Five Meme Friday

FiveMemeFri – Joe Biden Pardons and Commutes Dozens of Fellow Criminals!

Also… David Friedman explains how you can have law and law enforcement without

Dear Subscribers,

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All! Julie and I have been living in Memphis, my second home town after Fort Worth, Texas, for the last four months and our favorite park is called Shelby Farms which is a superb example of a public-private partnership where a private organization took over the management of one of the largest urban parks in the US. 4500 acres, five times the size of New York City’s Central Park. Under private management the park has thrived, raising $52 million in 2016 for a renovation and expansion that now boasts 1 million new trees, 40 miles of trails, 20 bodies of water, and a herd of buffaloes. Their biggest fundraiser of the year is Starry Nights, that decorates a section of the park with millions of Christmas lights for 3-4 weeks each holiday season where they charge $35 a car load to see them. There is one night a year they open the road to bikes and walking so Julie and I organized a group of friends to have fun and support the park! #Voluntaryism!

Everyone had a blast! That is former Fed Ex pilot Vernie Kuglin at the bottom right who beat the IRS in court and proved there is no law that requires you to pay federal income tax. They just trick everyone by stipulating “If You Are Required to File” without specifying who is required (Federal employees, DC resident, but NOT folks born in the 50 states or it would violate the apportionments clause of the Con-stitition which requires all federal taxes to be apprortioned. Since they don’t want to go to the Supreme Court on the issue they result to this trickery. Vernie asked them to show her the law for years, they wouldn’t and couldn’t so she quit paying, they took her to court, the Jury asked the IRS the same thing, the IRS wouldn’t and couldn’t and the Jury found her NOT guilty. You can read all about it in the New York Times. The organized crime IRS then waged lawfare on her and stole millions from her and a home. She is bloody but unbowed! Her story was featured in the award winning documentary: America – From Freedom to Fascism by Aaron Russo, the Hollywood producer of Trading Places and the Rose, who realized that America had an organized crime “government” and began exposing it! Vernie and I were friends when I was a college student at the University of Memphis and she was the person who introduced me to the work of the original Etienne de la Boetie!!!

A huge thank you to everyone that has been buying books, donating and “Going Paid” on Substack! It has been so appreciated! Our IndieGoGo for my new book is now over $3,000 from 69 backers or 12% of our $25,000 goal with just 9 days to go! You can help by pre-ordering a copy of the book through IndieGoGo. If you are a “heavy hitter” and would like to understand the marketing plan, uses and proceeds, etc. then drop me an email at Etienne (You know) and we can set up a call.

Our IndieGoGo for my new book: Voluntaryism – How the Only “ISM” Fair for Everyone Leads to Harmony, Prosperity and Good Karma for All! has raised $3,070 from 69 backers or 12% of our $25,000 goal with 9 days left! You can get some great perks for pre-ordering at

Top Stories of the Week

David Friedman – Law and Law Enforcement without the “Government”

In this insightful episode from Liberty on the Rocks – Sedona – The Voluntaryism Conference, economist and law professor David Friedman challenges the idea that law and law enforcement must be government functions. Drawing on historical examples, including feud law in medieval Iceland and present-day private legal systems in rural California, David discusses how societies can effectively self-regulate and enforce justice without central authorities. He explains key concepts such as feud law, where compensation and deterrence replace punitive government measures, and shares unique models like Somalia’s pre-government legal structures and the potential of modern technologies to create contract enforcement and private arbitration. David also introduces the concept of competitive “rights enforcement agencies” in a future stateless society, where individuals could choose the agency that best aligns with their values and needs. This market-driven legal system, he argues, would foster fairer, more responsive laws and minimize conflict. Exploring practical examples of private law and governance, this episode invites listeners to envision a society where law is shaped not by central authorities but by voluntary, market-based mechanisms!

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The Scam of “Government” Explained in Less Than 5 Minutes… Now… With Memes!

In “Government”—The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! I break down the illegitimacy, illogical nature and criminality of “government” in 150ish pages, with another 20 pages of endnotes cataloging 776 references. In this short clip from a podcast, I was able to break down the basics in Five (5) minutes flat. Hat tip to David Rodrigues, the founder of the Gatto Project and Valor Academy, for adding value by editing in some examples from the book.

