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They Aren’t Really Going to Release the Epstein Files… In Dank Memes

Hat tip to

James Delingpole:

Welcome to the Deling Pod, Etienne de la… how do you say? Boetie? Boetie squared. Boetie squared. Mm-hmm. Is that how you say your name? Boetie squared?

Etienne de la Boetie2:

Yes, so the original Etienne de la Boétie was a French political philosopher. He wrote in the 16th century, and he was really the first one to catalog the little tricks and the techniques that rulers used, not just to get obedience, but to get fealty and admiration and God save the queen and all hail the chief. And so I’m doing his work in the modern age. And so I took his name, but I use the exponent, the numeral two after it. Number one, to denote that I’m not the original. And number two, so that you can find me in search engines versus the original. So if you put in the two, you’ll be able to find me in a search engine. If you don’t, you’ll get the 16th century political philosopher.

That makes a lot of sense.

Can I just say, I’m really, really envious of the… You’re obviously somewhere hot. In fact, you told me you’re in Mexico. And I love all your chickens and things in the background.

Yes, they’re going off every couple of seconds, and some of them are less than 10 feet away every now and then. They’ll just pop in. So I apologize for any extraneous noise.

01: So you’re a sort of refugee from the horror of America, is that right?

You fled to Mexico.

No, I’m still living in America, but I came down to Mexico. I was a speaker at the People’s Reset Conference in Morelia, Mexica. And then some friends of mine were getting married in Acapulco, and they invited me down. They rented a big house in February, and so we’ve been here with some friends ever since. And then in March, I’m going on to Prospera, which is a free private city on the island of Roatan off the coast of Honduras. We’re dodging the winter, and I wanted to see Prospera. which a free private city that negotiated a sovereignty with the government of Honduras. They’ve got a 50 year kind of lease where they signed all of their own laws and they’ve got the lowest tax rate and the lowest business regulations in the hemisphere. And so I’ve wanted to see that. And so we’re headed there in March to check out what is essentially, you know, a, a free private city.

That sounds fantastic. I mean, it sounds like a target for the for the Feds, for the for the dark overlords of the world. I mean, they wouldn’t want to think an experiment like that to be successful, would they?

Well, the government of Honduras definitely doesn’t want to see it successful. And so the government of Honduras and all the communist governments around it have ganged up and are trying everything in their power to get rid of Prospera from engineering Supreme Court decisions in Honduras to other chicanery. But their tax rate is somewhere around 5%. And so if you’re failing at an effective tax rate of over 50%, And there’s a example of freedom and prosperity at a tax rate of 5% right next to you. You can see why the governments of the region are not interested in having liberty succeed on their doorstep.

Yeah, well, I imagine that lots of, it’s very attractive to kind of digital nomads and people like that. And I mean, if I were a kind of a millionaire or a billionaire with a sort of libertarian, well, voluntarist tendencies, I’d be going there like a shot. I mean, has it got lots of people going like that?

They’ve got 200 companies. So I’m actually working on a book called Voluntarism, how the only ism fair for everyone leads to harmony, prosperity, and good karma for all. Yeah, and so my first book Government: The Biggest Scam in History really exposes the illegitimacy there and the criminality of government. What has been the biggest scam in history is that government is legitimate? In and of itself when it’s not. There’s no way to have a legitimate government. There’s no way to have a moral government. There’s no way to have, you know, there if you’re on an island with ten other people, there’s no way for six people on the island to morally and logically acquire the right to rule the other four people.

You know, my girlfriend or my fiancé and myself can’t vote to rob James because there’s two of us and one of you. And so it doesn’t matter if there’s three of us or four of us or ten of us. And so it’s really been the biggest scam in history. And the subtitle of that book is How Intergenerational Organized Crime Runs the Government, the Media, and Academia. And what I do in that book is I really, you know, break down how it’s the monopolized media and working in academia, working with the government.

And so the government is controlling almost in every country on the planet. The government is controlling the information the population receives, either through the mandatory government school or through monopolized media, or both, and others. In the United States, it’s the algorithmic censorship of the internet, the DARPA internet. But they’re controlling the information the population receives to make them think that government is legitimate, desirable, and necessary.

And so in the book, and so in the first book, I did a great job of exposing the biggest scam in history, the illegitimacy and the criminality of government, and how the playbook that all the governments are running is almost the exact same playbook. You’re going to give them a mandatory government school, there’s going to be a youth program for the kids where the kids get put into a uniform, the single form, which is an engineered conformity. They’re going to control the movies and the television to make the government always the hero. Double James Bond saving the world in the Bond series, or Tom Cruise saving the world as the CIA in Mission Impossible. And so they’re running these unethically manipulative techniques.

And so my new book called Voluntarism is, OK, well, if you don’t have government, then what are you going to do? Who’s going to build the roads? And so luckily, amazingly, real freedom, not fake freedom that the government school system teaches kids that freedom is, but real freedom, produces the goods and would produce an amazing amount of wealth. The world is a self-organizing system. It produces spontaneous order and every single thing that the government does except for redistribution. You can’t have government robbing Peter to pay Paul, but everything would be done voluntarily.

And so I had already been using Prospera as an example of that of how you can have governance without government, where you can opt in to a government, and people are starting to opt in to this government off the coast of Honduras that has the lowest effective tax rate on the planet, the lowest amount of regulations. They’ve got 200 plus businesses that have relocated or incorporated there. They’ve got a world-class resort, they have world-class amenities, it’s really, from what I’ve seen from afar, it really looks amazing, and so I’m going to go there in March and really check it out and see how it’s working out.

I think that would be fantastic it sounds because I was gonna I was I had been thinking of going to the the thing in Acapulco that the that thing there but it clashed with the end of the hunting season and I wanted to get some hunting in before You know, I’ve got to get my priorities sorted, but I’m very attracted a lot of a lot of people seem to be migrating to Central America. It just seems to be, I mean, everywhere is compromised in the world. We know that. But it seems that the experiments are taking place. I don’t know why. I mean, anything on America’s doorstep makes me worried slightly because America doesn’t have a good record of, you know, Cuba, for example. What do you think? I mean, do you trust the Americans to leave them alone?

No, I don’t. I don’t trust the American government, but luckily the American government is a puppet of, you know, other interests. And so other interests may have an interest in having places like Prospera around and have these kind of experiments in freedom because people have to live somewhere, people have to do business somewhere, and nobody wants to live in a totalitarian society. And so, you know, even during the worst of the covid, you know, the bankers left Florida relatively unscathed and moved their operations to Florida so that they could operate, you know, essentially outside of what they were forcing on people. in New York and others. And so nobody wants to live in a police state. Nobody wants to wear the mask themselves. They just want to force it on other people.

That’s interesting. I know also that a lot of the kind of the billionaire class hung out in Mexico, but also Costa Rica was quite a big one. Lots of people with sort of jungle hideaways and things. I like your theory. And I suppose they’ve got other, what are the other hidey holes they’ve got? I mean, Switzerland, I suppose, is fairly obvious.

Well, you know, so one of the things that I’ve been doing in the book is I’ve been tracking these kind of voluntarist experiments where people are voting with their feet and they’re leaving, you know, tax, you know, places that have very high tax and regulatory burdens and, and, and, you know, and, and lots and lots of government. And they’re moving to places that are, you know, that are enclaves away from that.

Some of the other ones that I track in the book here in the United States is something called the Free State Project. I’m actually here in Mexico with some free staters from New Hampshire that are speaking at a conference here in Acapulco. In the United States, New Hampshire has no state income tax. They have no state sales tax. They have one of the lowest regulatory burdens in the country. They’ve got one of the lowest tax burdens in the country. People are moving there.

There’s somewhere around 10,000 members of something called the Free State Project that have either relocated there or support the goals of the Free State Project. They’ve elected over 25 members of the legislator. There’s a pro-liberty bloc within the New Hampshire legislature of over 100 legislative members that vote pro-freedom on almost everything. So they’ve acquired allies that are freedom-oriented, and they’re rolling back laws and they’re rolling back regulations to achieve the maximum amount of freedom that you can here in the United States.

