The Art of Liberty Foundation is providing solutions for fake news and disinformation with our new series: Fact-Check. We are fact checking memes, quotes, and videos so you can feel safe in passing them along. We are also using the platform to fact-check our own memes and videos where we can not only “show our work” but provide additional information to give the memes context.Want to get a meme fact-checked? We charge a flat rate of $75 a meme. Send us your inquiries here.
There is a new documentary about “The COVID” going viral called Died Suddenly by Stew Peters. The film has been watched over eight million times on Rumble alone in less than a week. The documentary presents true information wrapped in a blanket of poo engineered to discredit the true information. Here is your guide to understanding what is […]
Judges, Cops, Members of Congress, the President, Vice-President, and other elected and unelected "government" employees don't pay taxes. Taxes are the monies stolen from the population via extortion in exchange for forced monopoly services many people don't want or want choice in. The post Judges, Cops, and “Government” Employees Don’t Pay Taxes appeared first on […]
JD Vance – US Senatorial Candidate for 2022 election in Ohio, a perennial key swing state, recently given $10MM by intelligence agency contractor Peter Thiel [i] Vance has been through the “imperial conditioning” of the US Marine Corp where he served as a public affairs officer. He got his JD from intelligence agency connected Yale[ii]Yale […]