The weirdest thing about the scam of “Government” is that ANYONE can understand its illogical nature and immorality. Here are the basics… In memes!

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Videos of the Week

Napoleon Dynamite Tests Out Jeff Berwick’s TZLA Machine – Your One Minute of Video Zen…

We are crowdsourcing someone who can edit in some AI dialog edits and Berwick’s face onto Uncle Rico and a new tag on the Time Machine TZLA Machine with funny specific references to “God Energy,” and make the other guy Stew Peters.

Donate to Art of Liberty’s Investigative, Publication, Content Creation, and Exposition Efforts Here:

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“Government”, Media and Academia
Criminality Exposed

Biden Commuted Sentences for Scammers Who Defrauded $5 billion From Over 1 Million Victims

Etienne Note: This article also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “Government,” Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:

Etienne Note: In one of the most flagrant examples of criminality in the oval office, we have Biden pardoning and commuting the sentences of a variety of criminals who all seem to have one thing in common: They all stole multiple millions giving them the potential to make seven-figure payoffs to the Biden crime family to secure the pardon or commutation.

by 2nd Smartest Guy in the World

How absolutely fitting that the demented diaper soiling ice cream licking pedo criminal puppet “president” who in his lifetime accomplished less than zero in the private sector and only ever grifted off the taxpayer dime while extracting bribes as “the big guy” would end up on his way out of office pardoning some of the worst white collar Ponzi schemers in American history.

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Kamala Lands $20 Million Book Deal And People Have Questions…

Etienne Note: This article also appears in “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, A digest of HUNDREDS and HUNDREDS of articles exposing and suggesting inter-generational organized crime’s control of the “Government,” Media and Academia by the Art of Liberty Foundation. You can view the other articles or subscribe on Telegram:

Etienne Note: Remember where you heard it first: 1. This book will not even come close to recouping the advance and 2. ultimately, someone will figure out the quid pro quo involving the publisher where a parent or subsidiary corporation got a piece of the Harris/Waltz 2024 campaign advertising where this is a kickback similar to the Obama Pearson scandal OR some some other similarly identifiable payoff.

by Tyler Durden

All time worst presidential loser Kamala Harris is set to make $20 million from a book deal, and may sign an exclusive contract with Netflix, according to a report citing a Harris insider.

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“Daily News of The Week”

The Scam of Stew Peters’ “Documentary” Occupied

Controlled opposition Stew Peters and Jeff Berwick are “chumping” their audiences again, this time with a documentary on the Zionist occupation of the U.S. “government,” which is a real thing, while completely discrediting the information by wrapping it in poo. It is the same formula that Stew used to discredit factual information about the deaths caused by the Covid “vaccines” in his “documentary” Died Suddenly, whose expose The Died Suddenly Documentary – Understanding the Scam & Fact Check, is one of the top 10 most popular articles on this substack. Here is your guide to understanding what is “true vs. poo” in Occupied and how the inter-generational organized crime system controls the opposition by leading it themselves. Controlled Opposition voice Jeff Berwick features prominently in the documentary and Stew Peters will be attending Anarchapulco which we will cover in this article as well.

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What Makes Hospitals So Deadly and How Can We Fix It?

by A Midwestern Doctor

Throughout COVID-19, abysmal hospital care and the suppression of effective off-patent therapies killed approximately a million Americans. Much of this originated from Obamacare pressuring hospitals to aggressively treat patients so they could quickly leave the hospital and reduce health care costs

More frail patients respond poorly to aggressive protocols, resulting in them frequently being pushed into palliative care or hospice. Sadly doctors are no longer trained to gradually bring their patients back to health, and hence view many of those deaths as inevitable

During COVID-19, hospitals enforced rigid protocols centered around remdesivir and ventilators while denying alternative treatments, even in cases where patients were likely to die — in one striking example, patients who received court-ordered ivermectin had a 95% survival rate compared to just 5% for those denied it

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Demonic Christmas Display at NH State House Destroyed

Etienne Note: NH State Rep Ellen Read, A Democrat, Who Hauled It Home, Has a “D” Grade on Liberty Issues from NH Liberty Alliance that ranks legislators on how they vote using a simple metric of are their votes pro-liberty or pro-government tyranny. I think this story is illustrative of the kind of person who desires “government” power and what they do with that power, I.E vote against freedom, once they get it. I’m also adding this story to our archive “Government”, Media and Academia Criminality Exposed, our Telegram archive of HUNDREDS of stories proving our thesis that “government” and media are being run as a criminal enterprise and populated by the worst people in society.

by Damien Fisher

Forget St. Nick; someone in Concord may end up on Satan’s naughty list after The Satanic Temple’s Baphomet statue was destroyed Monday night in an act of yuletide mayhem.