And so that’s an example of people within the United States relocating themselves to a jurisdiction that already has more freedom and then actively organizing to change the laws to produce more freedom. And they’ve been very, very successful. And like I said, it’s probably about 10,000 plus that are on the ground and having an effect, but more and more people arrive every single day. Every single day, more and more people are moving to New Hampshire for this purpose.

There is Liberstad in Norway. There is a place in Montenegro as well. There’s a variety of different liberty-oriented communities. Most of them are small, hundreds to 1,000 plus. But this is the future, I think, that people are going to say, hey, where can I go and have the maximum amount of freedom, not just for myself, but for my business? And where can I find liberty-oriented friends that see through the scam of government and that are really the pioneers, the pioneers of a new world where we figured out the biggest scam in history and we’re now actively moving to get away from it and not be under its thumb.

James Delingpole:

It’s nice to hear some optimism for a change. I really enjoyed your book. I’ve been down the rabbit hole properly since the COVID nonsense. So I’m quite a recent convert. But I’ve been on the crash course. I’ve been on the accelerated course. So I really have gone down all the rabbit holes. And I have to say that Your book felt like a really fresh take on all this. I mean, you don’t focus on who are the dark families behind this, who are the 13 bloodlines, or is it the Jews, is it the… the Jesuits is it that you’re saying it’s all of them. It’s a criminal cartel which is running the world and government is their modus operandi and you make a very persuasive case. I mean it clearly is tell me when because you presumably would have been like any other American. A victim of the brainwashing process, you know, you had you had your schooling you were told her that told her the stuff at school that government was your friend checks and balances and the Constitution and and this when did you realize that it was all horseshit?

Etienne de la Boetie2:

You know, so I, so, so like a lot of Americans, I started with Ron Paul. And so Ron Paul came and spoke to my college in 1988 when I was, you know, when I was essentially 18, 19 years old, and I never heard the term libertarian before. And I was angry that I had to attend this speech by this American politician because I was supposed to be jet skiing with some friends that day on a lake in Texas. And so I had these hardball questions. I showed up, you know, prepared to throw hardball questions at him. And I was just, I was like, and once he started talking, I’m like, I’ve never heard a politician like this. I guess I’m a libertarian and never really thought about it.

Somebody put me off what I call the true path to anarchy or voluntarism. Those terms can be used interchangeably. Anarchy doesn’t mean no rules. It means no rulers. Because the rulers don’t want you to know there’s an option on the menu called no rulers, because if it was between no rulers and rulers, most people would probably choose no rulers. And so the rulers have actually changed the meaning and the definition of the word anarchy to mean chaos and dystopia.

The word voluntarism means the exact same thing. You just get there kind of from a moral high ground that all relationships between people must be voluntary. Nobody has an exemption from morality. Nobody has the ability to use violence or extortion on anybody else, especially the government. The government doesn’t have an exemption from morality. And so that term gets you to the same place as, you know, anarchy or anarcho-capitalism or others. But unlike the word anarchy, which has all of this baggage that has been foisted on it by the mass media and the monopolized media and the control of the dictionary that I break down in the book, it gives you kind of a green-field opportunity.

People are like, oh, voluntarism, what’s that? Oh, well, it’s the idea that the world’s a self-organizing place. It produces spontaneous order, and everything the government does would be done better, faster, and cheaper by the free market and nonprofits and genuine charities, insurance companies, and other things, and that you don’t really need government. And people are like, oh, okay. That sounds good. I got it, yeah, I’m not for, you know, extortion or violence, you know, as, and so that, that, I’m trying to pop. One of the things that I’m known for is popularizing the term voluntarism and trying to get the old anarcho-capitalists and peaceful anarchists to rebrand themselves as voluntarism, which then, you know, makes it a lot easier to explain how the market does everything the government does versus having to unpack all the baggage around the word anarchy.

But to answer your question, sorry to cut you off, so I became a libertarian and then I worked at one of the big four think tanks in Washington DC. I was a researcher and I really learned at that. I participated in a program that really educated me on the free market, on how the free market produces a level of wealth that lifts all of the boats and the impossibility of socialism and communism in the long term. Because eventually, as Margaret Thatcher famously said, socialism’s great until you run out of other people’s money.

And so that knowledge of the economics led me ultimately to a gentleman by the name of Larkin Rose. If you haven’t had him, I would recommend him as a guest on your show. He wrote a book called The Most Dangerous Superstition and if you had any idea whatsoever that government could be legitimate or was legitimate in any way, shape, or form, Larkin Rose’s book The Most Dangerous Superstition will absolutely destroy that.

And so after that, I became a voluntarist and began really trying to explain it to people in ways that they can understand by making it an easy-to-read picture book. So that book that you have is really designed to wake up your friends and your family and your colleagues to accelerate their learning. In a previous life, I used to be a productivity consultant for Fortune 500 companies. I understand how people learn. Most people are visual learners. And so a lot of the visualizations in the book are designed to really take people from zero to 60 in a very, very powerful way and to wake them up and to get them to that moment of insight where they’re like, “Oh, I never understood that that was going on.”

One of the examples that I use a lot is, you know, there’s a media ownership chart in there. And like, if you didn’t know, if you tried to explain to your friends and your family that there were six monopoly media corporations running hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of subsidiaries to give everybody the illusion that there’s all these different media, you know, options, you know, out there. But really they all roll up, you know, they may or may not believe you, but once you see that visualization, people are like, “Oh my God! There’s six monopoly media companies running hundreds and hundreds of subsidiaries to give everybody the illusion that there’s all these different media sources in society.” And they come to that deeper understanding because they saw it with their own eyes.

And so what I do in the book is I’m using visualization to make things that were invisible to the population now visible through visualization.

So, what’s a productivity consultant? I used to be a kind of world-class consultant for Fortune 25, 50, 100, and Fortune 500 companies. I would help them optimize their operations using a technology called telepresence, which is like video conferencing on steroids and acid. And so I had a specialty in these rooms that cost $100,000 to a million bucks. You walk in, and you put one of them in New York and one of them in London, and everybody is life-size. And you’re at the right aspect ratio of the human eye. The motion is fluid. The flesh tones are accurate. The equipment in the room is mirrored, so you seem to be in one physical space.

And then companies that have operations scattered around the world, they were able to do business faster because instead of having to put people on airplanes, they could just put them into these rooms. I helped companies understand what the technology was, where it was going, who the leaders were in the space, how to future-proof your investment, what kind of digital tools go in the room, what kind of collaborative tools do you use to bring in people that don’t have the room? What’s the technology path? That’s what I did before I became a full-time freedom fighter.

It sounds like you were part of the beast system, definitely.

I was working for some of the world’s best-known corporations, some of whom I’m embarrassed to say that I worked for. I did actually turn down a lot of corporations. I told Merck, or somebody invited me to consult for Merck, and I said flat out, absolutely, I’m not going to work for that company.

So I did have some honor, but… I’ve got a soft spot for Merck, because they invented MDMA, I think. They were the first to synthesize MDMA. That’s probably the only good thing they did. Yeah, probably, probably. But yeah, so just, sorry, I’m distracted by these rooms. Do you mean these rooms that cost like a million dollars? They’re like, it’s like a conference suite, but you can, and you have a different one in a different state or different parts of the world. And you all imagine you’re in the same room? Is that it?

Yeah, it seems like you’re in the same room. So they would, they might have a video wall four feet by, you know, 16 feet across. And the camera is directly at eye level. So you have perfect kind of eye line with the people across the room. The room is a mirror of the room on the other side of the world. And so when you’re at the right aspect ratio of the human eye, the human eye kind of will, it gets tricked into thinking that you’re in the same physical space, even though people on the other side of the world are thousands and thousands of miles away. When somebody talks from the left, the audio comes from the left. When somebody talks from the right, the audio comes from the right. Most people don’t know that these exist because they’re on the executive level of Fortune 500 companies. Back in the day, there were To this day, there’s thousands of these rooms around the world and you walk in and you seem like you’re in the same kind of physical space. So that’s going to kill business travel? You still need to shake hands. There’s a lot of stuff that still needs to be done face-to-face, but there’s an amazing amount of work that can be done in in collaborative environments or just a really good video conferencing room with an interactive whiteboard where you’re able to whiteboard interactively and do everything that you would be able to do in a physical space with your colleagues around the world. And then the fact that you’re in that focused environment brings everybody’s attention to the meaning.

