monopoly policing can be achieved.
- Created the repository “Government”, Media and Academia Exposed! on Telegram with hundreds and hundreds of articles supporting our thesis that “government” is controlled by inter-generational organized crime and populated by the most untrustworthy of people living off money stolen from others at the point of a gun.
- Writing Solving Covid – The Covid 19, Eugenics, Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline and The Covid-19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction with 600+ end-notes and references exposing the most likely suspects behind “The Covid” and how they pulled off the scam.
- Founding the Liberty on the Rocks – Sedona Conference – 2023 Conference Archive – 2024 Conference Details
“Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!

Find Etienne’s Original Writings and Research on Substack at Art Of Liberty – Important News