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The HPV Vaccine Disaster Was A Blueprint For COVID-19

by A Midwestern Doctor

tory at Glance

Two decades ago, Merck introduced Vioxx, a profitable NSAID, despite knowing it could cause numerous heart attacks. After facing overwhelming lawsuits and ultimately withdrawing Vioxx, Merck quickly pushed Gardasil, an HPV vaccine, to market to recover losses.

Gardasil proved to be extremely dangerous, yet both Merck and the FDA ignored the alarming data and continued promoting it, even as it resulted in unprecedented injuries, including autoimmunity, POTS, infertility, and death. Notably, many of these issues mirror those associated with the COVID-19 vaccines.

This article examines the dangers of the HPV vaccine, the reasons behind its risks—including its tendency to cause rather than prevent cervical cancer—and the extensive negligence of the FDA and CDC. These lessons are crucial for understanding the events surrounding COVID-19.

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Ranked: The World’s 20 Largest Economies, by GDP (PPP)

By Pallavi Rao

This was originally posted on our Voronoi app. Download the app for free on iOS or Android and discover incredible data-driven charts from a variety of trusted sources.

Born during the 1970s oil crisis, the G7 emerged as a group of the world economy’s cool kids: large, mature, high-income economies dominating key global sectors.

Then, in the 2000s, BRICS showed up—a collection of countries mostly from the “Global South”— vying for influence with their steadily growing economic might, boosted by globalization. Now they’re positioned as competitors to the G7.

Together, both groups are in the G20, the world’s 20 largest economies, which accounts for 70–85% of the world economy (depending if nominal or PPP-adjusted GDP is used).

This chart shows the value of each G20 member’s GDP in 2024, adjusted for purchasing power parity (PPP). Data is sourced from the International Monetary Fund as of October, 2024.

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NJ Drone ‘Invasion’ Just In Time For Congress To Reauthorize Orwellian Law

by Tyler Durden

A series of drone sightings over New Jersey that began in mid-November has left residents and lawmakers spooked about the possibility of foreign adversaries breaching US airspace with drone swarms. While officials have attempted to reassure the public, some lawmakers have stoked fear, leading to widespread panic on social media, with people interpreting anything moving in the night sky as a potential drone (even commercial jets and stars).

Days ago, the FBI and the US Homeland Security Department released a statement indicating, “We have no evidence at this time that the reported drone sightings pose a national security or public safety threat or have a foreign nexus.”

“Historically, we have experienced cases of mistaken identity, where reported drones are, in fact, manned aircraft,” the federal agencies said.

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BIG WIN: Dairy producer STOPS using Bovaer after boycott

by Peter Imanuelsen

I have some very big and very good news for you today.

One of the largest dairy producers in Norway has now STOPPED giving their cows the methane suppressant Bovaer.

This is a major development.

The two largest dairy producers in Norway, Tine and Q-Meieriene began using Bovaer already in 2023 to make their cows fart less and reduce climate emissions.

They began to sell this as ”climate milk” in the stores. However, this was not popular at all with consumers. So guess what happened?

The dairy producer Tine stopped selling their climate milk, and instead just put it together with the normal milk without telling anyone. So people are now getting milk from cows being fed a TOXIC chemical without even knowing.

I have seen reports that supermarkets in Norway have been struggling to sell the milk from cows being fed Bovaer, forcing them to sell at heavily reduced prices. Meanwhile the Bovaer free milk has been flying off the shelves.