But it does sound dangerously close to that horrible metaverse that they’re trying to they’re trying to sort of cattle prod us into, aren’t they?

They want us to live. The wearing the helmet on your head immersed in a digital, you know, of a digital cornucopia of video crack is the goal of this organized crime system to have the population just amusing themselves to death on video crack in as realistic an environment as they can produce.

Now, you just made me think of Bertrand Russell, and you quote Bertrand Russell in your book. I hope I can find the page, but I remember growing up You get these names fired at you. There are these names of people that you’re supposed to know about, and they’re cited as people of significance whose words you should respect. And you’re never told why. Bertrand Russell, he was a peace campaigner, but he was a great intellectual and stuff. And then I saw this, where is the Bertrand Russell quote?

It’s the only quote that’s in there three times: through diet, injection, and injunction. We will essentially create a race of slaves that will never revolt. And so he said through diet, injection, and injunction. Injection is vaccination. Diet is what they’re feeding us and the food supply, and injunction is schooling. And so, you know, I like the subtitle of the book, How Intergenerational Organized Crime Runs the Government, the Media, and Academia, and so an injunction is, you know, they’re controlling the information that people receive to trick them into thinking government is legitimate when it is not. And they’re also using diet and injections.

So one of the things that I, you know, I break down in the book is how that. So it’s, you know, if I was to sum it up for your audience, it’s the bankers at the top. The bankers create money out of thin air using a process called fractional reserve banking, where when you go to a bank to get a loan, a commercial loan, a car loan, a mortgage, they’re not loaning you other depositors’ money. They tickle the ivories on the keyboard and they create digital dollars or digital pounds out of thin air. And then you spend the rest of your life paying off a loan that was created out of thin air that makes the bank ridiculously profitable.

Now that process is inflationary, and that process steals the value out of everybody else’s money, and so it’s benefiting a small group of people at the expense of everybody else in society. If it wasn’t for this crooked monetary system that we all live under, my dollar and your pound sterling would be buying more and more every single year, and the entire society would be getting wealthier and richer every single year as innovations and productivity improvements, like the ones we just talked about, reduce the cost of producing the luxuries and the necessities of life.

And so one example that I give is there’s a company that has a giant sail. You can put it on an ocean-going ship, and it saves 3.3 tons of fuel a day by taking a ship that wasn’t intended to have a sail and putting this large mechanical sail on the ship. It saves 3.3 tons of fuel so that that shipper can now offer a discount, win more market share in the market. That discount gets passed on to you, gets passed on to the company that’s doing the importing or the exporting. They pass it on to their customers. Everybody gets wealthier.

Everybody understands how technologies like telepresence and video conferencing are taking the cost out of doing business. Those ought to be passed on to everybody in society, but instead, not only are we having the amount that prices should be going down (like prices should be falling), but instead of that, we also have prices going up. So the delta is huge. We’re being robbed.

And so it’s the bankers at the top. The bankers have bought up the government and the media to ensure the population doesn’t really understand what’s going on. And then they’re taking the ownership of the companies that have been bought up through fractional reserve banking and they’re having that managed through BlackRock and State Street and other capital managers. And then they’re taking the CEOs of the corporations and the media companies that have been bought up and they’re organizing them in organizations like the World Economic Forum, the Council on Foreign Relations, and the Bilderberg Group.

These are the front organizations that allow them to get the C-level executives and the gophers, the high-level people that are running this system, to get together on a regular basis in secure facilities around the world that have been swept for bugs and organize the companies that have been bought up through fractional reserve banking.

On the diet side, so which companies are putting glyphosate in the wheat? Which companies are putting recombinant bovine growth hormone in the dairy? Which companies are putting aspartame in everything? Which companies are using BPA and BPS for can linings and cash register receipts? And so it’s these monopoly companies that have been bought up that are putting harmful chemicals into the food supply that are using genetically modified ingredients.

And so that’s how you do it. You buy up the world with paper tickets, you create out of thin air, and then you have the companies, you install the CEO, the CEO installs his little henchmen. And then that’s how you’re able to, you know, essentially rule the world from behind the scenes. Because you have an unlimited amount of money to buy up every single media company that would tell anything about it, every single search engine, every single AI provider. You have literally unlimited money because it’s the bankers at the top. And that’s what we’re up against.

And then everybody has no idea what’s going on because the entire media is either deception or distraction or cultural debasement. And so the media is pumping out this diet of either deception, distraction, or cultural debasement to ensure that the population is easily ruled while they’re being poisoned through the vaccines and the food and culturally in the schools, exactly like Bertrand Russell said it would happen when he said it would happen.

Now, it’s really interesting hearing you say that because I remember about, must have been about four years ago, and I was just going on my journey down the rabbit hole. And I had this fascinating phone conversation. I wish I could get this guy on the podcast, actually. A guy who reckoned that because of his blood group, he was one of the recessive negative blood groups. He reckoned that a lot of the kind of the dark overlords actually have that genetic bloodline.

And he told me what you’ve just told me. And he said, it’s often the case that people will set up these wonderful companies doing artisanal products, craft beer, say, or healthy candles made with nice beeswax or stuff or whatever, things that discerning people would like to buy. Often food products obviously, but also skincare products and things. And he said what will happen is that at a certain point of their success, somebody will offer them a spectacular amount of money. Yeah, over the odds more and they’re thinking, wow. Yeah, I’ll take it. So they sell their company and then the line, the product line, gets corrupted. Some shit gets put in it. And he said this stuff is everywhere.

He said if you… If you wash your mouth out, well, I think he said apple juice. If you swirl apple juice around in your mouth for quite a long time, you will get this weird, sticky stuff that is produced, that is, I think, a consequence of the stuff they’re putting in our food and things. Anyway, that was a sideline.

But I suppose a good example of this, since I mentioned apples, is cider apple vinegar. You know who now owns Bragg’s Cider Apple Vinegar, that mom and pop company that, you know, with the mother? I’ll give you a clue. He breeds mosquitoes in Medellin so that he can export them around the world. He pronounces vaccine, vaccine. He went to Epstein Island as a regular on the jet. Is it Billy Gates? It’s Billy Gates. Bill Gates owns Bragg’s Vinegar.

Now, no matter how much mother it’s got in it, no matter how mom and pop the original concept was, I don’t want to drink cider vinegar that’s made by a company owned by… You know what he’s doing, do you? I mean, it’s like…

No, he’s completely untrustworthy. He’s the most untrustworthy individual literally on the entire planet. I don’t have anything to do with any food products he’s part of. He also owns McDonald’s French fries. So he owns the potato farm. He does? Yes, he does. Absolutely. His farm is the number one supplier of what are suspected to be genetically modified potatoes to McDonald’s.

And you know, I mean, I don’t know how far down the rabbit hole you’ve been, but I’ve spoken to people who are really on the dark side of things, who have knowledge of this world. And they say they even put dead children, you know, the children that are trafficked and used for adrenochrome and stuff like that. They dispose of the bodies by putting them in mass-produced food, as a way of signaling their contempt for us, the useless eaters. They want to corrupt us. They don’t know, but they’re eating children in their meat.

Well, I know that PepsiCo, very famously, was using a food additive made with stem cells. They were using it as a flavorant, and there was a shareholder revolt at a shareholder meeting where the shareholders got wind of it, and a shareholder activist brought it to the attention of the shareholders, and they had to backtrack off that. essentially baby parts as a formulant into Pepsi products until the shareholders got wind of it and there was a revolt.

Yeah, why wouldn’t you want dead babies in your fizzy drink? I mean, who are these crazy shareholders? Yeah, it’s a bit Once you realise how stitched up we all are, it becomes kind of frightening, doesn’t it? Just going back to that Bertrand Russell thing. We go through this schooling system. where we are presented with all these role models and heroes, you know, like Winston Churchill, greatest, greatest Englishman ever. And, and FDR, he helped win the world and save the, and beat evil Stalin. And, oh, Ronnie Reagan, wisecracking Ronnie Reagan. And, and you, you get all these characters set up as, as characters, ready-made that you’re, you’re ready to kind of identify with them and like them or hate them. And all these people, they’re just playing a role, aren’t they? They’re just part of this deception.

