The False Flag Attack of 9-11 – Executive Summary for Newbies and Millennials
The Best Documentaries, Books, Short Videos, and Memes

“Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities.”
– Voltaire

I have described 9-11 to my kids as a kind of national intelligence test. You either understand the basics of logic, science, physics and history or don’t. You either believe a completely implausible story that violates the laws of physics and doesn’t make any sense, OR you don’t.
The “Official Story” DESTROYED in Less Than 5 Minutes by James Corbett
I know most of my audience understands that the government and media lied to the population about what happened on 9-11. Still, there are many young people who don’t really understand the basics. Here is an executive summary for your kids and grandkids that will bring them up to speed.
Why is it important? With an hour or two of research or watching 1-2 of our recommended documentaries below, anyone can grasp the basic understanding that we have a 100% completely organized crime “government,” including the military and intelligence agencies. This organized crime system is controlling perception through the monopolized media and algorithmic censorship of search and social media to sell the population on false flag terror that was used to steal trillions through the military-industrial complex AND our civil liberties. If you don’t understand these basics, then you aren’t really in the game.

WTC7 was a modern, fireproofed steel-frame building not struck by a plane that collapsed completely and symmetrically into its own footprint at 5:20 PM. The building fell at free-fall speed, defying the laws of physics and displaying all the hallmarks of controlled demolition: Visible squibs, free-fall collapse, molten metal. At 5:00, Fox News, CNN and the BBC began reporting it had already fallen. Whistleblower Barry Jennings reported bombs. Prior knowledge was documented by workers pointing out on video that it would collapse, as well as auditory explosions and symmetrical collapse.
What Really Happened on 9-11: Both towers and WTC 7 were brought down in controlled demolition (WTC 7) & Directed Energy Weapons (WTC 1&2) organized by US & Israeli intelligence agencies + Pentagon with government & monopoly media cover-up.
Used to Justify: Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq, warrantless wiretapping, suspension of posse comitatus and habeas corpus, torture, military tribunals, and to steal trillions of dollars through insurance on the buildings and unneeded Military-Industrial-Complex and homeland security spending.
Best Evidence of Gov’t involvement: Obvious use of explosives in WTC7 and complete pulverization of WTC 1&2 to complete dust: free fall speeds, molten metal still molten weeks later, explosive residue in dust, dozens of war games taking place on 9-11 to pull fighter response/distract FAA, Israeli Mossad (Aka Dancing Israelis) caught “documenting the event,” symmetrical collapse.
Best Documentaries: Anatomy of a Great Deception, AE911Truth: Experts Speak Out, Solving 9-11 by Chris Bollyn
Best Short Videos: 9-11: A Conspiracy Theory, 9-11 Trillions – Follow the $
Best Books: 9-11 Ten Years Later (DRG), Another 19 (Ryan), Solving 9-11-The Deception that Changed the World (Bollyn), Where Did the Towers Go? (Dr. Judy Wood)

One of the best examples of Mockingbird Media, WTC 7 collapses at 5:20. At 5:00, Fox News, CNN, and the BBC begin reporting that the building has already collapsed. In the case of the BBC, their reporter Jane Standley is doing a live shot from NYC with the building still standing visibly behind her as she explains how it was “weakened” by fire.
Best Evidence of Gov’t involvement: Obvious use of explosives in buildings: free fall speeds, molten metal still molten weeks later, explosive residue in dust, dozens of war games taking place on 9-11 to pull fighter response/distract FAA, Israeli Mossad (Aka Dancing Israelis) caught “documenting the event,” symmetrical collapse.
9-11 in Memes & Pictures

Etienne Note: WTC 7 appears to have been conventional explosives. In contrast, WTC 1&2 appear to have been thermite/thermate used in the buildings where certain floors were “re-fireproofed” with spray on thermite/thermate to initiate the collapse without visible squibs; conventional explosives were used to begin/accelerate the collapse, and a Directed Energy Weapon (DEW) used to pulverize the remainder of the buildings once they achieved the effect of making it look like a gravity collapse.
About the Author

Etienne de la Boetie2 is the founder of the Art of Liberty Foundation, the author of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and the editor of the Art of Liberty Daily News on Substack and Five Meme Friday, which delivers hard-hitting voluntaryist memes and the best of the alternative media.
He is the author of The Covid-19 Suspects and Their Ties to Eugenics and Population Control/Reduction and Solving Covid – The Covid 19, Eugenics, and Vaccine/Drug Scam Timeline
About the Art of Liberty Foundation

A start-up public policy organization: Voluntaryist crime fighters exposing inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “government,” media and academia. The foundation is the publisher of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!– How Inter-Generational Organized Crime Runs the “Government,” Media and Academia.
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