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Is Google’s Willow Processor A Threat To Bitcoin?

by Tyler Durden

Submitted by QTR’s Fringe Finance

Just a couple of days ago I wrote a piece reminding readers that, despite looking at bitcoin more favorably the last year or so, it still remains an unprecedented and opaque area of markets where risk could rear its head quickly, unexpectedly, and before chaos in broader equity and bond markets.

Collectively worth about $3 trillion now, cryptocurrency is like catnip for risk takers right now, I wrote. Then, I looked at the question of quantum computing:

I’ve also often raised the question of what comes next after SHA-256 hash functions and whether or not Bitcoin will be safe amidst the jump to quantum computing.

The prevailing sentiment has always been that to protect the Bitcoin network, miners and those invested in developing the network will have to stay on the forefront of technological change and encryption capabilities to ensure the network doesn’t lose a beat as the world of microprocessing advances. The ‘bull case’ thoughts about this risk, at least according to Michael Saylor the last time I talked to him, was that if you had the power to crack SHA-256 encryption right now, there would be much bigger potential targets to go after than the Bitcoin network, seeing as how the very same encryption ensures the integrity of almost all major, consequential defense, military, and government computer networks worldwide.

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Peter Hotez Sends Ominous Message Ahead of RFK Jr.’s Takeover of HHS

by The Vigilant Fox

Dr. Peter Hotez is back, this time cranking up the fearmongering. Last week, Hotez declared that a wave of potential pandemics is “coming down the pike,” predicting it will all “come crashing down” on Trump “on January 21st.”

On Friday, Hotez, who declined a $2.6 million offer to debate RFK Jr. on vaccine science, told CNN’s John Berman that polio, mumps, rubella, and other diseases could “come back” if vaccination rates fall.

It doesn’t take much for these diseases to come back. You’ve got to maintain constant vigilance,” Hotez said.

“And so all of these [diseases] could look like they’re on their way up and coming back fairly quickly.”

Join 100K+ Substack readers and 1.4 million 𝕏 users who follow the work of Vigilant Fox. Subscribe to Vigilant News for exclusive stories you won’t find anywhere else.

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Stew Peters Tweets Speculation That Israel Nukes Syria – Discrediting Re-tweeters

Etienne Note: Not 48 hours after publishing our expose The Scam of Stew Peters’ “Documentary” Occupied, where we speculate he is being used to discredit the truth movement by releasing documentaries and information designed to make his audience look foolish, he tweets a video of the Israeli military blowing up a munitions depot in Syria with a speculation that it was a nuclear attack… completely discrediting his followers who might have re-tweeted his baseless speculation. Why would Israel risk international condemnation for using nuclear weapons in Syria when they have 100% air superiority in the region and are bombing targets at will? Here is an article describing the destruction of the arms depot.

By Alex Shipman

Video has emerged of an enormous explosion in northwestern Syria on Sunday following an Israeli airstrike.

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The Art of Liberty Foundation Holiday Sale is Still Going On – Ship Today to Arrive Before Holidays!

The Art of Liberty Foundation Holiday Sale is Still Going On!! Probably the last day that “MIGHT” get you delivery before the holidays! Use Discount Code: Liberty10 for 10% off!

Substack readers can “Go Paid” at the $5 a month level and get a copy of Etienne’s book “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! in ePub and PDF, “Go Paid” at the $50 a Year Level and get a paperback copy of “Government” OR a Liberator flash drive, OR “Go Paid” / Upgrade at the $250 Founding Member level and get an Everything Bundle with signed high-resolution hard copy of “Government!”

Want to give some gifts that will be remembered for years to come and help your friends, family and colleagues better understand the scam of “Government?”

Use the coupon code: Liberty10 at the to get 10% off everything in the store… Including 5 and 10-pack “Friends Bundles” of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed! which have never been discounted before!

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The Assassination Of Brian Thompson That Likely Wasn’t


The story of the alleged assassination of United Healthcare CEO Brian Thompson has, to some degree, united the long-divided masses. While reported murders tend to cause heated debates, this one was mostly met within a range of indifference to glee. Critics of America’s abysmal healthcare system look to this event as a window for potential change—hope. But hold your horses, reactionaries.

Here is some of my favorite commentary on this topic…

A lawyer on X doesn’t really understand the motive for the alleged shooter Luigi Mangione, given that he is an affluent young guy who likely wasn’t denied care. She goes on to point out a ridiculous quote from police.