And I can tell you, they’re generally scumbags. Winston Churchill was responsible for millions of dead Indians. FDR stole everybody’s gold and replaced it with rapidly depreciating fiat paper tickets. He got us into an engineered war. They let Pearl Harbor be attacked so that they could get us into a war that they were already planning on joining anyway. We could go down the line, but these are the deities of the state religion.

One of the things that my book, Government, the Biggest Scam in History, Exposed, breaks down is they’re sliding the population, the belief in government as a religion, but they’re not calling it a religion. And so they’re using all of the tricks and the techniques of an unethically manipulated religion or a cult to get people to, you know, invest themselves in having a government and in the mythology of the government.

And so, in mythology, in the United Kingdom, you know, Winston Churchill is one of the popes of the religion. In the United States, FDR was one of the popes of the religion. But the flag is the indoctrinated holy symbol. You go to the church school where the teacher is the priest, and the priest teaches you the common prayer. In the United States, it’s the Pledge of Allegiance as the common prayer. You sing the hymns of the Star Spangled Banner and the National Anthem. In the UK, I’m sure it’s God Save the Queen. Things like that. Those are the hymns of the religion.

They will take you to Mecca, Washington DC in the United States, when you’re a middle schooler, kind of when you’re around 13 years old, very impressionable. And they’ll take you into the Capitol building that looks like the Vatican. It is a dead ringer for the Vatican for a reason. Everything is oversized so you feel small and insignificant, and then they’ll take you into the temples along the Potomac. And the temples are literally Greek Roman temples, and then you see the deities of Abraham Lincoln and Thomas Jefferson.

And the obelisk. What’s that called, the obelisk thing? That’s the Washington Monument. Yeah, well, they call it that, but it’s not, is it? It’s basically a monument to the Egyptian deities.

Right, right. They tell you all kinds of things. What’s going on in the background is very different than what’s presented to the people in the mandatory government school. But what they’re doing is they’re indoctrinating you into this religion. And when you’re in the Lincoln Memorial or you’re in the Thomas Jefferson Memorial, it’s very hush. Yeah. And it’s huge. The Lincoln Memorial.

It’s enormous.

It’s enormous. So you feel small and undersized. And it’s designed to bring you into this religion. And then the media is… and there’s other things. The judges wear vestments, you know, robes, and you pay your tithe, your taxes, like a tithe, and the military goes on crusades. But the media, what would you know? The other thing that my book really, you know, breaks down and exposes is the media comes along and they’re weaving the indoctrinated holy symbol, the flag. They’re weaving the flag, they’re product placing the flag at moments of high positive emotion in the movies and in the television shows.

And there’s been over 1,000 movies and 1,000 television shows that we know of that have received Department of Defense or intelligence agency assistance. So they’re providing military bases as sets or backdrops. They’re providing helicopters and jets and everything that you see on TV. In exchange, they have complete script control, and in a lot of cases, they’re rewriting history to be able to weave in these product placements of the flag.

The book is backed up by a 64-gigabyte flash drive, and on that flash drive, we’ve actually got a short video that shows 469 product placements of the flag in just 12 Michael Bay movies. And so Michael Bay did the Transformers series, and he did Bad Boys, and other popular movies. And what you don’t really understand until you watch this short video that just takes the second or two that the flag is on the screen, and then has a little pointer to it, and a little ding, ding, ding. And it’s just going ding, ding, ding. And it’s got the pointer showing all of the different flags that have been put into the movie. Hundreds—469 product placements of the American flag in just 12 movies.

A lot of times they’re using a technique called anchoring, where the movie literally builds to an emotional crescendo and then, at that moment of high positive emotion, boom, they’ll show you the flag. Rocky II, you know, winning against the Russian and drapes himself in the American flag. And Matt Damon escaping Mars in the movie The Martian… Because he scienced the shit out of it. I remember that. He scienced the shit out of it. Is it going to work? No, it’s not going to work. No, it is going to work. And he’s going to make it. And then, boom, they cut to Earth and everybody’s waving American flags. And then, boom, the next cut is they cut to Mission Control and there’s giant American flags on the backdrop.

And so what they’ve done is they’ve brought you that high positive emotion, and then they’ve shown you the flag. And that’s called anchoring. They’re anchoring the positive emotion to the flag. And so the Brits, when they see their flag, they’ve got all this patriotism. They’ve got this warm and fuzzy feeling, and they don’t understand why they have the warm and fuzzy feeling. They’ve just got the warm and fuzzy, and it’s because government has been tricking them. Yes, has been using these unethically manipulative techniques on them, you know, with the media.

So the media is kind of like a co-branch of government. The media is the public relations, the marketing arm of this system, and the media is designed to trick you into thinking, well, everybody goes along with government. Yeah, the government’s the hero. The government’s always the hero. It’s Tom Cruise saving the world in Top Gun or Mission Impossible. The government is, you know, is hot FBI agents and tight pantsuits in Scolding Lolly, or, you know, whatever. Yeah, yeah, it’s always the government is always the hero, and most people have never really thought about it, never really, you know, given it a second thought.

But once you see it, now you can’t unsee it. And so now you’re going to be watching a movie, and you’re going to be seeing these product placements of the American flag, and you’re going to be like, “I can’t believe I never noticed that.”

Oh, you know what? You really struck a chord when you when you describe the process of anchoring. And I suddenly realized how many how many movers have I seen in the last 10 years alone where. that very sort of formalized flag-folding ceremony they do when the soldier’s been killed and his body’s been brought back and you see all this ritual and it’s sort of it’s the pornography isn’t it of ritual and the military and the taps and the shiny the marine service dress and all this stuff. It’s all designed to instill this very high emotion in you. And you’re right. You’re meant to love the flag.

They’re tricking the population into associating the memory of their deceased With the flag and with the government, even when, especially in the military, the majority of the time it is generally the policies of the government that have resulted in the death Of the guy that is that is now the family is being tricked into into this system It was the policies of that government that killed him and now the they’re at his funeral They’re weaving unethically manipulative. Yeah, right tricking the family into now associating the the their beloved deceased with the flag and in like one last trick on the way out the door.

You have completely put me off, not just the US flag, but I’m afraid the Union flag as well. I’m never going to look at the Union Jack, the Union flag again and feel a stirring of patriotic pride, because I know it’s all horseshit. It’s all manipulation.

t’s really indoctrinated. It’s 100%. So, you know, one of the other things they’re doing here in the United States, Is they’re weaving it into the stadium sports and so, you know before football for a football game or a hockey game Well, a lot of people don’t know this the government was caught paying to have that done in a couple of years ago I don’t know what it is. Now. They were spending 53 million dollars a year Paying the sports teams paying the nfl and paying the individual teams to incorporate the flag worship Which is another kind of anchoring, right? Because you’re at a football game, you’re outdoors, you’re having a good time, you’ve had a couple of beers, you’re in a great mood, and so boom, we’re going to show you the flag, we’re going to have the flyover with the jets. And it’s going to be, you know, and so we’re going to anchor the good time of the game to the flag. Another thing they do is in the United States, in the NBA, the National Basketball Association, they’ve put the flag on the backboard of the goal so that you subconsciously associate the exhilaration of the goal with the flag. And they put them on the players’ helmets in the NFL. They’ve got the American flag on the player’s helmets, where the players are forbidden to take it off. The players cannot remove the flag. It’s in their contract that they can’t take the flag off the helmet.

And you complete that sort of trifecta of brainwashing by bringing in Taylor Swift to the Super Bowl with her so-called boyfriend. I mean, is Taylor Swift even a female anywhere? I don’t know. But I mean, they co-opt all these icons, don’t they?

James even worse so now so if you go back to the football the the Super Bowl halftime show that we just had right Okay, they literally had the dancers make the American flag on the screen Okay, so they were in red white and blue and they made the flag So they’re they’re anchoring the flag to the exhilaration of the dancing and the Super Bowl and everything they literally so it was tricky because they because I think the population is kind of wised up to the flag ceremony and everything and So now they’re doing it. The second rapper had two American flags on his jacket, and so they completely product-placed the American flag into the Super Bowl show that we just passed in a number of different ways, but they made a giant American flag with dancers dressed in red, white, and blue.