He was very careful with trying to stay low profile, uh, avoid cameras, not all that successfully in some cases.

Really? He wasn’t really trying to keep a low profile beforehand. Remember the grinning Starbucks picture?

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Charted: The Countries With the Highest Food Inflation in 2024

By Selin Oğuz

Rising food inflation impacts global food security and disproportionately affects vulnerable populations.

But from South America to Africa and the Middle East, which countries are the hardest hit by increasing food prices in 2024?

This bar chart, sponsored by Brazil Potash, uses the latest data from Trading Economics to show which countries have the highest food inflation.

Leading all countries, Argentina is grappling with a 183% year-over-year increase in food prices. The country also has the highest forecasted food inflation in the world, at 120%, for next year’s second quarter

.Argentina’s high food inflation stems from a mix of its currency devaluation, severe droughts, reliance on exports, economic instability, and political unrest.

Palestine is the runner-up for the highest food inflation with 115%. However, it is forecasted to lower dramatically to 12% halfway through 2025.

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Problem: Psychopathic Control Freak PARASITES Rule Us

by Courageous Lion

Recently I read an interesting book. Political Ponerology: A Science on the Nature of Evil Adjusted for Political Purposes by Andrew M. Lobaczewski . I purchased the book back in about 2008 and it sat around here like a lot of the books that I purchased that end up not being read mainly because of the advent of the internet where I spend a lot of time reading and responding to different subjects. Do you have the same problem too? Ponerology is a study of evil. Major subdivisions of the study are the nature of evil, the origin of evil, and evil in relation to administering Government.

Well this one took the cake. Here is some information from the review at Amazon about it that you’ll find rather interesting.

The original manuscript of this book went into the furnace minutes before a secret police raid in Communist Poland. The second copy, painfully reassembled by scientists working under impossible conditions of violence and repression, was sent via courier to the Vatican. Its receipt was never acknowledged – the manuscript and all valuable data lost. In 1984, the third and final copy was written from memory by the last survivor of the original researchers: Andrew Lobaczewski. Zbigniew Brzezinski blocked its publication. After half a century of suppression, this book is finally available. Political Ponerology is shocking in its clinically spare descriptions of the true nature of evil. It is poignant in its more literary passages revealing the immense suffering experienced by the researchers contaminated or destroyed by the disease they were studying. Political Ponerology is a study of the founders and supporters of oppressive political regimes. Lobaczewski’s approach analyzes the common factors that lead to the propagation of man’s inhumanity to man. Morality and humanism cannot long withstand the predations of this evil. Knowledge of its nature and its insidious effect on both individuals and groups – is the only antidote.’

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Details of Amazon’s Multi-Billion Dollar Per Year Partnership with CIA/Intelligence Community for Cloud Computing

By Frank Konkel

LAS VEGAS — More than 10 years ago, the Central Intelligence Agency made a groundbreaking $600 million deal with Amazon Web Services to make use of its cloud computing services — a radical departure from IT business as usual for the risk-averse intelligence agency.

To many intelligence officials at the time, the C2S contract — which procured commercial cloud services on behalf of all 18 intelligence agencies — was considered risky, allowing top secret classified data and information onto AWS hardware for tasks like computing, storage and sharing.

Speaking last week at AWS’ re:Invent conference in Las Vegas, the tech chiefs for both the CIA and National Security Agency made clear in rare public remarks that those risks a decade prior have more than paid off.

“A lot of people may not realize, but had it not been for the partnership with AWS that CIA took over 10 years ago — really the risk was on AWS, with [then AWS CEO] Andy Jassy saying that they were going to work with the government and work to bring the best-in-breed technology to the national security space — we would not be here today,” La’Naia Jones, chief information officer at CIA said. “And so it’s just been a phenomenal relationship looking at how fast we’ve been able to progress…We would not be where we are without AWS stepping in and stepping up and willing to take that risk over a decade ago.”

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Walmart employees are now wearing body cameras in some stores

by Gabrielle Fonrouge

Walmart has started giving store-level associates body cameras to wear as part of a pilot program at some of its U.S. locations, CNBC has learned.

It’s not clear how many of Walmart’s stores have the recording devices, but some locations now have signs at entry points warning shoppers that it has “body-worn cameras in-use,” according to witnesses and photos posted online.

In at least one store in Denton, Texas — about 40 miles north of Dallas — an associate checking receipts was seen wearing a yellow-and-black body camera earlier this month, according to a shopper who shared a photo with CNBC.

“While we don’t talk about the specifics of our security measures, we are always looking at new and innovative technology used across the retail industry,” a Walmart spokesperson told CNBC. “This is a pilot we are testing in one market, and we will evaluate the results before making any longer-term decisions.”

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Have we had enough of the World Economic Forum leading our nations? Heads of government who undermine their nations for the WEF are falling fast

by Meryl Nass

Here are two PARTIAL lists of WEF Young Global Leaders, as the WEF has become more cagey about who it has been training:

Here are some of its ALUMNI and the nations they tried to wreck:

Leo Varadkar lost his job as PM of Ireland a few months back after his failed attempt to change the Constitution of Ireland by tricking the public.

Here are 4 more heads of state teetering on the brink:

WEF Agenda Contributor and PM of Germany Olaf Scholz:

Emmanuel Macron, Young Global Leader and WEF Agenda Contributor

Keir Starmer, UK PM, teetering with the lowest approval rating of any PM in the UK’s history, was not a Young Global Leader, but only a WEF sycophant and speaker:

Chrystia Freeland, until yesterday the Deputy Canadian Prime Minister and Finance Minister, sits on the WEF Board of Trustees.

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Is It Time for a Peaceful Revolt? – Australian Gold Miner Ron Manners Make the Case to the Liberty International World Conference

by Ron Manners

Liberty International World Conference 2024 – Texas
15-18 November 2024

So good to be with such a dedicated group of libertarians and, equally important, to renew my association with this great annual event.

I was an active participant at the very first Libertarian International World Conference in Zurich (1982), again at the second one in London (1984).

Those conferences influenced me in adding more ‘intellectual weapons’ to my early arsenal.

Again, I hope to gather more ideas from your combined wisdom here.

Something for me to take back to Australia and in return, I would like to share with you a few thoughts on what has worked for me (over the years) and even, what has not worked for me. Hopefully, this will save you time. Time being the ultimate finite resource.

Yes, we have a huge task ahead of us if we aim to ‘Libertarianise’ the entire world but let us not be overwhelmed.

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SHOCK VIDEO: Ukraine Assassinates Russian Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Defense Chief, General Kirillov, in Moscow Bomb Blast in Major Escalation

by Paul Serran

The Kiev regime once again resorts to ‘asymmetrical tactics’ (a.k.a. terrorism) and assassinates a top Russian General, in a move that is sure to generate a considerable escalation and also certain retaliation by the Russians against top Ukrainian officials.

On today’s early morning (17), an improvised explosive device (IED) was detonated on Moscow’s Ryazansky Prospekt.

The massive, deadly blast killed high profile Russian chemical defense chief General Igor Kirillov.

“The Russian Investigative Committee has opened a criminal case into the murder of Lieutenant General Igor Kirillov, head of the Troops of Radiological, Chemical, and Biological Defense of the Russian Armed Forces, and his assistant.

The IED was planted on an electric scooter positioned at the entrance of a residential building in southeast Moscow.”

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BOMBSHELL: Australian drug regulator knows DNA fragments in mRNA vaccines can enter nucleus and integrate into genome, internal emails show

by Rebekah Barnett

Internal emails from the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) reveal that the regulator withheld knowledge of DNA contamination risks relating to the modRNA vaccines from the public, presenting a picture of certainty on safety where there is none.

Released under Freedom of Information (FOI), the cache of emails shows that high-level TGA staff knew elements of the modRNA vaccines can enter the cell nucleus and integrate into the genome, despite the agency’s official line that such events are not possible.

However, TGA personnel appear more preoccupied with “allaying fears in the public” than with investigating the potential risks.

TGA staff acknowledge that DNA integration into the genome is possible

The TGA knows that the SV40 enhancer/promoter in the Pfizer vaccine can drag DNA into the nucleus of cells

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Is J&J Putting Cancer Causing Benzene in Their Sunscreens to Pump Another J&J Division That Treats Cancer?