This goes back. Well, obviously it goes back before then but you think about the iconic photograph of the Marines on Iwo Jima that image was was staged wasn’t it? And then you had a flag doing something very similar in that fake assassination on Trump where the angle they had the flag God chose him to survive the assassins bullet and there’s an American flag in the background and isn’t it great?

So I have a substack at, and one of my most popular articles in that substack is… 23 reasons to suspect that that was a real event. And I break down 23 reasons that point to the entire Trump assassination being staged.

I bet that made you popular because I tell you what, when I’ve written about this, I get jumped on by people who, yeah, I get that the world is a conspiracy against us, but Trump is our guy. He’s great. How dare you? How dare you?

It’s a religion. They’re religiously faithful. A lot of them are wearing, like, if you go to a Trump rally, they’re wearing the iconography of the religion. They’re wearing the flag of the system that is robbing and tax farming them. They’re actually wearing it. They’re wearing it on their, like, you know, you’ve heard the thing, like, you know, you wear your religion on your sleeve. They’re wearing it on their sleeves. They’re religiously, they’ve been suckers. So they’ve been, it’s cult indoctrination, and they are part of, they’ve been indoctrinated into the cult.

And a lot of what I’m doing is it’s, we have to do large-scale cult deprogramming. And so one of the reasons that I am such an optimist is because that my book has had such an effect. People have, like, taken down their flags and people have, like, oh, I didn’t get it, and then they get it, and then they’re out. And so I call that, you know, one of the things that we’re doing, you know, at the Art of Liberty Foundation, which is my foundation that supports my work and the book and everything like that, is that we’re getting people to drop the religion in what we call the one-way revolution.

And so nobody likes to get fooled, nobody likes to get chomped. And a lot—most people just, they’ve never understood that the government is using these unethically manipulative tricks and techniques on them. But once you realize that, they’re like, there’s no getting around it. They’re weaving these flags into moments of high positive emotion, they’re product placing them into the Super Bowl. They’re running tricks in-game, right? And so there’s no denying it, and once you get somebody to see it, then it’s impossible for them to unsee.

And then a lot of them are out. And then when they’re out, that’s it. That’s the one-way revolution. They’re not going back. Nobody goes back to like, okay, you know, they, you know, the Nigerian Prince got me. I’m not, I’m good, I’m not gonna get, you know, most people aren’t going to, you know, fall for a romance scam or an email, you know, like, once they get, you know, like they realize that they’ve been chumped and suckered, they don’t go get chumped and suckered again.

And so it really is a one-way, like, what we’re doing is very important work because it is producing this one-way revolution where people now understand how the magician does the trick. And once you understand how the magician does the trick, you can’t get fooled by the trick again.

I love the idea of Trump being a Nigerian prince who’s got a large sum of money in his bank and if only you give your details so that they can… Have you been to schools or colleges with this message?

A lot of people are using the book as a homeschool curriculum. The book has been the best-selling book in almost two dozen Liberty conferences and events. It’s the absolute best-selling book and we sell out of books almost every single place that we go. We’re now trying to get it into bookstores, but I have multiple, multiple people that have come and told me that they’re using it as part of their homeschool curriculum to explain to their kids the tricks that the government is doing so that their kids don’t fall for it. And so I do have that going on.

Just looking at you, Etienne, whatever your real name is, can you tell me your real name or do you prefer being under a pseudonym? It’s Howard. Howard. Yeah, yeah, it’s Howard. I have to say Etienne de la Boissie is more glamorous. It makes you look like Sam, one of the kind of the old bloodline families. And here you are revealing their secrets. Yeah. Howard, I can just imagine you, in a parallel world, you enlisted and you probably ended up joining special forces and then getting killed in action. You have that look about you. Do you come from that kind of background where you could have gone into the military?

Yes. So, you know, they had me hook, line and sinker. I was a Cub Scout. I was a Boy Scout. I was as well. I tell the story, when I was a Cub Scout and a Boy Scout, I used to make a muscle when I saluted the flag. I mean, I literally made, I can remember making, like I would make a muscle, you know, I could remember like I was just that into, you know, into the program and they had me hook, line and sinker until somebody explained it to me and then I was out. And then once you realize how the magician does the trick, I’ve never been in the military. But interestingly, because I believe in protecting my life, my liberty, and my happiness, and my family, and my community, I actually own everything that a special forces operator would own. And I’ve taken multiple different trainings. Sorry about that. We lost internet for a second. There you are back again.

I Don’t know what happened there.

So you were telling me I Your your scout story and I just got the beginning of it and then I lost you so so I was a Cub Scout and I was a Boy Scout and I really I Remember making a muscle as I would salute the flag I would I would make a muscle so they had me kind of hook and landing sinker and until somebody explained the scam to me, and then I was out in that example of the one-way revolution. And then the other thing I was saying is, while I’ve never been in the military, I own, because I want to help protect my friends, my family, and my community, I actually own everything a special forces operator would need to fight in a combat situation. And I’ve taken multiple trainings to improve my capabilities as a gunfighter, to be an effective gunfighter in a modern warfare situation. But I’ve done it all privately. And there’s a lot of other people in the world, especially here in the United States, that have had the exact same kind of training. to be able to protect their community from, let’s say, an organized crime government trying to steal their life, liberty, and property.

Yeah, I mean, I like that. I would like to go down with the smell of cordite in my nostrils, which also has an anesthetic effect, I believe. And it’s better than just kind of dying unarmed. But of course, the state has the monopoly of almost a monopoly. They’ve got all the heavy weaponry, haven’t they? I mean, you’ve only got small arms, whereas they’ve got helicopters with mini guns on them and things.

You know, but I’ll tell you this. So I actually believe I’m very much of an optimist. And I think it’s impossible to hide this information in the information age. And so I believe that knowledge of government’s illegitimacy and criminality is ultimately going to spread virally throughout the planet. There’s no way of hiding it, and it does produce this one-way revolution, and nobody likes to get tricked.

And so when the military figures out how they’ve been played, and how they’ve been chumped, just like I was—like I fell for it hook, line, and sinker too. I’m not better than anybody else. I’m just saying, you know, like somebody had to, I learned it from somebody and I had to, you know, go through the trauma of realizing I’d been tricked and everything.

But once the military finds out how they’ve been tricked and duped and injected with the vaccines and a lot of other, you know, unethically manipulative techniques that they use in basic training here in the United States, once they figure that out, they’ve got all the guns, they’ve got all the tanks, and they’ve got all the planes, and they’re going to be going for the government.

That would be so good. Yeah, I’m very, very optimistic. We’re going to win this thing in the end, and it’s going to be glorious, and we’re going to have freedom and liberty on this planet, and everybody’s going to be wealthy again, and it’s going to be fantastic. We’ve just got to get this parasitical organized crime system off our back before we can really flourish and thrive like we were intending to do.

I just can’t see the transitional period as being very clean or peaceful.

No, it’s not. I’ll tell you the other thing is, because it’s been organized crime running things, they’ve looted the country, and some of that is coming out with Doge, and some of that’s now coming out with… Yeah, USAID, my goodness. Hey, Julie, can you make sure this is plugged in? So, social security has been looted? um the the you know, like like we’re missing trillions of dollars the pentagon can’t account for trillions of dollars the the department of housing and urban development can’t account for uh billions hundreds of billions of dollars there’s trillions of dollars missing from from from the country and so that’s been stolen and so people are going to like oh wow i’m like I hate to break it to people you’re probably not going to get your social security because the government has stolen it.

So there are going to be transitional costs. I’m not claiming the world without government is going to be pie in the sky, but especially because we’re dealing with the fact that we’ve been robbed, we’ve been stolen, and so we need to be able to claw it back. And I’ve got some ideas of how to do that that’ll be coming out soon. I think the Secret Service could help us.

Okay, yeah, I mean, I think people get very upset when they discover that all that money they spent on NASA that NASA hasn’t even got into space because Space is fake and gay. Yeah, and the Elon Musk’s rockets. They’re just like they’re like they’re like They’re like a man who’s had too many beers and he’s got Brewers droop. I mean they they just keep failing don’t they? Hey James, can you hear me? I can, yes. I’ve just got a message on the machine saying it wants you to refresh.