Johnson & Johnson was caught adding cancer-causing carcinogens in their sunscreens; they caused THE EXACT SAME cancer that their company makes the majority of their revenue selling treatment drugs for…

By Brendan Pierson

Nov 1 (Reuters) – Johnson & Johnson (JNJ.N), opens new tab and Costco Wholesale Corp (COST.O), opens new tab have reached a tentative agreement to settle lawsuits over the presence of a cancer-causing substance in several recalled J&J sunscreen products.

Lawyers for the companies and for plaintiffs suing over the Neutrogena and Aveeno-branded aerosol sunscreen products disclosed the settlement in a court filing in the Fort Lauderdale, Florida federal court on Friday, without revealing its terms.

They said they expected to submit the settlement for court approval by Nov. 19.

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Watch: China Shows Off Mach 7 Hypersonic Drone, Launched From Near-Space Balloon

by Tyler Durden

China has released a military propaganda video boasting its hypersonic weapon capabilities as the military arms race between global superpowers kicks into high gear and the world splits into a dangerous multi-polar state, prompting some global observers to ask the daunting question: “Is World War III already here?

According to the Shanghai Morning Post, the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) released a new video this week showcasing how China continues pushing the boundaries of hypersonic technology.

The full video, released by the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), showcases the trials of the MD series and the drone developers behind the aircraft. The team from the Institute of Mechanics (IMECH) at CAS, known as the “Qian Xuesen Young Scientist Task Force,” were the same specialists who achieved the first horizontal landing of a hypersonic drone in 2020.

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Ukraine unveils new laser weapon

by telegraph

Colonel Vadym Sukharevsky, the commander of Ukraine’s Unmanned Systems Forces, said the laser would be capable of downing aircraft at distances of more than 2km.

“It really works; it really exists,” he said at the Europe Defence Industry conference, adding that efforts are underway to scale up its capabilities.

He mentioned Ukraine was only the fifth country to have a high-power laser weapon in its arsenal.

In April, Grant Shapps, former British Defence Minister, said that the UK’s DragonFire laser could be used in Ukraine to counter Russian drones.

He warned the advanced laser technology could have “huge ramifications” on the conflict, adding the military was rushing to get it into service by 2027.

“It didn’t have to be 100% perfect in order for Ukrainians perhaps to get their hands on it,” Mr Shapps said at the time.

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15 Healthcare Reforms to Live (Not Kill) For

by Max Borders via The Advocates for Self Government

Over at Underthrow, in my last installment about the ethics of healthcare vigilantism, I wrote:

Remember, though: the righteous, bloodthirsty chorus is the same group that offered thunderous applause at the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This law ignored every single fundamental reform needed to make healthcare more *affordable* and accessible.

The problem with the US healthcare system is not that there are eeeevil CEOs who deny people care. The problem is that it is a Care-tel—a corrupt orgy of providers, insurers, pharma, and politicians. This fantastic corporate-state circle jerk comes at our expense. If you’re gonna reform it, creating DMV-care For All is not the way. (Just ask a Brit or a Canadian.)

Instead, we must create a highly competitive, less corrupted, holistic healthcare ecosystem.

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Goldback Launches Florida Series With New Denominations

By Michael Maharrey

Goldback is set to release the Florida Goldback Series with three new denominations. (i.e., 1/2, 2, and 100).

Goldbacks are a neat form of fractional gold — made with a small amount of physical gold embedded within a polymer sheet. The note-shaped gold products could serve as “an inflation-resistant” currency, just as silver coins, rounds, and bars also allow for small everyday transactions.

A 1 Goldback contains 1/1000th troy ounce of pure 24-karat gold. At the current price, the exchange rate for 1 Goldback is around $5.46

There’s a cost involved in manufacturing gold into such a small increment, but it’s important to mention that $5.46 is roughly 100 percent over the melt value of the gold that a One Goldback note contains. That’s one reason why it probably doesn’t make sense to buy a ton of them. Buy the more cost-effective bullion coins, bars, and rounds for bigger money.