I did, I refreshed. Oh good, okay. So some guy comes and literally pulls a fuse out of the fuse box. I didn’t realize what he was doing. And then once he did that, I went and like, it took down the internet. And so we had to relocate, took down the power. And so we had to relocate. And so now I’m in my, in the room of the Airbnb where I don’t have as good lighting. So I apologize, but that’s what happened.

No, that’s a shame. But actually, before I forget, I noticed something about you. You wear sunglasses, don’t you? No, not really. You haven’t been down the sunglasses rabbit hole.

No, I don’t usually think is.

Ah, because I could see that you’ve got sunglasses. You’ve got panda eyes slightly. Mm hmm.

But not not frequently.

Okay, I know.

‘m teaching. It’s good. It’s good to get natural light into your eye.

Yeah, yeah, because you don’t get burned because your eyes tell you that, tell your body that, you know, produce more whatever to stop you getting burned. I think we haven’t quite talked enough about the evils of the media. I mean, I used to be a, I was a mainstream media journalist for many years and I had no idea that I was part of this kind of indoctrination brainwashing lie machine.

And of course, once you, once you, you realize, I mean, it all becomes really obvious. All these, all these, apart from anything else, all these myths you’re promoting. I mean, I’m, I don’t know how many essays I would have written in praise of the, of the, the world saving genius of Winston Churchill, for example. And it’s like, you’re constantly reinforcing this, this narrative. Oh, before we go there though, you prompted this memory, um, several members actually. which I haven’t really processed before. I remember as a Cub Scout having to make this promise and I would only have been about eight or nine and we had to say our Kayla we will do our best and I remember saying that parroting these lines and not having a clue what it was just like this thing you had to do to get in. But then when I when I joined the scouts, I was slightly more aware.

I joined the scouts because I wanted to go on scout camps. I wanted to go and boil crayfish that I caught in the river and sleep in a tent and play wide games and toast marshmallows on bonfires. I remember never really being in, which is odd, because I used to be a bit of a kind of, I was a military buff and stuff, but I remember never really, being slightly repelled, actually, by this stuff, by the saluting and the, I wonder whether it was just kind of an early instinct that led me to where I am today, that I could sense that something was not quite right, that we were being made to parrot these phrases and, You know, and I quite like the Queen, you know, I quite like history and stuff, but I was never… I don’t know.

So, what you’re describing is some more of these unethically manipulative techniques that are used on kids, and the system needs, it needs, you know, cult members willing to tithe, okay, to pay their tithe, but it also needs enforcers. And so the Cub Scouts, the Explorers, the Boy Scouts. In the United States, we’ve got something called the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. We’ve got something called the Young Marines. We have other programs, Police Explorers, Military Explorers.

And so they’re going to take the kids and they’re going to begin giving them awards. So they’re gonna give you the, you know, how to be a, you know, they call it citizenship in the nation, citizenship in the world. They give you a book and you learn how to follow orders and your duty and everything like that. And then they give you an award, a Cub Scout adventure loop that goes on your belt or a Boy Scout merit badge that goes on your, you know, your sash of merit badges.

And so they begin giving the kids awards, but also they begin getting them into the uniform. And so uniform means single form. It’s a kind of engineered conformity. You’re compacted into a group dynamic. They’re going to segment you away from the rest of the population at scout camps and ultimately to military bases and things like that. They’re going to ultimately, in the JROTC, uh, and, and in the ROTC, they’re going to shave your head, which is another, you know, you’re being compacted into this group dynamic. You’re going to be part of your branch of the military. You’re going to learn your history, more kind of group dynamics. And then they’re going to teach you how to kill.

And so the Cub Scouts and the Boy Scouts and the Explorers and the Young Marines and the JROTC and the ROTC and the police and the military training ultimately produces something called an order follower. And an order follower is someone who is willing to set their morality aside and use violence on peaceful people for the religion, for the cult. And so whether that is enforcing victimless crimes here in the United States, the police are going to use violence on peaceful people to collect the taxes and to arrest people for victimless crimes, or the military, they’re going to go wherever they’re told and murder whoever they’re instructed to murder.

It takes taking somebody and putting them through this unethically manipulative system until you get an order follower that pops out on the other side. The vaccines have a lot to do with that. The autism of the vaccines has a lot to do to produce these order followers. And here in the United States, now the Cub Scouts and the Boy Scouts are essentially all autistic kids that the parents put them in these scout things because no other kids play with them kind of a thing. And so it’s a diabolical system for sure. That’s what is produced on the other side is something called an order follower.

Yes, and I was reading you on, we’ll come to the media in a second, but I was reading on education and I was thinking things that one takes for granted like the bell that signals the beginning of the end of your class. And I thought, well, you’ve got to find a way of signaling to the children in the corridors and staff that class is about to begin. But you pointed out it’s kind of like Pavlovian programming, isn’t it?

So, the school system, it has a number. They’re also using a number of unethically manipulative techniques to engineer obedience and conformity to the government. And the reason I use the nom de plume is because when I started, when I first wrote the book seven years ago, my kids were in the government school system and I originally wrote the book for my kids because I saw the schools using these unethically manipulative techniques on my kids and I wanted my kids to understand, you know, how the system works.

So that’s why I originally wrote the book. I used the nom de plume because I was divorced at the time, and my ex-wife had them in the government school system. I would never have had them in the government school system. I’d rather my kids be uneducated than be educated by the state. Only a fool lets their enemy educate their kids. That’s a Malcolm X quote. Only a fool would let their enemy educate their kids. And so I would not have had them in there.

But because they were in there, I didn’t want them to get heat for what dad was doing, exposing the unethically manipulative techniques of the school system. So that’s why I write under the pen name. But some of the other techniques and some of the ones they were using on my kids, they were using public shaming in the United States. And I’m sure in the UK, they have these red, yellow, green troublemaker boards where they have all of the kids’ names in red in the green section of the board.

And then if a kid talks, then they take him and they publicly shame him by moving it into the yellow part of the board. If he talks again, it goes into the red, and then he’s really a bad kid. And then they may publicly shame him further by putting him at a special table in the lunchroom where all the other kids are eating with their friends. He has to sit in kind of, you know, this public shaming table where he may be the only kid at the table in the middle of everybody else being, you know, shamed.

And so what they’re doing is that any kid that talks back, any kid that, you know, that isn’t going along with the engineered obedience and engineered conformity in the program is going to be publicly shamed. They were also using collective punishment on the kids. And so collective punishment is they had a red, yellow, green troll. And I went into my kid’s school to have lunch with my kid one day, and I’m looking on the table, and they’ve got this flip chart that has a red card, a yellow card, and a green card, and all the kids at the table were in green, okay?

But if one kid talks or talks too loud and does something that the monitor doesn’t like, then she goes and she flips the card to yellow. And then if the table keeps talking or the kid keeps talking, they flip it to red and everybody at the table gets punished. And that’s called collective punishment. And that’s illegal under the Geneva Convention, but they were using it on the kids in my school.

And so some of the other techniques that are, you know, that most parents don’t really realize, but you know, you have to, like if you’re in the government school system, you have to ask permission from a government employee to use the bathroom. You’re not allowed to leave without the government’s permission. The government can come and they can search your kids at any time for any reason that they want. They can go through your kid’s bags. They can go through your kid’s lockers. There’s no, you know, privacy policy.

And so like all of these things produce, you know, very obedient. So when you look at the totality of the experience of the government system, it produces obedient slaves that semi-willingly turn over, you know, a portion of their money, tithe, they tithe to the government semi-willingly until they realize what’s been done to their kids, and then they get ticked. That’s the reason the government enforces the vaccines and injects your kids full of mercury and aluminum and polysorbate 80 and all the other negative things that are in the vaccine schedule.

That’s why they introduce police officers into the schools and what’s called a DARE program in the United States, where the kids are indoctrinated to the legitimacy of the police, even though I would argue it’s not legitimate at all to have a monopoly, but you know, armed force that has rights that you don’t have, that gets to arrest people, peaceful people, for things that aren’t really crimes. It’s all atrocious, but the kids are taught they’re heroes, and they’re to be looked up at in the school system.