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How To Become The True Media – Mark Passio Seminar Series – Starts Jan 6th

An Intensive 23-Week Technology Skill-Sharing Seminar Hosted By MARK PASSIO Of Every Monday 8:00 pm – 11:00 pm Eastern U.S. Time From Monday January 6, 2025 to Monday, June 9, 2025
(Total of 23 Class Sessions)

The Peoples Reset January 29th-Feb 6th 2025 – Morelia, Mexico

– Etienne de la Boetie2 will be a speaker

MidFest Spring 2025, April 23rd-28th, 2025 Camp Copperhead Spavinaw, Oklahoma

Memes Bonanza

Truth Music of the Week

Nahko And Medicine For The People – Love Letters To God

Free State Project (New Hampshire) Corner

New Hampshire – Pros & Cons of Relocating to the Free State

The Free State Project has organized over 24,000+ activists who have pledged to move to New Hampshire and campaign actively for its political independence. The group has already moved and contained over 6,200+ people in the state, with more arriving weekly. It has spent over a decade successfully rolling back laws, getting libertarians elected to office, and building the political and social networks needed for societal change. I believe if we free New Hampshire, we can ultimately win freedom everywhere, as we demonstrate, through a single “laboratory-of-liberty,” that you can have harmony and prosperity without “government.” We cover the movement weekly in Free State Project Corner in our weekly Five Meme Friday newsletter.

Etienne Note: FSP member Sarah Rodeo Dzialo put this list together for the Free State Project’s Facebook group, where I “taxed it” and turned it into this article. She did a lot of comparisons with CT, which I assume is her previous state but the list is still valid for folks considering leaving CA, NY, NJ, IL and other high tax, BIG “Government” states or Blue Sanctuary Cities.

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The Liberator

The Liberator– Our archive of “government” and media criminality

Important Note: New additions are added to the authoritative Liberator Dropboxes regularly but will not appear in the physical credit card-sized flash drive until we launch the next version. Anyone can download the current contents of the Liberator FOR FREE including all the primary sources and evidence from our investigation into “The Covid”.

Liberator #1 – Companion media to “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History. Exposed!

Liberator #2 – Evidence of False Flag terror for police state and hoax shootings for gun control:

Liberator #3 – Evidence that “The Covid” has been a scam and the vaccines are killing people:

Liberator #4 – Voluntaryism and more evidence of “Government” corruption:

Liberator #5 – Prepping and Self-Sufficiency – Hundreds of resources:

How to Support the Art of Liberty Foundation

1. Become an Art of Liberty Foundation Sponsor at – The best way to support us is to become a sponsor of the foundation. We have some great perks to say Thank You! including copies of “Government” – The Biggest Scam in History… Exposed!, Liberator Flash Drives, Signed Hard Copies, calls with Etienne, and even the ability to have an Art of Liberty Foundation event with tier one Liberty speakers in your City or Town for your friends, family and neighbors!

2. Go Paid on Substack! – We simply couldn’t do what we do without the support of our sponsors and paid subscribers on Substack! If you are enjoying the Daily News, Important News, or Five Meme Friday on Substack we hope you will consider “Going Paid” on Substack. All it takes is a click and we have some great premiums to say: Thank You!

3. Buy Us a Coffee… Err Juice! at us for as little as $5… We really, really appreciate it! OR Buy Us a Coffee at BTW, right now coffee and juice are tied!

4. Get a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and Earn Profit from Distributing Copies of “Government” in Your Town / City – Do you (or a friend) have a retail location? Open up a Pop Up Guerrilla Bookstore and share in the profits. We have everything you need to attractively merchandise “Government” and Liberators in a small footprint. Details here:

5. Buy Books and Merchandise at – Our store has become one of the biggest distributors of Voluntaryist and peaceful anarchist titles. Especially popular is our “Everything Bundle” – The Sampler of Liberty!

The Everything Bundle – The Sampler of Liberty!
Give me Liberty… and give me more! The Everything Bundle includes the latest version of our flagship book on government, along with a collection of potentially life-altering introductions to anarchy, agorism and voluntaryism.

Thanks for joining us for Five Meme Friday. Please feel free to forward this email to friends and colleagues.

Etienne de la Boetie2
Executive Director,
The Art of Liberty Foundation
Author of: “Government” The Biggest Scam in History … Exposed!!

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