I could literally go on and on. They have shooter drills where they come in and they demonize guns, so the kids are afraid of guns, because they’ll have what’s called an active shooter drill. Where they will scare and traumatize the kids for the specter of an armed shooter in the thing to make kids afraid of guns and to reinforce that the police and the government are there to protect you from people who just go into a school and kill you. And there’s just a gazillion of these little tricks that they’re running on the kids in these schools.

And so when I wrote the book, it was really to expose my kids to, hey, listen, don’t be fooled by all these little tricks and techniques that the government… And tell me, that’s really interesting. Tell me about the media. I mean, you mentioned, I think that it’s in the US certainly and possibly worldwide, it’s run by the CIA, or at least it’s used as a sort of propaganda tool.

Without a doubt. And so that’s one of the things that we, you know, that we cover in the book is that a lot of people that you see on television, especially in the news, you know, are members of the, quote unquote, ex-CIA people. Anderson Cooper on CNN is an example. He’s an ex-CIA guy.

He’s more than that, isn’t he, Anderson Cooper? He’s bloodlines. He’s Vanderbilt.

Yeah, he’s a member of the Vanderbilt family. I think his brother got killed in mysterious circumstances. His uncle was one of the founders of the CIA as well. And so you can see, so he was a CIA intern for two years before he started traveling the world with Channel One and they got him into the program.

But I think he’s there. It’s the most powerful weapon in the world is control of perception. Can we get you to believe that you’re not a human being on this planet, but you’re an American or Britain or Israeli or a Russian or whatever it is, and by virtue of where you’re born, you now owe the government 50% of your income in overt taxes, covert taxes and inflation. They’re stealing over 50% of the income when you figure in the hidden taxes of the VAT. And in the United States, if you buy a bottle of beer, if you buy a pack of cigarettes, if you buy, you know, when you pay your cable television bill, when you pay your wireless phone bill. A couple of years ago, I bought a ticket to London. It was $1,200. The ticket itself was $400. The taxes and the landing fees were $800.

And so people don’t realize how they’re being robbed and molted because a lot of these taxes are, are, are, are, you know, hidden. But so the, so the most powerful weapon that, that, that makes that possible is the belief that the government is legitimate. And so on every single channel, the government is legitimate. The government is legitimate. The government is legitimate. The government is legitimate. And what it is, is it’s called a brute force manufactured consensus.

Yeah, I have to say you’re not being a very good advert for For up digital being a digital nomad in Mexico, you’d soon have the digital thing cut off and you’d Yeah, so I think you’re talking about the media and yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, and it’s interesting in the UK for example, um Well, I remember When I was a journalist, one of the things that used to really puzzle me was why the newspapers I worked for gave so much attention to politicians.

I mean, they fetishized them. The front page stories were almost always about something the government had said that they were going to do, some policy announcement, or something that a politician had said. And there was a diary, a parliamentary diary, where one of the best writers on the paper sort of wrote about the parliamentary proceedings as theater. and created this cast of characters that say that you were supposed to get to know these peoples and their traits and their quirks and see them as people in whose lives you should be interested.

And I remember at the time thinking, I don’t give a fuck about these people. Why should I care? But it’s interesting. I asked the question to myself, but I never really answered it. It’s interesting having your book explained to me. Finally what I suspected was wrong, but you’ve explained to me what is wrong that we’re just being conditioned continually into thinking that that politicians matter, that the process is democratic, that this is, and another thing I remember, I’m sorry to bore you with my memories, but I remember first studying politics at school. And I mean, this was, I was actually quite old then, I was like 16 or 17, because I did, I don’t know. I remember, listening to this stuff and being of that age where you go, yeah, all right, if this is the deal, this is what my teacher’s telling me about shit, I guess it must be the case. They get you with all this kind of stuff. They throw it at you, don’t you, when you’re not equipped to process it and question it.

Part of it that’s the unethically manipulative nature is they’re engaged in this brute-force manufactured consensus where they’ve got Six monopoly media companies running hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of subsidiaries to give everybody the illusion that there’s all these different you know Information sources in society and on every single channel people are seeing you know government is legitimate government is legitimate government is legitimate At the same time, they’re brain damaging the population with mercury and aluminum and vaccines and glyphosated wheat and atrazine and BPA, BPS and the canned linings and all of the stuff.

I knew about the till receipts, that if you touch them with wet fingers, you’re going to get poisoned. They also line what canned food is lined with this BPA.

Canned food is lined with BPA, generally. What does that do to you? Well, it’s a gender bender to begin with, but it also just creates an environmental burden on the system. Part of it is an overall poisoning. The main poisons are glyphosate that they’re spraying on wheat and on oat products. It’s atrazine, which is also the gender bender that makes the frogs gay. It’s BPA, BPS. It’s recombinant bovine growth hormone in dairy. A lot of dairy products, especially fast food dairy products. Most people are finding that it’s been removed from the stuff that’s in the supermarket, and you’ll see RBGH-free on milk and on cheese products.

But a lot of the monopoly food corporations, they’re not making the same decision when you go to a fast food restaurant, you’re going to be getting recombinant bovine growth hormone in your dairy, you’re going to be getting aspartame in almost every kind of sweet that you can imagine, you’re going to be getting stevia, you’re going to be getting… Stevia sterilizes you, doesn’t it? Yeah, it’s got a negative reproductive, because it’s eugenicists at the top. And so one of the other things I’m known for is something called solving COVID, the COVID-19 eugenics vaccine drug scam timeline, where I spent six months and broke down who’s really behind the COVID. But at the top of the food chain here in the United States, A lot of the billionaires that left their fortunes to eugenics, the Rockefeller family, the Carnegie family, they were eugenicists.

They believed that the human population was weeds and the best way to get rid of them is either to make abortion cheap and widely accessible or free. or murder the population. And so I believe that the COVID was a eugenics program that targeted reproductive health and targeted the elderly to keep Social Security and the pension systems from collapsing and for a variety of other reasons. But that was a eugenics operation. And I’ve got that in an investigation at where I’ve got 600 plus end notes. And if you’ve ever wondered who’s really behind the COVID, you can go to and find out.

Oh, well, thank you for doing that. I’ll have to have a read. I’ll probably get rather depressed by it. So I could talk to you for hours, Howard. You’re really interesting and clued up. But maybe we should end on a kind of cheerful note. We talked earlier on about the concept of anarchy as it’s been interpreted for us by the dark forces ruling over us. You want to call it voluntarism. The thing we’ve been trained to do is see anarchy as a, oh, you’re an anarchist, are you? Try living in Somalia. This is what they used to say in the sort of the Black Hawk Down era, when Somalia was the very type of the kind of chaotic country you wouldn’t want to live in. I don’t know what the equivalent would be now, but you want to live in, I don’t know, Syria or somewhere. People, even sort of awake people, have in their head the idea that you kind of need a sort of law enforcement system, you need the structures of state in order to protect you from the bad people. Maybe you can outline a bit how your theory works, that we don’t need any of that stuff.

Well, sure, but I’m going to start out with, first of all, Somalia and Syria, those are not examples of anarchy. They’re actually examples of something called anocracy, which is multiple factions fighting over control of the government. Somalia had a government. They were factions fighting over the control. So that’s not anarchy. It’s called anocracy.

And so one of the ideas behind voluntarism is really an understanding of economics. Because there is a market, everybody wants to be safe and secure in their homes. Everybody wants to be safe from invasion from foreign governments. Everybody wants a lot of the services that the government provides. Really, if you think about it, a lot of what the government does is they’re a provider of services, whether that service is the mail, delivering first-class mail here in the United States, whether that service is the FAA controlling planes, and there’s no reason why the free market can’t provide all of the legitimate non-redistributive services that the government provides better, faster, and cheaper.

And one of the things that I’m breaking down in the book is every chapter has something called voluntarism in action. A lot of people don’t realize this, but there’s voluntarism that’s going on all around them. And so, as an example, Canada, which has the second-largest air traffic control system in the world, privatized it over a decade ago, and planes are not falling out of the sky in Canada. Federal Express, UPS, and Amazon probably would be willing to deliver first-class mail if the government didn’t have a gun to their head prohibiting them from doing that.

We had a conference in Sedona a while back, where Sedona had bought pickleball courts and they’d spent $1.5 million on eight pickleball courts, where there’s a guy in Memphis, Tennessee that runs almost the exact same thing. He’s got more pickleball courts. He did it for free without the extortion of the state. He charges $5 to play all day. It’s cheaper if you buy monthly or annually. He’s providing the exact same service to the community, and he lets you play for free if you can’t afford it. And so he’s literally providing the exact same thing, but at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it’s cooler, and it’s better.

And so the free market will provide everything that society wants without the waste, fraud, abuse, and extortion of monopoly government. And that’s really the good news message that I think that we should leave on. There’s a number of different think tanks around the world that they, Fraser Institute in Canada, Heritage, Cato, they track and they break down the different countries of the world by the amount of either economic or personal freedom that they have. And what we know is that the more freedom, personal economic freedom that a country has, the higher the quality of life, the higher the average income, fewer children in poverty, more distribution of income throughout society. And that’s across the board.

And so what voluntarists want to do is we want to maximize the amount of personal and economic freedom so that we can maximize the amount of economic prosperity and opportunity for everybody. And that’s really what you want, is you want a lot of economic activity and prosperity. You want people to be able to keep what they earned. You want them to be able to invest in businesses that are going to help the community. You want employers forced to compete with higher salaries for a pool of workers that has more opportunities.

You don’t want to steal everybody’s money through estate taxes. You want to give it to them so that they can give it to their kids, so their kids can take a year off, or two years off, or five years off, or whatever, and learn about the arts. And then that’s going to reduce the labor force, which is going to make you more money, or the people that have to work make more money so that they can give their kids. You want the tide lifting all of the boats, and that’s really what government is keeping us from. They’re waging economic warfare against us. They’re keeping us artificially poor. They’re stealing all of our money so we can’t save and invest and give it to our own kids.

And so that’s really what I’m fighting against. That’s what I’m trying to expose. That is the good news message of my upcoming book, is that we really don’t need government and we would all be dramatically wealthier, dramatically healthier, and dramatically better off without it.

I get the good news bit, but we haven’t answered the tricky question about what you do with the bad people. Who takes charge of that?

So because everybody wants to, because people want to be safe and secure in their homes and their businesses, there is, of course, a market for armed protective services. Right now that market is, there’s a monopoly provider called the police and they have a monopoly. But there’s no reason to think that companies like ADT or Westec or Brinks, these are companies in the United States that provide armed protective services today, so they’re very wealthy, they’ve got private armed protective services, that they would not offer the exact same things as the police.

It would probably cost you $75 a month, $100 a month. It would come with an alarm system, you know, and monitoring, and when you call 911, an armed, trained guy with a gun would show up probably faster than the monopoly police do, and then he would be able to deal with any problem, and that’s logical because you have the ability yourself to protect your life, liberty, and property, so you can delegate that to an armed protective services company to exercise on your behalf.

You don’t have the ability to tell your neighbor not to gamble. You don’t have the ability to tell your neighbor not to smoke a plant, so you wouldn’t be able to do that. The armed security company would not be able to arrest people for victimless crimes, things that aren’t really crimes. But if somebody’s robbing your house, they can arrest them.

And there aren’t, um, so there are all kinds of little things that, you know, like, you, if you, if you don’t like loud music, you can be, you can say, I want to be part of this planned community where there’s an HOA. And then I’m going to give away my ability to, to, you know, to rock the whole neighborhood. You know, in exchange for, you know, I’m going to accept the covenants of the HOA because I don’t want to live in a neighborhood where somebody has the ability to rock the community.

If you want to rock the community, then you can live in some place that doesn’t have an HOA or doesn’t have it. So there’s ways of dealing with this privately without, you know, giving the worst people in society a monopoly on violence.

Yeah, I was being tricky because I can see it’s all in the fine tuning and clearly that it’s not going to be perfect in every way, but it does.

I’m sorry, because you’re right. I just wanted to point out, you kind of nailed it on the head right there in the sense that we’re not saying, like, voluntarists aren’t saying, we’re not promising utopia. Communists and Socialists are the ones that are generally promising utopia. Yeah, what volunteers are saying is it’s going to be better for everybody It’s not going to be perfect There’s still going to be these these some of these issues around the edges that you’ve that you’ve done But the way of solving it is solving it voluntarily with the community not having a you know a a system that sits on top of you that is illogical and immoral that has rights that you don’t have that gets to you know, take everybody’s money and spend it however they want on the craziest of things and you’re obviously being robbed, you’re obviously being ripped off, you’re obviously having your money lose value. So everything, we’re not promising utopia, we’re just saying it’s going to be way, way better and people are going to be way more wealthier and there’s going to be more prosperity and more opportunity in society.

Just one more thing before I go. Those birds, are they cage birds or are they outside?

No, there’s the Airbnb that my buddy has rented has chickens and birds all over the place. They’re walking the grounds. There’s a flock of little baby chickens that can’t be more than like a week old that are moving around. There’s roosters that start crowing at the crack of dawn. There are exotic birds, there’s horses on the property. Horses? Yeah, there’s horses on the property. Now you’re talking. A little place in Mexico.

ou’ve fallen on your feet there, mate. Howard Etienne, it’s been an absolute joy talking to you. Tell us where we can find your stuff.

So the book is at My foundation is at Almost everything that I write is also free at And the new book is at And the investigation, which may be a topic for you and I to talk again in the future, is at, where I think that we’ve got the absolute best you know, investigation into who was really behind the COVID, how the magician was able to pull the trick, how they’re able to use the media control of perception to trick the population into thinking there was a pandemic, to get people to put a harmful shot in their arm that ended up killing 20 million people conservatively, and causing reproductive harm in tens of millions, if not more, if not hundreds of millions of women around the world.

You said you weren’t going to end on a bum note and you’ve just now bummed me out because I’m thinking about all the women who’ve been sterilized and all the people who’ve been, oh, it’s so sad. Anyway, Etienne Howard, it’s been great talking to you. It’s a very readable book, which I highly recommend. Dear listener and viewer, if you’ve enjoyed watching this podcast, which of course you have, I mean, it’s me. Hello. You like my stuff. You want to support me and you can. Don’t be one of those who freeloads. I mean, you can be and I still love you and all that. But if you can, then do consider supporting me on Substack or on Locals. Or if not, just buy me a coffee or buy me lots of coffees. You don’t get early access then, but you know, you still support me.

Support my sponsors. Check out Howard Etienne’s website. He’s a great guy. We can see that. And keep watching or listening to my podcast. Thank you very much.

Global warming is a massive con. There is no evidence whatsoever that man-made climate change is a problem, that it’s gonna kill us, that we need to amend our lifestyle in order to deal with it. It’s a non-existent problem. But how do you explain this stuff to your normie friends? Well, I’ve just brought out the revised edition to my 2012 classic book, Watermelons, which captures the story of how some really nasty people decided to invent the global warming scare in order to fleece you, to take away your freedoms, to take away your land.

It’s a shocking story. I wrote it, as I say, in 2011 actually, the first edition came out. And it’s a snapshot of a particular era. The era when the people behind the climate change scam got caught red-handed, tinkering with the data, torturing till it screamed, in a scandal that I helped christen Climategate. So I give you the background to the skullduggery that went on in these seats of learning where these supposed experts were informing us, we’ve got to act now.

I rumbled their scam. I then asked the question, OK, if it is a scam, who’s doing this and why? It’s a good story. I’ve kept the original book pretty much as is, but I’ve written two new chapters, one at the beginning and one at the end, explaining how it’s even worse than we thought. I think it’s a good, I think it still stands up. I think it’s a good read. Obviously, I’m biased, but I’d recommend it.

You can buy it from forward slash shop. You’ll probably find that, just go to my website and look for it and I hope it helps keep you informed and gives you the material you need to bring around all those people who are still persuaded that, “Oh, it’s a disaster. We must amend our ways and appease the gods.” Appease Mother Goliath. There we go. It’s a scam.

Go paid at the $5 a month level, and we will send you both the PDF and e-Pub versions of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! and a coupon code for 10% off anything in the

Go paid at the $50 a year level, and we will send you a free paperback edition of Etienne’s book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! OR a 64GB Liberator flash drive if you live in the US. If you are international, we will give you a $10 credit towards shipping if you agree to pay the remainder.

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